HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.06.07_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, Jure 7, 1983, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council ChamLbers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 4:00 p.m, on June 3, 1983 ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The ;neeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m, with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Phyllis Gross, Council~,~~oman James Smalley, Councilman Von Stockler, Councilman Dale Block, City Trlanager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: Wauhilleau Webb, Councilwor~.an ITEM 4: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSIOTI OF OshTASSO CITY COUNCIL, MAY 17, 1983. T'Iotion was made by James Smalley, s~corLded by Von Stockler, to approve the ::.inutes of May 17, 1983, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Gross NAY: None Motion carried. ITEM 5: BUSINESS: A. 1`dOMIIdATION OF TRUSTEE FOR THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND. P'Ir. Block explained that the election is due to the expiring term of Trustee Bertha Ann Young. He said it T,aould be good to have O:aasso represented on tris board. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to nominate James Smalley to serve as trustee for the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler ABSTAIN: Mess Gross r2otien carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO DUNE 7, 1983 BUSINESS: B. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTR?TIOiJ OF SALES T ~X. ORDINANCE OKLAHONr,A TAX CaMMI S S ION . Motion was made by Mayor Sponcor, seconded by Vor. Stockler, to approve the Agreement for Administration of Sales Tax Ordinance submitted by tre Oklahoma Tax Commission. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Spencer, Smalley; Mrs. Gross NAY: None :lotion carried. C. CONSIDERATION OF P.ETAIIVING ATTORiQEY FOR PERSONNEL BOARD HEARING. City Attorney Ron Cates advised the Council that in non-adversarial situations he advises all boards of the City. However,in are adverR sarial situation such as a personnel board hearing h2 would defend the actions of the City administrators as being consistant with the City Charter, and could not advise the members of the Board. lle recommended that to avcid any impropriety an attorney be retain- ed tc advise the Personnel Board on any legal questions. The Council asked that the matter be placed on the next agenda. D. DISCUSSION OF FEDERAL AID URBAN STREET SYSTEM. Mr. Block explained trLat he had been working toward getting the City qualified for federal funds for arterial street construction. He presented some preliminary maps to be used in determining .which city streets and roads could be classified as minor arterials and collectors. He asked that the Council study these maps and let him know their desires in this regard. E. CONSIDERATION: OF REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PEDDLER'S LICENSE EE . The City Clerk explained that Mrs. Lila Hughes had requested that the peddler's license fee of $2.5~ per day* or $25.00 per year be waived when she sells cool books in Owasso as she does not make any profit from the sale. Mr. Smalley stated he felt the waiver should not be granted as it would set a precedent for many such requests in the future. The Clerk said she had asked for, but nit received, documentation showing her operation to be non-profit. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to deny the request of Lila Hughes for waiver of peddler's license fee. ~. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Gross OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THP.EE JUNE 7, 1983 AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stocklar, Smalley; Mrs. Grass NAY: None Motion carried. F. CONSIDERATION OF REAPPOIPITMENTS OF MARILYN HINKLE, GEOP.GE PHILLIPS AND PAT LAR.KIN TO THREE-YEAR TERi~S OPI THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION: THEIR CURRENT TERMS EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1983. PAT LARKIN T,~TAS APPOINTED TO FILL THE UNEXPIP.ED TERM OF LEONARD GEORGE. Ms. Dickey reco.~ ended the reappointment of Hinkle, Phillips and Larkin, stating that they have worked hard and long and are cne of the best Planning Commissions she has ever worked with. She said Hinkle, Phillips and Larkin had all said they were willing to serve anotrer three-year term. Motion zaas made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to reappoint Marilyn Hinkle, George Phillips ar~d Pat Larkin to three--year terms on the Owasso Planning Commission. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Gross NAY: None ~.otion carried. G. CONSIDERATION OF REAPPOINTMEI`3TS OF RICHARD HELM AND LEON TRAMP'iEL TO THREE-YEAR TERl`?S ON THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: THEIR CURRENT TERMS EXPIPING JUNE 30, 1983. Mayor Spencer stated that He?m arLd Trammae:L had been lorLg-time mem1be-rs of the Board of Adjustment and worked hard in their capacities. Pls. Dickey said Mr. Helm was a charter member and P.r. Trammel had been them almost that long. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Phyllis Gross to to reappoint Richard Helm and Leon Trammel to three-year terms ors the Owassc Board of Adjustment. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, SL~a11ey; Mrs. Gross NAY: None Motion carried. H. OZ-67 OWASSO LAKERIDGE TERP.ACE, INC. REQUEST OF OWASSO LAhERIDGE TEP.RACE, INC. , APPLICATIOPi OZ-~67 TO REZOPIE A 101.17 AC TP.ACT OF LAND LYING GENERALLY i~?ORTHWEST OF 86th ST. N. AP,D 129TH E. AVE. FROM RS-2 TO RS-3 SINGLE FAMILY OWASSO CITY COUNCIL P~ GE FOUP.. JU.IE 7, 19$3 Ms. Dickey stated that the change from PAS-2 to RS-3 zoning would allow tre applicant to build slightly over ~ units per acre instead of 4 units per acre. She said the area has a severe slope problem as well as quite a bit of storm ~atcr drainage to contain and move off the property safely and highway right-of-way going through the property. 5re said that ore reservation the Planning Commission had was tn.at they wanted to try to retain differing lot sizes in Owasso to allow a variety of types of homy owrLership. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the change by a 3 to 1 vote. A number of citizens from Three Lakes II were present and voiced their concern about the proposed zoning change. Ire response to a question about the additional 113 units that the change would allow, Bob Pruit of AL C. Young and Assoc. said that the area would probably develop at 3.2 units per acre because of the various physical problems of tho land. A citizen asked if the developer could construct covered drainage irLst~ad cf open areas which would breed mosquitoes. The Mayor said he preferred rLot to have covered pipes havirLg seen the problems Tulsa has had with them getting stopped up. NTr. Block said there is also a definite limit as to how much water can go through and a sericus problem can occur when there is severe storm water. A citizen asked why the developer wished to change from RS-2 to RS-3 if they only planned to put in 3.2 units per acre. Mr. Pruitt explained that RS-3 would enable them to have E5' frontage instead of the 75' required cf RS-2. Vor. Stockier stated that there were always problems with new developments but that he felt the City was working to eliminate past problems and make improvemerLts with each new development. Pryllis Gross said she could understand with .~orc houses, there would be more concrete ar~d blacktop which presumably would mean faster surface water as run-off, but that tha plans would hcpeT- fully channel it and put the run-off where it sr~ould go. Ms. Dickey stated tha additional streets sc be about the same. Mr, Block stated that spraying program. He certain areas are net as much as possible. t the change irn zoning would not call for that the area cf ccncrete and blacktop would the city has plans fcr an extensive mosquito said that sometimes there are problems when dedicated to the City, but they will cover OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE JUNE 7, 1983 MotiorL was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Mayor Spencer, to approve the request of Owasso Lakeridge Terrace, Inc, to rezone a 101.17 AC tract of land lying generally northwest of 86th Street North arLd 129th E. Ave, from RS-2 to RS-3. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley NAY: Mrs. Gross Motion. carried. I. LAKERIDGE TERRACE, BLOCKS 1-ZO - RE UEST FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY CONDITIONAL FINAL iLAT LOCATED ON 57.73 AC t Ms. Dickey stated trat this plat in virtually the sar:.e form ~~.as presented and did receive corLditior~al approval from the Council. That plat expired and the property changed hands. Now it has come back in similar form, but with improved drainage capabilities. It has orLe entrance from 86th St. N, and one of the requirements for approval is that a temporary road be constructed out to 129th East Ave.for construction traffic. Whin Phase II is completed, there will be at least t~i'o acce3s points onto 129th East Ave. The property would hook up the drainage easement from the pond in Three Lakes III and carry it down the natural drainage way. The Planning Commission recommended approval subject to condi- tions set by the Technical Advisory Corn-:~ittee being completed. ~~rs. Gross asked if the conditions had been completed. Ms. Dickey said many of them had been. A few things like correcting minor errors in legal description have not, but the developer has aJreed to 0.11 the conditions. A citizen asked if construction workers would came through Three Lakes II to get to Lakeridge Terrace. Mr. Pruitt said construc- tion traffic would came in off of 86th St, at 123rd E. Ave, and when devElo~ merit picks up in Phase- II, there e:i11 be a temporary road to 129th E. Ave, for construction traffic. Mr. Block said signing could be used to direct construction traffic ir. the proper areas. The Mayor asked that if citizens in Three Lakes II have any problems with construction traffic, he would like to see thorn all at a Council ~~~eeting to back the Council in any action. they take. Ms. Dickey said that the developer could be required to begin construction at 86th St, to lesson the likelihood of construc- tion traffic going througr. Three Lakes II, rir. Smalley ~ug-- gested the use of a barricade in appropriate places. T~?oti on was ::ado by Mayor Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to approve the PreliTMin4ry/Conditional Final Plat of Lakeridge Terrace, Bl„cks 1-10 subject to conditions previously set forth, OW~.SSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIY JU~1E 7, 1983 including the condition for a temporary road for construction traffic. AYE: Messrs, Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; r:rs. Gress TvAY : None Motion carried. J. EL RIO VISTA III - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONDI- TIONAL FINAL PLAT LOCATED ON 21.48 AC NORT~.rWEST OF 96TH 5T. NORTH ~!~ND GAR,;NETT ROAD. Ms. Dickey said the Technical Advisory Committee and Punning Co:nmissian had four rnincr conditions to which the developer has agreed. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded br 2~iayor Spencer, to approve the conditional final slat of El__Rio__Vista III sub,~ect to conditions previously set forth, AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Steckler, Smalley; Mrs. Gross T1AY : None Motion carried. K. THREE LAKES III - REQUEST FOR APPP.OVAL OF THE C0~IDITIONAL __ _ FINAL PLAT LOCATED ON 26.41 AC NORTHEAST OF 86th ST. NORTH AND THE MINGO VALLEY EXPRESSWAY, JUST ~10RTH OF THREE LAKES II. Ms. Dickey said the Technical Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission had about ten items requesting amendments or changes. The developer has agreed to all these changes. P. temporary ros.d- way T,~~ill be provided from 119th through commercial property west of K-Mart onto 86th St. TTOrth to allow emergency access. This roadway will be closed when other access points open up connecting to the service road to the expressway. Them will also be ar access east ir_to the third phase of Lakeridge Terrace. There are a few lets that, because of the Public Service easement running through the property, have a very small amount of buildable space, The Planning Commissior_ asked that the de?=elopes be put on notice t~ be extremely careful when surveying the property and building the lots so that those lots do rot comp back for variances, lot splits or ether waivers. Mayor Spencer asked that a condition of acceptance of the final ~~-~ plat be that when the abovemer_tioned lots are purchases?, the o~,aner is advised that they are responsible for maintenance of that part of their lot that is Public Service easement. OWASSC CITY CGUNCIL PAGE SEVEN JUNE 7, 198 Several citizens voiced their concern about construction traffic going through Three Lakes II during construction of Three Lakes III and the entrance to Three Lakes II being the only entrance for Three Lakes III. Several plans were discussed ER=hick would alleviate the problem in the future. Mr. Smalley asked for an explanation of the par?r, area (2.0 acres). Ms. Dickey explained that the park is built around an existing pond in the southeast corner of Three Lakes III, abutting Three Lakes II. There is a strip of land all the way around the pond and a strip of land north of the pond :~ahich is Public Ser:=ice easement ~ti=here nothing can be built. The plan is to connect these areas to have ? public park site, There ~•Till be a walkway for pedestrian traffic. Ms. Dickey said that at the Planning Commission meeting, some citizens had eVpressed a desire for the pond to either b? subdivided and deeded to property ownors or for a homeowner's association to be formed to take care of the area and have access control. It ~~~as also suggested that the area e~oul.d be dedicated to the City as a public park. The Planning Commis- sion discussed the. several options, but it was referred ro the City Council. for final ~?etPrm~_nat-ior~ (w'nether c?r not they rrxould accept it as a public park). Ms. Dickey said it was her recommendation that if a homeo~mer's associa i~?n is to he farmed, that- it he a reality before the final plat is filed of record. T•~r. Block stated that it was his experience that homeowner's associa.ti~ns tended to become ineffective after a number of years. He said that hay=ing the park dedicated to the City is also not a perfect solution, as the City is not always able to keep maintenance up at all times.. The Mayor suggested the pond be drained and the area be filled in, He said he ~?as not i_n favor. of_ the pond being dedicated to the City. He said he felt the mai-.ter sho~?ld 1~e returned to the Planning Commission: Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockier, to deny the request for approval of final plat on Three Lakes III until the park situation. is resolved. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Gross i~?AY : Non e Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIT, PAGE EIGHT JUNE 7, 1,983 h. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None at this time. 7. REPORT FROM CITY T•tANAGER A. REQUEST FOR:EXECUTIVE SESSION/LABOR NEGOTIATIONS T_~otior~ was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockier to recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discuss- i ng labor negoti ati_ ons . AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley, Mrs. Gross NAY: None Motion carried. Recess: 9:1? p.m. Reconvene 14:35 p.m. B. PERMISSION TO PREPARE PLANS FOR THE ADDITION TO CITY GARAGE AND B?DS DN SEWER CLEAD?IN~ TRLTCK. Mr.. Block said these are items that are ir_ our current budget but were delayed until it was certain the money would be a~~ailable. He said he felt both items ~ti~ere high priority for the city. I~layor Spencer said the sewer truck had been authorized. Motion was ms:de by Von Stockier, seconded by James. Smalley, to approve the preparation of plans for the addition to the city garage and the issuance of bids on the se~oTer cleaning truck. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Gross NAY: None Motion carried. Mr. Block asked that a special meeting of the Co~~ncil be called. for public hearir_g or_ the 1983-84 City Budget. 8. TJEW BUSINESS Mr. Block reminded the Council ~f the OML meeting in Oklahoma City on June 9 and offered any assistance they might need. There being no further business before the Owasso City Council, chair adjourned at 10:40 p.m. BOYD M. 5P ER, MAYOR F ~~ AND1 HED?DRICKSON, CITY CLERK