HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.06.12_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, June 15, 1982,-the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall per the Notice of Public Hearing and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:00 P.M. on June 11, 1982, and by reference is made apart hereof. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.ri. with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. L Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Wauhilleau Webb, Vice Mayor Jim Smalley, Councilman Von. Stockler, Councilman Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman Ron Cates, City Attorney Dale Block, City Manager Sue Shelley, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: APPROVE MINTUES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 1, 1982. Motion was made by Von Stockler, seconded by Jim Smalley to approve minutes of June 1, 1982. AYES: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley, and Stockler and Mrs. Gross iQAYS: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Webb Motion carried. ITEM 5: PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GENERAL_ FUND BUDGET, 1982-83. Mr. Block stated that water revenues were down because of water rationing and a very wet spring. He stated that there were 2 areas of interest in the new budget, a fire truck and an expansion of the City Garage. Mr. Vines from the audience asked why $15,000.00 per year was paid to INGOG. Ms. Dickey stated that in addition to her services on several boards,this amount also included the membership in INCOG. Owasso City Council Page Two June 15, 1982 «~- Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Von Stockler to approve a public hearing on the proposed general fund budget for 1982-82 for Tuesday, June 29, 19$2 at 7:00 P.M, AYES: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley and Stockler i~iesdames Webb and Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEM 6: BUSINESS: A~'~IENDMENT TO PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL - COMPENSATORY TIME, SUPERVISORS. Mr. Block stated that he felt that if a "department head" is working in an actual construction activity as a line foreman instaed of a supervisory activity, he should be considered for overtime in an emergency situation, with the prior approval of the City Manager. He stated that he would be strict in this instance. Motion was made by Wauhilleau Webb, seconded by Phyllis Gross to amend the Personnel Manual, section 2.2 to: "Department heads are not eligible for overtime pay or compensatory time unless their request for same is approved in advance by the City Manager." AYES: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley and Stockler Mesdames Webb and Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEM 7: REZONINGREQUEST: REQUEST TO REZONE A TRACT OF LAND (LO ACRES) IN THE SW o SECTIO r+~. TOW SHE IP ~~. NORTH_ RANG Mr. Cates stated that the rezoning has already taken effect this is just to correct a clerical error in the land description. Carol Dickey stated that the Council passed the motion to rezone the correct 10 acres and that a clerical error was made in the Ordinance after the rezoning had taken place. Mr. Cates requested that this matter be placed upon the July 6th Agenda, to reflect that this is to correct a clerical error in Ordinance ~,~314. ~..~, ~.~ Owasso City Council Page Three June 15, 1982 Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Wauhilleau Webb to place an Amendment to Ordinance ~k314 to correct a clerical error. AYES: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley and Stockler Mesdames Webb and Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEM 8: REPORTS FROM BOARDS & OFFICERS: CITY ATTORNEY: SALE OF LOT ADJACENT TO CITY AHLL BUILDING: Mr. Cates stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Louis Levy concerning Lot 1, Block 1, of Owasso Business Park. In November of 1979 an offer to the City was made to sell this property for possible expansion of parking to the City Hall Building, at a price of .30~ per square foot. He stated that he was concerned that the party offering the option may not be able to convey that particular property, if the City`does in fact exercise their option. In May of 1982 Bob Fugate, Acting City Manager received correspondence from Mr. Levy wherein on behalf of Mr. Dale Williams a 20' utility easement be removed from that same blot and block, it is now in the process of procedding through the Planning Commission. Mr. Cates stated that if the removal is successful then the 20' easement would be conveyed to Mr. Williams, in return for widening Dogwood Street in the form of an easement granted to Mr. Levy. Mr. Cates stated that Mr. Levy would be agreeable to selling 40' of Lot 2 to make up for the lost footage on Lot 1. This would require a Lot Split, which would be obtained by Mr. Levy. He requested direction on the possible exercise of the option in this matter by the City. Mr. Block stated that he would report on this matter. No Motion was made, ITEM 9: REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER: FIREMAN'S FITNESS PROGRAM. Mr. Block stated that he had reached an agreement with the Firemen as to the Fitness Program. He stated that they would forego this program in favor of the funds being applied to a new firetruck. r~Zr. Block stated that fitness equipment and adequate time would be made available. No Motion was made. ITEM 10: APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Phyllis Gross to approve warrants for General Fund ~~2394 through ~~2429 for $55,720.60 and cancel ~~2497 , -;x2624 and ~~2392 ; Park Grant Fund ~~2464 through ~~2467 for $4, 251.38; Revenue Sharing ~~2468 through ~~2470 for $2, 050 ; Debt Service Fund ~~2471 for ~~37 , 711.54. Owasso City Council Page Four June 15, 1982 AYES: Messrs. Spencer, Smalley and Stockler Mesdames Webb and Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEM 11: NEW BUSINESS. Mr. Lee Rollins from Owasso Auto Supply questioned the City's method of payment on past due billing in the amount of approximately $8,000.00. He was assured by Mr. Block that this problem would be solved and that he would be paid as the warrants were approved in Item 10 above. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, the chair adjourned at 8:13 P.M. BOYD `SPENP~R, MAYOR