HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.11.10_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION
Monday, November 10, 2014
The Owasso Planning Commission met in regular session on Monday, November 10, 2014
at Old Central per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall
bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on November 6, 2014.
Dr. Loving called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2. Flag Salute
ITEM 3. Roll Call
Dr. Paul Loving
Renee Mowery
Tim Miller
David Vines
A quorum was declared present.
Bronce Stephenson
Marsha Hensley
Karl Fritschen
Daniel Dearing
Dan Salts
Julie Lombardi
Tammy Laakso
ITEM 4. Presentation of the Character Trait of the Month - Hospitality
ITEM 5. Approval of Minutes from October 13, 2014 Regular Meeting.
David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller, to approve the minutes from the
October 13, 2014 meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Mowery, Miller, Vines
NAY: None
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ITEM 6. Rezoning #OZ 14 -05, 11551 North 129th East Ave - Consideration and
appropriate action related to the request for the review and acceptance
for a rezoning of approximately 5.3274 acres, from AG (Agriculture) District
to CS (Commercial Shopping) District, located at the southeast corner of
East 116th Street North & North 129th East Avenue.
November 10, 2014
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Bronce Stephenson presented an overview. The location was described. The request
for CS zoning is appropriate for the subject property as it conforms to the land use
master plan.
A nearby property owner Larry Olds (11510 No. 131 E. Ave.) questioned what type of
use was planned for this property.
David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller, to approve the rezoning request. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Mowery, Miller, Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0.
ITEM 7. Final Plat - Garrett Creek Commercial - Consideration and appropriate
action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final
plat proposing one (1) lot on one (1) block containing 5.3274 acres, more
or less. The property is located on the southeast corner of East l 16th Street
North & North 1291h East Avenue.
Bronce Stephenson presented an overview. The property location was described.
Payback fees will include a storm siren fee of $35.00 per acre. The Technical Advisory
Committee reviewed the plat at the October 22, 2014 meeting. The applicant has
addressed all TAC comments. Staff recommends approval of the final plat of Garrett
Creek Commercial. Traffic signalization at that intersection was discussed. The
applicant has agreed on installing a temporary signal along with turn lanes.
Tim Miller moved, seconded by David Vines to approve the final plat, A vote on the
motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Mowery, Miller, Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0.
ITEM 8. Annexation #OA 14 -02 & Rezoning #OZ 14- 06.9721 N Garnett -
Consideration and appropriate action related to the request for the review
and acceptance of an annexation and rezoning of approximately 2.437
acres, from AG (Agriculture) District to CS (Commercial Shopping) District.
The property is located at 9721 North Garnett.
Bronce Stephenson presented an overview. The property location was described.
There is a forty (40) foot utility easement across the front of the property. The land use
master plan calls for commercial uses in this location so applying CS zoning to the
property is appropriate.
Below are comments made by surrounding property owners:
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Greg Barnes - 9711 North Garnett - Why would there commercial zoning in between
two residential properties? Opposed to the rezoning of this property.
Cindy Potter - 9711 North Garnett - Opposed to the rezoning. They have horses on
their property and don't want commercial next to them.
Staff recommends approval of annexation #OA 14 -02 and the rezoning of #OZ 14 -06.
Staff explained that any development that occurs on the property must adhere to all
subdivision, zoning and engineering requirements.
Based on the land use master plan, David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller to
approve annexation and rezoning for the above property, subject to additional right of
way being dedicated on Garnett Road. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Mowery, Miller, Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0.
ITEM 9. Final Plat - Hickory Creek II - Consideration and appropriate action
related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final plat
proposing twenty -three (23) lots on three (3) blocks containing 7.607
acres, more or less. The property is located on the northwest corner of
East 66th Street North and North 129th East Avenue.
Bronce Stephenson presented an overview. The location was described. There will be
a storm siren fee of $35.00 per acre and Elm Creek Sewer payback fee of $1,580.00 per
acre. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the final plat at the October 22,
2014 meeting. The applicant has addressed all TAC comments. Staff recommends
approval of the final plat for Hickory Creek II.
David Vines moved, seconded by Renee Mowery to approve the final plat. A vote on
the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Mowery, Miller, Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0.
ITEM 10. Final Plat - Caudle Center Phase III - Consideration and appropriate
action related to the request for the review and acceptance of a final
plat proposing one (1) lot on one (1) block and contains 1.05 acres, more
or less. The property is located north of Christian Brothers Auto on the
southwest corner of Garnett Road and East 96th Street North. The property
is zoned CS (Commercial Shopping) District.
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Karl Fritschen presented an overview. The property location was described. The
applicant proposes to develop the property with retail uses. A MAE is being recorded
by separate instrument on the Christian Brothers property essentially making the existing
MAE six (b) feet wider to ensure both MAE's line up correctly. There is a storm siren fee
of $35.00 per acre; Garnett Regional Detention fee of $30,737.00 per acre and Ranch
Creek Sewer Interceptor fee of $800,00 acre. The Technical Advisory Committee
reviewed the plat at the October 22, 2014 meeting. Staff recommends approval of the
final plat for Caudle Center Phase III.
Tim Miller moved, seconded by David Vines to approve the final plat, subject to TAC and
Staff recommendations being addressed. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Mowery, Miller, Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0.
A five minute break was taken to adjust the microphones.
ITEM 11. Community Development Report
• Report on Monthly Building Permit Activity.
• Director's Update
ITEM 12. Report on Items from the October 22, 2014 TAC Meeting.
• Final Plat - Garrett Creek Estates 2
• Site Plan - Walmart Neighborhood Market
• Preliminary Plat /Final Plat- Hickory Creek II
• Final Plat- Caudle Center III
ITEM 13, New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have
been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda)
ITEM 14. Adjournment - David Vines moved, seconded by Tim Miller, to adjourn the
meeting. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
YEA: Loving, Miller, Mowery, Vines
NAY: None
Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.
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