HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.09.06_City Council Minutest On Tuesday; September 6, 1983, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Pub7.ic Hearing and Agenda posted on City Ha11 Bulletin Board at 4:00 n.m, on September 2, 1983. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER The meetinu was called to order at 7:0~ p,m, with Niayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Flag salute was l.ed by Mayor Spencer . ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Wauhillea~a Webb, Vice- Mayor_ (7:08 pm) Jame, Smalley, Councilman Von 5tock7.er; Councilman Dale Block, City Manager Ron. Cates; City Attorney Ann, Hendrickson, City C7.erk ABSENT: Phyl7_is Gross, Councilwoman ITEM 4: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR SFS5ION OF OWASSO CITY COUNCIL; , AtTGUST 16 , 19'8 3 . Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by I~'Iayor Spencer, to approve the minutes of August 16, 1983, by reference made a part her-e~f . AYE; rZessrs. Spencer; Stockier; Smalley NAY; None r~iotlron carried _ ITEM 5: ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION FROr~I DR, SADLER AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO FILL THE VACANCY. Motion was made by Von Stockier, seconded by James Smalley, to accept the resignation of Dr. Sadler from the Owasso Planning l~olIlml S S ion . AYE: r7essrs, Spencer, Stockier, Smalley NAY: None Motion carried. Mayor Spencer stated that with the Council's approva7_, he would appoint Mrr Ray Haynes to fill the vacancy on the Owasso Planning Cornmi s s ion. . APPROVAL: AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockier OWASSO CITY COUNc:IL PAGE TWO SEPTEMBER 8, 1983 5. BUSINESS A. Nav: None Mayor's appointment of Ray Haynes to the Owasso Planning Commission approved lay City Council. B. REQUEST TO INSTALL SIGNS/RAM BACKERS-CLUB Ms, Judy Andexsor_, representing the Ram Backers Club, requested that 86th St. North, from the eastern city limits to the. western city limits be given the honorary designation of "Ram Boulevard". The Ram Backers Club also presented a request for a sign ~n Highway 169 a.t 86th St. North designating directions to the stadium and t~ the gym track. Mr. Cates suggested that the request for the designation "Ram Bo~~levard" be put on the next agenda so that a proclamation can be prepared. Ms. Anderson said the R.am Backers Club was not certain what type of signs Taould be- used, but would be open to suggestion and would be sure any signs met ~,rith the Council's approval as 'well as the . highway department. C, CONSIDERATION OF AMENDP~NT TO OWASSO CITY CODE TO REFLECT NEW MAXIMUM PENALTIES TN Ot~T 5S0 MUNICIPAL CURT. Mr. Cates stated that Senate Bill ~~176 would provide a new maximum fin-e for courts not of record. of $200 and jury trials in cases where the fine would exceed $1.00. He suggested the Council consider referring DUI and other related offenses to Tulsa County, He also suggested including this for consideration in the process of re- codifi:cation. Mayor Spencer stated this item would be passed oration in the recodification orocess. D. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FEDERAL A Mr.. Block presented a map for Council's review change to include the intersection of $6th St. Ave, for a possible signalization projer_t. for future consid- LD URBAN SYSTEM and recommended one N, and 129th E. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by James Smalley, to to approve the application for a Federal Ai_d Urban Street System for Owasso. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Stockler, SmaJ_ley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAG_F, THREE SEPTEMBER h, 1983 5. BUSINESS E. CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACTS RRGARDING COMMUTER BUS SERVICE. The contractG presented for revie~T and cor_sideration were between TTTTA and th-e City and between Oklahoma Dept, of Transportation and the City. Mr. Cates stated that he would recommend an amendment to the PfiTTA contract and would not recommend its consideration at this time. r'[otion Baas made by Mayor S*~encer, seconded by Von Stockier to approve the contract between the Oklahoma Department of Transporta- tion an:d the City ~f Owasso for non-operating and operating assist- ance to pro~~ide transportation to the general public in rural and small urban areas. AYE: Messrs. 5pAncer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None r'lotion carried. F: LAKERT.DGE TERRACE FIRST_ ADDITION: REQtTEST FOR APPROVAL OF ANIENPED CONDITIONAL FINAL PLAT LOCATED NORTH AND WEST ~F . TH ST . NORTH AND 1 9 tr. E . AVE . Item passed to September 20, 1983 Council meeting. G. C~NSIDERA,TION OF AGENT TO TRANSFER FEES TO BANK OF OKLAHOMA Item passed to September 20, 1983 Council_ meetin-g. h . REPORT FROI~i CITY ATTORNEY Review of Part 1 and Part 2 of Rough Draft of Owasso City Code. i~ir. Cates suggested that he and the city Clerk submit a memorandum on parts o£ the rough draft at the first meeting of each month and at the next meeting, the Council give direction. on that part. Thor. instructions could be given to OML as to changes the Council would wish to have made in preparation for final appro?Tai. 7. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER A. UPDATE ON STREET PROGRA~'I Mr.. Block reviewed a series of communications relating to street :pork to be done in the Meadow Crest subdivision. He reported that the County En-gineer- had indicated mid-October to early November for this improvement. I~iayor Spencer asked for information regarding a claim filed against the City regarding a collisl_on involving a City employee. Mr. Cates rezuested that the item be put or_ the next agenda for Execu- tive Session as it is potential litigation. O[~JASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR SEPT. 6, 19$3 Mr. Block stated that a new Building Inspector,. Mr. Johnny Bond, had been hired. and that he comes to Owasso with very good cre- dentials. P:~r.. Smalley asked for an update on Revenue Sharing a_nd kTher_ a Reven~?e Sharing budget would need to be prepared. Mr. Block said he expected to get information on the dollar figure and the rules ;overning the new General Revenue .Sharing Program sometime this month. 8. NEW BUSINF,SS Mayor Spencer asked for clarification as to whether or not he would be reimbursed for expenses involved in his giving a deposition in litigation involving the City. Mr. Smalley, Mr. Stockler and Mrs. Webb voiced their approval.of reimbursement for those expenses. There being no f~a-rther business before the Owasso City Cour_ci1, meeting adjourned at R : 00 p .zr_. ,~ ~~ c-'' BOY. M. SPE ER, :'IA OR ANN HEPdDRICKSON, CITY CLERK