HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.12.01_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, December 1, 1981, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hail, per notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted or1 the City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 P.M. on November 25, 1981, and by reference is made apart hereof. ITEM l: CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Wasserman presiding. ITFMM 2 : FLAG SALU'T'E . Flag salute was led by Mayor Wasserman.. ITEM 3: ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Lyle Wasserman, Mayor Phyllis Gross, Vice Mayor John Stadler, Councilman Jim Smalley, Councilman Boyd Spencer, Councilman Harold Charn.ey, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Sue Shelley, City Clerk ABSENT: None ITEM 4: APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 17, 1981, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Jim Smalley, to approve the I~'Linutes of the November 17, 1981 Regular Council Meeting and by reference is made apart hereof. Ayes: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley, Spencer and Mrs. Gross Nays: None Motion carried. ITEM 5: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR OWASSO OFFICE PARK SUBDIVISION. Mr. Louis Levy spoke for the Owasso Office Park Subdivision, he asked for 3 waivers: 1. City Engineer waive the street requirements from 36' to 26' with all parking off the street and on the business. 2. Allow width of the opening on Dogwood to be 25' with 5' easement from Purity Oil for water line. City Engineer recommends 80' right of way be donated to the City. McDonald's offered to put up $50,000 performance bond to be used by the City if they wanted to buy or condemn the property in question. 3. Public or private status of 4th Avenue this includes 250' that has never been dedicated to the City, but Mr. We11s, the owner has offered an instr~lt saying the road has been in use for 15 years that can be filed of record so that this ,:~ OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE 'IWD DECEMBER 1, 1981 piece cf land can be used. The City Engineer recommends 80' dedication this would use up the parking for the Cedarcrest apartments. Mr. Cauldwell a McDanald's representative from Dallas explained that they want to build a 89 foot 110 seat typical McDrnzald's restaurant with a circular drive on to the access road. Also that they plan to purchase 2 additional lots for future expansion or protection if the access would ever go one way. They will employ approximately 70 people. The City Manager suggested 3 recommendations: 1. We could use the performance bond of $50,000 in needed and allow 30' for the opening on Dog~aood and keep the bond for five years. 2. Waive the 36' street on Dogwood and restrict parking on both sides of Dogwood. 3. Obtain fran Mr. Wells an instrument that can be filed of record granting 26' surface width of his existing parking area for the apartments and an additional easement on the north side of Well's property which shall be 20' used for utilities, and grant 24' of easement to be used as street right of way or utility. That would give 50' access to Cedar. Also that the street would be resurfaced to City standards and curb and gutter on the north side and conform with curb arai gutter. PZr. Levy stated that he would not take the City to court if this plan was rejected. He agreed with the conditions set down by the City Manager. Nbtiori was made by Mayor Wasserman, no second. Instead a motion to table until the next meeting was made by Mayor Wasserman and seconded by Jim Smalley. Ayes: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross Nays: None Abstain: Spencer Motion carried. ITE@2 6: REPORT BY CITY ATTORNEY ON NEW N~JNICIPAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Harold Chantey gave a revort on the 7 points that City appointed officials are responsible for as per his seminar on City Government at OSU. 1. Negligent Appointment: Person not qualified for the job and they hurt someonE: as a result of poor screening. 2. Negligent Retention: Person because of frequent infractions reflected in their record that they are not fit for their job. 3. Negllgent Assigcunexlt: Person who is assigned a duty they are not qualified for and someone is hurt in the process. 4. Negligent Entrustment: Person who is entrusted with a weapon, etc. that they are negligent in handling and they hurt someone. ~.._. 5, Failure to Train: Person after hire if they are not provided tiroper training and instruction manuals. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE THREE DECEMBER 1, 1981 6. Failure to Supervise: If the need of immediate supervision is not met. 7. Failure to Direct: If the need for direction is not met. ITEM 7 : REVIEW BIDS FOR TWO Fl~RCiEN('Y WARNTNC~ STRF.NS _ The City Manager explained that this was the second time these bids were put out and there was one qualified bidder that met the budget requirements of $12,000.00. He recommended to award to Goddard Enterprises. Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Phyllis Gross to accept the City Manager's recommendation to award this contract to Goddard Enterprises. Ayes: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley, Spencer and Mrs. Gross Nays: None Motion carried. ITFl~I 8: REVI~'~a BIDS ~R SHELTERS, TABLES, BENCHES AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR EIS~I CREEK PARK. The City Manager recommends that °Ziracle be awarded the bid for 10 picnic tables anal 6 benches, made of metal instead of aluminum used by other bidders, for $3,212.00. He also recommended Frank Brummett for concrete work for $2,473.00 and the :~odlin Company for 2 Picnic Shelters at $9,444.00 to be erected by City crews or local contractor. ?TOdlin was also awarded several items of playground equipment for a total cost of $6,954.00. All of these items are funded by a federal grant through the state parks and recreation department. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Phyllis Gross as per 'Ir. Thompson's recommendations. Ayes: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley, Spencer and Mrs. Gross Nays: None P~lotion carried. ITEC~i 9 : APPROVE SCHIDULE OF REGULAR. P~'ETINGS FOR OWASSO CC~M~1tTNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Phyllis Gross on approval of the meetings. Ayes: ~~Iessrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley, Spencer and Mrs. Gross Nays: None Motion carried. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FOUR DECFl~1BER 1, 1981 ITEC~I 10: APPOINL~t' OF PERSONAL REVIEW BOARD I~~ZBER. Mrs. Gross asked that Bob Randolph be appointed to the Persormel Review Board to replace Mr. Durbin, whose teen expired in June of 1981. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler to approve Bob Randolph. Ayes: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays: Spencer Abstain: Smalley Motion carried. ITEM 11: DESIGNATE PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT FINANCIAL BUSINESS ON BEHALF OF CITY. Per City Treasurer's recommendations in menu submitted to the Counsel he advised that the position should be designated instead of the person. He recammexided the positions of Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, City Manager, and City Treasurer with two signatures required, one appointed and one elected. A resolution was to be drawn by the City Attorney, and submitted to the Bank. Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Jim Smalley to designate position as per City Treasurer's report of Zayor, Vice P°layor, City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, City Manager and City Treasurer. Ayes: Messrs. Wasserman, Stadler, Smalley, Spencer and Nlrs. Gross Nays: None P~lotion carried. ITEM 12: APPROVE FIl~IANCIAL REPORT. City Manager commented on the first financial report through October 1981. General f~md was on schedule, franchise tax shows only 72/° of these funds come at the end of the year. Investment income shows low because only cash received is shaven. Projected revenues is higher than estimated at $1,400 and it is already $4,000.00. Sales tax including 5% contingency not to be spent except for council action to consider cost of living raises is on schedule. On expenditures there is a problem in-that we have already spent 52.8%. Also police department expenditure is over because of excessive overtime. Revenue sharing nnney has been spent that has not been charged to revenue sharing on ambulance, civil defense, computer payments, floor finishing machine and street department. Park Deparmtnet money needs to be spent and then reimbursement from the state must be made. Senior Citizens grant is higher because of carry over from last ~,:~ year, this also needs to be spent wisely. Investment are spread between two banks and two savings and loans, 14 day C.D.'s that mature weekly with a minim.~m of $100,000 was suggested as a practical solution. Copies of this report are available to the public. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer to approve. No Vote was taken. OWASSO CITY COUNCIL PAGE FIVE DECEN9BER 1, 1981 ITEM 13: REPORT 'IO CITY COUNCIL REFERENCE r1EETING OF MAYOR WASSE~'1AN AND VICE MAYOR GROSS WITH H.D. HALE. Mr. Hale wants to be put on the next agenda to discuss court action and is willing to discuss with council m~nbers before that time. He also has two developments that he wants to discuss. No action was taken except that he was to be placed on December 15th agenda. ITEM 14: APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Jim Smalley to approve General Fund Warrants ~k1024 through 1114 for $27,408.80, Park Development ~~12 and ~~13 for $453.13, Street Development ~~l for $657.78, Government ~~6 for $1,861.34, authorized Mayor to sign same and by reference are ms.de a part hereof. Ayes: Messrs. ~,lasserman, Stadler, Smalley, Spencer and Mrs. Gross Nays: None Motion carried. ITEM 15 : _: i9EGJ BUSliVESS . No new business. ITEM 16: EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PENDING LITIGATION AGAINST CITY. Held from 10:00 to 10:35 P,M. Being no further business before Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 9:05 until 10:00 to 10:35 for Executive Session. W L WASSERMAN, MAYOR ~--- ~ S CITY