HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.01.31_City Council MinutesOn Monday, January 31, 1983, the Owasso City Council met in
special session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the
Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall
bulletin board at 4:00 p.m, on January 28, 1983, and by ref-
erence is made a part hereof.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m, with Mayor Spencer
Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer.
PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor
Wauhilleau Webb, Vice-Mayor
James Smalley, Councilman
Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman
Dale Block, City Manager
Ron Cates, City Attorney
Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk
ABSENT: Von Stockler, Councilman
Mayor Spencer stated that the purpose of this meeting was to
discuss the problems with Owasso's water system as well as an
eminant threat of a moritorium on building because of certain
sewer problems. He said the City alone cannot solve these prob-
lems, that the City will need some help. He said the City could
consider several ways to solve these problems and that the City
had asked Mr. Brian Davis to come to the meeting to help explain
the different plans that could be presented for a vote of the
Mr. Jimmy Summers asked the Mayor to explain what the crisis is
about. The Mayor said that around Christmas there were a great
number of water breaks. He said that a problem with electrolosis
in the soil has caused serious deterioration in the water pipes.
He said the City also needs another storage tank (high level) so
that we can have more even pressure all over town.
Mr. Summers asked for an explanation of the sewer propblem in the
northern part of the city. The Mayor said there is a need for a
natural gravity flow and that serious problems occur when there is
a severe rain.
Mr. Block said that the technical problem facing the City with
regard to the sewers in the northern sector is the moritorium
FHA has put on insuring FHA loans. The lift stations in the
area of 97th St, can't handle the type of infiltration inflow
JAN. 31., 1983
resulting from storm water and when one of them fails, the result
is sewage popping out somewhere. The problem can be solved by
bypassing the lift stations and putting in a gravity flow sewer.
Because of these problems FHA and VA are no longer willing to
insure homes in this area. Growth has kept Owasso vital and a
moratorium on building permits would be very detrimental..
Mr. Block explained that the new storage tank has been planned for
some time northeast of the present tank location. It would be
beneficial not only for additional storage, but would help solve
the pressure problems in the lines. The problem that occurred
when the pressure control valuve ruptured could happen again at
any time.
Mr. Block outlined which lines in the city need to be replaced
with a plastic pipe that will not react to the chemical problem
in the soil.
He further stated that another storage facility is needed to
avert a possible crisis if the city has two fires at the same
Mr. Wayne Vines stated that the most emphasis lately has been
put on water problems, but the sewer problem is something that
has been identified a year or more ago and is not something
new. He said it is pathetic that those people in the northwest
part of town pay property taxes at the same rate as all. other
people in town and yet they are restricted. Whenever they want
to sell their house, they are oi:ng to have problems. The City
should have taken steps back then to get it taken care of.
Nothing has been done to get HUD off our backs. The same manholes
in that area that are down in ditches that get water in them every
time it rains were identified a year ago. Why haven't at least
those things been taken care of by now?
Mr. Block said that an infiltration inflow study is being done
in that area now in preparation for correction of the problem.
Mr. Vines said the study was mentioned at the beginning and. it
still hasn't been done..
Doug Childress wanted to know exactly which area in the northern
section of the city was being referred to.
The Mayor said it goes on up into Steed and in the area of 97th
E. Ave, and 116th St. North
Alberta Hillard asked if E1 Rio Vista hooked onto the sewer at
97th. The Mayor told her- it did not. It is hooked up at 86th.
Carol Seim stated that she was concerned about the financing of
these projects. She asked about money in the budget that had
been appropriated to parks and recreation and why it couldn't be
spent on sewer and water.
Z~ir.. Block explained that the money budgeted for Elm Creek Park
is federal grants, not city funds, and can only be used for that.
Primarily the money in parks and recreation budget goes to
support the staff in the recreation center, as well as utility
costs, etc, for running it. Although water and sewer are extremely
high priority, it would not be good for the city to close such a
center that benefits so many of the citizens. He also explained
that trying to pay for the cost of solving the problems out of
the general budget would take years.
Mike Nomura stated that although he felt the immediate needs of
the City must be met, it is important to place equal emphasis
on long range planning. He said we need to look ahead and plan
for the future. He asked what is being done to develop some
long range plans.
Mr. Block said that the purpose of Step I in the current EPA
project is to determine the needs of the city over the next 20
years regarding sewage treatment. He said there is long range
planning done concurrently with every project. Solving the
water storage problem will be a long range effort as well as
consideration of a future secondary sour-ce of water.
Mr. Nomura asked about the time frame for completion of the EPA
project. Mr. Block said it would probably be spring of 1984.
Doug Childres said he lives on Dogwood and appreciates the excellent
job of replacing his water line. He asked when the debris and mud
would be cleaned off the street. Mr. Block explained it would be
done when all the snow is gone.
Rick Mullenix asked what the options are for funding the projects
that need to be done nova.
The Mayor said Mr. Brian Davis would explain different options
in a few minutes.
Rick Tyler asked about the amount of planning that was done as new
developments were built in the city.
The Mayor said most of what was done in the new development was
done by investors. About six or seven years ago the City formed
boards such as the Planning Commission to help guide the City,
growth and also added new personnel.in the area of inspection and
public works. The growth wasn't forseen, but we can see it now.
Mr. Block stated that even though growth causes problems, a city
without growth has much more severe problems. He said Owasso's
Planning Coirnnission is to be commended for its quality of work
which is better than many cities two to three times its size.
Mr. Vines asked if there is a timetable on the sewer problem.
Mr. Block stated that the City is trying to get funding from
the Community Development Program to work on the sewer on 97th
Street, but because we have a high per capita income in our
community, we are not in the best position. The Federal Gov-
ernment has. cut back funds in this area also, but we are hopeful
of receiving perhaps $150-200 thousand. We hope to know some-
thing within 60 to 90 days.
Dr. Steve Clark commented that we had been doing studies for over
a year and asked if we were here tonight to discuss how to get
funding for a whole new sewer system.
Mr. Block said we were talking about the sewer system on 97th
Street, water lines in the old part of town, storage facilities,
and treatment facilities.
Dr. Clark asked if we had made up our mind we are going to do it
and need to find out how to pay for it.
Mr. Block said he felt the purpose of the meeting was to see if
we were in agreement on the needs of the city and listen to ideas
from people attending as well as hear from Brian Davis on the.
various financial options open to the City.
Mayor Spencer asked Brian Davis to talk about what the City could.
do to finance the projects discussed.
Mr. Davis said there are four options available:
1, straight general obligation bond which goes on tax rolls
and paid by general property tax.
2. use Trust Authority to finance OPWA improvements and issue
revenue bor_ds which can be repaid from utility system
revenues or a combination of utility system revenues and
sales tax revenues.
3. accumulate revenue from a new source such as a new l~
sales tax and pay as you go. ;with this method, short
term notes can be issued in anticipation of the sales
tax revenues).
4, a combination of sales tax and a general obligation bond
using the sales tax to pay the general obligation bond.
The bonds would not go on the tax rolls unless there was
not sufficient sales tax coming in.
With regard to earmarking sales tax revenues, he said the earmarking
can be as strict or as loose as the City wants it to be. The way
this is done and the way the sales tax i= put into effect in the
city is that the City Council passes a sales tax ordinance. Then
an election is held where the voters approve the adoption of the
ordinance. He said he prefers the use of general obligation bonds
over revenue bonds as the revenue bonds are more costly.
Mr. Mullinex asked if he was saying that we need the combination
of two to meet our needs so that we will have sufficient money
at the lowest interest and we would have the money right now.
Mr. Davis said he was saying that a combination of general obliga-
tion bond and sales tax revenue would get us the lowest possible
interest rate and it could be repaid without there being any prop-
erty tax. One drawback is that any time you issue general obliga-
tion bonds, it affects your capability to issue bonds for other
Mr. Block said he liked the idea of using revenue from a new sales
tax as it accumulates to build projects because you get interest
on the money instead of paying interest on the bonds. The new
sales tax would probably bring in about $50,000 per month and it
would take a while to build up money to build some of the projects
that are facing us right now, but because of preperatory work that
would have to be done on any project there would be some time for
money to accumulate. Also projects are paid for when they are
finished which gives time for accumulation of funds.
Mr. Block said any of the methods were acceptable to him except the
revenue bonds as he felt the water rates were high enough.
Mr. Vines asked if money could be obtained now by using the general
obligation bond and l~ sales tax.
Mr. Davis said that with any bond issue you could get the money now.
Mr. Block said that was the big advantage of using a bond issue,
but you do have to pay interest on it.
Mr. Mullinex said he liked the idea of using a 1~ sales tax as that
did not put all the burden on the homeowner.
Mayor Spencer said he also did not like the use of revenue bonds
in OPWA as it could.be done without a vote of the people in almost
unlimited amounts. He was in favor. of the l~ sale tax.
Mr. Childress said he felt the use of the sales tax reached all the
people of the community including those outside the city limits and
those people who rent their homes.
Mr. Enzbrenner said it seemed to him everybody was in favor of
using the sales tax.
Mr. Block emphasized that the City's problems are all manageable,
solvable problems.
Mr. Childress asked if there was an approximate figure as to how
much all these projects would cost.
The Mayor said he didn't think anybody could give a good approx-
imate figure at this time and the next thing to do is for the
Council to direct the City Manager to have an engineering study
on the water lines and the sewer and go from there.
Mr. Enzbrenner asked what the City is doing about future growth
Mr. Block said the sewer lines on 97th street were not just a
corrective measure but would help guarantee the development of
the north part of the city. The development of new water storage
is a growth plan as well as taking care of current problems.
The sewer facility we're talking about expanding is for. now and
the future. It would not only eliminate the threat of a general
moritorium on building, but would provide adequate sewage treat-
ment for a 10 to 20 year period.
Mrs. Webb asked if any of the studies the City has paid for in
the last two years could be utilized in these projects.
Mr. Block said he was trying to correlate what we have and it
shouldn't take too long.
Mr. Smalley asked Mr. Davis how long it would take after we know
how many dollars we need and have our study information together
to put a bond issue together.
Mr. Davis said the County Election Board has to have 30 days notice
and it would take approximately 90 days from the date of the
election. He said that much work can be done during this time
and usually by the time you need to make a payment, the money is
Mr. Vines asked if would be possible to get going within 30 days.
Mr. Block said 30 days might be a little close, but certainly in
60 days. The Mayor said he did not think 30 days would be enough
time. He said a good study could be completed by the first
Monday in April.
Mr. Smalley said the concensus he has gathered from the meeting
tonight is that we know the problems and that we have to solve
them. We need some long term solutions and from the discussion
it seems that passing some general obligation bonds to be paid
by earmarked taxes is an acceptable plan. This would allow all
the people in the community to share the expense.
The Mayor said that within 60 days, the City will know what
funding they would get from the Community Development Block Grant
and this is a big factor in the approximate dollar amount we ~`
Mrs. Gross said the City might be able to use some of the study
done by Mansur, Daubert, Williams.
Mr. Vines asked when we might expect to be able to vote on the
Mr. Block said he thought it would be about mid-May.
The Mayor asked the audience if they thought the Council was doing
the right thing in bringing this before the citizens at this time.
The show of hands was favorable.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.