HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985.05.07_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, May 7, 1985, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the i~Totice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on May 3, 1985. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 6: ROLL CALL PRESE1T: Boyd M. Spencer, T~Zayor `Jon Stockler, Councilman James Smalley, Councilman Robert Peel, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSEiQT: Wauhilleau Webb, Vice-Mayor ITEM 9: COi~1SIDERATIOi~T OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 16, 1985 CITY COUi1CIL MEETIi1G. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the minutes of April 16, 1985, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel 1AY : i~lone Motion carried. ITEI~i 10: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 23, 1985 SPECIAL COUiQCIL MEETIiQG. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the minutes of April 23, 1985 by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel NAY : i~Tone Motion carried. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION OF APPOIi1TMENT OF FAME SMITH AS DEPUTY CITY CLERK TO SERVE IiQ THE ABSENCE OF THE CITY CLERK. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Robert Peel, to appoint Faye Smith as Deputy City Clerk to serve in the absence of the OWASSO CITY COUiVCIL PAGE TWO MAY 7, 1985 the City Clerk indefinitely. AYE: Messers. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel NAY : IJone Motion carried. 4. SEATII~TG AND SWEARING IN OF KENiQETH M. WOOD AS NEWLY ELECTED CITY COUNCIL MEMBER FROM WARD 1. Mr, mood was given the Oath of Office by the City Attorney and seated as the Councilman for Ward 1. 5. SEATING AND S~~TEARIIIG IN OF VON E: STOCKLER AS REELECTED CITY COUi1CIL MEMBER FROM WARD 2. i"Ir. Stockler was given the Oath of Office by the City Attorney and seated as the Councilman for Ward 2. 7. ELECTIOi1 OF MAYOR Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to nominate Boyd M. Spencer for Mayor. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Smalley, Wood, Peel, Spencer NAY : done Motion carried. 8. ELECTIOiQ OF VICE-MAYOR Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to nominate James Smalley for Vice-Mayor. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Peel Wood, Smalley i1AY : done P~Iotion carried. 11. CONSIDERATIOi~T OF REAPPOINTMENT OF I~IUi1iCIPAL COURT JUDGE FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM Ic1 CCORDANCE WITH SECTIOi1 n- OF T" 0 ASSO CITY CODE. Item passed to Nlay 21, 1985 agenda. 12. COi1SIDERATIOi~i OF APPOINTMENT OF MARK. THURSTON AS ACTING JUDGE FOR THE MAY COURT DOCKET. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to appoint Mark Thurston as acting judge for the May. 20, 1985 court docket. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE MAY 7, 1985 AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY: None Potion carried. ~3. CONSIDERATION OF COUiQCIL RATIFICATIOI~T OF MAYORAL APPOIIITT~IENT TO THE OWASSO PLANNING COMT~IISSIOIQ. Mayor Spencer stated that he wished to appoint Jane Buchanan to the Owasso Planning Commission. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded Robert Peel, to ratify the appointment of Jane Buchanan to the Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood 1AY : None Motion carried. 14. COi1SIDERATIOIQ OF COUNCIL RATIFICATION OF MAYORAL APPOINTMEIIT TO THE CITY OF OWASSO PERSON EL BOARD. Mayor Spencer stated that he wished to appoint T~Ir. Charles Wiley to the City of Owasso Personnel Board. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Robert~Peel, to ratify the appointment of Cizarles Wiley to the City of Owasso Personnel Board. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood QAY : None Motion carried. 15. CONSIDERATION OF RATIFICATION OF MAYORAL PROCLANIATIOII PROCLAIMIiyG MAY 1 85 AS PATRICK LEE SHANNOIQ DAY. Mayor Spencer read aloud the proclamation making May 12, 1985 Patrick Lee Shannon Day to honor Mr. Shannon and all American servicemen missing in action. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler to ratify tn.e Mayoral Proclamation proclaiming May 12, 1985 as Patrick Lee Shannon. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUiQCIL PAGE FOUR MAY 7, 1985 16. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF BIDS SUBMITTED Oi~t DECA CDBG HOUSII~TG REHABILITATION. The City Manager reviewed the bids received and opened publicly at 2:00 p.m, on May 2, 1985. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, to accept the bid submitted by Ernie Carter in tine amount of $8,450 for rehabilitation of the residence at 12 S. Atlanta and to reject the bid submitted by W. H. Frame in the amount of $13,500 for 12 S. Atlanta and the bid submitted by W. H. Frame in the amount of $14,500 for rehabilitation at 409 S. Birch. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood, Peel NAY: None Motion carried. 17. CONSIDERATION OF BALLOT TO BE CAST ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF OWASSO FOR ELECTION OF TWO MEMBERS FROM FIELD OF CANDIDATES TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE - MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP. notion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockler, for the ballot to be cast on behalf of the City of Owasso for election of Mr. Eddie Berrong Jr., Mayor, Weatherford to the Board of Trustees of the OML Municipal Assurance Group. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY : intone Motion carried. 18. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATfiOi~T TO EXPEND $1,960 TO CLEAN AND REFINISH RECREATION CE R GYM FLOOR. No action taken. 19. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION OF CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE PROOF OF CLAIM IN THE BANI~.RUPTCY COURT FOR THE i10RTHERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA CASE TAYLOR, RTTA GAIL. Passed to May 21, 1985 Owasso Public Works Authority meeting. 20. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by James Smalley, to authorize the expenditure of $1,945 on the refurbishing of the 1974 Boardman Pumper. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE.~'iVE MAY 7, 1985 AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Peel, Wood iQAY: None Motion carried. 21. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR REMODELING OF THE OLD POST OFFICE FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockier, to authorize the advertising for bids to remodel the old post office building for the police department. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY : iQone Motion carried. 22. CONSIDERATION1 OF AUTHOP.IZATIOII TO PURCHASE FIVE USED PORTABLE RADIOS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR ,7 0 ERICK BAKER. Motion was made by Von Stockier, seconded by Robert Peel, to authorize the purchase of five used portable radios for the police department in the amount of $1,760. AYE: i~iessrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Peel, Wood I:1AY : iQone P4otion carried. 23. COIJSIDERATTON OF AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF LOHREY AND JAY, PUBLIC ACCOUIQTANTS, FOR THE EQD- OF-YEAR AUDIT REPORT. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by Von Stockier, to engage the services of Lohrey and Jay, Public Accountants, for the end- of-year audit report. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Peel, Wood IJAY : idone Motion carried. 24. CONSIDERATTOIQ OF APPROVAL OF JUDGEMENT IN TEXACO V. CITY OF OtiTAS50, ET AL., CASE N0. CJ, 1, TULSA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, Ai~TD AUTHORIZATIO:~T OF MAYOR AND CITY ATTOR1EY TO EXECUTE SAME . Motion was made by Von Stockier, seconded by Kenneth Wood to approve the judgement in Texaco v. City of Owasso, et al., Case ~~CJ-85-01671, Tulsa County District Court, and authorize the Mayor and City Attor- ney to execute same. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Peel, Wood OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX NIAY 7, 1985 iJAY : IQone Motion carried. 25. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ~k85-10 AMEiJDED CONSENT TO ASSIGNT~IENT AND ASSUMPTION, UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF OKLAHOi~'IA, INC . Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Robert Peel, to adopt Resolution ~~85-10 Amended. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood iJAY : iQone Motion carried. 26. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO OWASSO CITY EMPLOYEES PAY PLAN. Passed to May 21, 1985 Council meeting. 27. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF 1985-1986 CONTRACT FOR FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE. Passed to May 21, 1985 Council meeting. 28. CONSIDERATION) OE APPROVAL Ok' CLAIi~S ON PURCHASE ORDERS X10794 Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to approve claims on purchase orders y~10794, 1Q796. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel NAX: NIr. Wood (Abstain) Motion carried. 28. (a) CONSIDERATION OF' THE CONTxNGENT ACCEPTANCE OF WATER. SE Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Robert Peel, to accept dedication of the water, sewer and drainage facilities in the El Rio Vista IV Subdivision contingent upon the elevation of four sanitary sewer manhole covers on the north. side o~ t11e property. AYE: P~iessrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood IJAY : None Potion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PACE SEVEi~1 MAY 7, 1985 29. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORTIEY The City Attorney stated that on May 16, 1985 the Oklahoma Supreme Court denied Scotts appeal for rehearing. He requested that the Council go into Executive Session on Item 32. 30. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER The City Manager reviewed the bui]ding permit report in the packet. He also reviewed the computer printout showing a status report on the current budget by department, together with. information from April 1984 for comparison. 31. NEW BUSINESS Tyr. Stockler stated that he felt the new police department building should have a sign large enough to make it easily identified.. Mayor Spencer asked for comments from the City Manager and City Attorney on the meeting attended regarding the Fair Labor Standards Act. The City Manager stated that there would be some significant changes affecting cities resulting from the Supreme Court ruling that city, county and state governments were no longer exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act, including the elimination of compensatory time off in lieu of over time for city employees. The City Attorney stated that the seminar covered the main areas in which the cities must comply and the penalties of violations of the Act. 32. REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: LTT~TION - SCOTT VS. CITY OF OWASSO AND HYIQUM VS. CITY OF OWASSO. Motion was made by Robert Peel, seconded by James Smalley, to recess the Owasso City Council and reconvene after the Owasso Public Works Authority meeting. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY : T1one Motion carried. Meeting recessed at 8:32 p.m. At 9:46 p.m, motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to reconvene the May 7, 1985 Owasso City Council meeting. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood. i~TAY : None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE EIGHT :SAY 7, 1985 Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to recess into Executive Session. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY: None Motion carried Meeting recessed at 9:50 p.m, and reconvened at 10:17 p.m. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to reject tLze offer by Ben Hyntmi to not appeal the order of Judge Shaffer in exchange for waiving costs and possible assessment of attorney fees. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. Motion was made by Von Stocklex, seconded by Robert Peel, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Peel, Wood i~TAY : None Motion carried. ijt/ Bo P•1. Sp icer, ~-layor Fay mi Deputy City C ex