HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985.06.04_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, June 4, 1985, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at City Ha11 per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on-May 31, 1985. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was. called to order at 7:Q3 p.m. with i~Iayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESEi~TT : Boyd M. Spencer, Mayor James. Smalley, Vice-Mayor Von Stockler, Councilman Kenneth. TnTood, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk. ABSENT: Robert Peel, Councilman ITEM 4: CONBIDERATi0i1 OF APPROVAL OF MIiVUTES OF MAY 21, 1985 COUi1CIL MEETIi~1G. Motion was made by James- Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the minutes of May 21, 1985, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, InTood i1lAY : done Motion carried. ITEl7 5: COi1SIDERATI0i1 OF APPROVAL OR REJECTiOiQ OF BIDS RECEIVED Oil HOUSIiQG REHABiL"TATTON PROJECTS . Mr. Galloway reviewed the bids which were publicly opened and read on I~1ay 30, 1985. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to reject all bids submitted on 409 S. Birch., to accept the low bid of $7,777 submitted by Don Snodgrass on 416 S. Birch and to accept the low bid of $7,444 submitted by Don Snodgrass on 109 W. 2nd St. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, T~Jood NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 6. COIQSIDERATIOi1 OF APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF BIDS RECEIVED OiQ COURT ROOM REMODELING. Mr. Galloway reviewed the bids which were publicly opened and read on June 3, 1985. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the bid submitted by Design III in the amount of $8,567 for the remodeling of the court room. AYE: Messrs.. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 7: COi1SIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF ORDfiI~TAi~TCE ;339 CLOSING TO THE PUBLIC USE ANY PUBLIC WAY OR EASEMEi1T LOCATED Oiv THE iQORTH 0 FEET OF LOT BLOCK. OWASSO BUSIiQESS PARK, AN ADDITIOi~T TO THE CITY OF OWASSO, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, Ai1D RETAIiQING UNTO SAID CITY OF 04JASS0, OKLAHOMA, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO REOPEN SAME WITHOUT EXPENSE TO THE MUNICIPALITY. Mr. Cates reviewed the ordinance with the Council. Motion was made by James: Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to adopt Ordinance ~~339. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 8. COTISIDERATIOi1 OF APPROVAL OF A LEASE AGREEMETJT WITH. UNITED CABLE TELEVISION OF OKLAHOMA, INC. FOR USE OF LAiVD AT THE NEW WATER TANK SITE FOR THE PURPOSE OF IiySTALLING A COMNIUi1I- (' A T T (1?S C T ~1T.T'C D Mr. Galloway discussed with the Council the type and location of the tower and its benefit to the community. He stated that installation would be contingent upon any requirements of the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission being met. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to authorize the City Manager to prepare a lease agreement with United Cable Television of Oklahoma, Inc. for use of land at the new water tank site for the purpose of installing a communications tower. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL THREE JUNE 4, 1985 ITEM 9: REPORT FROM STEVE JAY OF LOHREY AND JAY REGARDIi~TG STATUS OF AUDIT PROCESS. Mr. Jay reported that they were three weeks into the audit process and had found no significant problems to date. He discussed the status of document flow through the computer system, the status of the post- ing of the General Ledger and the status of the Fixed Asset Management System which. is in the process: of being instigated. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORiZATION OF CITY MAiQAGER TO ENTER TT1T0 AGREEMENT WITH TAKECARE OF OKLAHOMA TO PROVIDE INSURANCE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. Mr. Galloway reviewed the benefit package offered by Takecare and explained that this is an alternative to the Blue Cross-Blue Shield plan now in effect and that Takecare is a subsidiary of Blue Cross- Blue Shield. He said many employees had expressed a desire for this type of insurance. PZotion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with. Takecare of Oklahoma to provide alternative insurance for city employees. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY : i~Tone T'fotion carried. ITEM I1: REPORT FROr~f CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Cates stated that an appeal had been filed in the caste of Hynum vs. City of Owasso and that he would keep Council informed of further proceedings. ITEM 12: REPORT FROT1 CITY MANAGER Discussion o~ Proposed 1985-19$6 City Budget. Mr. Galloway discussed the first draft of the 1985-1986 budget and the current status of the 1984-1985 budget. ITEM 13: 1EW BUSINESS Mr. Smalley commented on recurring maintenance problems with the cable television company and asked Mr. Cates & Mr. Galloway to review the franchise agreement and report a,t the next meeting. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Mayor Spencer to recess until after tonight's Owasso public TnTorks Authority meeting. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. N~eetng recessed a,t 8;18 p.m, and reconvened at 8:32 p.m. ITEM 14: REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: PERSONNEL MATTER - IN RE: DELBERT LEACH APPEAL TO OWASSO PERSONNEL BOARD. Y` ITEM 15: REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: PERSOi1i1EL MATTER - CITY MAi1AGER S OFFICE . ITEM 16: REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL MATTER - INTERVIEW, APPOINTMENT AND CONFIRMATION OF MUNICIPAL JUDGE AND ALTERNATE MUNICIPAL JUDGE. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to consolidate Items 14, 15, and 16 and to recess into Executive Session. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. Meeting recessed at 8:35 p.m, and reconvened at 11:22 p.m. ITEM 14: No action was taken. ITEM 15: IQo action was. taken. ITEM 16: The Council interviewed the following people in `' Executive Session: Judge Jerry L. Pickerill Don J. Guy Garry D. McCurdy Robert McAtee Mayor Spencer announce to the office of Judge Motion was made by Von ratify the appointment AYE: Messrs. Spencer, ~1AY : None Motion carried. 3 that he wished to appoint Mr. Don J. Guy of the Owasso Municipal Court. Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to of Mr. Don J. Guy as Owasso Municipal Judge. Stockler, Smalley, Wood Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, and Wood commended Judge Pckerll far his years of service in Owasso, and stated that he had done an excellent job and the court system had been well served by him. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None r_ Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:27 p.m. ~l~v~~ /rv Boy M. Spe er, Mayor