HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985.02.19_City Council MinutesOt~ Tuesday, February 19, 1985, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the iJotice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on February 15, 1985. Addendum to Agenda was posted on City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 p.m, on Feb. 18, 1985. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. with Mayor Spencer presidin,s,. I'.~ ENI 2 : F~v AG SALUTE Flag salute Thus led by ?~?ayor Spencer ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESEi?T: Boyd :~i. Spencer, I~iay=or Wauzi lleau Webb , Vice-Mayor .dames Smalley, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: Robert Peel, Councilman ITEM 4: COJSIDERATI01 OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 5, 1935 COU~1CIL MEETING. Motion was rLa.de by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to approve the minutes of February 5, 1985, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb i1AY : None Motion carried. ITEM 5 : BUS Ii~E S S A._ CONSIDERATICi.1 OF REQUEST FRONT PANIAX DEVELGPMENT, INC. (BURGER NTr.. H, i~iax Felton of Pamax Development, Inc. discussed with the Council the need for the variances requested. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to allow a variance from Sec. V, P~.r. C.3, Ord, ;309 to allow a ground sign up to 60 feet height and a variance from Sec. VI, Par. D; 1021.5 l.a, Ord. ~~309 to allow a sign size of 16' x 16' to be~izsed as re- quested by Pamax Development, Inc. OWASSO CITY COUTQCIL TWO FEB. 19, 1985 AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. B. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTIOI~1 OF RESOLUTION ~~85-08 RECOGNIZING TRAIL DAYS CELEBRATION AS A SALUTORY PROJECT INSTITUTED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE HERITAGE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AS WELL AS GOOD WILL AND COMMUTIITY SPIRIT AMOTIG THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, RESOLVING THAT THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK. SHALL PARTI- CIPATE JOINTLY WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE LICETISE FEE WAIVERS, PROVIDING FOR A UTILIZATION OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY Ai1D PUBLIC SAFETY PERSOIQNEL DURIIQG THE EVENT, AND PROVIDING FOR MONETARY EXPENDITURES IT THE JUIN'1, PARTICIPATIOIJ. Mr. Frank Enzbrenner was present representing the Owasso Chamber of Commerce. The City Manager recommended that the Council approve the expenditure of a sum of money not to exceed $500 for the City's participation in Trail Days. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to adopt Resolution ~~85-08 and in Section 5 of said resolution to authorize the City Manager to expend sums of money not to exceed $500. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. C. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY/CONDITIONAL FIIJAL PLAT ON A 3.8 ACRE REPEAT OF ATOR HEIGHTS IV ADDITION LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 2 n ST. & GARNETT ATOR COMMERCIAL CENTER. The City Planner reviewed changes in the plat and stated that the Planning Commission recommended approval. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to approve the preliminary/conditional final plat of Ator Commercial Center. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb TJAY : None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL THREE FEB. 19, 1985 D. CON5IDERATIOIQ OF REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PLATTING REQUIREMEI~TT ON A 2.35 ACRE TRACT LOCATED SOUTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 96th ST. TQ. ANi~ 29th E. AVE. LATTER DAY SAINTS CHURCH. The City Planner stated that this tract had been reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee, the Board of Adjustment and the Plann~_ng Conuri ssion and that since it Taas a one lot, one block situation and all matters included in a platting review were being required, the Owasso Planning Commission recommends waiving plat requirement. Iiotion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the request for waiver of platting requirement for Latter Day Saints Church subject to completing of all requirements by Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb TQAY : None Motion carried. E. REQUEST TO APPROVE RESOLUTION ~~85-09 ADOPTING THE OWASSO COM- PREHEIISIVE PLAN MAP 1985_-2000, AN UPDATE TO THE OWASSO COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN 197 -2000. The City Planner displayed a map showing all changes to the 1978 comprehensive plan map and reviewed each change. The Mayor asked for comments from Mr. Frank Enzbrenner and Mr. Ray Wood, who had been involved in the updating process. The City Planner stated tYiat the 1985-2000 map would be the same size as the previous or_e and would have explanatory information on the back. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve Res. ~k85-09 adopting the Owasso Comprehensive Plan-Map 1985-2000. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. F. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF ONE YEAR EMPLOYMENT EXTENSION FOR CHARLES CRAMER. The City r'Ianager recommended a one year employment. extension for I~1r. Cramer, who has passed the normal retirement age. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to approve a one year employment extension for Charles Cramer. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; I~rs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL FOUR FEB. 19, 1985 G. CONSIDERATIOi~I OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OKLAHOMA, INC. - UiQITED CABLE TELEVISIo 85-10, A RESOLUTION Mr. Bob Collett, representing TCI Growth of Oklahoma, Inc, and T~ir. Mark Savage, representing United Cable Television Corp. spoke to the Council. Mr. Savage stated that United Cable would decrease the monthly rate, increase service, handle all service calls within 24 hours and all outages and line problems would be dealt with on a seven-day, twenty-four hour basis. The City Attorney stated that it would be necessary for the assignment from TCI to United Cable to be filed with the City Clerk, as well as a written acceptance by the assignee (United) to the obligations owed under the franchise by TCI. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to adopt Resolution ~~85-10 contingent upon receipt of all appropriate documents. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. H. CONSIDERATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW TRAFFIC CONTROLS ON HIGHWAY 9 FROM t S NORTH TO t ST. NORTH. The following people spoke to the Council concerning this item: Lonnie Webster, Shelly Akins, Scott Butler, Ray Wood, Sgt. Clifford Motto and Officer Roger Allen. Several suggestions for improving safety and trafi~ic flowweze made. Mayor Spencer asked that the City Manager- contact the State Highway Department to get recommendations from them before a decision is made. I. CONSIDERATION_OF APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF A MANUAL 0~ ~'ERSONNEL This item was passed to the March 5 agenda to allow Counclmembe~s time for further review. J. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF REViSED ORGA,NI,zATIONAL STRUCTURE 0 CITY` DE' ARTME TS . The City Manager asked that Council consider approving two parts of the revised organizational structure immediately: the combining of the Streets and Park Departments to more efficiently use per- sonnel and equipment as mowing season approaches; and the position of City Planner/Assistant City Manager so that the hiring proce- dure can begin as soon as possible. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE FEB. 19, 1985 Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to approve two parts of the revised organizational structure, the combining of the street and parks departments and the position of City Planner/Assistant City Manager. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. This item was passed to the March 5 agenda for further review and consideration. K. CONSIDERATION1 OF AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO UTILIZE PT2npn~Fn PAY PT.AN TN 1 RS-1 h RtIDGET PREPARATION. The City Manager discussed with. the Council the need for condi- tional approval of the proposed pay plan so that he could begin work on the 1985-1986 budget. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to give conditional approval to the proposed pay plan. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. This item was passed to the March 5 agenda for further review and consideration. L. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL TO PURCHASE PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE OLD U. S. POST OFFICE. The City Manager stated that he had done some negotiating, but an agreement had not been reached. He asked that the item be placed on the next agenda. PtI. REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: LITIGATION - SCOTT VS. CITY OF OWA5S0. Item passed temporarily. 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None at this time. 7. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER The City Manager stated that after much investigation, it appears that the best and most economical useage of the post office build- ing is as City Hall with an addition across the back for court room. He asked for input from Council members on the floor plan OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SIX FEB. 19, 1985 now being prepared. 8. APPROVAL OF CLA3MS Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the General Fund claims in the total amount of $132,041.03; the Street and Alley Fund in the total amount of $5,217.75 and the Revenue Sharing Fund in the total amount of $9,820.54. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; P~Irs. Webb i1AY : done Motion carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS ~1one . Motion was: made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von Stockler, to recess the Owasso City Council meeting and to reconvene after the Owasso Public Works Authority meeting. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Pers.. Webb IQay : done Motion carried. iKeeting zecessed at 8:44 p.m, and reconvened at 9:13 p.m. i~I. REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSiOiV: LITIGATION - SCOTT VS CITY OF OWASSO. iKotion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to recess into Executive Session.. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb IQAY : idone Motion carried. Meeting recessed at 9:14 p.m, and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Ito action was taken on Item M. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to adjourn the meeting of the Owasso City Council. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY : IJone Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Boy M. Spe cer, Mayor ~~ Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk