HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.12.16_City Council Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 Regular Meeting Tuesday, December 16, 2014 - 6:30 pm 1.Call to Order Mayor Jeri Moberly 2.Invocation Father John Rule of Church of the Holy Cross 3.Flag Salute 4.Roll Call 5.Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. Approve minutes A. December 2, 2014 Regular Meeting December 9, 2014 Regular Meeting Approve claims B. Receive monthly budget status report C. Approve Resolution No. 2014-17 calling an election on March 3, 2015 for the purpose D. of electing City Council representation for Wards 1 and 2 Accept the Devon Energy Great American Clean-up Achievement Award and E. approval of a budget amendment in the Hotel Tax Fund Strong Neighborhoods increasing the estimated revenues and increasing the appropriation for expenditures by $1,000 Accept the Justice Assistance Grant; authorize the City Manager to contract with the F. amendment in the General Fund, Police department increasing estimated revenue and increasing the appropriation for expenditures by $8,980 Accept an Agreement for Urban Engineering Services (Engineer Agreement): Cowan G. Group Engineering, LLC - Amber Crossing Retail Center Accept water infrastructure improvements at Ash Grove Cement located at 401 W H. 2 Ave nd 6.Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 7.Citizen, Dana McBurney, has requested to address the Council relating to the restoration of Owasso Lake Owasso City Council December 16, 2014 Page 2 8.Consideration and appropriate action declaring vehicles as surplus to the needs of the City and authorizing disposal of surplus and forfeited/seized vehicles Nathan Singleterry Staff recommends Council declare vehicles as surplus to the needs of the City of Owasso and approve their disposal via online auction. Staff further recommends Council approve the sale of forfeited/seized vehicles with the subsequent proceeds deposited in the Tulsa County Revolving Drug Fund in accordance with Title 63 OS 2-501. 9.Consideration and appropriate action relating to annexation (OA-14-03) and rezoning (OZ- 14-07) from Agricultural (AG) to Residential Single Family (RS-3) located at 9909 E 106 St N th Bronce Stephenson Staff recommends approval of OA-14-03 and OZ-14-07. 10.Consideration and appropriate action relating to a Planned Unit Development, OPUD-14-03 (Tyann Storage) Karl Fritschen Staff recommends approval of OPUD-14-03, as per Planning Commission conditions. 11.Consideration and appropriate action relating to an amendment to the Engineering Services Agreement with Dewberry Engineers, Incorporated for the Garnett Road Widening Project from E 96 to E 106 thth Roger Stevens Staff recommends approval to amend the scope of services contained in the project engineering agreement and increase the total amount of the contract by $8,200. 12.Consideration and appropriate action relating to Ordinance No. 1043, submitting to the voters the question of whether a non-exclusive electrical franchise should be granted to the Public Service Company of Oklahoma John Feary Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 1043. 13.Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution No. 2014-18 calling an election on March 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the voters a non-exclusive electrical franchise to Public Service Company of Oklahoma; and other provisions related thereto John Feary Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2014-18. 14.Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution No. 2014-19 calling an election on March 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the voters amendments to Charter of the City of Owasso Julie Lombardi Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2014-19. Owasso City Council December 16, 2014 Page 3 15.Consideration and appropriate action relating to Council confirmation of a citizen appointment to the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority Sales Tax Overview Committee Mayor Moberly Mayor Moberly recommends appointing Shea Boschee to the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Sales Tax Overview Committee. 16.Report from City Manager 17.Report from City Attorney 18.Report from City Councilors 19.New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseenat the time of posting of the agenda) 20.Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and Agenda posted at City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 12, 2014. ___________________________________________ Sherry Bishop, City Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 2, 2014 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, November 26, 2014. 1.Call to Order Mayor Jeri Moberly called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2.Invocation The invocation was offered by Pastor Jim Cinocca of First United Methodist Church. 3.Flag Salute Councilor Bush led the flag salute. 4.Roll Call Present Absent Mayor Jeri Moberly Vice-Mayor Lyndell Dunn Councilor Doug Bonebrake Councilor Bill Bush Councilor Chris Kelley A quorum was declared present. Staff: City Manager - Warren Lehr City Attorney - Julie Lombardi 5.Presentation of the Character Trait of Sensitivity Larry Langford, Character Council Member, presented the Character Trait of Sensitivity for the month of December. 6.Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non-debatable. Approve minutes November 18, 2014 Regular Meeting A. Approve claims B. Approve Ordinance No. 1041, rezoning (OZ-14-05), Garrett Creek Commercial C. property located at the southeast corner of E 116 St N and N 129 E Ave from thth Agricultural to Commercial Shopping Approve Ordinance No. 1042, annexing (OA-14-02) and rezoning (OZ-14-06), D. property located at 9721 N Garnett from Agricultural to Commercial Shopping Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $198,940.92. Also, included for review were the self-insurance claims report and the payroll report for 11/15/14. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 Owasso City Council December 2, 2014 Page 2 7.Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 8.Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution No. 2014-15, Amending the Priority Determination of Capital Improvement Projects Eligible for Funding from the Capital Improvements Fund Teresa Willson presented the item recommending approval of Resolution No. 2014-15 amending the priority determinationto include Intersection Traffic Signal Improvements at Highway 20 and N 140 E Ave and a Replacement Fire Engine. th After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to approve Resolution No. 2014-15, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 9.Consideration and appropriate action relating to acceptance of 2014 Rayola Park Playground Project and authorization for final payment Karl Fritschen presented the item recommending acceptance of the project and authorization for final payment to RJR Enterprises in the amount of $209,600. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to accept the project and authorize final payment, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 10.Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution No. 2014-16, designating the City Manager as the settlement representative for the settlement conference in the litigation 6PRNH\'DYLGVRQYV&LW\RI2ZDVVR&9*.)7/: styled, et al., , and additionally granting full and final settlement authority in this litigation matter to the City Manager Julie Lombardi presented the item recommending approval of Resolution No. 2014-16. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Mr. Bush to approve Resolution No. 2014-16, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 11.Report from City Manager Roger Stevens presented the Monthly Public Works Project Status Report. Warren Lehr shared information relating to Black Friday shopping. 12.Report from City Attorney None 13.Report from City Councilors Councilor Bonebrake expressed appreciation to the Police for the sense of security during Black Friday. 14.New Business None Owasso City Council December 2, 2014 Page 3 15.Adjournment Dr. Kelley moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Dunn, Kelley, Moberly Nay: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm. ___________________________________________ Jeri Moberly, Mayor ___________________________________________ Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 9, 2014 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in joint regular meeting on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch Street, per the Notice of Public Meeting 15, 2013 and the Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 5, 2014. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jeri Moberly called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. PRESENT ABSENT Jeri Moberly, Mayor/Chair Doug Bonebrake, Councilor/Trustee Lyndell Dunn Vice-Mayor/Vice Chair Chris Kelley, Councilor/Trustee  Bill Bush, Councilor/Trustee A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: BRIEFING AND DISCUSSION RELATING TO REGULAR, RECURRING, OR CONSENT ITEMS A.Disposal of surplus equipment and vehicles B.Resolution calling the Council election on March 3, 2015 C.Acceptance of Justice Assistance Grant and budget amendment in the amount of $8,980 D.Acceptance of Devon Energy donation and budget amendment in the amount of $1,000 (Keep Oklahoma Beautiful) Sherry Bishop presented each item and discussion was held. It was further explained that each item would be included on the December 16, 2014 City Council agenda for consideration and action. ITEM 3: DISCUSSION RELATING TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEMS A.Planned Unit Development, OPUD 14-03 (Tyann Storage) B.Annexation (OA 14-03) & Rezoning (OZ 14-07) 9909 E 106 Street North th Bronce Stephenson presented each item and discussion was held. It was explained that each item would be placed on the December 16, 2014 Council Agenda for consideration and action. ITEM 4: DISCUSSION RELATING TO A COMPLETE STREETS POLICY Bronce Stephenson and Dwayne Henderson presented a draft policy and discussion was held. It was further explained that the item would be placed on the January 13, 2015 worksession agenda for additional discussion. ITEM 5: DISCUSSION RELATING TO AEP/PSO FRANCHISE AGREEMENT RENEWAL AND ELECTION John Feary presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that a resolution calling an election for March 3, 2015 and an Ordinance establishing the renewal agreement, if approved by voters, would be placed on the December 16, 2014 City Council Agenda for consideration and action. ITEM 6: DISCUSSION RELATING TO PROPOSED CITY AMENDMENTS AND ELECTION Julie Lombardi presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that a resolution calling an election for March 3, 2015 would be placed on the December 16, 2015 Council agenda for consideration and action. 'HFHPEHU 3DJH ITEM 7: DISCUSSION RELATING TO CITY MANAGER ITEMS ½ Penny Sales Tax Proposition Budget Amendment for Denton back pay Monthly Sales Tax Report City Manager Report Warren Lehr provided an update on community discussions related to the proposal to seek voter approval to increase the sales tax rate by ½ percent and restrict the use of the funds for Police, Fire, and Streets. Mr. Lehr explained that a budget amendment is needed in the police services budget regarding the back pay to Michael Denton following a court order to reinstatement employment and that staff anticipates the proposed action in January or February 2015. Linda Jones presented the monthly sales tax report and discussion was held. Under the City Manager Report, Mr. Lehr announced the Annual Christmas Parade would be held Saturday, December 13, 2015 at 9:00am. He also provided members of the City Council with the final copy of the adopted GrOwasso Land Use Masterplan. ITEM 8: CITY COUNCIL/TRUSTEE COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES Mayor Moberly reported on recent action taken by the INCOG Board of Directors to approve an amendment to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Project Improvement list to include the signalization of the HWY 20 and N 140 East Avenue intersection. The Mayor also advised th that an item would be placed on the December 16, 2014 agenda for consideration and action relating to a nomination of Shea Boschee to the Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority Sales Tax Overview Committee. ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm. ___________________________________________ Jeri Moberly, Mayor/Chair _____________________________________ Juliann M. Stevens, Minute Clerk The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Juliann M. Stevens FROM: Deputy City Clerk Resolution2014-17-City Council Election SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the provisions of the Owasso CityCharter governing the election of City Council members, “the Council shall take action by Resolution to call any necessary Ward Elections.”In 2015, such election is required for Wards1and 2, each for athree-year term. The staff has prepared aResolution whichcalls for an election to be conducted for City Council Wards1and 2. In addition, the proposed resolution identifies the process to be followed in order to meet all legal requirements and allows for proper notification to the Tulsa County andRogers County Election Boards. The filing period for interested candidates will be February 2,3, and 4, 2015.All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy form with the Tulsa County Election Board between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on anyof these dates. Only qualified electors who reside within the ward shall be qualified to hold the office of City Council Member for that ward. The primary election is set by the City Charter and will be held on March 3, 2015. All registered voters residing within the city limits of the City of Owasso may vote in the election. Should one of the candidates not receive the majority of all votes cast for the particular ward, a general election will be held. The general election, if necessary, will be held on April 7, 2015. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2014-17. ATTACHMENT: Resolution No. 2014-17 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2014-17 NOTICE OF ELECTIONSAND CERTIFICATION a Primary Election shall be held on the 3day of March, 2015for the purpose of WHEREAS, rd electing Owasso City Council Members, for the wardsand termsas follows: WARD NO.TERM 13 years 23 years a General Election, if necessary, shall thereafter be held on April 7, 2015to elect WHEREAS, said Council Members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: 1.That a non-partisan Primary Election for City Council Members, as set out, be held on March 3, 2015. 2.That the General Election thereafter, if necessary, be held on April 7, 2015. 3.Only qualified electors of the City of Owasso who reside in the respective ward shall be qualified to hold the office of Council Member. that the City Council of the City of Owasso,Oklahoma hereby BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that Tulsa County precincts #750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760 and Rogers County precincts #31 and 130 are to be opened; and Tulsa County precinct #21 and Rogers County precincts #6, 21, 29, and 30 are to remain closed as there are no residents of Owasso in those precincts. The filing period is from February 2, 2015through February 4, 2015for the Primary Election. day of December 2014by the City Council of the City of PASSED AND APPROVED this 16 th Owasso, Oklahoma. ________________________________________ Jeri Moberly, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED TO FORM: ______________________________________ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Jerry Fowler FROM: Neighborhood Coordinator Devon GAC Award Winner SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: On November 20, 2014, the Owasso Strong Neighborhood Initiative-Owasso CARES was presented the 2014 Devon Great American Clean-up (GAC) Achievement Award at the 24 th Annual Keep Oklahoma Beautiful Environmental Excellence Celebration. Along with this award, Devon presented a check in the amount of $1,000. The purpose of the award is to provide additional funding to support the efforts of OSNI-Owasso CARES for tools and supplies to be used with OSNI-Owasso CARES Day of Service, which occurs during the Great American Clean-up. Donation: There is no match requirement for this award. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the Devon GAC Achievement Award and approval of a budget amendment in the Hotel Tax Fund-Strong Neighborhoods increasing the estimated revenues and increasing the appropriation for expenditures by $1,000. The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Jason Woodruff FROM: Deputy Chief of Police Acceptance of Justice Assistance Grant SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: In November 2014, the Owasso Police Department was awarded a grant in the amount of $8980 by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Council for the purchase of ten body worn video cameras. The police department currently utilizes body worn cameras and the additional cameras will supplement those already in use. There is no matching fund requirement to receive this grant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council acceptance of the Justice Assistance Grant and approval of a budget amendment in the General Fund increasing estimated revenue by $8980 and increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the Police Services budget by $8980. Further, staff recommends that the City Manager be authorized to enter into contract with the to administer the receipt of the grant funds. The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Daniel Dearing FROM: Sr. Civil Engineer Acceptance of Urban Engineering Agreement SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: On May 17, 2005,the Engineering Design Criteria, Construction Standards and Standard Details for any and all developments, projects, and infrastructure improvements within the City of Owasso were adopted by the City Council. Documents required as a result of that adoption include two different agreements, one which must be submitted by the developer and one which must be submitted by the developer’s engineer. The agreements are as follows: ENGINEER AGREEMENT: The agreement required to be submitted by the developer’s engineer is titled “Agreement for Urban Engineering Services” (Section 0114.1(B). This agreement requires the engineer to list all improvements associated with the proposed development, attest that all designs will be in compliance with City standards (outlined in the design criteria), pay all fees associated with the plan review, attest that he/she is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Oklahoma, and attest that he/she maintains Professional Liability Insurance in limits directly correlated to the cost of the project specified in the attached agreement. The liability insurance to project cost ratio schedule is as follows: Project CostProfessional Liability Insurance Less than $500,000$250,000 $500,000 -$1,000,000$500,000 Greater than $1,000,000$1,000,000 DEVELOPER AGREEMENT: The agreement required to be submitted by the developer is titled “Agreement Guaranteeing Installation of Improvements” (Section 0114.1(C). This agreement requires the developer to submit engineering drawings for the proposed improvements, provide oversight of his/her construction contractor to assure compliance with the approved plans, and submit “as-built” drawings upon completion of the construction of improvements. The Mayor’s signature is required on the “Agreement for Urban Engineering Services” (Engineer Agreement), and therefore Council approval is needed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizationfor the Mayor to execute the following “Agreement for Urban Engineering Services” (Engineers Agreement): Cowan Group Engineering, LLC, for Grading, Drainage, Paving, Water, Sanitary, Stormwater and Retaining Wall Structure Improvements for Amber Crossing Retail Center ATTACHMENT: “Agreement for Urban Engineering Services”–Cowan Group Engineering, LLC,for Grading, Drainage, Paving, Water, Sanitary, Stormwater and Retaining Wall Structure Improvements for Amber Crossing Retail Center    CITY OF OWASSO URBAN ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT AMBER CROSSING RETAIL CENTER OCTOBER 6, 2014 The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Earl Farris FROM: Project Administrator Acceptanceof WaterInfrastructureImprovementsat Ash Grove Cement SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: Avenue.Public infrastructure The subject commercial development is located at 401 W 2 nd includes construction of a new 12” water line, 3 valves andafire hydrant. FINAL INSPECTIONS: Final inspections for theinfrastructurecomponentwerecompleted inNovember2014by the Public Works Department.All standards for acceptance have been met.Additionally, the construction contractorand design engineer have supplied the necessarytwo-year maintenance bondand required as-built drawings. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of water infrastructureimprovements at Ash Grove Cement terminal. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map City Attorney bond approval letter & copy of bonds The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Nathan Singleterry FROM: Desktop Support Technician Surplus Vehicles and Authorize Auction SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso declares items surplus that have reached their end of life or are no longer useful, an estimated worth for the individual items is submitted to the City Council along with the list for approval. For several years the City has utilized auction sites, such as e-Bay, to auction surplus vehicles and equipment. E- E-Bay as a tool to obtain the highest resale or salvageable price for items they can no longer utilize. Prior to utilizing online auctions, city staff would collect surplus items, then conduct an onsite auction. This process took significant time and required many staff resources with very little return. The onsite auctions were typically not well attended and items were sold for far less than the City has received via online auctions sites. HOW IT WORKS: The following is the step-by-step process followed by the City of Owasso: Council declares vehicles (or other items) surplus; Staff takes digital pictures and writes descriptions for each item to be auctioned on e-Bay; Staff determines length of auction; Staff includes acceptable methods of payment; Staff determines whether items can be shipped or would need to be picked up by the purchaser/buyer. Most often, items are picked up at the City; The auction is At the close of the auction, e-Bay notifies the designated staff member of the highest bidder and provides their e-mail address; Staff notifies highest bidder. Arrangements are made for shipping or pick-up of item once payment is received. FEES: There are fees to sell on most auction sites. For some sites there may be a set fee, and for others there may be a percentage of the total sale price. Staff evaluates the items to be sold to determine the best online option for auctioning. ITEMS RECOMMENDING BE DECLARED SURPLUS: The following vehicles have been deemed by the respective Department Directors as no longer needed to remain in service due to age and/or condition and are being recommended to be declared surplus by the City Council: 1986 Chevrolet S10 Public Works 1995 Ford F250 Public Works 1998 Chevrolet 2500 Public Works 1999 Dodge 1500 Public Works 2003 Freightliner FL60 Public Works 1997 Ford Crown Victoria Parks Typically, when the City of Owasso declares an item surplus, an approximate worth for the individual items are submitted along with the list for approval. Staff has reviewed the Finance possible) to determine a minimum value for each item. The following is the estimated value for each of the vehicles: 1986 Chevrolet S10 Public Works - $300-$500 1995 Ford F250 Public Works - $850-$1000 1998 Chevrolet 2500 Public Works - $Unknown, Vehicle Totaled 1999 Dodge 1500 Public Works - $325-$975 2003 Freightliner FL60 Public Works - $2000-$3000 1997 Ford Crown Victoria Parks - $600 These vehicles have been replaced or are no longer needed and no longer have value to our organization. Also note that many of these surplus items have been sitting outside in storage and are continuing to depreciate, further losing value to the City of Owasso. POLICE DEPARMENT SEIZED VEHICLES In accordance with Oklahoma State Statute 63 OS 2-501, property connected to the sale of illegal drugs may be seized by the police and subject to forfeiture proceedings by the District Attorney. Upon successful forfeiture by the court, the property, such as a vehicle, may be issued to the seizing law enforcement agency with the requirement that any future proceeds from the for use in drug enforcement efforts within the community. The Owasso Police Department has received several vehicles over the years through this forfeiture process. Seven (7) of these vehicles are currently unserviceable and therefore of no use to the Owasso Police Department. In order to properly dispose of these vehicles, City Council approval is required both for the sale of the property and the deposit of the proceeds RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council declare the following vehicles as surplus to the needs of the City of Owasso and approve their disposal via online auction. 1986 Chevrolet S10 Public Works 1995 Ford F250 Public Works 1998 Chevrolet 2500 Public Works 1999 Dodge 1500 Public Works 2003 Freightliner FL60 Public Works 1997 Ford Crown Victoria Parks Staff further recommends Council approve the sale of the following vehicles with the subsequent proceeds deposited in the Tulsa County Revolving Drug Fund in accordance with Title 63 OS 2- 501: 1990 GMC Pickup (VIN: 1GTDC14K5LZ516090) Case CJ-99-3857 1980 Oldsmobile Cutlass (VIN: 3M47FAR434434) Case CJ-99-2566 1990 Chrysler New Yorker (VIN: 1C3XC66R6LD716109) Case CJ-99-4998 1997 Ford Pickup (VIN: 1FTDX1728VKC51354) Case CJ-07-0183 1994 Jeep (VIN: 1J4GZ58S2RC355698) Case CJ-09-3408 1994 Oldsmobile (VIN: 1G3WH55M5RD317273) Case CJ-09-4423 2005 Pontiac (VIN: 1G2NE52E85M134627) Case CJ-12-0089 The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Bronce L. Stephenson FROM: Director of Community Development St N Annexation(OA-14-03)& Rezoning(OZ-14-07)–9909 E 106 SUBJECT: th December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a request for annexationand rezoningfor St N, approximately ¼ mile east of Mingo Road on the north side property located at 9909 E 106 th St N. The property is approximately 28 acres in size. of E 106 th DirectionZoningUseLand Use PlanJurisdiction AG City of NorthSports ParkPark (Agriculture)Owasso PUD 06-04 City of SouthAmdendedUndevelopedTransitional Owasso (RM, CS) City of PUD 19 EastSports ParkPark (OM, RD, RS-3)Owasso RM City of WestUndevelopedTransitional (Multi-family)Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY/PROJECT DATA: 28 acres Property Size AG (Tulsa County) Current Zoning Residential Single Family Proposed Use N/A Lots/Blocks N/A Number of ReserveAreas N/A Within PUD? N/A Within Overlay District? City of Owasso Water Provider Storm siren fee of $35/acre; Meadowcrest Sewer Relief Applicable Paybacks Area of $867/acre N/A Streets (public or private) ANNEXATION AND REZONING REQUEST: The applicant is requesting RS-3 (Residential Single Family) zoning be applied to the property as part of the annexation, which can be done if the proposed zoning conforms to the land use master plan. In this case, the Land Use Master Plan calls for commercial and transitional uses in this location so applying RS-3 zoning to the property is appropriate, as this is a lesser use than it would be allowed by the Land Use Master Plan. The City can serve the property with police, fire, EMS and utilities. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission reviewedthis item at their regular meeting on December 8, 2014, unanimously recommending approval to the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of annexationcase (OA-14-03) and rezoning case (OZ-14-07). ATTACHMENTS: Area Map Aerial Map The Honorable Mayor andCity Council TO: Karl Fritschen FROM: Chief Urban and Long Range Planner Planned Unit Development, OPUD-14-03 SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application for review and approval of a development called Tyann Storage, Planned Unit Development OPUD-14-03. The subject property is located just behind the Southern Agriculture Building on the east US-169 service road and is identified as Lot 1, Block1,Tyann Plaza X. The subject property is zoned Commercial General (CG) according to the Tulsa County Assessors records and Ordinance #498. The PUD would act as an overlay to the underlying zoning on the property and the proposed development would be required to adhere to the conditions outlined in the PUD. The applicant proposes to develop the property with a mini-storage facility. SURROUNDING ZONING: DirectionZoningUseLand Use PlanJurisdiction City of NorthCGFitness GymCommercial Owasso Hotel and City of SouthOMCommercial Detention PondOwasso City of EastRS-3SchoolResidential Owasso WestCGRetail StoreCommercialTulsa County SUBJECT PROPERTY/PROJECT DATA: 1.5 acres Property Size CG –Commercial General Current Zoning Mini-Storage ProposedUse 1 lot on 1 block Lots/Blocks N/A Number of ReserveAreas US-169 Within Overlay District? City of Owasso Water Provider Storm siren fee of $35/acre Applicable Paybacks Private Streets (public or private) CONCEPT AND USE OF A PUD: The concept of a Planned Unit Development is to provide a creative alternative to conventional development where a particular tract is under common ownership or control and where a detailed development plan, outlining the development of the tract as a unit, is proposed and submitted for public review. The use of a PUD technique is a way to amend the zoning designation in accordance with a complete and coordinated plan of development for a larger parcel, rather than piecemeal individual changes using the variance process. A PUD, which is essentially negotiated zoning, may be submitted for any parcel of land located within any general zoning district or combination of general zoning districts within the Owasso City Limits. In all cases, the PUD will be reviewed as to the proposed location and character of the uses and the unified treatment of the development of the tract. The regulations of the general zoning district or districts remain applicable except as specifically modified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. ANALYSIS: The applicant has submitted a PUD application for a commercial mini-storage project. Although the property is zoned asCG, which allows mini-storage facilities with a special exception, the US- 169 Overlay prohibits mini-storage uses. The subject property is located behind several existing commercial businesses and is somewhat hidden from view. This characteristic makes commercial uses less viable for this property, as commercial uses typically require highervisibility than this site provides. Considering this,the proposed use seems appropriate and the applicant has submitted a PUD for the project. There is a private road that bisects the property. On the east side of the road will be a building containing unconditioned storage units and on the west side of the road will be a building containing the conditioned units, which includes a small office space. The PUD indicates that the maximum height for all structures shall not exceed 30 feet and all proposed setbacks meet or exceed CG standards. The PUD proposes enhanced landscaping and attractive masonry architecture for the front facades of the buildings along the private road. A perimeter opaque wood fence will be constructed along the north, east, andsouth boundaries of the area containing the unconditioned storage units (eastern project area). This will serve as an additional buffer and screening from the properties to the east and south. The applicant has provided exhibits of the proposed architecture and landscaping. Staff has reviewed these exhibits in concert with the text in the PUD and believes they meet the intent of the US-169 Overlay. If the PUD is approved, the applicant will provide final development plans for administrative review andapproval by City staff and proceed with the platting process. PUD applications presented to the Planning Commission and City Council are for approval of the zoning, the uses, the overall plan as it relates to the immediate area, and the concept for the development. Future planning issues must still be considered if the PUD is approved. If approved, the applicant will be required to adhere to all City of Owasso subdivision regulations and engineering requirements. City staff published legal notice of the PUD request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300’ radius of the subject property. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY: The Owasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan identifies the subject property and its surroundings as having a future land use of commercial, so this proposal conforms to the 2030 Land Use Master Plan. HARMONY WITH THE EXISTING AND EXPECTED DEVELOPMENT: This proposal appears to be consistent with the current and expected development of the area. The US-169 Overlay district was created to promote higher quality architecture, enhanced landscaping, and to discourage uses that may detract from the positive image that the corridor is intended to promote. Given this, mini-storage and similar facilities were prohibited in the overlay district. However, in this case, given the location of this property and the fact it is not highly visible, staff can support the proposal with additional protections offered in the PUD. In actuality, the use will serve as an effective transition from higher intensity commercial uses tothe school and residential areas farther to the east. A detention facility is also located to the southeast of the property, which adds additional buffer area. Since this is a commercial PUD, there are no amenity requirements. PUBLIC HEARING: In accordance with the Owasso Zoning Code, the Planning Commission and City Council shall hold a public hearing on any PUD application andmake the following determinations: 1.Whether the PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2.Whether the PUD is in harmony with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas. 3.Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site. 4.Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purpose and standards of the PUD ordinance. a.To permit innovative land development while maintaining appropriate limitation on the character and intensity of use assuring compatibility with adjoining and proximate properties; b.To permit flexibility within the development to best utilize the unique physical features of the particular site; c.To provide and preserve meaningful open space; and d.To achieve a continuity of function and design within the development. Overall, this project has been adequately designed to meet the challenges associated with the property. During the early stages, staff provided the applicant with feedback as to what would make this project viable and how to minimize the impacts of developing this particular piece of property. The applicants have responded with a quality plan that responds to what staff had requested. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission reviewedthis item at their regular meeting on December 8, 2014, voting unanimously to recommend approval to the City Council subject to the following conditions. Addressing all TAC comments Reducing the sign height from 30 feet to 10 feet Construction of a sidewalk on the east side of the road RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of PUD-14-03as per Planning Commission conditions. ATTACHMENTS: Area Map Aerial Map Land Use Plan Map Outlined Development Plan The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. FROM: City Engineer Garnett Road Widening Project SUBJECT: Engineering Services Amendment December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: StNtoE106St Nis currently the heaviest traveled two-lane roadway Garnett Road from E96 thth segment in Owasso. The road, once on the highway system, accommodates heavy residential traffic, commercial uses,and hospital traffic.For these reasons, the Owasso Capital Improvements Committee listed the widening of GarnettfromE96St Nto E106St Nas one of thth the highest prioritiesamong potentialcapital improvementsprojects. Dewberry Engineers, Inc. washired for $345,600to design theGarnettimprovements. They have been working diligently toward getting the project designed concurrently with the preparation of the EnvironmentalDocument. A couple of design additions have been added beyond the original Scope of Work and staffis submittingthese additional services forCouncil approval. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Two items that need to be addressed have been added to the project design.First isdesign of offsite drainageto resolve anissue caused by the original development of Sawgrass Subdivision. The secondis an extension of the new bridge box crossing under Garnett that drains east to west onto the Bailey Medical Campus property. The Sawgrass drainage issue was caused by inadequately sized storm drainage running to Garnett when theSawgrass subdivision was being constructed. During heavy rains, water backs up into the subdivision and into a resident’s garage(see Attachment).The drainage under Garnett would be upgraded with this project to assure that this does notreoccur. The line segment going into Sawgrass needsto be upgraded to handle actual flows. The additional cost for the construction would be included in the ODOT funding. Additional cost for surveys and design would be the responsibility of the City of Owasso. The proposed design cost increase is $4,700. The Bailey Medical Center includes several future medical buildings in the Planned Unit Development (PUD). A commercial area is proposed at the northeast corner of the property. Driveways and access roads willcross the same creek that the bridge box is going to drain. The bridge box has increased from a 4’x6’ box to a triple–cell 10’x6’box.Because theend treatment would be difficult to extend at a later date,the Larkin Bailey Trust has requestedthat the box be extended to the west of their proposed road. This extension would keep the box from being damaged when future development occurs. The additional cost for the construction would be included in the ODOT funding. Additional cost for surveys and design would be the responsibility of the City of Owasso. The proposed design cost increase is $3,500. Thetotal increase of the proposed design amendment is$8,200. FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the Capital Improvements Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of anamendmentto the contract with Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for design of the Garnett Road Widening Project in the amount of $8,200 and authorization to execute the amendment. ATTACHMENTS: A.Location Map B.Proposal Letter The Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso John W. Feary FROM: Government Affairs Franchise AgreementOrdinance No. 1043 and SUBJECT: Resolution No. 2014-18 Calling a Special Election for a Franchise Agreement December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: An existing 25-year franchise agreement with Public Service Company of Oklahoma (AEP/PSO) and the City of Owasso is set to expire in 2015.Franchise agreements establish a range of terms and conditions which allow utility companies to provide services to a specific area while defining the responsibilitiesofthe provider to the citizens of a community and the access and permissions the community concedes to the provider. Other provisions in the franchise agreement pertain to the duration of the agreement as well as the fees paid to the community. Fees are based on a percentage of gross monthly receipts to the provider from customersit serves. Under the existing agreement with AEP/PSO,Owasso receives a 2% franchise fee.In FY2014-15, the aforementioned 2% is projected to generate $386,400. Other considerations in the agreement state that the provider will complywith state and federal regulatory agencies;will be allowedto generate, transmit,and sellelectricity;and will be allowed tocharge and collecta rate or rates in compliance with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission or other regularly constituted regulatory authority. Furthermore,the agreementprovides for the delivery of electricity for the lighting of public streets and the pumping of water necessary for municipal water and sewer systems.The expiring agreement was approved by the citizens of Owasso in February 1990 and the agreement previous to that was approved in February 1966. PROPOSED CHANGES: During the process of negotiating a new franchise agreement with AEP/PSO, city staff is presenting some minor changes in the terms to be considered by the City Council and Owasso citizens. One of the negotiating points in this agreement is the term, or number of years, the franchise would be in effect.Historically the term of these agreements hasbeen 25 years. Originally staff presented to the Council a proposal of 15 years. Staff has also inserted language regarding the timing of utility relocates concerning capital improvement projects.It should be noted that these agreements are non-exclusive and do not prohibit other electricity providers or the City of Owasso itself from operating as an electricity provider. Another pertinent consideration is,regardless of the term of the agreement approved by the voters, the City Council, at any time during the duration of the agreement, may call an election of the qualified voters to terminate the previously approved franchise agreement. It is staff’s opinion based on research, sentiment expressed by members of the council, city staff and members of PSO’s team, that Owasso should have a mechanism(s) in place for the reconsideration and/or termination of such franchise agreements in order to ensure accountability to Owasso citizens. It is the position of staff that those mechanisms are in place through statutory provisions and that these existing statutory provisions provide not only the accountability citizens demand, but eliminate potential risk and liabilities to Owasso if and when an instance arises wherein the termination or amendment of an existing franchise agreement may be considered.It is therefore staff’s recommendationthat the new franchise agreement contain language specific to the same 2% franchise fee that has been collected, andthat the agreement term consist of 25 years with full confidence that any effort to alter or terminate the agreement is allowable by statutory provision. The next significant proposed change addresses utility relocation and new installations as Owasso continues to grow both geographically and in population. Thesegrowth patterns will dictate new roadway infrastructure as wellasimprovements to existing infrastructure.The terms of the new franchise agreement outline timing and installation parameters affiliated with such projects. In the case of new utility service areas and utility relocations required for capital improvement projects,the Grantee, upon final approval of a utility install/relocate plan by the City of Owasso or its Engineer(s) of record, shall have ninety (90) days to mobilize to the site and commence construction, unless otherwise agreed to by the City of Owasso. ELECTION: The March 3, 2015 municipal election date for Owasso City Council Wards #1 and #2 is an opportunity to ask the voters for approval of a new franchise agreementwith AEP/PSO.Per the Oklahoma Constitution, Article 18 section 5(a) –Grant extension or renewal –Approval by voters –Term: No municipal corporation shall ever grant, extend, or renew a franchise, without the approval of a majority of the qualified electors residing within its corporate limits, who shall vote thereon at a general or special election; and the legislative body of any such corporation may submit any such matter for approval or disapproval to such electors at any general municipal election, or call a special election for such purpose at any time upon thirty days' notice; and no franchise shall be granted, extended, or renewed for a longer term than twenty-five years. AEP/PSO has agreed to pay fifty (50) percent ofelection related expenses the City of Owasso will bear for the cost of the March 3, 2015 election. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval ofOrdinanceNo.1043,establishing the new franchise agreement with Public Service Co. of Oklahoma. calling an election on March 3, Staff further recommends approval ofResolutionNo. 2014-18, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the voters a non-exclusive electrical franchise to Public Service Company of Oklahoma; and other provisions related thereto. ATTACHMENTS: OrdinanceNo. 1043 ResolutionNo. 2014-18 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE NO. 1043 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA, AN OKLAHOMA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS ANDASSIGNS, A NON- EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS TO USE THE STREETS, ALLEYS, AVENUES, WAYS, AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES AND GROUNDS IN THE CITYOFOWASSO,TULSACOUNTYAND IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, ROGERS COUNTYOKLAHOMA, FOR BUILDING, EQUIPPING, MAINTAINING, EXTENDING, OWNING, AND OPERATING A SYSTEM FOR THE MANUFACTURE, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION, SALE, AND CONTROL OF ELECTRICITYAND COMMUNICATION CIRCUITSFOR ITSELF AND OTHERS IN AND TO THE CITYAND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY; PROVIDING FOR ASSIGNMENT; GRANTING RIGHT TO OPERATE BUSINESS WITH REASONABLE RULES; WHEREBY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA AGREES TO MAINTAIN ELECTRIC SERVICE PURSUANT TO OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION REGULATION AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY THECITYIN CERTAIN SITUATIONS; WHEREBY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA IS GIVEN A CONTINUING RIGHT TO OPERATE WITHIN THE CITY’SLIMITS AND IS AUTHORIZED TO ALLOW THOSE PROPERLY PERMITTED TO ATTACH FACILITIES TO ITS POLES; WHEREBY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA AGREES TO CHARGE LEGAL RATES FOR SUCH SERVICE; IF POSSIBLE TO SELL AND DELIVER TO THE CITYALL ELECTRICITY AND SERVICES REQUESTED BY IT; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT TO THE CITYBY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA OF A MONTHLY FEE ON GROSS RECEIPTS FROM DELIVERYAND, IF APPLICABLE, THE SALE OF ELECTRICITY;CALLING FOR AN ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCILOF THE CITYOFOWASSO, OKLAHOMA: That there is hereby granted by the City of Owasso, a municipal SECTION 1. corporation of the State of Oklahoma, located in Tulsaand RogersCounty (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), unto Public Service Company of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma corporation, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"), the right, power, and authority to use the streets, alleys, avenues, ways, and other public places and grounds of Grantor as now constituted and as it may be hereafter extended or created, for the purpose of building, equipping, maintaining, extending, owning, and operating any plants, systems, and appurtenant facilitiesfor the manufacture, transmission, distribution, sale, and control of electricity for lighting, heating, and power purposes, as well as for such other purposes as electric energy may be put, in and to said Grantorand to the public generally, and to transmit electric energyand communicate and distribute information (audio, video anddata)foritself or others over distribution and transmission lines throughout the Cityto the ultimatecustomer and to connections and systems in other localities, with poles, wires, conduits, substations, meters, appliances, and apparatus necessary and convenient for such plant and system upon, across, over, and under each and any of said streets, alleys, avenues, ways, and other public places and grounds. 1 All rights and privileges granted by this Ordinance shall extend and be SECTION 2. in force between Grantor and Grantee for a term of twenty-five (25) years from and after the acceptance of this Ordinance, as hereinafter provided. All provisions of this Ordinance which are obligatory upon or which SECTION 3. inure to the benefit of the Grantee shall alsobe obligatory upon and shall inure to the benefit of its successors and assigns, and the word "Grantee", as used in this Ordinance, shall include and be taken to mean not only Public Service Company of Oklahoma, but also its successors and assigns for which assignment consent is hereby given whether the assignment is for the whole or only a partial assignment. Subject to the provisions of this subsection Grantee may assign all or a portion of its rights and/or obligations under the provisions of this Ordinance and franchise. Grantee shall have the right to make and enforce reasonable rules SECTION 4. and regulations for the sale, delivery, control, and metering of its electric energy and the conduct of its business, and may reserve in such rules and regulations the right to disconnect service to customers where Grantee's meters, wires, switches, appliances, or apparatus are found to have been tampered with, or who have failed to pay for electricity or services, and to enter upon the premises of its customers at all reasonable times,or at any hour if for the sole purpose of restoring service,for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, or reading meters or for removing wires, meters, switches, and appliancesand perform other activities necessary to provide and maintain electric service.Provided that such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with law or the rules and regulations from time to time made by the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma or by other regularly constituted regulatory authority having jurisdiction over Grantee. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee permission to cut, trim, treat and dispose of trees and other vegetation upon and overhanging the streets, alleys, avenues,ways, sidewalks, and other public places of the Cityin the vicinity of Grantee’s electric facilities where such trees and other vegetation, in Grantee’s reasonable opinion, constitute a hazard to Grantee’s personnel or facilities, or the provision of continuous electric service. Grantee covenants and agrees in consideration hereof that it will SECTION 5. maintain electric distribution service in and to Grantor, unless excused by statute, under the rules and orders imposed upon it by the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma or by other regularly constituted regulatory authority having jurisdiction over Grantee. But in accepting this franchise and contract, Grantee does not guarantee continuous service at all times and shall be relieved temporarily from its obligation to furnish such services continuously in case of any disability caused by act of God or by the elements, or terrorism, or strikes, or lock-outs, or by any temporary breakdown or failure of machinery, transmission, or distributionlines, appliances or apparatus, or by other causes beyond thereasonablecontrol of Grantee; provided Grantee agreesin such cases to exercise due diligence in the repair of such machinery, transmission, or distribution lines, appliances and apparatus, and to resume operation of same without unnecessary delay. Grantee covenants and agrees that it will indemnify and hold the Cityof Owasso free and clear of any claims for damages or otherwise to the extent caused by the negligence of Grantee in the construction or operation carried on hereunder. But it is 2 understood and agreed that in the event of claims being presented or prosecuted against said Citythe Grantee shall have the right to defend against the same and to settle and discharge same in such manner as it may see fit. To this end the Grantor agrees to notify Grantee of such claims and to furnish to it such information and assistance,as may be necessary,in the defense thereof. In performing the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, franchise, SECTION 6. and contract, Grantee is hereby given the continuing right, privilege, and option to manufacture electric energy within the corporate limits of Grantor, and to transmit electric energy over transmission lines from other plants and to distribute same from some central location at proper voltage; together with the right to transmit electric energy from and through said Cityto other localities for itself or others. Grantee is hereby authorized to allow others, having a permitted right granted by Grantor, or as may otherwise be authorized or required by applicable law, to attach telecommunications and cable facilities to its poles and structures on such conditions as it deems just and reasonable and in compliance with applicable law. During the life of this franchise and for and in consideration of the SECTION 7. acceptance hereof by Grantee, it is agreed that Grantee owned utilities requiring relocation in streets, alleys, avenues, ways, and other public places and grounds of Grantor as now constituted and as it may be hereafter extended or created, for the purpose of Grantor’s capital improvements projects, shall commence within ninety (90) calendar days of final approval of utility relocation plans by both Grantor & Grantee, provided that Grantee is able to obtain any and all permits, approvals, clearances or applications involving the relocation deemed necessary by any agencies or governmental bodies, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all permits and approvals required by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) and the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) for clearance to interrupt service on affected electric lines. Grantor shall provide all reasonable assistance requested by Grantee to secure such permits, approvals, clearances and applications. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 7, Grantee shall have no obligation to proceed with any work until all permits, approvals, clearances and applications are obtained, and if such permits, approvals, clearances and applications cannot reasonably be obtained, or are subsequently withdrawn, the Grantee shall be under no obligation to perform (or continue) the relocation. During the life of this franchise and for and in consideration of the SECTION 8. acceptance hereof by Grantee, it is agreed that Grantee may charge and collect from Grantor and its inhabitants a rate or rates, for its and/or the service of others which shall at alltimes be compensatory and reasonable, and if regulated,subject to such rules and orders as are in effect or that hereafter may be lawfully made by the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma, or by other regularly constituted regulatory authorityhaving jurisdiction over Grantee. During the life of this franchise, Grantee will, if possible and permitted SECTION 9. under applicable law, sell to Grantor all electric energy requested by it for municipal purposes, including, but not limited to, water and wastewater treatment, water and storm water pumping, and the lighting of its streets. 3 From and after the approval and acceptance of this Ordinance, SECTION 10. Grantee shall pay, and, in consideration of the granting of this franchise, agrees to pay to Grantor, as a franchise fee, and as compensation for the rights and privileges enjoyed hereunder, a sum equal to two percent (2%) of its gross receipts from the delivery and, if applicable, the sale of electrical energy within the City, payable monthly with each such payment to be made not later than the first business day of the secondmonth following the month in which such receipts were received for the billing cycle for that month. For example, payment for Aprilreceipts, for asubject year coveringa billing cycle from March 29through April 27would be paid not later than June1. Saidfee shall be in lieu ththst of all concessions, excise, franchise, licenses, occupation, privilege, and permit fees, or taxes, except assessments for special improvements and ad valorem taxes. Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing of newly annexed and de-annexed areas. The notice shall include the ordinance number authorizing the action, an appropriate map identifying the areas and documentation of the notice to the State of Oklahoma regarding the annexation or de-annexation. Grantee shall have no responsibility for commencing franchise payments hereunder to Grantor in newly annexed areas until it shall have received Grantor’s notification.Upon Grantor’snotification and starting the ninety-first (91) day after receipt of such notice, Grantee will commence payments to st Grantor forthe gross receipts from delivery and, if applicable, the sale of electrical energy in each newly annexed area, and will make any appropriate adjustments in payments reflecting overpayments madein any prior month resulting from the inclusion of gross receipts from delivery and, if applicable, the sale of electrical energyinde-annexed areas. Payments for receipts in newly annexed areas and adjustments for overpayments in de-annexed areas shall be made back to the effective date of the ordinance authorizing the action. Grantor agrees that the percentage paid to Grantor by Grantee, including any revision thereof, shall in no event exceed the percentage rate used to calculate any fee or tax paid to Grantor by any other person or entity if such fee or tax is based in any way on the amount of revenuesfrom delivery or saleof electrical energy or both by such other person or entity to ultimate customers within the City. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its SECTION 11. acceptance as hereinafter provided, upon its passage and approval by a vote of the qualified electors residing within the City, who shall vote thereon at a special election called under or pursuant to the provisions hereof; and if this Ordinance fails to be so approved at said election, it shall be wholly void and of no effect. The Mayor of the Cityis hereby authorized and instructed to call by a duly authorized resolution such election in the manner and form provided by the laws of the State of Oklahoma for the calling of special elections, giving such resolution, notice and ballot title therefore as provided by law, for the purpose of submission to the qualified electors residing within the Citythe proposition of approval or refusal of this Ordinance, and the non-exclusive franchise contract hereby granted; and the proper officers of the Cityare hereby directed to do all things that may be necessary for the holding of the election and for the submission of said question, and shall, in all things, comply with the election laws of the State of Oklahoma. 4 It is understood and agreed that in the event said franchise isapproved at such election,the Grantee shall within thirty (30) days after the result of such election is declared,as provided by law, file with the Clerk of the Cityan acceptance in writing duly executed according to law, accepting this Ordinance and franchise. Upon the filing by Granteeof the acceptance of this Ordinance as SECTION 12. hereinabove provided, all rights, privileges, and obligations of any other ordinances and franchises, or portions thereof, underwhich Grantee may now be exercising its privileges touse the streets, alleys, avenues, ways, and other public places and grounds withinthe incorporated limitsof Grantor,and all other ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, shall be and thereafter remain cancelled, annulled, and repealed. If any provision or clause of this Ordinance is held invalid for any SECTION 13. reason, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or clauses of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or clause, and to this end the provisions and clauses of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. Whereas an immediate necessity exists in order that the inhabitants SECTION 14. of Grantor may be provided an adequate supply of electricity for heating, lighting, and power purposes and forthe purpose of providing light, heat, and power for the streets, alleys, public grounds, parks, and other public places and institutions of Grantor, and for the preservation of public health, peace, and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval at thespecial election, itspublicationand Grantee’s filing of its acceptance thereof. Approved, this 16day of December 2014. th ______________________________ Jeri Moberly, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: _________________________________ Sherry Bishop, CityClerk APPROVED AS TO FORMAND LEGALITY: ________________________________ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney 5 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 2014-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO,TULSACOUNTY, OKLAHOMA, CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE3rdDAY OFMARCH, 2015, FORTHE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING AN ORDINANCE FOR APPROVAL BY THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS WHICH GRANTS TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF OKLAHOMA, AN OKLAHOMA CORPORATION, A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR TWENTY-FIVE(25) YEARS TO BUILD, EQUIP, MAINTAIN, EXTEND, OWN AND OPERATE A SYSTEM FOR THE MANUFACTURE, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION, SALE AND CONTROL OF ELECTRICITY IN AND TO THE CITYAND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, TO A VOTE OF THE REGISTEREDVOTERS OF THE CITYFOR THEIR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL; SPECIFYING THE QUESTION TO BE VOTED UPON AT SUCH SPECIAL ELECTION AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE DISTRIBUTION AND PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION. Article 18, §5(a) of the Oklahoma Constitution provides that no grant of a WHEREAS, franchise by a municipal corporation shall be valid unless approved by a majority vote of the qualified electors of such City; and this City Council, by a vote onDecember 16, 2014, approved an WHEREAS, Ordinance calling for a special election to be set; and the Ordinance, if approvedby the voters, would grant to Public Service WHEREAS, Company of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Corporation, a non-exclusive franchise for twenty five(25) years to build, equip, maintain, extend, own and operate a system for the manufacture, transmission, distribution, sale and control of electricity and information distribution in and to the Cityand the public generally; and the Mayor of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall, upon the adoption of this WHEREAS, Resolution, proclaim a special election to submit the Ordinance for approval or disapproval by the qualified electors of the City of Owasso; and 11 O.S. §16-101, requires that notice of a special election shall be given by WHEREAS, publishing the Resolution of the municipal governing body calling for the election at least ten (10) days before thedate of the special election. that the City Councilof Owasso, Oklahoma, as NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED required by the Constitution and statutes of Oklahoma, does hereby call a special election for the purpose of submitting theOrdinance to the registeredvoters of Owassofor their approval or disapproval, the Ordinance granting to Public Service Company of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Corporation, a non-exclusive franchise for twenty five(25) years to build, equip, maintain, extend, own and operate a system for the manufacture,transmission, distribution, sale and control of electricity and information distribution in and to the Cityand the public generally. that the Mayor and City Councilherebycall a special AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED election on the 3rdday of March, 2015, to be administered by theTulsaCounty Election Board. SECTION 1: The Proposed ballot language for the franchise agreement election shall read as follows: PROPOSITION An ordinance granting to Public Service Company of Oklahoma, an Oklahoma corporation, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive franchise for twenty-five(25) years to use the streets, alleys, avenues, ways, and other public places and grounds in the City of Owasso,TulsaCounty, Oklahoma, for building, equipping, maintaining, extending, owning, and operating a system for the manufacture, transmission, distribution, sale, and control of electricity and communication circuits for itself and others in and to the City and the public generally; providing for assignment; granting right to operate business with reasonable rules; whereby Public Service Company of Oklahoma agrees to maintain electric service pursuant to Oklahoma Corporation Commission regulation and agrees to indemnify the City in certain situations; whereby Public Service Company of Oklahoma is given a continuing right to operate within the City’s limits and is authorized to allow those properly permitted to attach facilities to its poles; whereby Public Service Company of Oklahoma agrees to charge legal rates for such service; if possible to sell and deliver to the City all electricity and services requested by it; providing for payment to the City by Public Service Company of Oklahoma of a monthly fee on gross receipts from delivery and, if applicable, the sale of electricity; calling for an election and providing for acceptance; providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency. Shall the proposed ordinance be approved? ______FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO That the City Councilof the City of Owasso hereby AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that Tulsa County precincts #750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760 and Rogers County precincts #31 and 130 are to be opened; and Tulsa County precinct #21 and RogersCounty precincts #6, 21, 29, and 30 are to remain closed as there are no residents of Owasso in those precincts. Approved this16day of December,2014. th ______________________________________ Jeri Moberly,Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST:__________________________ Sherry Bishop,City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM:______________________________ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Sherry Bishop FROM: Assistant City Manager Resolution 2014-19-City Charter Amendments SUBJECT: December 12, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: Followingthe November and December worksessiondiscussion, staff prepared a resolution calling for an election on March 3, 2015 to submit proposed charter amendments to the registered voters of the City of Owasso. The resolution outlines the language amendments to Sections 2-7, 2-13, 4-3, 4-4, 6-1,6-9, and 8-15 of the City’s Charter, calls an election for the purpose of submitting the amendments to the qualified voters of the City of Owasso, creates ballot language, and designates the polling precincts to be opened or closed as required by state statute. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of Resolution No. 2014-19. ATTACHMENTS: ResolutionNo. 2014-19 Memorandum dated December 5, 2014 Memorandum dated November 7, 2014(City Charterattached) CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION2014-19 A RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED, QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ARTICLE 2, SECTIONS 2-7, 2-13; ARTICLE 4, SECTIONS 4-3, 4-4; ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6-1, 6-9;ARTICLE 8, SECTION 8-15; SETTING BALLOT LANGUAGE; ANDDESIGNATING TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ELECTION BOARD OF TULSA COUNTY THE PRECINCTS TO BE OPENED AND CLOSED. under the provision of Article 9, Section9-1, the Charter of the City of WHEREAS, Owasso, Oklahoma, may be amended by proposals submitted by the Council, and at a general or special election ratified by a majority of the qualified electors voting, and approved by the Governor as provided by the State Constitution; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1: That an election be held March 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Owasso,for their ratification or rejection,amendments to the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and SECTION 2: These proposed Charter amendments shall be placed on the same ballot as the election of Owasso City Council representationfor Wards 1and 2. Should there be no need for a primary election for whatever reason, the date of the election to decide these Charter amendments shall remain on March 3, 2015; and SECTION 3: That the City Council of the City of Owassohereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that Tulsa County precincts #750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760 and RogersCounty precincts #31 and 130 are to be opened; and Tulsa County precinct #21 and Rogers County precincts #6, 21, 29, and 30 are to remain closed as there are no residents of Owasso in those precincts; and SECTION 4: The proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma shall read as follows: ARTICLE 2, THE COUNCIL Section 2-7Council: Meetings The council shall hold at least one regular meeting every month, such time as it mayprescribe by ordinance or otherwise. The mayor or any three councilmencouncilors may call special meetings. All meetings of the council, except executive sessions held to discuss personnel mattersas authorized by law, shall be open to the public, and thejournal of itsproceedings shall be open to public inspection. Section 2-13Ordinances: Passage, When in Effect Every proposed ordinance shall be read, by title only unless a majority vote of the council request reading in its entirety,and a vote of a majority of all the councilmencouncilorsshall be required for its passage. The vote on final passage of every ordinance shall be by yeas and nays, and shall be entered in the journal. The mayor shall have no power of veto. Within ten days after its passage, every ordinance shall be published in full or by number, title, and a brief gist in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. Every ordinance except an emergency ordinance, so published, shall become effective thirty days after its final passage unless it specifies a later time; provided that a franchise for a public utility shall not go into effect until the ordinance granting it has been published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city and has been approved at an election by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question. ARTICLE 4, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; FISCAL AFFAIRS Section 4-3Sale of Property Valued at More Than $250,000.00 The sale of any city property, real or personal, including public utilities, or of any interest therein, the value of which is more than $250,000.00 may be made only (1) by authority of an affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the city who vote on the question of approving or authorizing the sale at an election, or (2) by authority of a special non-emergency ordinance. Such ordinance shall be published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city within ten days after its passage, and shall include a section reading substantially as follows: "Section --. This ordinance shall be referred to a vote of the electors of the city if a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go into effect thirty days after its passage." The sale of an entire public utility may be authorized only as provided in (1) hereinabove. Section 4-4Public Improvements Public improvements may be made by the city government itself or by contract. The council shall award all contracts for such improvements; provided that the council may authorize the City Manager to award such contracts not exceeding an amount to be determined by the council and subject to such regulations as the council may prescribe. A contract for public improvements of more than $2,000.00may be awarded only to the lowest and best responsible bidder after such notice and opportunity for competitive bidding as the council may prescribeand in compliance with the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974.All bids may be rejected, and further notice and opportunity for competitive bidding may be given. ARTICLE 6, ELECTIONS Section 6-1Nomination and Election; Terms; Nonpartisan Elections; Etc d.The councilmencouncilors shall serve for theterms indicated, and until their respective successors are elected and qualify. Councilterms shall begin on the first Mondaymeetingin May in the year in which they are elected. If acouncilman-electcouncilor-elect fails to qualify within one month after the beginning of theterm, thatoffice shall become vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies in the council are filled. Section 6-9Political Activity of Officers and Employees a.No officer or employee of the city except the councilmen and personnel who receive no compensation for their services, may work for or against, or attempt to influence, the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for councilman, or the recall of any councilman; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one's right to express his opinions and to vote. b.Any person who violates this section shall be punished, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars including costs. Such violation shall constitute cause for removal from office or employment; and if the regular removal authority has not already removed an officer or employee who violates this section, he shall be automatically removed by conviction of violating this sectioneffective at the time the conviction becomes final. No City Councilor or officer or employee of the city shall directly or indirectly solicit, coerce or attempt to coerce any employee to participate in or to refrain from participation in the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for City Councilor, or the recall of any City Councilor; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one’s right to express opinions and to vote. ARTICLE 8, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES GENERALLY Section 8-15Feminine Gender When the masculine gender is used in this Charter, it shall also include the feminine unless the masculine alone is clearly indicated.All references to the masculine gender shall be removed from the charter and replaced by a gender-neutral term. SECTION 5: In accordance with Title 11, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 13-106, the proposed Charter amendments and an announcement of the date for the charter election shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Owasso once per week for three (3) consecutive weeks. The date for the charter election shall not be less than twenty (20) days nor more than thirty (30) days after the last publication. SECTION 6: The ballot titles shall read as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Two, Section 2-7) This proposition will amend the Charter to conform with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act as it relates to Executive Sessions. ______ FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO PROPOSITION NO. 2 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Two, Section 2-13) This propositionwill specify that each proposed Ordinance is to be read by title only unless a majority voteof the City Council requests the Ordinance be read aloudin its entirety. ______ FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO PROPOSITION NO. 3 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Four, Section 4-3) This proposition will require passage of a non-emergency clause ordinance or a vote of the people before the City Council or Authority Trustees may sell city property, real or personal, valued atmore than$250,000. ______ FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO PROPOSITION NO. 4 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Four, Section 4-4) This proposition willincorporate the competitive bidding procedures for public improvements as outlined in the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. ______ FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO PROPOSITION NO. 5 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Six, Section 6-1) This propositionwill change the date on whichanewly elected City Councilor begins theterm of office from the first Monday in May to the first meeting in May. ______ FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO PROPOSITION NO. 6 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Six, Section 6-9) This propositionwill prohibit any City Councilor, officer, or employee from directly or indirectly soliciting, coercing, or attempting to coerce any employee to participate in or to refrain from participation in any City Council election or Councilor recall. ______ FOR THE PROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO PROPOSITION NO. 7 (Proposed Charter Amendment –Article Eight, Section 8-15) This proposition will replace allmasculine languageinthe Charter with gender neutral language. ______ FOR THEPROPOSITION –YES ______ AGAINST THE PROPSITION –NO this 16day of December, 2014 by the City Council of the APPROVED AND ADOPTED th City ofOwasso, Oklahoma. _______________________________________ Jeri Moberly, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Approved as to Form: ____________________________________ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Sherry Bishop FROM: Assistant City Manager City Charter Amendments SUBJECT: December 5, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: Following the November worksession discussion, staff has prepared a draft resolution calling for an election to submit proposed charter amendments to the registered voters of the City of Owasso. The proposed resolution outlines the language amendments to Sections 2-7, 2-13, 4-3, 4-4, 6-1, 6-9, and 8-15 of the Cter, calls an election for the purpose of submitting the amendments to the qualified voters of the City of Owasso, creates ballot language, and designates the polling precincts to be opened or closed as required by state statute. Attached for review is the staff memorandum dated November 7, 2014 that explains the suggested charter amendments. As a result of the November worksession discussion, staff has included an additional proposed amendment related to Feminine Gender. If approved by the 6HFWLRQ voters, the proposed amendment would replace all masculine terminology in the Charter with more gender neutral language. COUNCIL ACTION: An item has been placed on the December 9, 2014 worksession agenda for additional Council discussion. In order to place these charter amendments on the ballot for the March 3, 2015 election, a resolution and ballot language would need to be approved by the City Council before December 31, 2014. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Resolution Memorandum dated November 7, 2014 (City Charter attached) Honorable Mayor and City Council TO: City of Owasso Sherry Bishop FROM: Assistant City Manager City Charter Amendments SUBJECT: November 7, 2014 DATE: BACKGROUND: Following a recommendation by a Tulsa County Grand Jury (filed December 13, 2013) regarding l related to political activity of employees, a staff committee was assembled to conduct a comprehensive review of the Charter for proposed amendments. The last Charter review occurred in the mid The Charter provides the framework for conducting city business. Amendments to the Charter are provided for in Section 9-1 and require a vote of the qualified electors at a general or special election and must be approved by the governor as provided for in the state constitution. Should more than one amendment be proposed, they shall be submitted to the voters as separate propositions. The committee (Julie Lombardi, Julie Stevens, Michele Dempster, Linda Jones, and Sherry Bishop) has completed their review and identified sections of the Charter where amendments might be considered. POSSIBLE CHARTER AMENDMENTS: Section 2-7 Council: Meetings The council shall hold at least one regular meeting every month, such time as it may prescribe by ordinance or otherwise. The mayor or any three councilmen may call special meetings. All meetings of the council, except executive sessions held to discuss personnel matters as authorized by law, shall be open to the public, and the journal of its proceedings shall be open to public inspection. The Oklahoma Open Meeting Act (Title 25, O.S. 301-314) permits public bodies to enter &200(17 into executive session for the purpose of discussing specific topics and sets the procedure for public notification of the executive session. Section 2-7, as written, appears to limit executive session to discuss personnel matters only and conflicts with state statutes and case law. Staff recommends deleting the language in direct conflict with the Open Meeting Act. Section 2-13 Ordinances: Passage, When in Effect Every proposed ordinance shall be read, by title only unless a majority vote of the council request reading in its entirety, and a vote of a majority of all the councilmen shall be required for its passage. The vote on final passage of every ordinance shall be by yeas and nays, and shall be entered in the journal. The mayor shall have no power of veto. Within ten days after its passage, every ordinance shall be published in full or by number, title, and a brief gist in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. Every ordinance except an emergency ordinance, so published, shall become effective thirty days after its final passage unless it specifies a later time; provided that a franchise for a public utility shall not go into effect until the ordinance granting it has been published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city and has been approved at an election by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question. The intent of the clause is not clearly communicated and has required &200(17 City Attorney interpretation in the past. This change would clarify that reading the Ordinance title before taking action is sufficient, and that reading the entire ordinance aloud during the meeting is not necessary. Section 4-3 Sale of Property Valued at More Than $250,000 The sale of any city property, real or personal, including public utilities, or of any interest therein, the value of which is more than $25,000.00$250,000 may be made only (1) by authority of an affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the city who vote on the question of approving or authorizing the sale at an election, or (2) by authority of a special non - emergency ordinance. Such ordinance shall be published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city within ten days after its passage, and shall include a section reading substantially as follows: "Section - -. This ordinance shall be referred to a vote of the electors of the city if a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go into effect thirty days after its passage." The sale of an entire public utility may be authorized only as provided in (1) hereinabove This section sets the procedure for the sale of city property valued at or above $25,000. &200(17 Given that the Charter was written over forty years ago and the current cost of holding an election is between $12,000 and $15,000, the monetary amount should be reconsidered. Section 4-4 Public Improvements Public improvements may be made by the city government itself or by contract. The council shall award all contracts for such improvements; provided that the council may authorize the City Manager to award such contracts not exceeding an amount to be determined by the council and subject to such regulations as the council may prescribe. A contract for public improvements of more than $2,000.00 may be awarded only to the lowest and best responsible bidder after such notice and opportunity for competitive bidding as the council may prescribe and in compliance with the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act. All bids may be rejected, and further notice and opportunity for competitive bidding may be given The Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 was enacted subsequent to the &200(17 approval of the City Charter. Amended over time, the Competitive Bidding Act defines a public improvement contract as exceeding $50,000 and sets forth the manner in which public agencies may let and award public improvement or public construction contracts. The $2,000 threshold should be deleted and replaced with language that incorporates the bidding procedures contained in the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act. It is important to note that Section 7- 104 (E) of the Owasso Code of Ordinances defines a competitive bidding procedure for public improvement contracts between $2,000 and $25,000. Section 6-1 Nomination and Election; Terms; Nonpartisan Elections; Etc. d. The councilmen shall serve for the terms indicated, and until their respective successors are elected and qualify. Their terms shall begin on the first Monday meeting in May in the year in which they are elected. If a councilman-elect fails to qualify within one month after the beginning of his term, his office shall become vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies in the council are filled. In this section of the Charter, the term of office for a newly elected council member is &200(17 restricted to begin on a Monday. Section 2-402 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances directs the City Council to hold regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Newly elected council members are sworn into office during the first meeting in May. This language creates a challenge when the first Council meeting occurs before the first Monday in May. The first should be replaced with the first  Section 6-9 Political Activity of Officers and Employees No councilman or officer or employee of the city shall directly or indirectly solicit, coerce or attempt to coerce any employee to participate or to refrain from participation in the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for councilman, or the recall of any councilman; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one's right to express his opinions and to vote. a. No officer or employee of the city except the councilmen and personnel who receive no compensation for their services, may work for or against, or attempt to influence, the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for councilman, or the recall of any councilman; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one's right to express his opinions and to vote. b. Any person who violates this section shall be punished, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars including costs. Such violation shall constitute cause for removal from office or employment; and if the regular removal authority has not already removed an officer or employee who violates this section, he shall be automatically removed by conviction of violating this section effective at the time the conviction becomes final. In their final report, the grand jury recommended removing the provision in the City &200(17 Charter which prohibits city employees from participation in council elections. There is an inherent danger in council candidates seeking election assistance from city employees and the language contained in this section is intended to protect employees from coercion to participate in municipal political activities. Title 11 O.S. 22-101.2 prohibits employer coerciondirectly or indirectly or attempts to coerce any municipal employee to participate or refrain from participation in municipal political activities or public meetings. Similar language is suggested should an amendment be considered. COUNCIL ACTION: An item has been placed on the November 11, 2014 worksession agenda for Council discussion. In order to place a charter amendment on the ballot for the March 3, 2015 election, a resolution and ballot language would need to be approved by the City Council before December 31, 2014. ATTACHMENT: Charter, City of Owasso Charter CHARTER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PREAMBLE ARTICLE 1 INCORPORATION, FORM OF GOVERNMENT, POWERS Section 1-1 Incorporation Section 1-2 Form of Government Section 1-3 Powers of the City Section 1-4 Construction Section 1-5 Intergovernmental Relations ARTICLE 2 THE COUNCIL Section 2-1 Councilmen: Number, Qualifications Section 2-2 Mayor and Vice Mayor Section 2-3 Councilmen: Compensation Section 2-4 Council: Powers Section 2-5 Council: Appointments and Removals Section 2-6 City Clerk to be Clerical Officer of Council Section 2-7 Council: Meetings Section 2-8 Councilmen: Absences to Terminate Membership Section 2-9 Councilmen: Removal Section 2-10 Council: Vacancies Section 2-11 Council: Quorum, Rules, Yeas and Nays Section 2-12 Ordinances: Enacting Clause Section 2-13 Ordinances: Passage, When in Effect Section 2-14 Ordinances: Emergency Section 2-15 Ordinances: Adoption by Reference Section 2-16 Ordinances: Codification Section 2-17 Initiative and Referendum ARTICLE 3 CITY MANAGER AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS Section 3-1 City Manager: Appointment, Term, Qualifications, Removal Section 3-2 Temporary Absence or Disability of City Manager Section 3-3 City Manager: Powers and Duties Section 3-4 Administrative Departments, Offices, and Agencies C-1 Charter ARTICLE 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; FISCAL AFFAIRS Section 4-1 Department of Finance; City Treasurer Section 4-2 Purchases and Sales Section 4-3 Sale of Property Valued at More Than $25,000.00 Section 4-4 Public Improvements Section 4-5 Fiscal Year ARTICLE 5 MUNICIPAL COURT Section 5-1 Municipal Court ARTICLE 6 ELECTIONS Section 6-1 Nomination and Election: Terms; Nonpartisan Elections; Etc Section 6-2 Wards: Number: Equal, Etc Section 6-3 Primary Election Filing Section 6-4 Primary Election: Time, Etc Section 6-5 Primary Election: Who Nominated or Elected Section 6-6 General Election: Time, Who Elected Section 6-7 Registered Qualified Electors Section 6-8 Elections: When Not Held Section 6-9 Political Activity of Officers and Employees Section 6-10 State Constitution and Law to Govern ARTICLE 7 RECALL Section 7-1 Recall Authorized Section 7-2 Recall Petition Section 7-3 Recall Election: Council to Order Section 7-4 Same: How Held Section 7-5 Person Recalled or Resigning C-2 Charter ARTICLE 8 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES GENERALLY Section 8-1 Merit System Created: Appointments, Removals, Etc; Personnel Rules Section 8-2 Personnel Board Created Section 8-3 Classified and Unclassified Services Section 8-4 Removal, Etc: Hearing Before the Personnel Board Section 8-5 Qualifications of Officers and Employees Section 8-6 Nepotism Section 8-7 Holding More Than One Office Section 8-8 Bonds of Officers and Employees Section 8-9 Oath or Affirmation of Office Section 8-10 Who May Administer Oaths and Affirmations Section 8-11 Removal, Etc, of Officers and Employees Section 8-12 Acting Officers and Employees Section 8-13 Officers to Continue Until Successors are Elected or Appointed and Qualify Section 8-14 Conflict of Interests Section 8-15 Feminine Gender ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENT AND SEPARABILITY OF CHARTER Section 9-1 Amendment: Proposal, Ratification, Approval Section 9-2 Separability ARTICLE 10 SUCCESSION IN GOVERNMENT Section 10-1 When Charter Goes Into Effect Section 10-2 Officers and Employees to Continue Section 10-3 Ordinances Continued Section 10-4 Pending Actions and Proceedings Section 10-5 Powers and Duties of the City Manager C-3 Charter C-4 Charter CHARTER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA PREAMBLE We, the people of the City of Owasso, exercising the powers of home rule granted to us by the Constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma, in order to provide for more efficient, adequate, and economical government, do hereby ordain, ratify, and establish this Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ARTICLE 1 INCORPORATION; FORM OF GOVERNMENT; POWERS Section 1-1 Incorporation When this Charter goes into effect, the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall become a city, and within the corporate limits as now established or as hereafter may be established, shall be a municipal body politic and corporate in perpetuity under the name of "City of Owasso". The city shall be the legal successor of the town; and as such, it shall succeed to and possess all the property and rights belonging to the town, and shall be liable for all debts and other obligations for which the town is legally bound at the time of the succession in government. Section 1-2 Form of Government The municipal government provided by this Charter shall be known as a "council-manager government". All powers of the city shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by this Charter, or, if the manner is not thus prescribed, then in such manner as the council may prescribe by ordinance. Section 1-3 Powers of the City a. The city shall have all powers possible for a city operating under a home-rule charter to have under the constitution and laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in this Charter. b. Provisions of state law relating to matters which may be regulated by cities operating under- rule charters, shall be in effect in this city only insofar as they are applicable and are not superseded by this Charter or by ordinance. Section 1-4 Construction The powers of the city under this Charter shall be construed liberally in favor of the city, and the specific mention of particular powers in the Charter shall not be construed as limiting in any way the general power stated in this article. Section 1-5 Intergovernmental Relations The city may exercise any of its powers to perform any of its functions and may participate in the financing thereof, jointly or in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with any one or more states or civil divisions or agencies thereof, or the United States or any agency thereof. C-5 Charter ARTICLE 2 THE COUNCIL Section 2-1 Councilmen: Number, Qualifications a. There shall be a council of five members, which shall consist of one councilman from each of the five wards of the city as the wards are now constituted or as they may hereafter be constituted by ordinances. b. Only qualified electors of the city who reside in the respective wards from which they are elected or appointed to fill a vacancy, shall be qualified for the offices of councilmen. Upon election, or appointment, as the case may be, such councilman shall continue to reside within the ward from which elected or appointed during the entire term of said councilman's office, or upon removal of residence therefrom, forfeit such office. No councilman may hold any office in the city government by appointment by the City Manager or by any subordinate of the City Manager. If the mayor or any other councilman is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, his office shall become vacant immediately when the case is finally determined. Section 2-2 Mayor and Vice Mayor a. At the first meeting after the time prescribed for the beginning of the terms of newly elected councilmen, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the council shall elect from its membership a mayor and a vice mayor, who shall serve until the time prescribed for the beginning of the terms of the next newly elected councilmen. b. The mayor shall preside at meetings of the council. He shall be recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the governor for purposes of military law. He shall have no administrative duties except that he shall sign such written obligations of the city as the council may require. As a councilman, he shall have all powers, rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of a councilman, including the right to vote on questions. c. The vice mayor shall act as mayor during the absence, disability, or suspension of the mayor, or, if a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, until another mayor is elected by the council from its membership for completion of the unexpired term and qualifies. If the office of vice mayor becomes vacant, the council shall elect from its membership another vice mayor for completion of the unexpired term. Section 2-3 Councilmen: Compensation Neither the mayor nor any other councilman may receive any compensation as mayor or councilman nor for any other service rendered the city, but may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties. Section 2-4 Council: Powers Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, all powers of the city, including the determination of all matters of policy, shall be vested in the council. Without limitation of the foregoing, the council shall have power, subject to the state constitution, law, and this Charter: C-6 Charter a. To appoint and remove the City Manager; b. By ordinance to enact municipal legislation; c. To adopt the budget, raise revenue, and make appropriations; and to regulate bond elections, the issuance of bonds, sinking funds, the refunding of indebtedness, salaries, wages, and other compensation of officers and employees, and all other fiscal affairs of the city; d. To inquire in the conduct of any office, department, or agency of the city government, and investigate municipal affairs; and for this purpose, to subpoena witnesses, take testimony, and require the production of evidence; e. To appoint or elect and remove the members of the personnel board, the members of the planning commission, the members of the board of adjustment, and other quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial, or advisory personnel and authorities, now or when and if established, or to prescribe the method of appointing or electing and removing them. f. To regulate elections, the initiative and referendum, and recall. g. To create, change, and abolish all offices, departments, and agencies of the city government other than the offices, departments, and agencies created by this Charter; and to assign additional powers, duties and functions consistent with this Charter to offices, departments, and agencies created by this Charter. Section 2-5 Council: Appointments and Removals Neither the council, the mayor, nor any of its other members may direct or request the appointment of any person to, or his removal from, office or employment by the City Manager or by any other authority; or, except as provided in this Charter, participate in any manner in the appointment or removal of officers and employees of the city. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the City Manager; and neither the council nor any member thereof may give orders on administrative matters to any subordinate of the City Manager either publicly or privately. Section 2-6 City Clerk to be Clerical Officer of Council The City Clerk shall be elected by the council for an indefinite term; provided, that the council by ordinance may provide that the city treasurer shall be ex-officio city clerk. He shall serve as clerical officer of the council. He shall keep the journal of its proceedings, and shall enroll in a book or books kept for the purpose all ordinances and resolutions passed by it; shall be custodian of such documents, records, and archives as may be provided by applicable law or ordinance; shall be custodian of the seal of the city, and shall attest, and affix the seal to, documents when required in accordance with applicable law or ordinance; and shall have such other powers and duties consistent with this Charter as may be prescribed by ordinance or applicable law. Section 2-7 Council: Meetings The council shall hold at least one regular meeting every month, such time as it may prescribe by ordinance or otherwise. The mayor or any three councilmen may call special meetings. All meetings of the council, except executive sessions held to discuss personnel matters as authorized by law, shall be open to the public, and the journal of its proceedings shall be open to public inspection. C-7 Charter Section 2-8 Councilmen: Absences to Terminate Membership If the mayor or any other councilman is absent from more than one-half of all the regular and special meetings of the council held within any period of four consecutive calendar months, such person shall thereupon cease to hold office. Section 2-9 Councilmen: Removal The mayor or any other councilman may be removed from office for any cause specified by applicable state law for the removal of officers, and by the method or methods prescribed thereby, and by recall as provided in this Charter. Section 2-10 Council: Vacancies The council, by majority vote of its remaining members, shall fill vacancies in its own membership for the unexpired terms or until successors are elected as provided in this section. If a vacancy occurs before the beginning of a regular filing period for candidates for councilmen, and the unexpired term extends beyond the time when the terms of councilmen elected that year begin, then a councilman for that place shall be elected at the elections of that year to serve the rest of the unexpired term beginning at the time the terms of councilmen elected that year begin. Section 2-11 Council: Quorum, Rules, Yeas and Nays A majority of all of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day or from time to time. The council may determine its own rules. On the demand of any member, the vote on any question shall be by yeas and nays, and shall be entered in the journal. Section 2-12 Ordinances: Enacting Clause The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the council shall be, "Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma", and of all ordinances proposed by the voters under the power of initiative, "Be it ordained by the People of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma". Section 2-13 Ordinances: Passage, When in Effect Every proposed ordinance shall be read, and a vote of a majority of all the councilmen shall be required for its passage. The vote on final passage of every ordinance shall be by yeas and nays, and shall be entered in the journal. The mayor shall have no power of veto. Within ten days after its passage, every ordinance shall be published in full or by number, title, and a brief gist in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. Every ordinance except an emergency ordinance, so published, shall become effective thirty days after its final passage unless it specifies a later time; provided that a franchise for a public utility shall not go into effect until the ordinance granting it has been published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city and has been approved at an election by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question. Section 2-14 Ordinances: Emergency An emergency ordinance is an ordinance which in the judgment of the council is necessary for the immediate preservation of peace, health, or safety, and which should become effective prior to the time when an ordinary ordinance would become effective. Every such ordinance shall contain, as a part of its C-8 Charter title, the words, "and declaring an emergency", and in a separate section, herein called the emergency section, shall declare the emergency. An affirmative vote of at least four councilmen shall be required for the passage of an emergency ordinance. An emergency ordinance shall take effect upon passage unless it specifies a later time. Section 2-15 Ordinances: Adoption by Reference The council by ordinance may adopt by reference codes, standards, and regulations relating to building, plumbing, electrical installations, milk and milk products, and other matters which it has power to regulate otherwise. Such code, standard, or regulation so adopted need not be enrolled in the book of ordinances; but a copy shall be filed and kept in the office of the City Clerk. Section 2-16 Ordinances: Codification The permanent, general ordinances of the city shall be codified and published in book or pamphlet form at least every ten years unless the council, by use of a loose-leaf system, provides for keeping the code up to date. The ordinances and parts of ordinances included in the code may be revised, rearranged, and reorganized; and the code may contain new matter, provisions of the state constitution and law applicable to the city, and this Charter. A copy of the published code shall be filed in the office of the city clerk after the council adopts the code by ordinance, but the code need not be enrolled in the book of ordinances. Section 2-17 Initiative and Referendum The powers of the initiative and referendum are reserved to the people of the city. In the exercise of these powers, the requirements of the state constitution and law shall be observed. ARTICLE 3 CITY MANAGER AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS Section 3-1 City Manager: Appointment, Term, Qualification; Removal a. There shall be a city manager. The council shall appoint him for an indefinite term by a vote of a majority of all its members. It shall choose him solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualification. At the time of his appointment, he need not be a resident of the city or state; but, during his tenure of office, he shall reside within the limits of said city or the designated fenceline thereof. Neither the mayor nor any other councilman may be appointed city manager or acting city manager during his term nor within two years after the expiration of his term. b. The council may suspend or remove the city manager at any time by a vote of a majority of all its members; provided, that the council shall give him a written statement of the reason for the proposed removal at least twenty days before removal, and on request shall give him an opportunity for a public hearing thereon at or after the expiration of such time before removing him. Section 3-2 Temporary Absence or Disability of City Manager By letter filed with the City Clerk, the City manager may designate, subject to Council approval, a qualified city administrative officer to be acting city manager during his temporary absences or disabilities. The council may revoke such designation at any time and appoint another person acting city manager to serve during such times; and if the city manager fails to make such designation, the council C-9 Charter may appoint an acting city manager to serve during such time. The council may remove an acting city manager at any time. Section 3-3 City Manager: Powers and Duties The City Manager shall be chief administrative officer and head of the administrative branch of the city government. He shall execute the laws and ordinances and administer the government of the city, and shall be responsible therefore to the council. He shall: a. Appoint and, when deemed necessary for the good of the service, lay off, suspend, demote, or remove all directors, or heads, of administrative departments and all other administrative officers and employees of the city except as he may authorize the head of a department, an officer, or an agency to appoint, lay off, suspend, demote, and remove subordinates in such department, office or agency. b. Supervise and control, directly or indirectly, all administrative departments, agencies, officers, and employees. c. Prepare a budget annually and submit it to the council, be responsible for the administration of the budget after it goes into effect and recommend to the council any changes in the budget which he deems desirable. d. Submit to the council a report as of the end of the fiscal year on the finances and administrative activities of the city for the preceding year. e. Keep the council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the city, and make such recommendations to the council on matters of policy and other matters as may seem to him desirable. f. Have such other powers, duties, and functions as this Charter may prescribe, and such powers, duties, and functions consistent with this Charter as the council may prescribe. Section 3-4 Administrative Departments, Offices, and Agencies There shall be a department of finance headed by a city treasurer, a city attorney, and such other administrative departments, offices, and agencies as the council may establish. C-10 Charter ARTICLE 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; FISCAL AFFAIRS Section 4-1 Department of Finance; City Treasurer There shall be a department of finance, the head of which shall be the city treasurer. The City Manager shall appoint the city treasurer for an indefinite term. Subject to and in accordance with this Charter, applicable law, and such ordinances and other policies as the council may adopt, the city treasurer or personnel under his supervision and control shall collect or receive revenue and other money for the city; shall be responsible for its custody, safekeeping, deposit, and disbursement; shall maintain a general accounting system for the city government; and shall have such other powers and duties consistent with this Charter as may be prescribed by ordinance or applicable law. Section 4-2 Purchases and Sales a. The City Manager, subject to any regulations which the council may adopt, shall contract for and purchase, or issue purchase authorizations for, all supplies, materials, and equipment for the offices, departments, and agencies of the city government. Every such contract or purchase exceeding an amount to be established by ordinance, shall require the prior approval of the council. The City Manager also may transfer to or between offices, departments, and agencies, or sell, surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, and equipment, subject to such regulations as the council may adopt. b. Before the purchase of, or contract for, any supplies, materials, or equipment, or the sale of any surplus or obsolete supplies, materials, or equipment, ample opportunity for competitive bidding, under such regulations and with such exceptions as the council may prescribe, shall be given; but the council shall not except an individual contract, purchase, or sale from the requirement of competitive bidding. c. The council by ordinance may transfer some or all of the power granted to the City Manager by this section to an administrative officer subordinate to the City Manager. Section 4-3 Sale of Property Valued at More Than $25,000.00 The sale of any city property, real or personal, including public utilities, or of any interest therein, the value of which is more than $25,000.00 may be made only (1) by authority of an affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the city who vote on the question of approving or authorizing the sale at an election, or (2) by authority of a special non-emergency ordinance. Such ordinance shall be published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city within ten days after its passage, and shall include a section reading substantially as follows: "Section --. This ordinance shall be referred to a vote of the electors of the city if a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go into effect thirty days after its passage." The sale of an entire public utility may be authorized only as provided in (1) hereinabove. Section 4-4 Public Improvements Public improvements may be made by the city government itself or by contract. The council shall award all contracts for such improvements; provided that the council may authorize the City Manager to award such contracts not exceeding an amount to be determined by the council and subject to such regulations as the council may prescribe. A contract for public improvements of more than $2,000.00 may be awarded only to the lowest and best responsible bidder after such notice and opportunity for C-11 Charter competitive bidding as the council may prescribe. All bids may be rejected, and further notice and opportunity for competitive bidding may be given. Section 4-5 Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the city government shall begin on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June of every calendar year. Section 4-6 Independent Annual Audit The council shall designate a certified public accountant or accountants who shall make an independent audit of the accounts and evidences of financial transactions of the department of finance and of all other departments, offices and agencies keeping separate or subordinate accounts or making financial transactions, as of the end of every fiscal year at least, and who shall report to the council and to the City Manager. C-12 Charter ARTICLE 5 MUNICIPAL COURT Section 5-1 Municipal Court Cases arising out of violations of the charter and ordinances of the city shall be tried by the existing municipal court created by state law or a lawful successor of such court created by state law; provided, that the council by ordinance shall have power to create a municipal court to hear and determine such cases if and when it deems it necessary or desirable to do so. ARTICLE 6 ELECTIONS Section 6-1 Nomination and Election; Terms; Nonpartisan Elections; Etc a. At the elections in 1973 and in every third year thereafter, the councilman from Ward One and the Councilman from Ward Two shall be elected for terms of three years. b. At the elections in 1973, the councilman from Ward Three and the Councilman from Ward Four shall be elected for terms of two years. At the elections in 1975 and in every third year thereafter, the councilman from Ward Three and the Councilman from Ward Four shall be elected for terms of three years. c. At the elections in 1973, the councilman from Ward Five shall be elected for a term of one year. At the elections in 1974 and in every third year thereafter, the councilman from Ward Five shall be elected for a term of three years. d. The councilmen shall serve for the terms indicated, and until their respective successors are elected and qualify. Their terms shall begin on the first Monday in May in the year in which they are elected. If a councilman-elect fails to qualify within one month after the beginning of his term, his office shall become vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies in the council are filled. e. All candidates for councilmen shall be nominated, and all councilmen shall be elected, at large, by the qualified electors of the entire city, although they must reside in the respective wards from which they are candidates. f. Both the primary and the general election shall be nonpartisan, and no party designation or emblem shall be placed on the ballots. g. Nothing in this Charter shall prohibit the use of voting machines. Section 6-2 Wards: Number; Equal, Etc a. There shall be five wards, which shall be numbered from one to five. b. The wards shall be formed of compact, contiguous territory, and shall be substantially equal in population. C-13 Charter c. At intervals of not more than five years, the council shall review the wards and their boundaries and, if necessary, shall revise them to achieve and maintain such substantial equality in population among the wards. Section 6-3 Primary Election: Filing Any person qualified for the office for which he is filing may have his name placed on the ballot for the primary election as a candidate for councilman from his ward by filing, on the first Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of February, unless any such day or days be a legal holiday or a day wherein the office of the secretary of the county election board is lawfully closed, whereupon such time shall be extended commensurate with the legal holiday or lawful closing, with the secretary of the county election board, a sworn statement of his candidacy. Section 6-4 Primary Election: Time, Etc A primary election shall be held on the first Tuesday in March of every year to nominate candidates for councilmen to succeed those whose terms are expiring in the respective year. If only one person is a candidate for an office to be filled, he shall be not only nominated, but also elected ipso facto; and his name shall not appear on the primary or general election ballot. Every qualified elector of the city shall be entitled to vote for one candidate for each office to be filled. Section 6-5 Primary Election: Who Nominated or Elected In a primary election, the two candidates for each office to be filled receiving the greatest number of votes for that office, shall be nominated. If one of the candidates for an office receives a majority of all votes cast for all candidates for that office, he alone shall be not only nominated, but also elected ipso facto; and his name shall not appear on the ballot for the general election. In case of failure to nominate because of a tie, the nominee or nominees (as the case may be) shall be determined from among those tying, fairly by lot, by the county election board in a public meeting. If one of the two candidates for an office nominated in a primary election dies or withdraws before the general election, the remaining candidate shall be elected ipso facto; and his name need not appear on the ballot for the general election. Section 6-6 General Election: Time, Who Elected A general election shall be held in the city on the first Tuesday in April every year to elect the councilmen to succeed those whose terms are expiring in the respective year. Every qualified elector of the city may vote for one of the two candidates for an office to be filled, but may not vote for any other person. The candidate for each office receiving the greater number of votes, shall be elected. In case of failure to elect because of a tie, the election shall be determined from among those tying, fairly by lot, by the county election board in a public meeting. Section 6-7 Registered Qualified Electors The term qualified elector as used in this Charter means a person who has the qualifications prescribed for electors by the state constitution and law, and who is registered as may be required by law. Section 6-8 Elections: When Not Held If there are no candidates and no questions to be voted upon at a primary or general election, the election shall not be held. C-14 Charter Section 6-9 Political Activity of Officers and Employees a. No officer or employee of the city except the councilmen and personnel who receive no compensation for their services, may work for or against, or attempt to influence, the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for councilman, or the recall of any councilman; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one's right to express his opinions and to vote. b. Any person who violates this section shall be punished, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars including costs. Such violation shall constitute cause for removal from office or employment; and if the regular removal authority has not already removed an officer or employee who violates this section, he shall be automatically removed by conviction of violating this section effective at the time the conviction becomes final. Section 6-10 State Constitution and Law to Govern The provisions of the state constitution and law applicable to city elections, shall govern such elections in this city insofar as they are applicable and are not superseded by this Charter or by ordinance. ARTICLE 7 RECALL In addition to the circumstances hereinbefore mentioned terminating the term of office of a councilman, any cause specified by applicable state law for the removal of officers, and by the method or methods prescribed thereby. Section 7-1 Recall Authorized Any councilman may be recalled from office by the electors qualified to vote for the election of a successor to the incumbent, in the manner provided in this article. Section 7-2 Recall Petition a. To initiate recall proceedings, a written statement proposing the recall of a councilman shall be signed by twenty or more registered qualified electors of the city, and shall be filed with the city clerk after the incumbent has held the office at least four months. The statement shall also contain the reason or reasons for which the recall is sought, in not more than two hundred words. Within five days, the city clerk shall mail a copy of such statement by registered, certified, or similar special mail to the officer at his residential address. Within ten days after the statement is mailed to the officer, the officer may make and file with the city clerk a written statement in duplicate justifying his conduct in office, in not more than two hundred words; and the city clerk on request shall deliver one copy to one of the persons filing the statement proposing the recall. b. The petition for recall shall include a demand that a successor to the incumbent sought to be recalled be elected, and shall also include before the space where the signatures are to be written the statement giving the reason or reasons for recall under the heading "STATEMENT FOR RECALL", and if the officer has filed a statement as authorized, the statement justifying his conduct in office under the heading "STATEMENT AGAINST RECALL". The two statements shall be in letters of the same size. A copy of the petition shall be filed with the city clerk within one month after recall proceedings are initiated by the filing of the first statement, and before the petition is circulated. C-15 Charter c. A number of registered qualified electors of the city equal at least to twenty percent (20%) of the total number of votes cast for governor in the city at the last general state election at which a governor was elected, must sign the petition. Each signer shall write after his name his address within the city, giving street or avenue and number, if any. Not more than one hundred signatures may appear on a single copy of the petition. Petitions may be circulated only be registered qualified electors of the city; and the person who circulates each copy of the petition shall sign an affidavit on the copy stating that each signer signed the petition in his presence, that each signature on the petition is genuine, and that he believes each signer to be a registered qualified elector of the city. d. The circulated petition shall be filed with the city clerk not later than one month after the filing of a copy as provided above. Within one month after date of filing of the circulated petition, the city clerk shall examine it and ascertain whether it has been prepared and circulated as required, and whether the required number of registered qualified electors of the city have signed it. He shall then attach his certificate to the petition. If his certificate states that the petition has not been prepared and circulated as required and/or lacks a sufficient number of signatures, the petition shall have no effect. But, if the city clerk's certificate states that the petition has been prepared and circulated as required and has a sufficient number of signatures, he shall submit the petition and certificate to the council at its next meeting. Section 7-3 Recall Election: Council to Order a. The council, by resolution or ordinance passed within one month after receiving the petition and certificate of the city clerk, shall order and fix the date for a recall election, which shall be held not less than forty days, nor more than fifty days, after passage of the resolution or ordinance. The city clerk shall cause the resolution or ordinance ordering the election to be published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city within ten days after its passage; and such publication shall be sufficient notice of the election. b. The qualified electors of the city may vote in a recall election on the election of successors to more than one officer on the same day. Section 7-4 Same: How Held a. The recall election shall be an election to fill the office held by the incumbent sought to be recalled. There shall be no primary. Any qualified person, including the incumbent, may file as a candidate for the office. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes in the recall election shall be elected. If a candidate other than the incumbent is elected, the incumbent shall be recalled from office effective as of the time when the result of the election is certified. The successful candidate must qualify within one month thereafter; and if he fails to do so, the office shall be vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies in the council are filled. A candidate thus elected and qualifying shall serve for the unexpired term. If the incumbent is a candidate and receives the greatest number of votes, he shall continue in office without interruption, and recall proceedings may not again be initiated against him within one year after the election. b. The provisions of this Charter relating to city elections shall also govern recall elections insofar as they are applicable and are not superseded by the provisions of this article. C-16 Charter Section 7-5 Person Recalled or Resigning A person who has been recalled from an office, or who has resigned from such office while recall proceedings were pending against him, may not hold any office or position of employment in this city government within three years after his recall or resignation. ARTICLE 8 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES GENERALLY Section 8-1 Merit System Created: Appointments, Removals, Etc; Personnel Rules A merit system is hereby established for personnel in the city service. Appointments and promotions in the service of the city shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness; and removals, demotions, suspensions, and layoffs shall be made solely for the good of the service. The council, consistently with this Charter, by ordinance or personnel rules, may regulate personnel matters and provide for proper personnel administration. Section 8-2 Personnel Board Created a. There shall be a personnel board consisting of three members appointed by the council for overlapping three-year terms. The term of one member shall begin July 1 in every year. The council shall appoint the original members so that the term of one will expire at that time in each of the first three succeeding years. A member may not hold any other office or position of employment in the city government. The council, by a vote of a majority of all its members, after adequate opportunity for a public hearing, may remove a member for the good of the service; and the vote shall be by yeas and nays and shall be entered in the journal. The council shall fill vacancies for the unexpired terms. Members shall serve without compensation unless the council provides otherwise. b. At the time prescribed for the beginning of the term of a newly appointed member or as soon thereafter as practicable, the board shall elect a chairman, a vice chairman, and a secretary; and the secretary need not be a member of the board. The board shall determine the time and place of its regular meetings, and the chairman or two members may call special meetings. c. The personnel board shall have power to subpoena officers and employees of the city and other persons to testify and to produce documents and other effects as evidence. Section 8-3 Classified and Unclassified Services a. All officers and employees of the city shall be divided into the classified and the unclassified service. b. The following shall constitute the unclassified service: (1) The mayor and other councilmen, the municipal judge or judges, and the city clerk. (2) The city manager, one assistant city manager, if any, the principal secretary to the city manager, if any, and the city attorney. (3) Members and secretary of each board, commission, or other plural authority. C-17 Charter (4) All personnel who serve without compensation. (5) All temporary and all part-time officers and employees, except those whom the council may place in the classified service or by ordinance or personnel rules. (6) Not to exceed ten additional officers and/or employees whom the council may place in the unclassified service by ordinance or personnel rules after the city reaches a population of 25,000. c. All other officers and employees shall be in the classified service. d. Nothing herein shall prohibit including unclassified personnel in the classification plan for pay purposes. Section 8-4 Removal, Etc; Hearing Before the Personnel Board a. The city manager or any other authority who lays off, suspends without pay for more than ten (10) days, demotes, or removes any officer or employee in the classified service after a probationary period of six months, shall, at that time or within two days thereafter, deliver, or have delivered, or mail by registered, certified, or similar special mail, to the officer or employee a written statement of the reason or reasons for the layoff, suspension, demotion, or removal. b. Such officer or employee may appeal in writing to the personnel board. The appeal must be filed with the secretary of the board, or with the city clerk for transmittal to the board, within ten days after receipt of notice of the layoff, suspension, demotion, or removal. c. As soon as practicable thereafter, the board shall hold a public hearing on the appeal, or give an adequate opportunity therefor, and shall report in writing its findings and recommendations, in cases or subordinates of the city manager, to the city manager, and in other cases to the respective authorities having power of removal. The city manager or other authority having power of removal shall then make a final decision in writing regarding the appellant's layoff, suspension, demotion, or removal, as the case may be; provided that, if the board finds that the layoff, suspension, demotion, or removal was made for a political reason or reasons or for any other reason or reasons than the good of the service, it shall veto the layoff, suspension, demotion, or removal, and the action by the city manager or other authority shall be nullified thereby. Section 8-5 Qualifications of Officers and Employees Officers and employees of the city shall have the qualifications prescribed by this Charter and such additional qualification as the council may prescribe; but the council shall not prescribe additional qualifications for councilmen. Section 8-6 Nepotism Neither the city manager, the council, nor any other authority of the city government, may appoint or elect any person related to any councilman, to the city manager, or to himself, or, in the case of a plural authority, to one of its members, by affinity or consanguinity within the third degree, to any office or position of profit in the city government; but this shall not prohibit an officer or employee already in the service of the city from continuing and being promoted therein. C-18 Charter Section 8-7 Holding More Than One Office Except as may be otherwise provided by this Charter or by ordinance, the same person may hold more than one office in the city government. The city manager may hold more than one such office, through appointment by himself, by the council, or by other city authority having power to fill the particular office, subject to any regulations which the council may make by ordinance; but he may not receive compensation for service in such other offices. Also the council by ordinance may provide that the city manager shall hold ex officio designated offices subordinate to the city manager as well as other designated compatible city officer, not withstanding any other provision of this Charter. Section 8-8 Bonds of Officers and Employees The city manager, the city treasurer, and such other officers and employees as the council may designate, before entering upon their duties shall provide bonds for the faithful performance of their respective duties, payable to the city, in such form and in such amounts as the council may prescribe, with a surety company authorized to operate within the state. The city shall pay the premiums on such bonds. Section 8-9 Oath or Affirmation of Office Every officer of the city, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe to the oath or affirmation of office prescribed by the state constitution. The oath or affirmation shall be filed in the city clerk's office. Section 8-10 Who May Administer Oaths and Affirmations All officers authorized by federal or state law, the mayor, the city manager, the city clerk, the municipal judge or judges, and such other officers as the council may authorize, may administer oaths and affirmations in any matter pertaining to the affairs and government of the city. Section 8-11 Removal, Etc of Officers and Employees The power to lay off, suspend, demote, and remove accompanies the power to appoint or elect; and the city manager, the council, or other appointing or electing authority at any time may lay off, suspend, demote, or remove any officer or employee to whom he, the council, or the other appointing or electing authority respectively may appoint or elect a successor. Section 8-12 Acting Officers and Employees The appointing or electing authority who may appoint or elect the successor of an officer or employee, may appoint or elect a person to act during the temporary absence, disability, or suspension of such officer or employee, or, in case of a vacancy, until a successor is appointed or elected and qualified, unless the council provides by general ordinance that a particular superior or subordinate of such officer or employee shall act. The council by general ordinance may provide for a deputy to act in such case. Section 8-13 Officers to Continue Until Successors are Elected or Appointed and Qualify Every officer who is elected or appointed for a term ending at a definite time, shall continue to serve thereafter until his successor is elected or appointed and qualifies unless his services are sooner terminated by resignation, removal, disqualification, death, abolition of the office, or other legal manner. C-19 Charter Section 8-14 Conflict of Interests a. Neither the mayor, any other councilman, nor the city manager shall sell or barter anything to the city or to a contractor to be supplied to the city; or make any contract with the city; or purchase anything from the city other than those things which the city offers generally to the public. Any such officer violating this section, upon conviction thereof, shall thereby forfeit his office. Any violation of this section, with the knowledge, express or implied, of the person or corporation contracting with the city, shall render the contract voidable by the city manager or the council. This subsection shall not apply in cases in which the city acquires property by condemnation. b. The council by ordinance or personnel rules may further regulate conflict of interests and ethics of officers and employees of the city. Section 8-15 Feminine Gender When the masculine gender is used in this Charter, it shall also include the feminine unless the masculine alone is clearly indicated. ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENT AND SEPARABILITY OF CHARTER Section 9-1 Amendment: Proposal, Ratification, Approval This Charter may be amended by proposals therefor submitted by the council, or by the mayor upon initiative petition of the electors as provided by the state constitution, at a general or special election, ratified by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon, and approved by the governor as provided by the state constitution. If more than one amendment is proposed, all of them except those which are so interrelated that they should be ratified or rejected together, shall be submitted in such manner that the electors may vote on them separately. A proposition to amend this Charter may be either in the form of a proposed amendment to a part or parts of the charter or of a proposed new charter. Section 9-2 Separability a. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any section or part of this Charter invalid, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Charter nor the context in which such section or part so held invalid may appear, except to the extent than an entire section or part may be inseparably connected in meaning and effect with that section or part. b. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds a part of this Charter invalid, or if a change in the state constitution or law renders a part of this Charter invalid or inapplicable, the council by ordinance may take such appropriate action as will enable the city government to function properly. C-20 Charter ARTICLE 10 SUCCESSION IN GOVERNMENT Section 10-1 When Charter Goes Into Effect This Charter shall go into effect immediately upon its ratification by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the town voting upon the question at an election and its approval by the Governor as provided by the State Constitution, and the government created by this Charter shall supersede the heretofore existing town government as of that time. Section 10-2 Officers and Employees to Continue When this Charter goes into effect, the trustees under the town government shall become councilmen from their respective wards, and shall continue in office until their terms expire. The chairman of the board of trustees, the town treasurer, the town clerk, and the town marshal shall become respectively mayor, city treasurer, city clerk, and chief of police under this Charter. All other officers and employees under the town government (including members of all boards and commissions) shall continue in their respective offices and positions of employment under this Charter. Section 10-3 Ordinances Continued All ordinances, insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Charter, shall continue in effect until they are repealed or until they expire by their own limitations. Section 10-4 Pending Actions and Proceedings The adoption of this Charter shall not abate or otherwise affect any action or proceeding, civil or criminal, pending when it takes effect, brought by or against the municipality or any office, department, agency or officer thereof. Section 10-5 Powers and Duties of the City Manager Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter, during the interim between the going into effect of this Charter and the appointment of the first city manager, the city council shall have the duties and may exercise the powers of the city manager. C-21