HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983.10.18_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, October 18, 1983, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda. posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 4:00 p.m, on October 14, 1983. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER T-he meeting was called to order at 7:~0 p.m, with Mayor. Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE Fl-ag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Wauhil--luau Webb, Vice-Mayor James Smalley, Councilman Von Stockier-, Councilman Dale Block, City Manager Ron Cates, City Attorney Ann Hendrickson, City Clerk ABSENT: Phyllis Gr-oss, Councilwoman ITEM 4: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OCTOBER 4, 1983. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by ~Jauhilleau Webb, to approve the minutes of October 4, 1983, by reference made a part hereof. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockier; Mrs. Webb TdAY : None Motion carried. ITEM 5: BUSINESS A. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF 1982-1983 AUDIT REPORT Passed temporarily. B. APPROVAL OF PROPOSED OML BY-LAWS PZotion was made by Von Stockier, seconded by James Smalley, to appr-ove the proposed OML By-Laws. AYE: Messr-s. Spencer, Stockier, Smalley; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. OWA,SSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE TWO OCT. 18, 1983 5. BUSINESS A. REVIEti~T AND CONSIDERATION OF 1982-1983. ~UI7IT REPORT. T~Ir, Steve Jay of L,oTirey and Jay, Certified Public Accountants, and Mr. Lee Dawson, Owasso City Treasurer were present for the discus- sion. TZr,. Smalley ~.sked about the lack of a fixed assets. ledger. T~7r. Jay s-fated that this has been a problem for several years. and that he is working with Mr. Dawson on it. He said there had not been an inventory taken for several years, but one was taken this year which is necessary to be able to have a fixed assets ledger next year. Mr. Jay stated that this last year has been a good year for the City with a lot of financial records getting back in good share. Mr. Spencer asked how the City could maintain a record of lost water throughout. the year. T-Zr. Jay said a meter could be installe on the line coming in from Tulsa and compare the total water going through the meter to what is billed out. Mr. Smalley asked about the status of the Revenue Sharing Budget. Mr--. Block said he knew what he would recommend as to how the money should be spent, but the Revenue Sharing Office was recommending that a budget not be prepared until the actual amount was known. He said that perhaps the City should budget the $60,000 in the Revenue Sharing fund right now. He said if it was the Council's desire, a budget could be prepared assuming the new amount would be the same as the last. Z'Ir. Smalley said he was concerned as to the time allotted to spend the funds. Mr. Jay said there was a two year time span. Mr. Jay recommended that the $60,000 which was money r-eceved after the close of the City's fiscal year, but which is governed by the old law, should be budgeted now. Mayor S~aencer asked for clarification on "matters of a minor nature" mentioned in the letter of recommendation. Mr. Jay said an example of that would be improver departmental coding of a small exoense item or improper filing. Mr. Block pointed out on the City Financial Statement, Exhibit A, that figures in the last column were off because the computer had not separated employee benefits into the different departments. Mr-. Block commended the City Treasurer for his work during the year in making many improvements and thanked.T2r. Jay for time spent in helping elPminate some of the problems. Mr. Smalley said he was glad to see the list of recommendations decreasing in size. T'Ir. Jay said the improvements made this year are good building blocks for an even better year to come. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Von Stockler, to accept the 1982-1983 Audit Report. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler; Mrs, tidebb NAY: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE OCT. 18, 1983 5. BUSINESS C. RECOTdSIDERATION OF ST TO VACATE A PORTION OF 17.5 FT. Mr. Gavin King appeared before the Council representing Boyd and Jean Grindstaff asking for reconsideration of the previous denial of the above request. He stated that the various utility companys and the Cable TV companyharl no objection providing that Mr. Grindstaff would pay. for .relocation of the line if required. He said the Grindstaffs would be willing to provide a bond in favor of the City indemnifying the City from any damages occurring in the future. Discussion followed concerning damage already sustained by the house in the area of the easement in question, possible remedies, passible future problems, and the consequences of possible action taken by the Council. Motion was made by Mayor Spencer, seconded by 3ames Smalley, to deny the request to vacate a portion of the 17.5 ft. utility ease- ment, Lot 20, Block 5, El Rio Vista II. AYE: T'ir. Spencer, Mr. Smalley NAY: P'Ir. Stockler, Mrs. Webb Motion did not carry. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Von Stockler, to approve the 72' partial vacation of easement subject to the con- ditions set forth by the Technical Advisory Committee and the requirement of a thirty thousand dollar bond. AYE: Mrs. Webb, Mr. Stockler NAY: Mr. Spencer, Mrs. Webb Motion did not carry. 6. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY None at this time. 7. REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER A. Labor Negotiations Mr. Block stated that the judgement of the arbitrators is due by October 24, however, Council is not bound by their recommendation. He mentioned a number of the requests including a departmental pay increase and a 1% increase for those officers who have com- Aleted an. associates degree in Police Science and a $50 increase in clothing allowance. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR OCT. 18, 1983 7. B. Computer- Proposals Mayor Spencer said he felt the Council should take their time and be very careful in any decision about the computer. Per. Cates said an impartial consulting firm might be helpful to audit the City's needs. Mrs. Webb asked Mr. Block his view on the problem. Mr. Block said that with all the help from Burroughs and from the software company and the hard work of Jan Worley and Lee Dawson, we haven't been able to get it to do the job: He said the power surge problem might be improved by purchasing a $5,000 voltage regulator. It was suggested by several people that some kind of consultant be found to give an objective opinion of the system the City is using now as well as the systems that are being considered. 8. APPROVAL OF CLAIP~S Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Wauhilleau bJebb, to approve the September claims for General Fund in the total amounts of $101,169.23, $3,966.34, $10,285.65, and $2,183.86. AYE: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, Stockler; Mrs. Webb NAY: None Motion carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS Mr-s. Webb said she was still seeing a problem with the traffic lights at Highway 169 and 86th St. North. Mr. Block said the equipment was being repaired and temporary equipment was being used at this time, but the original equipment should be back in use soon. Mayor Spencer asked for better maintenance of the center median on 76th St. North at Highway 169 and at the cemetary. He said a new Oklahoma flag should be purchased for the cemetary and the light was out. There being no further business before the Owasso City Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.