HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982.02.02_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, February 2, 1982, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Ha11, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 P.r1, on January 15, 1982, and by reference is made a part hereof. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 8:04 P.t2, with Mayor Wasserman presiding. ITEM 2: FLAG SALUTE. ITET~1 3 : ROLL CALL . PRESENT: Lyle Wasserman, Mayor Phyllis Gross, Vice Mayor Boyd Spencer, Councilman Jo'nn Stalder, Councilman Jim Smalley, Councilman Ron Cates, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Sue Shelley, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: APPROVE MINUTES OF JANUARY 19, 1982, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ?MEETING , r1r. Hale cautioned the Council about administratively changing the minutes of the meetings, in violation of the open meeting law. MMotion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Boyd Spencer to approve the minutes of January 19, 1981 Regular City Council Meeting. AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and PZrs, Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEMM 4-A: REVIEW FIRE DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES. CityManager stated that it was a long document, very thorough and well prepared. He stated that it could be gone through section by section or take time to further review it before it is adopted. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Jim Smalley that it be tabled until the second meeting in TMarch. AYES: Messrs, Smalley, Stadler and iMr, Spencer NAYS: Mr. Wasserman and "Mrs. Gross Motion carried Owasso City Council Page Two February 2, 1.982 Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by John Stadler to rescind the Motion to table until the second meeting in March. AYES: Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by John Stadler to table until the February 16, 1982 meeting. AYES: i~essrs. ~aasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEI`~ 5: APPOINTMENT OF AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE PROPOSED SALES TAX AI1D PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BOi1D ELECTION. 1. Charley Wiley - nominated by John Stadler 2. Tom Rikkola - nominated by John Stadler 3. Gloria Shouse - nominated by T~Tayor Wasserman , 4 4. Bob Randolph - nominated by Mayor Wasserman 5. T°Zel Williams - nominated by Mayor Wasserman 6. Bob Hockenberry - nominated by Mayor Wasserman 7. Scott Savage - nominated by T~Iayor Wasserman 8. H.D. Hale - nominated by Jon.n Stadler notion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Phyllis Gross to accept the above eight names listed to accomodate a study committee for possible sales tax and/or bond issue. AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Stadler and Z-1rs. Gross NAYS: None ABSTAIN : i~Tr . Spencer and T~ir , Smalley T2otion carried. „. _.an Owasso City Council Page Three February 2, 1982 Carol Dickey stated that she had included a map of the property in the packet. It was zoned recently in Tulsa County for CS-Commercial zoning. Dr. Clark would like to have the property annexed, his intentions are to pursue a rezoning change if this is annexed to rezone it to mobile homes .located on a portion of the property. City Manager stated that a different procedure was being used since it normally would not Hass the annexation without review by the Planning Commission recommendation due to the urgency of this matter, Dr. Clark asked that the procedures be by passed and the Council deal directly, Dr. Clark stated that there was a sign to zone the back Bart from agricultural, the rezoning has been started. He stated that he would like to exclude an acre in the south quarter frontage from the annexation only because he asked Tulsa County to make an exception and change one area from CS to CG, As soon as the Advisory Board changes one acre from CS to CG he will come back and annex this, He stated that a good business wanted the property and it would bring a lot of money into the City. Carol Dickey stated that Dr. Clark is asking for a Board of Adjustment special exception for that one acre and that it would not change the zoning in Tulsa County. The zoning would not carry over in the annexation, but it has been a procedure in the part to include in the annexation petition the statement that it will be taken as zoned. :Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Jim Smalley that this piece of property go back to where it is supposed to go to the Planning Commission and come through the channels that it should and then we will let it come through council. AYES: Messrs. Spencer, Stadler and Smalley NAYS: Mr. Wasserman and PZrs, Gross Motion carried. ITENI 7 : STATErMENT OF EPMERGENCY CLAUSE FOR ANNEXATION PETITION No motion was made in that annexation was not granted. ITEM 6: ANNEXATION PETITION FOR 20 ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS THE Owasso City Countil Page Four February 2, 1982 ITEI.7 8: APPOINTIZENT TO THE PLANNING COI~~IISSION TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF MR. DON COOKE. Mrs. Gross stated that she wanted to submit the name of Michael Day, a realtor in Otaasso for consideration. Carol Dickey stated that the Planning Commission wanted to submit two recommendations as Mr. Compton withdrew his name. Mr. Pat Larkin, a developer and Mr. Rick Mayhar employed by Fidelity Federal. They are very highly recommended by the Planning Commission. I~Ir. Smalley stated that each of those recommended would have a conflict of interest and would have to abstain from voting on any property they were in any way associated with. Mr. Spencer submitted the name of Bill Wilson, who recently retired from American Airlines for consideration. Joe Caudle stated that 'ne would like to be considered if there was no restriction of living within the City Limits, No motion was made it was passed until the meeting on February 25th. ITEM 9: PROPOSAL TO CHANGE ~~,7ARD BOUNDARIES TO EQUALIZE THE DT~~ELLING UNITS , I4rs. Gross stated that she asked that this be placed on the agenda and would like to withdraw it at this time. I~1r. Spencer stated that this had come up twice and that there was a rule that it would be 60 days before this could be brought up again. Ito motion was made. ITE1`T 10: REQUEST BY BOARD OF ADJUSTI~E~ZT TO REMOVE ON STREET PARKIi1G Od THE EAST SIDE OF ATLAQTA BETtiJEEI1 BROADWAY AND FIRST AVENUE. Carol Dickey stated that t?zis was a request from tine Board of Adjustment regarding a business located on Atlanta whose veizicles are being parked on both sides of t11e street. It was a great concern for the neighborizood and the owner also. Only one block from Atlanta to Broadway was included in this proposal. Tile situation was that he had to start construction of the building to have a Mace to move the materials so i1e could clear off izis lot to be able to nut more cars on the lot. One suggestion was to have his cars park on other people's property, but tiie Board of Adjustment t~.oug'nt it was beyond tinier- scone to ask him to do that . Owasso City Council Page Five February 2, 1982 Mr. Stadler stated that lze tlzouglzt it would be in order to prohibit parking on the east side of t'.Ze street and give the Owner 5 weeks and put a no narking on the west side. Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Boyd Spencer to erect no parking signs on the east side of Atlanta from Broadway to First Avenue, effective immediately and 5 weeks from now erect no parking signs on the same space on the west side of the road. Carol Dickey questioned if the motion could be amended as it involved construction, there might be some periods that tine work could not continue and they could fall behind their schedule. Motion was made by Jolin Stadler, seconded by Boyd Spencer to erect no parking signs on the east side of Atlanta from Broadway to First Avenue, effective immediately and 60 days or 2 months from now erect no parking signs on the same space on the west side of the road. AYES: Messrs. ~~Tasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross 1AYS: None iZotion carried. ITEM 11: AUTHORIZE LEASE OF TAPE RECORDING SYSTEPZ FOR THE FIRE, POLICE AND AMBULANCE OPERATIONS. City Manager stated that a tape recording system lead been manufactured by Lanier which they adapted and installed and gave the City a trial period to see if we liked it and it worked. It izas been used by all three departments, all the dispatching by phone and radio calls are monitored out of the departments, Since it was not a budgeted item this year and the City did not take comnetative bids, lie recommended that it be leased temporarily, the down-payment would run until May 1, and the next lease would take t'ze City through until the end of the June and budget or bids could be considered then. The portion payable now could be paid from t'_ze revenue sharing portion of the fire department. He further stated that it cost $5,080.20, and could be leased until ?`Zay 1, for $560.92, and if we wanted it for anotizer quarter it would be $1,456.93 or $485.64 per month on a regular monthly basis until we decide to purchase it or take it out. If it is purc'zased these payments would go toward nurclzase. Competative bids were not taken because it was not known what type of system was needed, but specifications could be drawn up and advertisement for bids for a comparable system could be taken at ariy time, to meet the bid requirements for anything over $2,000.00. Owasso City Council Page Six February 2, 1982 T~Tr. Thompson stated that the biggest use for the tape system is where people are excited and call in an address and they don't repeat themselves and they hand up in the excitement and the dispatcher doesn't have any way to get back to them, the tape can be replayed instantly and the address can be obtained or they can try to make more sense out of it, This system could be a lifesaver and it could eliminate some liability on the City's part. :Motion was made by John Stadler to authorize the lease, lze tizen withdrew the motion and wanted to talk about it some more. City Manager stated that the tape were being kept for 3 weeks before they are being reused and it is using about 1 cassette for each shift. John Stadler explained what was necessary the Advocate II Recorder, Time Injector, Vioce Actuated Recording, Telephone Couplers, Radio Interface Unit, Cassettes, Bulk Eraser.- Not necessary were Vest Pocket Assistant, i~licard Rechargeable Batteries, Battery Charger, Telephone Recording Coil for Vest Pocket Assistant, :lotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by John Stadler to lease the tape recording system with the elimination of the last four items (Vest Pocket Assistant, Nicard Rechargeable Batteries, Battery Charger, Telephone Recording Coil for Vest Pocket Assistant), and to lease quarterly. AYES: Messrs. Trlasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs, Gross 1AYS : None Motion carried. ITEiZ 12: AN ORDIi1ANCE AUTHORIZING THE P7AYOR OR HIS DESIGNATE TO BE THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE ON ALL BOARDS OF WIiICII THa CITY IS A P~TEZ~SBER OR PARTICIPANT, TTrs. Gross stated that she asked that t'nis be placed on the agenda because tizere wasn't a procedure for this and she thought it was add to the protocal of the meeting. Ron Cates stated that t'..~is gives the bower to serve or to designate, not a random as is done at the present time. It does lock the mayor or vice mayor in as far as they must assume the position or tizey must make the decision to designate the position, Iie said he thought t'ne Ordinance was drafted with enough latitude that the mayor could aApoint someone to serve as well as the vice mayor. And that TMrs. Gross's intentions were just that it be delineated and the procedure followed. T~otion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler to adopt Ordinance ;315. Owasso City Council Page Seven February 2, 1982 AYES: Messrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and `'Irs. Gross NAYS: None Motion carried. ITEM 12-A: ENACTr1ENT OF THE EMERGENCY CLAUSE ON ORDINANCE ,k315. Ron Cates stated that the emergency clause just expedites the problems of the ordinance. The justification would be that there is a void in a rule of procedure and the emergency could be that an answer would be needed tommorow and this would not be in effect for 30 days. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross to go ahead and enact the emergency clause for Ordinance ~~315. No second was made Motion failed. ITEM 13: APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYP•ZENT. City iZanager stated that on Warrant ~k1659 for $468.00 was for membership payments of $18.00 per year for all of our paid and volunteer fireman in the Oklahoma State Fire Fighters Association, an organization that lobbys for various bills that are beneficial to fire fighters and union related bills. The City is in a labor contract with the paid fireman and this is not covered in the contract. There are 14 paid fireman and 12 volunteers. He stated that his recommendation would be that the City pay the volunteers and not pay the paid firemen's as they are in a labor contract. City Manager stated that on Warrant ~~1638 that Empire 1'Iaintenance has improved their service to tine city to his satisfaction. City Manager stated that on Warrant ~k1671 to Sonic that this was for the-year 1981 for prisoner meals, Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by John Stadler to pay warrants ~k1561 through 1677 removing warrant ;k1659 until the next warrant list comes out, and Park Development Grant. Warrants a~19-17-20, Revenue Sharing Warrant ~~9-82. AYES: l-Zessrs, Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler and Smalley NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Mrs. Gross Motion carried. Owasso City Council Page Eight February 2, 1982 ITEM 14 : NELJ BUSINESS . City Manager stated that he would like to go on record about the steam study contract, the Council approved a Step 1 Application for a grant all taas turned down but the stream study, that has been several montizs ago t'nat the contract was sent to INCOG for approval, and the legal department has tied it up for several months. On December 29 the Health Department called and stated tiZat the President signed a bill saying that there were no longer funds for Step 1 and 2, there were funds for step 3 for construction. The City lost out on getting a three-fourtizs grant for the stream study. They will go ahead and advance us the money to make the stream study, but if we don't go ahead into Step 3 with the EPA we will have to pay the money back or if we do go into Step 3 it will be included as part of the total step three cost. It has been delayed for several months and the stream study may get fouled up. He stated that he would try to get it going because the program is having problems and by 1984 the grant will drop from 75% to 55%. He stated that he just wanted to go on record and state w:~y we haven't gotten that contract back from the state. Mr. Spencer stated that he was upset about the tap fees. Mr. Thompson stated that as far as he knew that they iZad been pain, he had i~lr. flay check and he said that as has all the City taps and we have all available fees. P•Ir. Spencer stated that he would like a copy of the receipts in his packet for the next meeting. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, chair adjourned at 9:40. W~ E tiJAS SERI.IAN , MAYOR -- SHELLEY, CITY ERK