HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.10.05_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, October 5, 1982, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 p.m. on October 1, 1982 and by reference is made a part hereof. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer ITEM 3: ROLL C;_'~I~L PRESEivT: Boyd M. Spencer, Mayor Wauhilleau Webb, Vice-Mayor Von Stockler, Councilman James Smalley, Councilman Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman Dale Block, City Manager Ron Cates City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: APPROVE MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF OWASSO CITY COUNCIL SEPT. 21, 1982. Mrs. Webb stated that on Item 4, the "Ayes" should have been "Abstain" by Mrs. Webb and Mr. Smalley. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the corrected minutes of September 21, 1982, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Gross Motion carried. ITEM 5: BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR USE OF RAYOLA PARK BY INDIAN TERRITORY TREASURE HUNTER'S CLUB. Request was not considered as no representative of the club was present. B. COiQSIDERATION OF BURROUGHS CORP. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Mr. Block presented data showing how the maintenance costs are arrived at in the Burroughs Corp. maintenance agreement. He said OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO OCTOBER 5, 1982 that Tie could see no way to avoid paying this costly a~reetnent at this time, since without a maintenance agreement, the City would be vulnerable to expenses much greater than the cost of the agree- ment. He stated that the programming agreement would probably be eliminated the first part of the year as City employees would be doing the programming. Mrs. Gross asked that a notation be made that next year the City would ask for competitive bidding on the agreement. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockier, to execute the Burrough Corp. Maintenance Agreement. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Gross NAY: None Motion carried. C. CONSIDERATION OF HANDICAPPED PARKING ORDINANCE Mr. Cates stated that the new ordinance is consistant with the form as well as the substance of the state law related to handicapped parking. With regard to a question from Mrs. Webb about the parking bumper sticker versus the visor card, Mr. Wayne Vincent from the audience, stated that parking stickers are issued only to a handi- capped driver and are used as a parking permit. Mrs. Webb also stated that several people had asked her if the ordinance would be enforced. Mr. Block assured her that it would. Mrs. Webb asked if there is a requirement in the City Code as to a certain amount of space being available at a given business for handicapped parking. Mr. Vincent said that the BOCA Code states the amount of handicapped parking required. Mr. Block said that the time to determine the handicapped parking to be available is when plats are submitted. Mr. Vincent requested that an emergency clause be considered. Mr. Cates stated that an emergency clause was not listed on the agenda and that the City would need to comply with the state statutes for the publication and insertion of the ordinance into our permanent code. He also stated that the public must be informed as this will be a new city law. Mayor Spencer stated that merchants had expressed concern about the upright stands at the parking spaces being hit by cars and perhaps the insignia on the ground would be sufficient. Mr. Vincent stated that there is a stipulation requiring the symbol on the pavement and an upright sign. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb that the ordinance for parking for the handicapped as presented by the City Attorney be accepted. AYES: Messrs. Smalley, Stockier, Spencer; Mesdames. Gross & Webb NAYS: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE OCTOBER 5, 1982 D. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - CHAPTER 7, ARTICLE 2, SECTION 7-27 RELATING TO DEPOSITORY FOR MUNICIPAL FUNDS. Mr. Block explained that after receiving a ruling from the City Attorney pertaining to the use of the word "bank" in the City Code, he asked Mr. Cates to draw up an amendment to the Code allow- ing for more depositories for city funds. Mr. Cates said that the ordinance has changed only in the addition of the phrase "trust companies as well as savings and loan associations". Mrs. Webb asked about the wording "within this city" as to whether it would be a problem if the city wished to make investments in institutions out- side of the city limits. Mr. Block said that all municipal funds were now invested in the city. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von Stockler to approve the proposed ordinance amending Chapter 7, Article 2, Section 7027 to include "trust funds as well as savings and loan associations" along with banks for depositories. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Smalley, Spencer; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion carried. EMERGENCY CLAUSE Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by James Smalley to approve the emergency clause for the above mentioned ordinance amendment. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley; Mesdames Gross, Webb NAY: None PASS: Mr. Stockler Motion carried. E. CONSIDERATION OF CODE AMENDMENTS RELATING T0: 1. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLICATION NOTICES 2. LOT SPLIT APPROVAL PROCESS 3. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES MINI STORAGE USE CHANGE S. HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE REGULATION Mr. Cates and Ms. Dickey made suggestions for improving the procedures used in each of the above items. Mrs. Webb stated that she was in favor of anything that would take some of the workload off of the Planning Commission. I~Ir. Smalley asked if proposed ordinances were being asked for in each of these considerations. The Council asked that Mr. Cates, Ms. Dickey and Mr. Block prepare ordinances for con- sideration in each of the abovementioned items. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR OCTOBER 5, 1982 F. DISCUSSION OF POLICY DIRECTIVE RELATING TO ANNEXATION REVIEW PROCEDURE. After discussion of the relative merits of the Planning Commission or the TAC Committee reviewing annexations and the problems of zoning changes related to annexation, Mayor Spencer asked that Mr. Cates, Ms. Dickey and Mr. Block have further discussion on the subject and bring it back before the Council. G. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT: EL RIO VISTA Ms. Dickey reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the plat subject to certain requirements, including that of a park and open land provision. The builder stated that it was his understanding that the City wanted fees to be collected and set aside for purchase of park land rather than actual land set aside in the development. Mr. Block said that under the provision set up for collection of fees, it would be a long time before enough money was collected to develop park land and that the amount of land the money would purchase would substantially decrease. He recommended that in the future either land or its real value should be provided. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to approve the conditional final plat of E1 Rio Vista II. "'~"' AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler; Mrs. Webb NAY: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Gross Motion carried. H. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT: OKLAHOMA BAPTIST f'RnTTF'R ~cnrlTUr.TTi'CT n~ ~ti+-t-, em rTn nnm i ~amv ~ nciL+ Ms. Dickey explained the requirements that had been fulfilled by the developer. It was pointed out that park land was being provided, but that it would be private park land. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler- to approve the conditional final plat of Oklahoma Baptist Center. AYE: Messrs. Smalley, Stockler, Spencer; Mesdames Gross and Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORiyEY Mr. Cates stated that recodification of the City Code must be com- plated by April, 1983, and suggested that we use the same people who did the recodification before. Mrs. Webb suggested a committee be OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE OCTOBER 5, 1982 formed to make recommendations for changes in ordinances. Mr. Cates suggested a broadening of the ordinance pertaining to occupational licenses. Mrs. Webb said the City Clerk should con- tact Mr. Cheek to get the ordinances brought up to date before the codification was done. 7. REPORT FROM CITY r1P,NAGER A. Mr. Block reported that insurance companies have been con- tacted with. regard to submitting proposals for city health insur- ance. One of the proposals not listed in the plan summary to be considered is a change involving 100Q/o coverage of outpatient care and 80/20% on hospitalization. This could reduce cost for patient and insurance company. The proposals will be turned in by Oct. 15 and Mr. Block will review and make recommendations to the Council at the October 19 meeting. 8. NEW BUSINESS Mrs. Webb congratulated the Owasso Reporter on the recent awards that they wan in the Oklahoma Press Association State Fair Newspaper contest. Mayor Spencer said he wished to have an executive session at the next Council meeting with the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney. He also mentioned that the Council needed to review the ambulance rates and he suggested an amount be added to the water bill to cover the cost of the ambulance service. Mrs. Gross men- tioned that the citizens would need to be informed of such a pos- sibility. Mr. Cates said due pr-ocess would have to be followed with the public given the opportunity to appear and voice their approval or disapproval. Mr. Spencer said consideration would have to be given to persons outside the city limits also. With no further business before the Council, chair adjourned at 9:10 p.m. fir! ,c.e BOYD M. SPEN ER, MAYOR C~~ ~~ . ANN HENDRICKSON, CITY CLERK