HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.03.16_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, ZZarch 16, 1982, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, per Notice of Public T•Zeeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 P,~I. on riarch 12, 1982, and by reference is made a Hart hereof, ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.I`~I, with I~7ayor Wasserman presiding, ITETZ 2: FLAG SALUTE ITEi•1 3 : ROLL CALL . PRESENT: Lyle Wasserman, '`Zayor Phyllis Gross , Vice T~Zayor Boyd Spencer, Councilman John Stadler, Councilman Jim Smalley, Councilman Ron Cates, City Attorney ICen Thompson, City T~lanager Sue Shelley, City Clerk ABSETQT : None ITET_'I ~,- : APPROVE .'lINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL REGULAR I"IEETING Oid `~2ARC13 9 , 19 82 . Tlotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Jim Smalley to approve Council minutes of TZarch 9, 1982, AYES: TZessrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and ~1rs, Gross NAYS: None T~Iotion carried. ITETZ 5: PLANNI"1G CONL7ISSIOTd RECOrP1EDNATION TO DEi1Y RI;ZOi1ING FROM RS- 3 SINGLE FA~'~IILY TO RM- T`1ULTI-F~''~ILY , LOT BLOCI: 1 , iiALE ADDITION. City Attorney stated that he had researched the anti-trust latas as it relates to this case, in t'Zat t'ne municipal exercise of zoning Hower under Oklahoma law would be exempt from anti-trust action. LIr. Charney representing the owners opposed to t'ze zoning stated that platting of property does not take nres~~dence over zoning. This property Baas brought into the City and it ~~as classified and there were two senerate hearing on the comprehensive zoning plan, this property was zoned and retained as a residential piece of property, a second comprehensive plan was adopted and it was still zoned residential. IIe stated that T.qr. Vines broug'lt the property after it was zoned and T1e knew what the zoning was. City Council Page Two March 16, 1982 Mr. Charney stated that he did not feel that there should be 28 more arartments in an area that was already overcrowded. He stated that there was no road around the area for fire service and he thought that this was a fire hazard. He stated that unless a study by the City Engineer showing this property could be adequately served by the sewer, drainage and roads put in, he stated that he thought that the Council should deny the rezoning. Mr. Vines stated that he knew what the zoning was. That there was no drainage problem and that the City made a commitment and that they should stick by it. TZr. Smalley requested the City i2anager to write a letter to the owner of the adjacent nroAerty that was needed for an access road through tine property for emergency veizicles, Tizis needs to be done regardless of the zoning outcome. :'lotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Jim Smalley to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny rezoning. AYES: riessrs. Spencer, Stadler and Smalley =IJ~YS : Mr , T,Tas s erman and ''Zrs , Gros s T~otion carried. ITE^? 6: ORDINATdCE ;317 ANNEI~ATION OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE SOU'1'H4JIS7' 1 OF THE NORTiIWEST 2 OF SECTION TOTas~TSHIP 21 T10RTII, RANGE EAST LESS A 1 5 x 30 TRACT IN THE SOUTH~•~EST TZotion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Boyd Spencer to adopt Ordinance ;~~317. AYES: Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and i~rs. Gross NAYS : Toone Motion carried. ~., .~~ Owasso City Council Page Three March 16, 1982 ITEM 7: ORDINANCE ~~317 AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE. Mr. Spencer stated that when an Ordinance is passed, it should be advertised for a 30 day period for protest. Dr. Clark stated that there have no protestors from the area, and t:zere has been a unanimous vote by the Planning Commission for approval of this annexation. He stated that he has ilad several calls about a place to live and he stated that this was the basis for an emergency clause. T~Iotion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Jo1zn Stadler that the emergency clause be approved on Ordinance ~'~317. AYES: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS: Mr. Spencer Motion carried. ITEr'I 8: ORDINANCE ~k318 AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN MUNICIPAL JUDGE S S ALARY , Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by ?`Zrs. Gross to adopt Ordinance ~~318 authorizing an increase in 1'Zunicipal Judge's salary. AYES: Messrs. ?,Tasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross i1%YS : None ~Zotion carried. ITEP1 9: APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. City i~ianager stated that ~~1708-82 is repetitive from last meeting and the total should reflect a change of $235.00, Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Lyle Wasserman to approve warrants for payment, warrant list 17.25 to 17.56 with the exception of ;1708 for $235.00 for a corrected total of $34,364.56, Park Grant Fund 1757 for $767.96, Revenue Sharing ;1758-1759 for $545.45. AYES: Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and ~'Irs. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. Owasso City Council Page Four TZarch 16, 1982 NEGd BUSINESS Joe North submitted a drawing of his property at 96th Street North and 169. He stated he would tike to annex into ttze City. The front being zoned for commercial and the back for 300 modular homes. He stated he would like to have City Sewer for the commercial portion about the 1st of September, if not possible he is considering a septic system or lagoon. City ~Zanager stated that the Ator Heights Lift Station would service him. Mayor Wasserman stated that lie did not think there there would be any sewer hookups for a while. City Manager gave a report on the Owasso Business Park, one . pro~lem was street easement document instead of a deed of dedication, and a nortion of the temporary building has not been removed. Also t?~e drainage structures on the east side of the property. i~a;~or T~lasserman stated that tie felt that no building permits should be issued until all work is complete so t'nis w_11 prevent future problems. ~~,lilma ~Jasserman expressed her concern of her treatment as a bar owner. "Zrs. Gross expressed b.er support as to this issue. ~~ Citizen asked about each ward not electing their own council member. P'Ir. Stadler stated that this system Taas provided for under t'ze City Charter, action was suggested for the future. ''Ir. Stadler stated that there has been a letter from HUD and VA that they will accept no more new commitments for any more attachments on the sewer line on 97t:z Street until improvements are rnade . Being no further business before the Otiaasso City Council the chair adjourned at 9:20. ~/ L E WASSER; ZAN , PZAYOR ~-__ SU BELLE TY C ~