HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.08.02_City Council Minutes4n Tuesday, August 2, 1983, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda Hosted on City Hall. Bulletin Board at 4:00 p.m, on July 29, 1983. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order' at 7:00 p.m, with Mayor Spencer_ presiding. ITEM ?_: FLAG SALUTE Flag sal~.ite was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Wauhi.lleau Webb, Vice-Mayor ,Tames Smalley, Councilman Von Stockier, Councilman Phyllis Grass, Councilwoman Dale Block, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ITEM 4: APPROVAL OF MINi1TES OF REGULAR SESSION OF OWASSO CITY COUNCIL:. JULY 1. 1983. James Smalley noted that on item 5-B the wording on the proposed traffic sign should be "Protected Left Turn on Green". Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by James Smalley, to approve the corrected minutes of 3uly 19, 1983, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None ?Motion carried. ITEM 5: BUSINESS A. RECEIVE AND CONSIDER BIDS FOR THE $2,775,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF 1983 OF THIS CITY AND' AWARD OF THE PURCHASE OF SAID BONDS TO THE LO~~TEST BIDDER. Mayor Spencer received from the City Clerk two sealed bids. He stated that bids were closed and no more bids would be accepted. He asked Mr. Brian Davis of Evan L. Davis, Inc, to open and read the bids. Mr. Davis said he had given Council members a sheet on which to record the bids. He said each bidder would present two figures; one is the amount of interest the City will have to pay over the entire life of the issue and the other is the interest rate which is an average interest rate figured over the life of the whole issue. OWASSO CITY COTJNCIL PAGE TWO AUGUST 2, 1983 The first bid. opened was from th, First National Bank and Trust Company of Tulsa; the First National Bank anal Trust Company of Oklahoma City; the Liberty National Banlc and Trust Company of Oklahoma City; Stifal, I`licalaus & Co.; Liberty Bank, Owasso. Their good faith check was ir. the proper farm arLd amount. The bid ~~eas as follows: Net Interest Cost of $1,309,529.25 TJ~ith an average interest rate of 8.531135.%. The second bid opened was from the Bark of Oklahoma; First Bank of Owasso; P...J. Edwards, Inc.; James Baker & Company; Fidelity Bank. Their good faith check was in the proper form and amount. The bid was as follows: Met Interest Cost of $1,255,437.50 with an average interest rate of 8.178745 %. Mr. Davis recommended that, based upon the bids, the low bid of the First Bank of Owasso and their associates be accepted. Motion was made by James Smalley to accept the bid of First Bank of O:•.asso and their associates at the net interest cost of $1,255,437.50 with an a=,rerage interest rate of 8.178745 °~. Motion :;gas secondod by Von Stockler. AYF: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; r•Zesdames Gross, Webb '"'"~" NAY: None Motion carried. rlayor.Spencer called a_recess. so that the Council coulde~press their appreciation to all the bidders pre~;eri:t fir their parti:ci- _ pation and-their show df goo3 faith. in the City of OT,aas~so. Meeting recessed at 7:10 v.m, and reconvened at 7:17 p.m. B. CONSIDER THE PASSAGE OF EMERGENCY QRDINANCE ;327 AUTHORIZING THEREFOR, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to pass Ordinance ~E327. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; ~~lesda:res ?,?ebb, Gross. NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE AUGUST 2, 1983 Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Vcn Stockler, to pass the Emergency Clause to Ordinance ,327. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mesdames Webb, Gross ~dAY : Nome Motion carried. C. CONSIDER RESOLUTION ~r83-06 DIRECTING USE OF SALES TAX PROCEEDS TO PAY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF 1983. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb, to adept Resolution x`83-06 directing use of sales tax proceeds to pay General Obligation Bonds of 1983. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mesdames Webb, Gross NAY: None Motion car-rigid. Mrs. Webb asked that the City Clerk verify the number of the emergency ordinance passed in. item B. After checking her records the City Clerk verified that the number should be ~~328, not ~~327. The Mayor directed that the record be changed to reflect same. D. RAMSHEAD: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY/CONDI- TIONAL FINAL PLAT LOCATED ON 6.92 ACRES NORTH OF 83rd ST. NORTH T th E. AVE. Ms. Dickey explained that R.amshead was located directly east of Kimball's Hardware across the drainage ditch. She said because Ramshead is PUD and is zoned for apartments:,. it is necessary to have the PUD site plan approved as well as the plat. The plat is being presented tonight, but the site plan has rot yet been submitted for approval. Mayor Spencer asked if the site plan could be changed after the plat is approved. Ms. Dickey said that the site plan would have to conform to the plat. She said the requirements of the Planning Commission and TAC Committee were minor and have been agreed to. Mayor Spencer asked if the fire department would have access to the private str-eets. Ms. Dickey said the streets would be labeled fire lanes and allow no parking on either side of the street. The Mayor asked if the police would have the right to patrol the area. Mr. Bill Lewis, the engineer for Terry L. Davis Construction, Inc, said the police would have the right to patrol. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR AUGUST 2, 1983 Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the Ramshead Preliminary/Conditional Final Plat. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Gross Motion carried. E. CONSIDERATIOTd OF APPP.OVAL OF AN ORDINANCE TO ADD TO THE ANSI STANDARDS TO THE BOCA BUILDING CODE AS A GUIDE TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE ELDERLY AND THE HANDICAPPED. Mr. Wayne Vincent requested the above it.m ors the agenda and was present tc, speak to the Council. Ms. Dickey said the Planning Commission had considered his request ar~d moved to recommend to the Council that they give consideration to approval of an ordi- nance to add the ANSI standards to the BOCA building code as a guide .for specifications for construction of facil-ities accessible to the handicapped and the elderly. Mr. Vincent explained that at this time the BOCA code sets no standards or gives no specifications for building for the dis- abled. He said the ANSI standards are being used by federal, state and county governments at this time all over the United States. The ANSI standards specify dimensions and sizes for con- struction of facilities acceptable to the handicapped. Mr.. Cates advised the Council to become familiar with the standard they are being asked to adept. There should be no inconsistency with existing ordinances. Mr. Stockler stated that it is the job of the Council to carefully study any proposed ordinance. Ht said he has worked with the elder- ly and knows something is needed, but it can't be made at this meeting. Mayor- Spencer said he would like this item to be put on the agenda for the November 1, 1983 Council meeting. He directed the City Clerk to contact Bixby, Broken Arrow, Sand Springs and Jenks to find out what they are doing in this regard. He asked that cooies of trLe ANSI Standards be made for the Council memrbers. L Mrs. Webb asked for clarification as to the types of construction that would be affected by this action. Mr. Vincent said it would -~=~ affect all buildings operL to the general public. He said the standards could be used as guidelines for a builder who has been asked to build a home for a disabled person. He said the standards would also be used for apartment co:rLplexes which are required to construct a certain number for disabled persons. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE AUGUST 2, 1983 5. BUSINESS F. ACCEPT.~NCE OF LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROM DR. SADLER AND CONSIDERATI01`d OF APPOINTMENT TC FILL THE VACANCY. As this matter had not yet been formally presented to the Planning Commission, Mayor Spencer asked that it be reset cn the agenda for the September 6, 1953, Council meeting. G. DISCUSSION OF RECODIFICATION OF CITY ORDINANCES. Mayor Spencer asked the City Attorney what kirLd of time frame the Council had to study the nEw code. Mr. Cates said it would have to be adopted before next April. Mayor Spencer set January 31, 1984 for a special meeting of trLe Council to consider the pro- posed code. Mr. Cates stated that the draft contained items allowed by state law and suggested as supplementation of the City's code, but which would directly contravene the charter of the City of Owasso. Mayer Spencer asked if the Council could remove parts of the draft. Mr. Cates said they could. 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY No report at this time. 7. P,EPORT FROM CITY MANAGER A. Street Repair Program Mr.. Block said he had talked with. the County Commissioner about completing the 1982-83 scredule cf work on the City's street. program. He said the Commissioner told him that although there wer-e problems with scheduling, he would talk with the proper people about getting it under way. Mr. Block stated he than drafted a letter to the Commissioner, copies of which he distri- buted to the Council, stating the City's need to co~r~nence as soorb as possibly, since the funds budgeted for 1982-83 must be spent by September 3~. Mayor Spencer stated that he talked with the Commissioner this afternoon and was assured when he received the letter and the map indicating the streets in. question, he would get right orL it. With regard to the sewer line at German Acres .Lobile Home Park, Mr. Block stated that it was dug up and inspected and that it did have a cast it-on casing. Mr. Block said he would like to purchase a tractor ~,~~hich ho had mentioned before and for which there are funds available. The Council had no objection. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE SIX AUGUST 2, 1983 8. NEW BUSINESS There being no new business before the Owasso City Council, chair adjourned at 8:12 p.m. EOY M. S LACER, MAYOR NN HENDRICKSON, CITY CLEP.K