HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992.12.01_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 On Tuesday, December 1, 1992 the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Community Center per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 25, 1992. Addendum to Agenda was posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, November 30, 1992. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Marlar presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. The flag salute was led by Mayor Marlar. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Patricia K. Marlar, Mayor John Phillips, Councilman James Smalley, Councilman Bob Randolph, Councilman Rodney J. Ray, City Manager Ronald D. Cates, City Attorney Jane Buchanan, City Clerk ABSENT: Jason Gittelman, Vice Mayor A quorum was declared present. ITEM 4: REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING ON NOVEMBER 17, 1992. A motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Phillips, to approve the minutes, by reference made a part hereto. AYE: Smalley, Phillips, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 1 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 ITEM 5: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CLAIMS. A motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by J. Smalley, to approve the following claims and addendum as submitted: (1) General Fund $16,232.30 (2) Ambulance Service Fund $1,555.96 (3) City Garage $5,318.57 (4) Debt Service $215.72 (5) E-911 $1,685.97 (6) Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Plan $626.72 (7) General Fund Payroll $81,579.87 (8) Garage Payroll $3,385.64. AYE: Phillips, Smalley, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 6: MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING OWASSO DRUG AS THE O.E.D.A. BUSINESS OF THE MONTH FOR DECEMBER. 1992 Mayor Marlar invited Mr. Melvin Conder, owner of Owasso Drug, to join her as she read the proclamation. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF POLICE PATROL VEHICLES Chief Motto presented this item stating there are sufficient funds on the budget to purchase and equip two police patrol vehicles. He requested authorization to purchase two 1993 Chevrolet Caprice police vehicles from Larry Spencer Chevrolet in Norman, Oklahoma for $25,276.00, which is the state bid list price, and also purchase all required emergency equipment for the two units in the amount of $2,000.00 from Tuxall Uniform and Equipment in Tulsa. A motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Phillips, to purchase two 1993 Chevrolet Caprice police vehicles from Larry Spencer in Norman for $25,276.00 and to expend $2,000.00 to Tuxall Equipment in Tulsa to equip the units with the required emergency equipment. AYE: Smalley, Phillips, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 2 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A GRANT OFFER FROM THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $151,203.00. Mr. Compton presented this item stating the City has received notification that the CDBG-EFG application for infrastructure to support the Max Buchanan Company tract was approved for funding. He requested the Council accept the grant offer from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce in the amount of $151,203.00. After discussion by Council, a motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by J. Phillips, to accept the D.O.C. grant offer of $151,203.00 to fund the infrastructure improvements to the Max Buchanan project site and authorized the Mayor execute such acceptance. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR TELEVISED TRAINING SERVICES FOR THE OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Chief Motto presented this item stating the Law Enforcement Television Network is specifically designed to provide supplemental in-service training. The programming is comprised of seven televised shows that air round the clock five days a week. In April of 1990 C.L.E.E.T. accredited this network. In July of 1992 the City's liability insurance carrier, Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, initiated a program to encourage police departments to subscribe to L.E.T.N. The annual insurance premium would be reduced to cover the cost of the subscription. With this program available, the cost to the City would be only for the installation of the equipment. He requested the Council authorize the Owasso Police Department to enter into an agreement with L.E.T.N. for subscription services. After discussion, a motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Phillips, to authorize the Police Department to subscribe to the L.E.T.N. program. 3 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 AYE: Phillips, Smalley, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 Mayor Marlar asked Chief Motto to present a schedule for training and how this program was going to be used at the next meeting. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY 1992-93 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET. Ms. Bishop stated now that the Council has authorized the Police Department subscribe to L.E.T.N. OMAG will reimburse the City a percentage of our liability premium equal to the cost of the annual subscription services. She requested that General Fund revenue be increased by $2,016.00 and the Police Department budget be increased by $2,016.00 in Police Training. A motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by B. Randolph, to amend the 1992-93 General Fund budget by increasing the revenue by $2,016.00 and increasing the Police Department Training by $2,016.00. AYE: Phillips, Randolph, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 11: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A POLICY STATEMENT REGARDING THE UTILIZATION OF RIBBED HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE AS APPROVED CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO. Mr. Compton presented this item to Council stating in August of this year the staff asked Council to place a moratorium on the use of ribbed or corrugated high density polyethylene pipe until staff could have time to review some concerns. He stated since that time staff has acquired additional information and is now requesting the Council remove the existing moratorium and adopt a policy statement restricting the size of pipe to be allowed and establishing installation criteria. He reviewed the proposed policy statement with Council. After discussion, a motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by J. Phillips, to remove the existing moratorium and adopt the policy statement effective December 21, 1992 as requested. 4 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 12: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A POLICY STATEMENT REGARDING CONSTRUCTION SITE NUISANCES. Mr. Compton presented this item stating as construction activity increases, we have had a number of related problems and complaints to address relating to construction site trash and debris. The staff has meet with citizens, members of the building community, made field checks and researched other communities methods of addressing this problem. He reviewed a proposed policy regarding this issue establishing responsibility and maintenance of construction sites. It provides for the enforcement of the policy. After discussion and questions from Council members and local builders attending the meeting it was determined that ordinances are currently in place to deal with the situation and that the policy statement with three revision would clarify the City's position on this issue. A motion was made by Mayor Marlar, seconded by J. Phillips, to adopt the Construction Site Nuisance Policy with the three revisions in wording as discussed. AYE: Marlar, Phillips, Smalley, Randolph NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 Mayor Marlar called a recess at 8:00 p.m. due to the length of the agenda. Meeting was reconvened at 8:13 p.m. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OZ-91. A REQUEST FOR REZONING A TRACT OF LAND FROM "RS-3" TO "CS" AND "OL". GENERAL LOCATION IS BETWEEN 86TH STREET NORTH AND 96TH STREET NORTH, JUST NORTH OF SMITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 12.69 ACRES. Mr. Rooney presented this item to Council stating this tract is undeveloped and is currently zoned RS-3. He reviewed the location of the tract using a case map showing all abutting property and zoning. He stated the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on this matter on November 19, 1992. 5 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL The Planning Commission voted the rezoning request with the buffer by a 4-1-0 vote. DECEMBER 1, 1992 to recommend to Council approval of incorporation of a 150 foot OL After discussion by Council, a motion was made B. Randolph, seconded by J. Phillips, to approve OZ-91 with the 150 foot OL buffer along the southeast property line. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO OPUD- 10. A REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 115.42 ACRES FROM "RS-3" TO "OPUD-10". THE GENERAL LOCATION IS ON THE WEST SIDE OF 129TH EAST AVENUE BETWEEN 86TH STREET NORTH AND 96TH STREET NORTH. Mr. Rooney stated the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing on this request on November 19, 1992. After hearing all concerns and answering all answers, the Planning Commission voted 5-0-0 to recommend to the Council that OPUD-10 be approved subject to the nineteen (19) special conditions outlined by the Commission. A case map was presented for clarification of the tract of land. Mr. Rooney reviewed the special conditions of the Planning Commission and answered questions of Council. He recommended approval of OPUD-10 with all nineteen special conditions. A motion was made by J. Phillips, seconded by B. Randolph, to approve OPUD-10 with nineteen special conditions. AYE: Phillips, Randolph, Smalley, Marlar NAY:None MOTION: Carried 4-0 ITEM 15: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER. None ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY. None 6 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL ITEM 17: UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None ITEM 18: NEW BUSINESS. None DECEMBER 1, 1992 ITEM 19: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING POTENTIAL LITIGATION AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER. Mr. Ray stated he and Mr. Cates would like to discuss the potential litigation due to the notice received by the City from Mr. Tom Weatherly. He stated the quarterly update on projects pertaining of the City Manager's office is also an agenda item. A motion was made by B. Randolph, seconded by J. Phillips, to enter into an Executive Session as requested by Mr. Ray. AYE: Randolph, Phillips, Smalley, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 The meeting was recessed at 8:21 p.m. for an Executive Session and reconvened at 9:25 p.m. ITEM 20: ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA...CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY OF OWASSO FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER ADDITIONS TO THE CITY'S SYSTEMS FROM TRAIL'S END DEVELOPMENT INC. (WINDSOR LAKE). Mr. Augustine addressed the Council stating the developers of Windsor Lake Addition have request the City accept the water and wastewater improvements. He stated the systems have been inspected by City staff and approved. This request does not include streets or the storm water system which are not in a condition to be accepted. After questions and discussion by Council including the strong desire to accept all improvements at one time when subdivision developments are being constructed rather than in phases, a motion was made by Mayor Marlar, seconded by J. Phillips, to table this request until Mr. Augustine can obtain additional 7 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1992 information from the developers with regards to the streets and storm sewer construction. AYE: Marlar, Phillips, Randolph, Smalley NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 Note: Neither the developers of Windsor Lake Addition nor a respresentative were present to discuss with the Council their concerns and answer questions. ITEM 21: ADJOURN. With there being no further business to be brought before the Council, Mayor Marlar asked for a motion to adjourn. A motion was made by J. Smalley, seconded by J. Phillips, to adjourn. AYE: Smalley, Phillips, Randolph, Marlar NAY: None MOTION: Carried 4-0 Meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. ~[ c.~ ~% atricia K. Marlar, Mayor J e Buchanan, City Clerk 8