HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.06.21_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday; June 21, 1983, the Owasso City Council met in regular Session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hal_1 Bulletin Board at 4.00 p.m, on June 17, 1983. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to ~?rder at 7:(?2 p.m, tti*ith Ma;~or Spencer_ presiding. ITETZ 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was 1Qd b;T Mayor Spencer_ , ITEM 3: ROLL CALZ~ Pt ~SEIJT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Wauhilleau Webb, Va_ce-Mayor Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman Von Stockl?r, Cour_cil.man Dale Block, C~_ty Manager Ron Cates; Ci.fiy Attorneyy Anr_ Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: James Smalley, Councilman Mayor >per..cer asked that the minutes reflect that Mr. Smalley is on vacation. ITEM 4: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, JUNE 7, .1983. Motion. way made by Von, Stockier; seconded by Phillis Cross, to approve the minutes of June 7, 1.983, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencex, Stocklex; P~Zrs. Gross NAY: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Webb !lotion carried APPROVAL OF NIINUTFS OF SPECIAL SESSION OF OWASSO CITY COUNCIL:. Ji?NE 16. 1983. Motion was made by Von Stockier, sPcondecl by Mayor Spene:er; to approvQ thQ minutes of June 26; 1983, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier NAY:. None A]3ST.AIN ; Mrs . Webb , Mrs . Gros s Motion carried.. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO JUNE 21, 1983 5. BUSINESS: A, CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ~~83-04 NOMINATING JAMES SMALLEY TO SERVE AS TRUSTEE FOR THE OKLAHOMA MUNI- CIPAL RETIREMENT FtJND. Motion. was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Wa~.ihil.lea.u Webb; to adopt resolution ~k83-04 nominating James Smalley to serve as trustee for the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mesdames Webb, Gross. NAY: None Motion carried, B, C~NSIDEKATT.OiQ OF HEALTH INSURANCE REi~1EWAL/EBP I~ir. Block stated that he had been ad~Tised that the City health insurance rates would increase 26%. He said that 6% of this increase was du.e to a change in federal law requiring Medicare to be secondary insurer and that this is still one of_ the lower rates available, He said the insurance carrier mentioned that there could be sa_vin.gs up to 20% if the City adopts a lesser plan. However, the firefighters contract has a clause stating that there will be no reduction in health insurance coverage, He said if the Council. wished, he would investigate other carriers, but the current plan was the best available when various plans were considered last fall, Mrs, Webb asked what the dollar zncrease would be. I~1r.-Block said for fsmi]_y coverage it would be $187.82 and for employee only it would be $63.35. Mrs. Gross asked if the current carrier had been doing a good job in working the claims anal standing behind them, Mr. Block said clalvms are being handled promptly with no complaints from employees. Mrs. Webb stated that the City would be faced with t~_zis problem every year no matter what company was used, Mr~ Stocklex said he didn't think it was a good idea to change insurance carriers every year, Mr, Block stated that it would be possible for the City to reduce the increase to 20% by working out another way to deal with the Medicare increase. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to approve the renewal of the OML Municipal Assurance Group health plan. AYE: Messrs.Spenc.er, Stockler; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE JUNE 21, 1983 5. BUSINESS: C. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF AUTHORI7.ED AGENT FOR OML PENSION BOARD. Mr. Bloc1~ said that the presen*_ authorized agent for OML Pension Board., Mary Griffin, wilt be resigning to take the position of City Clerk in Fayetteville, Arkansas. T4otion ~,aas rt~adP by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Von Stockler, to appoint Dale Block as authorized agent for OMIT Pension Beard. AYE: Messrs: Spencer, Stockler; Mrs, Webb, Mrs. Gross N.AY : None Motion. carri~.d. D. CONSIDERATION OF 11DOPTION OF ORDINANCE ~~327 CHANGING ZONING FROM RS-? TO RS-3. Ms. Dickey stated that this is adoption prepared fc~r the action taken at the last City Ccauncil meeting approving the rezoning of part of the Laker.idge Terrace property from RS-;? to RS-3. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Sto^kler, to approve the adoption of Ordinance ~~32.7. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stock:ler; Mrs.. Webh NAY: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Gross Motion carried: E. THREE L~.KES III - DEVELnPER'S RE UEST FOR CLARIFICATION AND OR RECONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL DISPOSITION OF REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT T10CATED ON 26.41 ACRES NORTHEAST OF fi6tr ST. NORTH AsTD THE MINGO VALLEY EXPRESSWAY, JUST NORTH OF THREE LAKES II. Caro]_ Dickey said that Bill Lewis, ennineer for the developer, had- requested. clarification of tY~e action taken at the last Council meeting on this matter. Mayor Spencer stated that he felt there were three acceptable alternatives for the proble?~ of the park. in Three Lakes III. (1.) developer to fill th.e pond and landscape the area (2) developer to form a homeowner's association for. all concerned with the stip??lation that if the park is not properly maintained, the city wil7~ have the r ghfi to do the maintenance work and charge the homeowner's association. O~ASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR JUNE 21, 1983 (3) that the park property be divided among the affected property owners from the center of the park with the stipulation that the city have easement rights, for maintenance if necessary. Mrs. Webb stated that she is not in favor of the park land being dedicated to the pity. Mr.. Stockler said he felt the best alternative was to fill the pond and his second choice would be for the park to be divided equally among adjoining property owners-with the City having easement rights. Mrs. Gress said she was in _favor of the park area being divided among propQrt;r owners with the city having easement rights. Mr. Lewis said the developer would be glad to form a homeowner's association. He said most of the people in Three Lakes III want the park and the pond and would not be happy about it beingg filled in .- He said it might be possible for residents of Three Lakes II to become members of Three Lakes LII homeowner's association, Mr..Cates stated that it is possible for municipalities to be third party beneficiaries of either homeowner's associations or land owners so that municipalities can take care of problems and have the same powers as a homeowner's association in assessing a lien upon the realty. Motion was made by riayor Spencer, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to_ accept the final plat of Three Lakes III subject to the following conditions: (l) that the developer will form a homeowner's asso- ciation (2) that residents. of Three Lakes II will have the right to join that association (3) that the City will certain easements for necessary maintenance and/or repair and be able to enforce assessments arising therefrom and (4) that the developer will work with the City Manager to take care of any water run-off problems. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion carried. F. DOGWOOD CENTER - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT LOCATED ON .53 AC AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TH ST. N. ND DOGWOOD. Ms. Dickey explained the changes and requirements of TAC committee and Planning Commission. Motion was made by Von_Stockler, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to approve the Conditional Final Plat of Dogwood Center. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mesdames Gross, Webb NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE JUNE 21, 1983 5. BUSINESS G. OWASSO CENTER - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY/ CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT LOCATED ON 1.87 ACRES NORTH OF 11TH ST. AT ATLANTA. Ms. Dickey said this .plat of previously unplatted~property will: correct several problems, including proper right-of-way for 86th St. No. She said a compromise had been worked out to obtain 25' of right-of-way that would connect Atlanta to 86th St, and if the City could obtain the other 25' necessary, would allow a needed exit. She said that all items on TAC list .had been agreed to. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the preliminary/conditional final plat of Owasso Center and request the City Planner and City Manager to pursue obtaining the other 25' for the roadway. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Mesdames. Gross, Webb NAY: None Motion carried. H. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF PROPOSED CITY OF OWASSO B DGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-8 . Mr. Stockler complimented the City Manager on a well put-together budget. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to adopt the City of Owasso Budget for Fiscal Year 1983-1984. AYE: Messrs. Stockler, Spencer; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion carried. i. CONSIDERATION OF RETAINING ATTORNEY FOR PERSONNEL BOARD HEARING. Mr. Block recommended that the City retain Mr. Jim Lindsey for the Personnel Board hearing. Mrs. Gross asked if Mr. Lindsey's other work for the city would be a conflict. Mr. Cates said he would be acting in an advisory capacity only and he did not think there would be a conflict. Mr. Cates explained that the purpose of the Personnel Board hearing would be to decide whether or not the action taken toward the employee was motivated politically and for reasons other than the good of the service. The attorney would be there to assure procedural propriety and advise on issues of law and fact. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX JUNE 21, 1983 Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stocker, to retain Jim Lindsey as attorney for the June 30 Personnel Board hearing. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mrs. Gross NAY: Mrs. Webb Motion carried. J. -GONSIDERATION OF REAPPOINTMENT OF REV. ANDY O'KELLEY AS MEMBER OF OWASSO PERSONNEL BOARD FOR A THREE YEAR TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30, 198 . Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to reappoint Rev. Andy O'Kelley as member of Owasso Personnel Board for a three year term expiring June 30, 1986. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion carried. K. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED SEAT OF GARY PRITCHA.RD ON THE OWASSO PERSONNEL BOARD FOR A THREE YEAR TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1985. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross to appoint Jerry Sharp to fill the unexpired seat of Gary Pritchard on the Owasso Personnel Board. Motion died for lack of second. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer to appoint Bill Carver to fill the unexpired seat of Gary Pritchard on the Owasso Personnel Board and was seconded by Von Stockler. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mrs. Webb NAY: Mrs. Gross Motion carried. 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report at this time. o„ OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SEVEN JUNE 21, 1983 7. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER A. PERMISSION TO BID ON LIGHTS FOR F.O.R. BALL FIELD Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, for the City Manager to ask for bids if necessary for the purchase of lights for two fields at the F.O.R. Ball Field. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion carried. Mayor Spencer asked that the City Manager see what can be done about the traffic around Rayola Park (5th & Dogwood). Mr. Block said he would see what could be done about more controlled access, possible stop signs or curbing. 8. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the May claims for General Fund in the total amount of $98,207.67, Community Center Fund for $982.03, Debt Service Fund for $37,079.97 and Revenue Sharing for $12,335.95. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler; Mesdames Gross, Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Warren Ledbetter asked the Council for direction in several problems he and other homeowners have in Elm Creek II. He said there were drainage problems after heavy rains. He said the developers would not do anything about the problem. Mayor Spencer suggested that Mr. Ledbetter show Mr. Block the problem and Mr. Block report back to the Council. Mrs. Janay Ledbetter asked what could be done about posting 10 mph signs in Elm Creek II. r1r. Block said the City is in the process of surveying speed limits in Owasso and he would be glad to discuss the problem with her. Mrs. Ledbetter also asked about street lights that haven't been put in. Mr. Black said he had met recently with P.S.O. and they had promised him they would work on some of those lights that already have the wiring next week. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE EIGHT JUNE 21, 1983 Mrs. Ledbetter asked what could be done about problems with the developers not helping the homeowners with problems with fire- places, appliances and other problems with new homes. Mr. Block said the people should talk to HUD about these problems. There being no further business before the Owasso City Council, chair adjourned at 9:12 p.m. BOY M. SPE ER, YOR ANN HENDRICKSON, CITY CLERK