HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984.11.06_City Council Minutes147 On Tuesday, November 6, 1984, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on November 2, 1984. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m, with rlayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd M. Spencer, Mayor Wauhilleau Webb, Vice-Mayor Robert Peel, Councilman James Smalley, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Ron Cates, City Attorney Dan Galloway, City Manager Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 2, 1984 COUNCIL MEETING. B. APPROVAL OF $50,000 SURETY BOND FOR CITY MANAGER C. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FROM ROBERT E. FINNELL AND MELBA FINNELL. City Clerk asked that Item B be removed from the agenda for correction. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve items A and C of the Consent Agenda, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None notion carried. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to approve'a $2,000 surety bond-for the City Manager. AYE; Messrs.. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Nlrs. ~Tebb NAY: None Motion carried. 1 ~~ OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO NOV. 6, 1984 5. BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF MAYORAL PROCLAMATION REGARDING OKLAHOMA HERITAGE WEEK. Mayor Spencer read the proclamation aloud. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Wauhlleau Webb, to approve the proclamation making the week of November 11 through November 17, Oklahoma Heritage Week. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. B. OPENING OF BID5 ON PORTABLE CARDIAC MONITOR AND CONNSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID MEETING SPECIFICATIONS. No bids were received. C. OPENING OF BIDS ON VEHICLE FOR STREET AND ALLEY DEPT. AND CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID MEETING SPECIFICATIONS. Mayor Spencer opened and read aloud each bid. Swinson Chevrolet, Tulsa, Oklahoma: 1985 Chev CS10803 - $7,029.79 Howard Chevrolet, Owasso, Ok: 1985 Chevrolet CS10803 - $7,455.00 1984 Chevrolet C10903 - $8,182.00 Doenges Brothers Ford, Tulsa, Ok: 1985 Ford F150 - $7,406.29 Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to authorize the City Manager to review all bids and accept the low bid meeting specifications. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs, tiJebb NAY: None Motion carried. D. CONSIDERATION OF "N01'ICE TO PUBLIC OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFEC ON -~~2 . Mr. Galloway reviewed each item with the Council. notion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the above listed doctunents for the DECA Contract ~~CDBG 3076N-322. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 149 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE NOV. 6, 1984 E. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACT BETWEEN AL,C. YOUNG AND ASSOCIATES OF TULSA, INC. AT1D CITY OF OWASSO FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR DECA PROJECT. Ms. Janet Atkinson, of Al C. Young and Associates discussed the item with the Council. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve and authorize Mayor Spencer to execute the contract between Al C. Young and Associates of Tulsa, Inc, and the City of Owasso for engineering services for the DECA Project ~~CDBG 3076N-322. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. F. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF DAN GALLOWAY AS EQUAL OPPOR- TUNITY OFFICER TO COORDINANTE CITY OF OWASSO S AFFIRMATIVE ACTIOTd PROGRAM WITH REGARD TO DECA PROJECT, CONTRACT i~CDBG 3076N-322. Mr. Galloway discussed with the Council the various ways in which the goals of the Affirmative Action program would need to be met. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to appoint Dan Galloway as equal opportunity officer to coordinate City of Owasso's affirmative action program with regard to DECA project, Contract ~~CDBG 3076T1-322. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler, Peel; Mrs. Webb" NAY: None Motion carried. G. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A DATE AND PLACE FOR THE 1985 TRAIL DAYS CELEBRATION. Rev. Dale Blackwood spoke for several Chamber of Commerce members in attendance and discussed the item with the Council. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von Stockler, to grant the use of Rayola Park and the Recreation Center on April 11, 12, and 13 for Trail Days and to put the question of waiver of fees and licenses on the next agenda. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 150 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR NOV. 6, 1984 G.(1) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF PROPOSED CABLE RATE SCHEDULE INCREASE FILED ON JULY 18, 1984 BY TCI GROWTH OF OKLAHOP~IA, CABLE PROVIDER. Mr. Bob Collett, Mr. Dave Simpson and Mr. Jim Dotson of TCI, and Mr. Steve Jay of Lohrey and Jay, Certified Public Accountants, spoke with the Council . Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by James Smalley, to approve the proposed cable rate schedule, AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. H. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE BD•PUBLI`CATiON FOR REMOVAL OF THREE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES AT RAYOLA PARK AND IN- Mr. Galloway and Delbert Leach, Park Superintendent, discussed this item with the Council, Tor. Galloway stated that more research needs to be done on the types of replacement bridges available. Mayor ~, Spencer asked that this item be placed on the November 20 agenda. I. CONSIDERATION OF RE UEST FOR COMPETITIVE BID PUBLICATION FOR COTJSTRUCTIOII OF TWO TENNIS COURTS AT ELM CREEK PARI` Ai'~TD RE FURBISHING TENI~IIS COURT SURFACE SOUTH OF RAYOLA PARK SWIMMING POOL. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von `Stockler, to authorize competitive bid publication for construction of two tennis courts at Elm Creek Park and refurbishing of the tennis court sur- face south of Rayola Park swimming pool. AYE: Messrs. :Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY : TJone T•Zotion carried. J. CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION OF•PAT LARKITd FROM THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Spencer stated that Mr. Larkin had moved from Owasso and had not attended a Planning Commission meeting for some time, but a letter of resignation has not been received. Motion was made by Jaynes Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to remove Mr. Pat Larkin from the Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY : Tdone Motion carried. 151 O~v'ASSO CITX COUNCIL PAGE FIVE NOV. 6, 1984 K. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO OWASSO PLATdNING COMMISSION TO FILL VACANCY LEFT BY MARILYN HINKLE. Mayor Spencer stated that he would like to appoint Mr. Elwood Henry to replace Marilyn Hinkle on the Owasso Planning Commission. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to confirm the appointment of Mr. Elwood Henry to replace rlarilyn Hinkle on the Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. Mrs. Webb stated that Mrs. Hinkle had performed an incredible service for the City and th.e many hours of work she put in is greatly appre- ciated. L. COTdSIDEP.ATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON ADDITIONS A1~D CHANGES ON 197 BOARDMAN PUMPER. Fire Chief Bob Allen discussed with the Council the types of additions and changes needed on the 1974 Boardman pumper. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Robert Peel, to autho- rize the advertising for bids on additions and changes on the 1974 Boardman pumper. AYE: PZessrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. M. CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED OF DEDICATION DF WATER LINE Mr. Harold Charney appeared on behalf of JBR Company and asked that the Council considez, after thirty day public notice, an ordinance closing an easement for utility line and/or water mains across a part of Lot 2, Block 2, Owasso Business Park. This matter was passed to the December 18 Council meeting. i~I. DISCUSSION OF DATE OF JANUARY, 1985 COUNCIL MEETING. The City Clerk stated that the first Tuesday in January is New Year's Day. Council discussed having one regularly scheduled meeting in January instead of two.and to hold that meeting on January 15, 1985. 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None. T52 OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX NOVEMBER 6, 1984 7. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER None. 8. NEW BUSINESS There being no new business before the Owasso City Council, meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. yy /( Boy M. Sp ncer, Mayor Ann Hen rickson, City Clerk