HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.09.01_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, September 1, 1981, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 2:00 PM on August 28, 1981, and by refer- ence is made a part hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag salute was led by mayor Spencer. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Dennis Burke, Vice Mayor Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman Harold Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: Al Lambert, Councilman ITEM 4 - APPROVE MINUTES OF AUGUST 18, 1981 REGULAR P'IEETING. :irs. Gross commented she did not agree with Item 9 as it was not clear. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve Minutes of August 18, 1981 regular meeting, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross, with Tars. Gross abstaining on I t em 9 Nays - None Motion carried. ITEri 5 - PRESENTATION OF FINAL DRAFT OF PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE N0. 309. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to approve Sign Ord- inance No. 309 with one correction, that being to strike "within the fire limits" from Item M on Page 7, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and T•1rs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ?~4otion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Emergency Clause to Ordinance No. 309. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Owasso City Council Page Two September 1, 1981 Motion carried. ITEM 6 - ORDINANCE N0. 310 ADOPTING REVISED SUBDLVISION REGULATIONS. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Ordinance No. 310 adopting revised Subdivision Regulations, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and ?~4rs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve Emergency Clause to Ordinance No. 310. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross iQays - None Motion carried. ITEM 7 - APPOINT;~4ENT TO FILL ONE VACANCY ON THE PLANNING CO1~L'~IISSION. City Clerk advised Council that rlarilyn Hinkle requested Dr. Sadler's name be submitted for appointment to the Planning Commission. Mayor Spencer also men- tioned Robert Peal. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to appoint Dr. R. L. Sadler to the Planning Commission to fill the seat created by Jerry Wayman's re- signation which expires June 30, 1982. Ayes - :Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None 'Motion carried. ITEP1 8 - PRESENTATION BY CITY PLANNER OF HISTORICAL SITES SURVEY. PMs. Dickey briefly explained this survey to the public and the City Council and asked to be notified of any sites at least fifty years old. ITEP4 9 - REQUEST TO CHANGE THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR PRIVATE CLUBS. Charles Norton, owner of the Stardust Club, was present and requested the City ordinance be changed in order for his club to be open until 2:00 AM on Friday and Saturday, 1:00 AM through the week, and 3:00 AM on New Year's Eve and Christ- mas Eve. He felt our present ordinance governing hours was too restrictive. '" Owasso City Council Page Three September 1, 1981 Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to allow Private Clubs to remain open until 2:00 Ark on New Year's Eve and deny remainder of the request. Ayes - Mr. Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - Mr. Spencer Motion carried. ITEM 10 - REQUEST TO PURCHASE ONE ADDITIONAL COMPUTER TERMINAL. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve purchase of one computer terminal. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 11 - CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ON NEGOTIATIONS WITH MR. H. D. HALE. Mr. Hale had requested Mr. Charney ask for two people from the Council to be appointed to meet with him. either September 23rd, 24th or 25th and have them come back to the Council with recommendations. Mr. Charney feels it is a good idea and said Mr. Hale commented he is no longer opposed to anyone on the Coun- cil and he is going to endorse those people already on the Council. Mr. Charney recommended the Mayor appoint Dennis Burke and Phyllis Gross to meet with Mr. Hale. Mayor Spencer said he feels it is bad business and will not make appointments and he would not authorize Mr. Charney to make the appointments. Mr. Burke sug- gested letting Mr. Charney continue with the negotiations with Mrs. Gross and himself sitting in as listeners then reporting back to the Council. Mayor Spencer recessed Owasso City Council at 7:32 PM and reconvened at 7:39 PM. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Phyllis Gross, for Mr. Burke and Mrs. Gross to meet with Mr. Hale, along with Mr. Charney, on either September 23rd, 24th or 25th, on an informal basis, with no authority to make any agreements with Mr. Hale, and report back to the Council. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 12 - MAYOR'S COMMENTS ON NE[JS ARTICLE IN VERDIGRIS VALLEY EDITION OF THE TULSA TRIBUNE. Owasso City Council Page Four September 1, 1981 Mrs. Gross requested Mr. Charney to monitor Mr. Spencer and requested Mr. Spencer be held strictly to the article and make no personal comments. Mayor Spencer asked Casey Blair where he got his information that the Council was split which he published in his article in the Verdigris Valley Edition on Wednesday, August 19, P1r. Blair responded that he cannot make any comments on the article. ITEM 13 - REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR TWO EMERGENCY WARNING SIRENS. Mr. Thompson commented this expense will come out of Revenue Sharing which was approved in the budget. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to authorize adver- tising for bids for two emergency warning sirens. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 14 - REPORT BY CLTY MANAGER ON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY REORGANIZATION. Mr. Thompson reported he felt the Department of Public Safety is basically a successful program with some exceptions, such as personality conflicts. He feels the ambulance operation the way it was operated previously was very ex- pensive and we save money with. it in the Fire Department. He commented on the accusations that were made that the previous Director favored the Police Depart- ment. Mr. Thompson did not see any changes that would require amending the Ord- inance as all the changes can be done administratively. He still feels the Director of the Department of Public Safety should not be out of a Police and Fire Department but an administrative person to assist with their budget and other matters, when and if we hire someone. In regard to uniforms, he would like to see some changes in the Fire Department uniforms but keep a common theme which is being looked into at this time. He said we also have limits of over- lapping of responsibility regarding retirement and injury benefits. In summary, he would like to see us continue the concept. Mr. Burke asked Mr. Thompson if he wanted to give the administrative person he mentioned the dual title of Director of Public Safety and Assistant!. City Mana- ger, and Mr. Thompson replied yes. Mrs. Gross said she didn't think our timing was right for this department be- cause of the damage and expenses that have been done and we should get out of it. She said it is not right to make these people cross train, and Mr. Burke called her attention to the fact that cross training is a voluntary program, and he said he disagreed with her as he feels it is a good program. Mr. Thompson commented it has always been in the City code that the Departments will assist each other but they stay specialists in their awn field. Owasso City Council Page Five September 1, 1981 Mr. Charney commented after sitting through the Shouse and Scott hearings he has determined our weakness is not the system, but the leadership at the top that did not make it work, and other cities have the same problems as Owasso in their emergency services and they do not have the Department of Public Safety. He said one thing we must have is a policy manual. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to accept City Mana- ger's report regarding the Department of Public Safety. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke Nays - Mrs. Gross Motion carried. TTFM 1 S - APPRf1TTF LJARRANT~ F(1R PAYTIF.NT_ Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to approve cancel- lation of Warrant 177 for $250.00, approve payment of Warrants 218 through 428, amending Warrant 321 to $70.00 and Warrant 322 to $354.00, removing Warrant 408, for a total of $57,940.99, authorize Mayor to sign same, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None notion carried. ITEM 16 - APPROVE INCURRING OF INDEBTEDNESS BY OWASSO INDUSTRIAL TRUST AUTHORITY. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve the incur- ring of indebtedness by the Trustees of the Owasso Industrial Trust Authority in the principal amount of not to exceed $150,000.00 for the purpose of financing an industrial manufacturing facility for J. B. Dalby and Charles R. Willaby, and the negotiated sale, issuance and delivery of a promissory note evidencing such indebtedness to Liberty Bank of Owasso, Oklahoma, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 17 - APPROVE INCURRING OF INDEBTEDNESS BY OWASSO INDUSTRIAL TRUST AUTHORITY. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve the incur- ring of indebtedness by the Trustees of the Owasso Industrial Trust Authority in the principal amount of not to exceed $680,000.00 for the purpose of financing industrial manufacturing of machinery and equipment for BWC Production, Inc., and the negotiated sale, issuance and delivery of a promissory note evidencing OWASSO CITY COUNCIL Page Six September 1~ 1981 such indebtedness to the First National Bank and Trust Company, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - P4essrs. Spencer and Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 18 - NEW BUSINESS. Item Mr. Thompson introduced Ed Reyes, the new Police Chief. Mr. Reyes requested that the City at least consider his plans and back him in his endeavors. Item Mr. Thompson said there have been several requests for wheel chairs to be pro- vided for the City election and we will provide them. Item Mr. Thompson said the Highway Safety Department which funded the original ambu- lance discovered we wrecked the original ambulance and used the insurance money for a new ambulance so now they want to be shown as a lien holder. He said he would like for the City Clerk to take the title to the tag agency and show the Highway Safety Department as first lien holder on that vehicle. Mr. Charney said if they had a lien on the first ambulance they are entitled to it, but not if it was not on the original title. 1.1r. Burke agreed with Mr. Charney, but Mr. Thompson said he sees no problem with showing them as a lien holder. Item Mr. Thompson said he has worked out an agreement with OP4I, for our liability in- surance coverage at approximately half the present cost. He said we are still working on our insurance specifications and it will cost $2,400.00 for appraisals which he did not feel was necessary but Mr. Charney felt we might need appraisals to determine value in case of a loss. Item Mayor Spencer directed City Clerk to place two items on the September 15 agenda: 1) action on resignation of Steve Clark; and 2) appointment of individual from Ward 5 to fill unexpired term of Dr. Clark until the next r.egula~ election. Mrs. Gross objected to this and wanted to wait until after the September 22nd recall election so someone could be appointed that would be compatible with the new Council. Owasso City Council Page Seven September 1, 1981 Item City Attorney requested absentee ballots be placed on the September 15th agenda for the City to determine if they wish to allow absentee ballots for future elections. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 8:20 PM. Boyd Spen r, Mayor Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk