HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.02.16_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, February 16, 1982, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Cotmcil Chambers at City Hall, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Mall bulletin board at 2:00 P.M. on February 12, 1982, and by~reference is made a Hart hereof. ITFT~ l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 8:40 P,P'I. with r~layor [Wasserman presiding. ITEf Z 2 : FLAG SALUTE . IT~7 3 : ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Lyle Wasserman, Mayor Phyllis Gross , Vice ~7ayor Boyd Spencer, Councilman John Stadler, Councilman Jim Smalley, Councilman Ken Thompson, City :7anager Ron Cates, City Attorney Sue Shelley, City Clerk ABSEPW%: None ITE"-1 4 : APPR(JVE P~ffNUTES OF February 2 , 1982 , REGULAR CITY COUT~IL PIEETIr1G. ?lotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by John Stadler to approve the minutes of February 2, 1982 Regular City Council Meeting. AYES: 2•Iessrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Tars. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITN3"1 5: AUDIT REPORT FOR FISCAL 1980-81 BY LfJHREY AND JAY, CERTIFIED PUBLIC A('.~T TNTA~ T'Ir. Spencer inquired about the Fiduciary Fund. T1r. Jay stated that it pays a portion of the pension cost for t?~.e firemen and that transfer of funds is to the Fireman's Pension Fund. Nfr. Spencer asked about the Debt Service in the atmunt of $47,879.00 accrual of bond principal. Mr. Jay stated t'~at every year the city levies the taxpayers for their ad valorem tax to be used for debt service, t?~.is includes both band interest and principal. Owasso City Council February lb, 1982 Page Rio ~, Mr, Smalley asked about why we did not keep track of our fixed assets, Mr, Jay stated that had been in the letter of recommendation for 4 years, the reason for this is that cities never had to keep track of their fixed assets. Revenue sharing has made it a requirement to keep track of all of every asset purchase from revenue sharing funds. Mr, Smalley asked why purchase order were after the fact and what could be done to correct this. i'Ir, Jay stated that it is the department heads responsibility and if no other method would work that the person making the purchase be required to pay for this out of their awn rocket. Mr, Smalley asked why the computer had not been utilized to its fullest extent. Mr, Jay stated that the use of tze computer has ~~nproved, purchase order are on the system and we can obtain a report on expenditures, But it could be used to a fuller advantage. He stated that he would like to see the water billings and cash receipt system be reconciled every irnnth, in that money could be saved if the city kncxa where it's money was. ITS"-q 6: PROPOSED FIRE DEPAR'IT~NT RULES AND REGULATIONS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCIDURE. T'Iotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Phyllis Gross to accent the proposed Fire Department Rules 2nd Regulations and Standrad Operating Procedures. AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs, Gross NAYS: None P~Iotion carried, ITEM 7: APPOIN'L^~NT TO TF~ PLANNING COi"1f~IISSION TO FILL THE UNEXPIRID TERM. OF MR, DON COOKS. T•7otion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler to appoint ''-Zichael Day to fill t'-~.e appointment to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Don Cooke. AYES: r~essrs, '~asserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs, Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. Owasso City Council February 16, 1982 Page 'T'hree ITFii 8: PROPOSID REVISION OF PAY PLAN FOR 1~,T0 POSITIONS IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'IP~'NT . Mr. Thompson stated that he was requesting a variance of the pay plan for the Public [corks Director. The lowest salary he could negotiate with Cory Larsen, is a step in between t<~o of the steps of the pay plan for that position. He would like to either request a revision of the pay plan so that there would be one step of variance until he goes through his probationary period and then put him on the highest step. $21,600.0 was the figure that iaas negotiated. Also Mr. Thompson requested the elimination of one labor position and change it to a clerk typist for record keeping in the shop for Public Works Director and also for maintenance records, fuel uses, inventory time cards, requisitions, and purchase orders. This is on a temporary basis now to see if it would work. Tlotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Jim Smalley to accept the variance on the pay plan for the Public ti•~lorks Director for the next six months, AYES: Messrs. ~.aasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ;lotion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Jim Smalley to accept the elinri.nation of one labor position and change to clerk typist on a temporary basis for 3 months to see if it is feasible. AYES: Plessrs. ?Jasserman, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS : 2'1r , Spencer Motion carried. ITEi~i 9: APPOIN'Ii•lENT TO A FIVE YEAR TERT.~Z TO THE OWASSO IN~iJSTRIAL AUTHORITY (MR, DALE JOHNSON'S TEE~"1 HAS EXPIRED) . Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Jo;.in Stadler to appoint Mr. Johnson to serve. AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and "_lrs. Gross NAYS: None notion carried. Owasso City Council February 16, 1982 Page Four ITEh7 10: CANCEL i•1ARGEi 2, 1982 REG'UTAIZ CITY COUNCIL i~ETING P~iayor Wasserman stated that he did not think that the meeting needed to be cancelled but nostnoned until March 9th, Motion was made by Phyllis Gross , seconded by Jo'.~n. Stadler that the March 2, 1982 council meeting be set for March 9, 192. AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs, Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITFl~ 11: REQUEST CITY OODE CHANGE TO ALLO?a t~JIT'VESS FEES 'PO BE PAID POLICE OFFICERS. P7r, 'Thompson stated that in Section 12-22 Article 3 allows witnesses in court other than police officers. He stated that he would like to pay the officers $5,00 for each case as witness fees instead of time and one-half and charge it to the court instead of the police budget. Chief Reyes state that he had talked to Judge Pickerill and he was in `"' favor of this proposal. Mrs. Gross stated that there was a meeting held at the community center and the city summoned witnesses to annear. She stated that she T.aould like to know what the status on this would be. Mr, Cates stated that this was an administrative hearing pursuant to council power. He stated that he would check into that. P~btion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler that we pay witness fees to police officers in the amount of $5.00 to be charged to the court, and Ron Cates was instructed to draft an ordinance to be presented at the next council meeting. AYES: PZessrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. Owasso City Council February 16, 1982 Page Five ITEM 12: FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 1982, I~ir. Thompson stated that the sales tax was very encouraging, that an error was found in the payroll, these put the budget at a level that it should be. The City was 58.3% into tine fiscal year and we brought in 53.2% of revenue and spent 54.4%. The revenue figure is misleading in that the sales tax will continue to increase and the franchise tax we will get in a lump sum in May or June. jle do agree that the financial picture that we can give a 5% cost of living increase. ITEM 13: CONSIDER PROPOSID FIVE PERCENT COST OF LIVING INCREASE FOR EMPIAYEES . Lotion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Phyllis Gross to give the 5% cost of living increase retroactive January 1, 1982. AYES: Tlessrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs, Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITF1"I 14: REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FOR McDONALD'S SIGN FROM 30' TO 50'. i1r, Thompson stated that there is a section in tine sign ordinance for a provision that the council can waive this variation. He stated that the council would have to waive the heigizt and square footage. That is was a problem with franchises, they never comply and the sign requirement has to b e waived . Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler to accept the variance for the I~1cDonald` s sign as far as the width .and size. AYES: I~lessrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Mr, Spencer ~~otion carried. ITEM 15 : APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYNIE^dT . ~~'Lr, Spencer asked what the black phone was in warrant ~~1760 for $277.50. Chief Reyes stated that it was installed in the booking area for prisoners to make calls as provided by law, aria also for security purposes. Owasso City Council February 16, 1982 Page Six Spencer asked on warrant ~k1482 Wall Street Journal why we has two subscriptions, Mr, Thompson stated that one was for Bob Fugate and one was for him he stated that they could get by with just one. :'fotian was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler to aptirove the warrants ~~1b80 to 1803 with the exception of ~~1880 for a corrected total of $39,631.76. AYFS: Messrs, Wasserman,, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Z~Irs. Gross, NAYS: None Notion carried, ITEM 16: NEW BUSINESS, Mr, Thompson stated that he wanted to discuss police cars, that there were some delays in getting the new cars and some of the old ones are at that point, some of the original state cars that we purchased a year and one-half ago, are on their last leg. 'That some action was needed immediately, There are same more state cars available. die stated that he was afraid that we were going to get into a bind before we get the new caxs in. Of the 12 cars only 4 are in running order. The Fords we got in 1980 have had new transmissions. 41e have three units purchased from the Department of Public Safety a year and one-half ago at a price of $900 to $1,200.00 we have more than gotten our money out of those, the 1977 Plynnuth station wagons ti78.t have been used for more than l8 months . We would like to purchase 5 rmre of the state cars and start selling and eliminating same of those to reduce the number of units and increase dependibility, Some of the vehicles we have we could use the repair Harts for the new ones. TI_ze cost of the 5 cars would be about one-half of the cost of anew car, He stated that the purchase of t;iese cars would come out of revenue sharing. He stated that he could justify the purchase in that it would be less than the cost of one new car and these cars could be used for one or two years, Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Phyllis Gross that we buy the five units and fund them out of revenue sharing, AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and TZrs, Gross NAYS: None i•7otion carried. Owasso City Council. February 16, 1982 Page Seven Mr. Thompson stated that he would like to see a salary increase for the Municipal Judge anal the City Prosecutor. They are paid $250.00 per month, he said that $300.00 to $400.00 per month would be reasonable. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, the chair adjourned at 9:50 P."~. ~~~ L WASSI, MAi~OR ~.z ~