HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984.02.07_City Council Minutes13 On Tuesday, February 7, 1984, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda Hosted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on February 3, 1984. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was- called to order at 7:00 p.m, with Vice-Mayor [debb presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was led by Vice-Mayor Webb. ITET~I 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: [Jauhilleau [aebb, Vice-Mayor Boyd Spencer, Mayor James Smalley, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Ben Hynum, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman. ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: A. APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 17, 1984 REGULAR MEETING B. APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 31, 1984 SPECIAL MEETING C. COTSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF ALAN ANDERSON TO THE O[dASSO INDUSTRIAL AUTHORITY TO P~EPLACE DALE BLOCK. D. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF 1984 MUNICIPAL ELECTION RESOLUTION. T4ayor Spencer requested that Item C be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. TZotion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the consent agenda, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: T'Iessrs. Stockler, Spencer, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None T~otion carried. Mayor Spencer asked that Item C be put on the agenda of the first regular meeting in March. ITEM 5: BUSINESS A__. REQUEST OF MRS. CARL MARTINEC FOR DISCUSSION OF WATER DRAINAGE PROBLEM ON NORTH BEAUMONT. Mr. Carl Martinec of 507 N. Beaumont stated that he has a water and sewer nr-oblem at his property because there is no way for 14 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO FEBRUARY 7, 1984 water- to drain off properly. He asked if there were any future plans for getting storm drains in the area. Mr. Hynum stated that the property is low and that he had asked Ronnie Brown to see what could be done. Mr. Brown said a ditch could be dug as a temporary solution. Two other citizens said they were also affected by this problem in the same area, Council. instructed Mr. Hynum to get an engineering opinion as to how to solve the problem and to bring it back to the Council in March.. B. ST FOR WAIVEP. OF PARK FEE FOR OWASSO IiIGH SCHOOL CHOIR MARKET TO BE HELD T~IARCH 10, 198 MRS. HARRINGTON. TZotion was. made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to waive the non-profit organization l~Q/o park fee for the Owasso Tiigh School Choir Flea Market on March 10, 1984. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None TZotion carried. C. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PARK FEE FOR OWASSO HIGH SCHOOL BAND SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD APRIL 28,29, MRS. HICKS T'Iotion, was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to waive the non-profit organization 10% park fee for the Owasso High School Band Slow-Pitch Softball Tournament on April 28-29,-.1984. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb TJAY : None Motion carried. D. REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION OF COTJDITION OF STREETS IN MEADOW- CREST ADDITION MEADOWCREST HOMEOti~TNERS ASSOCIATION. Mr. Kenneth Wood of the Meadowcrest Homeowners Association presented to the Council a racket which had previously been presented to the Council in the form of a petition for the repaving and r-esurfacing of the streets in the Meadowcrest subdivision. He said it was his understanding that funds had been allocated for this project and that the Meadowcrest Home- owners Association is present tonight to respectfully petition the Council to expeditiously bring this project to a conclusion. Mr. TTynum stated that he had been in contact with Commissioner Harris and others and they had told him that the reason the road work-was not done in November was because of bad weather. He said certain streets were recommended for overlay and others 15 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE FEB. 7, 1984 could be sealed and preserved for another year or two. He said Owasso is the first city scheduled for road work by the County this spring, Motion was. made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by James: Smalley, that overlay -be dome- ori~ 1.00% of the streets in Meadowcrest Addition. AYE: T~essrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None T~otion carried. F, REQUEST FCR DLSCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL Mr, Enzbrenner stated that he was representing the Chamber of Commerce and their interest in setting up an industrial park in Owasso. He requested the City Council to authorize Mr. Hynum to set up a workshop for the Chamber of Commerce and other interested citizens in order to get information as to the feasibility of setting up an industrial park and how to go about doing it. T~ayor Spencer suggested that the Chamber retain a full-time person to work on these projects, Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconde-d by Von Stockler, to authorize the City T~Zanager to arrange a workshop to study the feasibility of setting up an industrial park in Owasso, AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockle-r, Smalley; Mrs, Webb NAY: None Motion carried. F, ATCI-IISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL GF AMENDMENTS TO THE RECORDED PLAT LOCATED NORTHWEST OF 76th ST, N, AND THE AT & SF RAILWAY. Carol Dickey stated that this plat had been approved in 1982 and was being presented again because the present owners had discovered some minor errors in the legal description on the plat and also want the plat to reflect the current ownership. T~Iotion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to approve the amendments to the recorded plat located northwest of 76th St. N, and the AT & SF Railway as requested by Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. 1 OWASSO CIT-Y COUNCIL PAGE FOUR FEB, 7, 1984 AYE: Messr-s. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. G. OWASSO COMMERCIAL CENTER: REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF AREAS OF ACCESS AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 76th ST. NORTH AND HIGHWAY 9. Carol Dickey stated that two companies, Braums and Quick-Trio are requesting different access points than those approved on the current plat. After negotiation with. the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission, the site plan was amended with a shared access for Braums and Quick-Trip. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to approve the request for change of_ areas of access in the plat of~Owasso Commercial Center. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; P4rs. Webb NAY: None TZotion carried. H. EL RIO VISTA IV: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT OF A 38. ACRE TRACT LOCATED NORTHti~1EST OF 9 th ST . NORTH AT1D GARTJET T ROAD . Carol Dickey stated that there were five minor requirements to be completed and that subject to completion of same, the Techni- cal Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission recommend approval. TZr. Smalley asked if there were any parks in any of the E1 Rio Vista subdivisions. Ms. Dickey said there were not, r'Ir. Bill Lewis, engineer for the developer, stated that the developer had chosen to pay a park fee f_or each home when the building permit was issued, rather than negotiate the donation of a certain amount of nark land.. to the City. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the conditional final plat of El Rio Vista IV. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Spencer, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 17 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE FEB. 7, 1984 5. Business (Cont'd) I. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION OF CITY MANAGER TO APPLY TO DECA FOR A REHABILITATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT-. IZr. I~ynum showed the Council mans of the area which would be considered for the grant, between Main and Atlanta from 7_nd St. South to 2nd St. North. The rehabilitation would consist of new water lines, storm drains and nine fire hydrants as well as the rehabilitation of about twenty homes.. He said the water lines, storm drains and fire hydrants are estimated to cost about $240,000-and the rehabilitation about $180,000. Since DECA is authorizing a maximum of $325,000 for a city the size of Owasso, the City would have to come up with. about-.$97,500, and Nir. Hynum said he felt that the City could use some of the project engineer's cost in the current water and sewer program toward the match. for this project. He said the work done on the project so far has been done on a contingency basis and the engineering firm will be paid only if the City gets the grant. P~ot~_on was .made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockier, to authorize the City Manager to amply to DECA for a rehabilitation comr~zunity development block grant. AYE: Messrs. Stockier, Smalley, Spencer; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. J. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF CITY P~IANAGER FAMILY HEALTH INSURANCE. I'Ir. Hynum stated that he does not need personal health insurance and that for about three dollars more than the city is now paying for his insurance, he could get supplemental insurance for his family. He requested the City pay him the same amount of money that would be paid by the City for his health insurance, so that he could use it for supplemental insurance through Champas, rather than have duplicate coverage. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockier, to drop the City Manager from the City insurance and direct that same amount toward Champas for supplemental family insurance. AYE: ITessrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockier; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Lotion carried. 18 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX FEB. 7, 1984 K. OPENING OF BIDS ON COMPUTER Bids were opened and read by Vice-Mayor [aeb.b as follows.: NCR Corp. 3407 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, Ok. 74145 DLH Systems, Inc. 4502 Georgetown Place, ~~2?_ Stockton, Ca. 95207 Wang Laboratories, Inc. 3218 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, Ok. 74145 I-Tower System - $56,969 IBM System/36 - $62,270 Wang 22.00 Series - Option ~~l $45,270 Option ~~2 $51,920 CPS Business S stems Inc. Texas Instruments Business System 672A 3 40 S. 103r-d E. Ave, ~~125 Alt. ~~l $50, 310 Tulsa, Ok. 74145 Alt. ~~2 $57,610 Alt. ~~3 $39, 640 ISM Corp. IBM System 36 $48,280 7060 S. Yale. Tulsa, Ok. 74177 Municipal Software Consultants IBM 5360 ~~A-12 $63,352 2 E. Fr-anklin Gr-apevine, Tx. 76051 Burrough Corp. 6717 S. Yale Ave. , ~~200 Tulsa, Ok. 74177 Penguin Business Systems 819 S. Denver Tulsa, Ok. 74119 B96-40 $44,100 Southwest Technical Products Comn_uter $33,780 Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockier, to refer these bids to the City Manager for consideration and recommendation at the first meeting in March. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None PZotion carried. L. OPENING OF BIDS ON SICKLE BAR Bids were opened and read by Vice-Mayor Webb as follows: 19 Oti+TASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SEVEN 5. B.iJSINESS (Coat' d) L. Tulsa Farm Equipment Co. $2,050 15615 E. Pine Tulsa, Ok. R & M Lawn & Garden Equipment $2,160 11330 E. 81st St. N. Owasso, Ok. FEB. 7, 1984 John Deere, ~~350 Ford Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockier, to accept the low bid submitted by Tulsa Farm Equipment Co. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. M. OPENING OF BIDS ON FLOODLIGHTS Bids were opened and read by Vice-Mayor Webb as follows: John H. Cole Co.,;Inc. $10,892.00 5416 S. 103rd F. Ave. Tulsa, Ok. 74104 Current Zightin8 Co. $11,497.12 2822 E. 15th St. Tulsa, Ok. 74104 Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockier, to accept the low bid of John H. Cole Co., Inc. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley; Stockier, Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. N. OPENING OF BIDS ON 16 HP MOWER Bids were opened and read by Vice-Mayor Webb as follows: Cole's Sharp All Snapper 1600 - $3,300 Rt, 1, Box 43 Owasso, Ok. R & M Lawn & Garden. Equipment 11330 E. 81st St. N. Owasso, Ok. All Seasons Rentai=& Supply 7808 N. Mingo Valley Exp. Owasso, Ok. T816 Allis Chalmers $2,750 48" Snapper $2,835 20 0[aASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE EIGHT FEB. 7, 1984 Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to reject all bids submitted and readvertise for bids on a larger mower. AYF: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 0. OPENITIG OF BIDS ON GYM FLOOR Bids were opened and read by Vice-Mayor Webb as follows: Murr-ay Womble Co. $13,250 624 E. 4th St. T-ulsa, Ok. 74120 Pitzer Products, Inc. $13,400 P. 0. Box 1174 Pittsburg, KS 66762 Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to accept the low bid submitted by Murray Womble Co. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Spencer, Smalley; Mrs. Webb , T1AY : None Motion carried. P. OPENING OF BIDS ON COPIER Bids were opened and read by Vice-Mayor Webb as follows: IBM Corn. Series III, Model 10 $8,840 7060 S. Yale. Tulsa, Ok. 74136 J. D. Young Co. 3T~I 576 $6, 996 116 W. Third Tulsa, Ok. BMI Systems Corp. Canon NP270FS X4,755 6703 E. 41st Tulsa, Ok. Xerox Cor-p . ~~1~45 $9 , 040 4600 S. Garnett Rd. T-ulna, Ok. 74146 Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to refer these bids to the City Manager for consideration and recommendation at the first meeting in March. 21 Ojn1A5S0 CITY COTJNCIL PAGE NINE FEB. 7, 1984 P. (Cont'd) AYE: Messr-s. Stockler, Smalley, Spencer; Mr-s. Webb TJAY : None Motion carried. Q. OPENING OF BIDS ON SCOPE Bids was opened and read by Vice-Mayor Webb as follows: Malchi Automotive Equipment Markiat Used Demo - $7,500 6998 S. 145th E. Ave. Broken Arrow, Ok. 74012 Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to reject the bid and readvertise for bids. AYE: Messrs. Spencer-, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried, 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None at this time. 7. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER Mr--. Hynum said a group of people from Owasso were going to Oklahoma City to meet with the Corporation Commission regarding the telephone system between Collinsville, Owasso and Tulsa and that he had been asked to go to express the City's concern. Ike asked if the Council wanted him to attend this meeting. The Council was in agreement that Mr. Hynum should attend the meeting, T~Ir. Hynum said that the Oklahoma Dept, of Transportation has earmarked certain streets and roads within the City as qualified for Federal aid under the urban system. He said that if he requests a survey on traffic signalization and the City qualifies, it might be possible to get signals at no cost, He said that this pr-o gram might also get some road construction done with a 75%-25% match if the City does the engineering and gets the easements, 3 . NEW BIJ S INE S S Mayor Spencer said that since several members of the Council will be at the National League of Cities Conference in Washington D,C, on March 6, he asked that the March 6 regular meeting be cancelled. He said a special meeting could be called if it is 22 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TEN FEB. 7, 1984 necessar-y. The City Attorney asked that this item be placed on the February 21 agenda.. There being no further business before the Owasso City Council, meeting adjour-ned at 9:10 p.m. ~ ~ ~ c ~~ ~.. .,~ ~. WAUHILLEAU B VICE-MAYOR ANN HF,NDRICKSON, CITY CLERK