HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985.06.18_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, June 18, 1985, the Owasso City Council met in a regular session in the Council Chambers at the Owasso Community Center Dining Room per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on June 14, 1985 and the Notice of Change of Meeting Place posted on City Hall bulletin board on June 17, 1985. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m, with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESE1T: Boyd M. Spencer, Mayor James Smalley, Vice-Mayor Kenneth Wood, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Dan Galloway, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Iiendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: Robert Peel, Councilman ITEM 4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 4, 1985, COUi1CIL MEETIiyG. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the minutes of June 4, 1985, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler, Wood iJAY : iVone Motion carried. ITEi~1 5: CONSDIERATIOi1 OF APPROVAL OE'MINUTES OF JUNE 11, 1985 SPECIAL COUiQCIL T ETIi~TG. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the minutes of June Il, 1985, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: I~Zessrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler, Wood NAY: done Motion carried. ITEiK 6: CONSIDERATIOi~1 OF ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ~~341 AMENDING SECTIOLd 6-1 4 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, PROVIDIi1G FOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF COURT CLERK AS AN ALTERNATIVE, REPEALER. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to adopt Ordinance ~k341. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: done Motion carried. ITEM 7: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF 1985-1986 BUDGET Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to adopt the 1985-1986 budget as presented. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood 1AY : None Motion carried. ITEM 8: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF 1985-1986 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to adopt the 1985-1986 General Revenue Sharing Budget as presented. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 9: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR REMODELING OF POST OFFICE BUTLDING INTO OWASSO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mr, Galloway reviewed the bids which were publicly opened and read on June 13, 1985. Motion was made by Kenneth Wood, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to accept th.e low bid presented by Design III in the amount of $52,000. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood iQAY : iQone Motion carried. ITEM 10: CONSIDERATIONd OF REQUEST OF MTC INVESTMENTS FOR WAIVER OF TRACT-LOCATEDvAT~ THE--ORTHWEST~ CORNERvOF~ ~nJ ST.W&•HZGH- i.JO V A Council discussed the item with. Mr. Rick Mahar, Mr. Perry Cleveland, OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 18, 1985 and Mr. Steven Hennessy. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Kenneth TrTood, to deny the request for sub-division platting requirement waiver from MTC Investments. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood Nay: None Motion carried ITEM 11: COi1SIDERATIOI~I OF APPROVAL OF 1985-1986 IN~1'ERNATIOiVAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS (IAFF) CONTRACT. Item was continued to July 2, 198'5. ITEM 12. CONSIDERATIONv OF ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER EASEMEi~TT FROM JERRY P. EQTERLINE ON PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 2 TOWI1- SHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE EAST OF THE I.B. & M, TULSA COUIQTY, nu-r.QUnMn Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to accept the Enterline sewer easement within Section 20, T21 N, R14 E, IB&M, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood i1AY : done Motion carried. ITEM 13: CONSIDERATIONQ OF SPEED LIMIT NEEDS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS/ STOCKLER. After discussion, IKayor`Spencer asked that a study be done to deter- mine speed limit needs in residential areas and that this item be on the August 20, 1985, Council agenda. ITEM 14: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATIO~Q OF SALES TAX ORDINANCE FOR AI~INUAL RENEWAL. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the Agreement for administration of Sales Tax Ordinance for annual renewal. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 15: REPORT FROM 'C'I'TY ~TTORIQEY Mr. Cates presented to the Council a res>olution urging meuzbers o~ Congress to adopt a provision exempting state and local governments from the operation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. He stated that the City rianager was determining the cost of compliance with this Act and that if Council wished to urge exemption of cities, it `' should be done as soon as possible. ITEM 16: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER - NATURAL GAS PROPOSAL Mr. Galloway reviewed a proposal to convert city vehicles to the use of natural gas and stated that the representative from Dual Fuels would like to give Council a presentation if so desired. Mr. Galloway stated that the remodeling of the Council Chambers. should be complete in two weeks. He also announced that the Fraternal Order of Police contract has been signed and documented. ITEM 17: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to approve General Fund claims in the total amount of $163,709.37. AYI;: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 18: NEW BUSTiJESS Tom Kimball congratulated Mr. Galloway and his group of students who achieved second place in the World Olympics of the Ind competition. ITEM 19: REQUEST FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION: PERSONNEL MATTER - CITY CLERK S OFFICE. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to recess the Owasso City Council and to reconvene after the Owasso Public Works Authority meeting. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY : iJone Motion carried. Meeting recessed at 8:13 p.m, and reconvened at 8:42 p.m~. Motion was made by James Sii~alley, seconded by Von Stockler, to recess into Executive Session jointly with. the Owass® ~uTalrc Works: Authort~r~ for an Executive Session to discuss ~tetn 19 on the Owasso City Council agenda and Ltem 13 on the Qwassc~ Public Irlorks agenda . AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Wood r1AY : gone Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 18, 1985 Meeting recessed at 8:42 p.m, and reconvened at 10:28 p.m. Mayor Spencer announced that by direction of the Council, the City Manager would evaluate the City Clerk/Court Clerk positions and report back to the Council at the August 20 Council meeting. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to adjourn. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley, Wood NAY: None Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Boy Spe cer, Mayor Ann Hen rickson, City Clerk