HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.10.20_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, October 20, .1981, the Owassa City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 9:00 AM on October 16, 1981, and by re- ference is made a part hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM with Mayor Wasserman presiding. The meeting convened late due to elections being held in the Council room. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag salute was led by Mayor Wasserman. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Lyle Wasserman, Mayor Phyllis Gross, Vice Mayor Boyd Spencer, Councilman James Smalley, Councilman John Stadler, Councilman Harold Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: None ITEM 4 - REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR OWASSO OFFICE PARK SUBDIVISION. Mr. Thompson announced applicant requested this item be tabled to the November 3, 1981 meeting. ITEM 5 - APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 312 REGULATING'~HOURS FOR PRIVATE CLUB OPERATION. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to table this ordi- nance to November 3. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Smalley Nays - Messrs. Stadler and Wasserman and Mrs. Gross Motion did not carry. Mr. Smalley commented he is not against any individual having his livelihood but he did have some objections to a club being open seven days a week. He said in talking to the people in his ward they object to it being open on Sunday. Mr. Charney commented we could probably allow them to only open six days a week. Mr. Wasserman stated grocery stores and convenience stores are open on Sunday selling beer. Mr. Norton said he did not see any distinction with Sundays and thinks the City should stay out of individuals business. Mr. Stadler said we don't tell churches when to close down and he agreed with Mr. Norton that it is a Sunday recreation. Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to approve Ordinance No. 312 regulating hours for private club operations, and by reference is made a part hereof. Owasso City Council Page Two October 20, 1981 Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman and Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - Messrs. Smalley and Spencer Motion carried. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler, to approve Emer- gency Clause to Ordinance No. 312. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman and Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - Messrs. Smalley and Spencer Motion carried. ITEM 6 - REVIEW BIDS FOR FLOOR CLEANING MACHINE FOR RECREATION CENTER. Mayor Wasserman publicly opened and read the following bids which were received: Moulder-Oldham Company - $4,318.00 Eve Incorporated - $3,575.00 Delbert Leach said he has used both machines and prefers and recommends the unit from Eve and Mr. Thompson agreed. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by James Smalley, to accept Eve In- corporated`s bid for an American-Lincoln Model 721 AutoScrubber in the amount of $3,575.00 as submitted in their bid, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 7 - REVIEW BIDS FOR USED AMBULANCE. After inspecting the ambulance, per Council's direction, Steve Reilly and Martin St. Peter's recommendation was the 1975 Chevrolet Horton for $10,500.00. He said the 1977 Ford did not meet our specifications and the 1978 Ford needed considerable work. Mr. Wasserman questioned how we would purchase needed additional equipment for the recommended 1975 Chevrolet Horton and Mr. Thompson recommended taking the cot off the extras list as we have one and we will then be under the $2,000.00 and not have to go out for bid on the needed equipment. p Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler, to purchase the 1975 Chevrolet Horton from Summers Ambulance, based on Martin St. Peter`s re- r commendation, in the amount of $10,500.00 as submitted in their bid, and by reference is made a part hereof. Owasso City Council Page Three October 20, 1981 Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 8 - APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 313 REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OF CITY CODE WHICH CREATED THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Mr. Charney expressed concern that requiring the three year experience for a Fire Chief might prove to be difficult in the future as to what we can pay and it might rea1.].y lock us in for future employment of a Fire Chief. Mr. Thompson agreed with Mr. Charney. Mr. Stadler questioned why we do not have to comply with State laws and Mr. Charney responded that a City Charter prevails over State statutes, that is why it is called a home rule city and there are cases to uphold it. Mrs. Gross questiuoned how we can bend the law and Mr. Charney said we are not bending the State law, the State laws are for cities that do not have charters. Mr. Smalley felt there are other capabilities to consider such as leadership ability not only three years experience and feels that three years is limiting us. Mr. Stadler felt we should have even more than three years required exper- ience. Mrs. Gross commented she still world like to stay with the three years. Motion was made by John Stadler, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to table approval of Ordinance No. 313 to the November 3, 1981 meeting. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman and Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - Mr. Smalley Abstain - Mr. Spencer ITEM 9 - REVIEW PROPOSED POLICE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to table approval of this manual until the November 3, 1981 meeting in order to give the Council more time to read it. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 10 - REVIEW PROPOSAL FOR LEASING POLICE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. Mr. Thompson explained with the installation of this telecommunications system we would get instant information. The cost is $3,600.00.~'~`H~~said installation would be in November and our people will have to be trained and only certain Owasso City Council Page Four October 20, 1981 people would have access to it. We have applied for a grant through INCOG for $537.00 to apply toward the purchase. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler, to approve rental and installation of the police telecommunications system as outlined in City Manager's letter of October 16, 1981, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Stadler, Smalley and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 11 - REVIEW BIDS FOR PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Mr. Thompson distributed to Council the following proposals he received for a new public address system: Ridley Sound Company - $765.00 Mid-Western Electronics, Inc. - $1,464.95 Imperial Sound, Inc. - $4,311.00 Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by James Smalley, to accept propos- al from rlid-Western Electronics for $1,464.95 and also one optional equipment of a recording unit, possibly the CSM3 for $198.00, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 12 - REVIEW BIDS FOR ENERGY CONSUMPTION MONITORING SYSTEM FOR CITY HALL. Mr. Jack Montooth explained his proposal and analysis on the energy consumption monitoring system which by reference is made a part hereof. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to review other sys- tems and ha-ve Mr. Thompson look into the thermostat system referred to by John Edleman, and get back to the Council with the information. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 13 - REVIEW PROPOSED CHANGE IN WARD BOUNDARIES MAP. Mr. Thompson's memo to the Council explained this request to change the ward boundaries was made by Mrs. Gross and Mr. Wasserman. Mr. Charney commented we r _. w Owasso City Council Page Five October 20, 1981 have to change it not less than each five years and we changed it right after the 1980 census. He said the Charter is silent on it so we go by State statutes. Mr. Spencer commented if the change was due to the annexation of Hillside and Westport, they were considered at the time the wards were realigned as we knew they were coming into the City. Mr. Charney said if there are any iniquities in any of the wards he needs to know about it. He reminded them we do not go on lots but existing population. Mr. Smalley asked the purpose of changing the wards since they were recently changed. Mr. Wasserman responded it would equal them out. Mr. Smalley then asked how they want to equal it and Mr. Wasserman replied by pulling some houses from Ward 2 and Ward 1 and putting them into Ward 3. Mr. Spencer commented Ward 5 will be the largest ward and there is very little difference in these wards and sees no use in changing them. Mr. Charney questiuoned if there is a political situation. Mr. Smalley said he didn't see any reason to change it until the housing market opens. Mr. Charney cautioned the Council to be careful and not move themselves from their ward as they must reside in the ward they are elected. Mr. Smalley said he has some questions regarding the wards as he has had some inquiries if Phyllis Gross lives in her ward. Mrs. Gross responded she does live at 111 West 10th in Ward 3. Mr. Smalley stated the County records indi- cate she lives at 304 East 22nd Street as 111 !.West 10th is in the name of Douglas Gross. Mr. Smalley commented he feels there are some questions to the legality if she is supporting her ward and there are stipulations when you pur- chase a home you are going to use that as your residence when you finance it and in looking at the records, according to Tulsa County Clerk, you live at 304 East 22nd Street and do not live in the ward from which you were elected. Mr. Smalley referred to Article 2-1 of the Owasso City Charter that stipulates you must reside in your ward. Motion was made by James Smalley that Phyllis Gross vacate her seat as she is not in compliance with the Charter and all votes cast by her be nullified. Mr. Wasserman objected that it is not on the agenda and, again, we are going to run into the State and City laws. It was commented that if we are going to live by the Charter we must abide by the rules. Mr. Smalley directed City Clerk to placeon the November 3, 1981 agenda the determination of the eligibility of Phyllis Gross to serve as Councilperson for Ward 3. Motion was made by James Smalley, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to table changing ward boundaries until we see sufficient growth to warrant it. Ayes - Messrs. Stadler and Smalley and Mrs. Gross Nays - `~Ir. Wasserman Owasso City Council Page Six October 20, 1981 Abstain - Mr. Spencer Mrs. Gross commented she would second this motion since she is still residing at 111 West 10th. ITEM 14 - DISCUSS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR RAYOLA BALLFIELD. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to buy the material for improvements to Rayola Park ballfield as outlined in Mr. Thompson's memo of October 16, and by reference made a park hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 15 - APPROVE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 6, 1981 REGULAR MEETING. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by John Stadler, to approve Minutes of October 6, 1981 regular meeting, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman and Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Abstain - Messrs. Spencer and Smalley Motion carried. ITEM 16 - APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by James Smalley, to approve General Fund warrants 611 through 768 for $46,151.53, Park Grant warrants 4-82 through 7-82 for $3,044.81, Debt Service Warrant 2-82 for $10,801.93 and Revenue Shar- ing Warrant 1-82 for $7,027.61, authorize Mayor to sign same, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Wasserman, Spencer, Smalley, Stadler and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 17 - NEW BUSINESS. Item Bids for civil defense warning sirens were publicly opened and read as follows: Bill Story - $6,848.00, including installation Law Enforcement - $4,555.50, no installation City Clerk was directed to place the awarding of this bid on the November 3, 1981 agenda. ,~, :,, Owasso City Council Page Seven October 20, 1981 Item Mrs. Gross asked Mr. Charney to have on the next agenda the status of all city lawsuits. Mr. Charney said he would just report on them now as we only have two and they are Scott and Shouse. Item Mrs. Gross questioned if someone can draw unemployment if they resign and Mr. Wasserman commented they can after a six week waiting period. Item Mr. Tim Hendricks said he would like to present a program to the Council and Mr. Wasserman responded we have already awarded the employee insurance bid and if we listen to one program we should have all insurance companies rebid. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 9:39 PM. _ ~-t/ le Wasserman, Mayor Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk