HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.08.04_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, August 4, 1981, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 12:15 PM on July 31, 1981, and by refer- ence is made a part hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM with Vice Mayor Burke presiding. Mr. Burke explained Mayor Spencer was on vacation. TTF.M ~ - T+'T.Ar ~AT.TTTT+._ Flag salute was led by dlr. Burke. TTRM 'T - R(1T.T. ('A T.T.. Present: Dennis Burke, Vice Mayor Steven Clark, Councilman Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman Harold Charney, City Attorney I:enneth Thompson, City rlanager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent : Boyd Spencer, 'layor Al Lambert, Councilman ITEM 4 - APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 21, 1981 REGULAR MEETING. Plrs. Gross commented that her motion to appoint Bob Fugate and Mary Griffin as Deputy City Clerks was not recorded in the minutes and would like for it to be noted although no vote was taken on said motion. ?Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to approve minutes of July 21, 1981 regular meeting, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - rlessrs . Burke and Clark and Tlrs . Gross Nays - None 'lotion carried ITEM 5 - CONESTOGA CABLEVISION REQUEST FOR RATE INCREASE. Jack ?Morris addressed the Council and stated in accordance with the Cable fran- chise they are requesting a rate increase adjustment in service rates, as follows: $ 0.50 per month in basic service $ 1.00 per month in pay service $ 1.50 per month fee for maintenance of converters $20.00 for installation Mr. Morris commented on the problem of failure of equipment in Hale Acres and '~leadowcrest but feels they have corrected the problem by working with Public Service Company. Dr. Clark stated he did not feel they are asking for anything out of line as it is a small increase and he personally would not be opposed to it. Owasso City Council Page Two August 4, 1981 Mrs. Gross expressed her opinion that we should wait a few months to see how service will be since their merger with Conestoga. A citizen commented on the limited services presently offered and questioned what we are going to receive for the additional cost, and feels the weather channel is unsatisfactory. Mr. Groth commented the radar weather channel has never been put in and he has been told it was due to the expense being too great. He also commented they took off Channel 9 which was the best channel and it was not replaced with another channel. He felt $1.50 a month. for the converter is outrageous and an equipment problem is their problem not the City's and the increase should not be allowed. Tom Belcher responded to these statements that they have paid $5,000.00 for the radar weather system but they cannot find the proper place to install it and have now found they can get radar service off the satelite which will be better as it will be in color and the system they have purchased would be black and white. Mr. Belcher also com- mented that Channel 9 was only on five hours a day and they did not feel it was quality programming and it was replaced by Channel 41. Another comment was made comparing our channel availability with Tulsa and Mr. Morris responded that you cannot compare a small City such as Owasso to a metro- politan City such as Tulsa. He said most systems are 12 channels and we have 23 channels. He also stated we have only 1,300 subscribers so there is a limit as to what can be offered. Dr. Clark asked if they could not just penalize the people that damage the con- verters rather than charging the $1.50 fee to all people, and Conestoga re- sponded that it is actually an insurance fee and the converters are replaced when needed. Mr. Burke felt the public should have more notice about a rate increase and also commented on what he feels is sloppy work such as at the junction boxes. He was advised covers have been ordered for the junction boxes. City Clerk was directed to place this item on the August 18 agenda to give the public adequate notice of a rate increase. ITEM 6 - PRESENTATION OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. Carol Dickey commented she just wanted to present the subdivison regulations to the Council formally as an agenda item and no action was required tonight. She said these proposed revisions bring us closer in line with the Tulsa area stan- dards and also meets the more recent state statutes. City Clerk was directed to place this item on the August 18 agenda to give the Council more time to study the proposed subdivison regulations. ITEM 7 - APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION TO FILL VACANCY CREATED BY JERRY WAYMAN'S RESIGNATION. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Phyllis Gross, that with this appoint- ment and all appointments hereafter to fill vacancies on any public board that we advertise in the Owasso Reporter for people interested in serving. Owasso City Council Page Three August 4, 1981 Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. City Clerk was directed to place this item. on the September 1st agenda. ITEM 8 - DISCUSS PROPOSAL BY F.O.R. CLUB FOR RECREATION PROGRAM. Mr. Burke read a letter from the Executive Board of F.O.R. withdrawing the pre- vious Board's request for the City to take over the youth program. ITEM 9 - APPROVE RESOLUTION N0. 81-10 SETTING DATE FOR RECALL ELECTION AND GIV- ING NOTICE OF ELECTION. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Steve Clark, to approve Resolu- tion No. 81-10 and setting date for recall election on September 22, 1981, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 10 - REVIEW PROPOSED AGREEMENT BET[,1EEN CITY AND INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS LOCAL N0. 2789. Mr. Thompson recommended approval of this agreement but Dr. Clark said he will be making a proposal later in the meeting regarding the restructuring of the Department of Public Safety that will affect the contract. He said he will be proposing the hiring of professional consultants to organize the Fire and Police Department. Mr. Horst said he did not agree it would affect this proposed agreement. Mr. Charney commented no one in the City has the expertise to set up departments and develop policy and procedure manuals and to develop on-going training so we will avoid in the future the same situation we had with Robert Shouse and Ed Scott. After more discussion it was felt the development of policy and pro- cedure manuals for the department would not affect this contract. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to approve agreement between City and International Association of Fire Fighters Local No. 2789, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. Owasso City Council Page Four August 4, 1981 ITEM 11 - REVIEW BIDS FOR ASPHALT FOR STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM. Mr. Thompson publicly read the bids which were received for asphalt overlaying of streets and are as follows: Anchor Stone Company - $16.25 Per Ton Standard Industries - $15.70 Per Ton Tulsa Rock/McMichael - $15.50 Per Ton Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Steve Clark, to accept bid for asphalt from Tulsa Pock/PZcMichael per their bid price of $15.50 per ton, for the street resurfacing program, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 12 - DISCUSSION OF ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS. Mr. Thompson recommended approval of the ordinance with amendments discussed and commented that if some areas need to be additionally amended it could be done so in the future but we need to have this as a starting ordinance. The legality of the five year conformance on existing signs was discussed and Ms. Dickey commented the City Council can grant variances on the ordinance. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to place the sign ordinance in its final form on the August 18th agenda. << Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None r2otion carried. ITEM 13 - AUTHORIZE LETTING OF BIDS FOR CLTY INSURATICE PACKAGE.. Ken Thompson contacted Alexander and Alexander regarding their intent to honor their contract to prepare an insurance package and they promised to get it out in two weeks if we still want it. No interest was indicated in granting; the two weeks. He said the firm is willing to serve on a committee to develop the specifications, and originally he did not feel anyone developing the specifica- tions should have an opportunity to bid on them but he has now changed his mind. Mr. Burke said he would abstain from any discussion on this item as his wife's company, Bob Johnson Agency, wants to bid on the package. Mr. Charney com- mented that if Mr. Burke's wife is not a stockholder there would not be a conflict of interest. Owasso City Council Page Five August 4, 1981 Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Phyllis Gross, authorizing Mr. Thompson to give Council a list of three insurance companies that will begin writing the specifications for City insurance package, with final specifica- tions to be presented for approval by Council at a future meeting. Ayes - Dr. Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Abstain - PZr. Burke Motion carried. ITEM 14 - ORDINANCE N0. 308 REZONING TEN ACRE TRACT ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 22ND STREET AND HIGHWAY 169. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Steve Clark, to approve Ordinance No. 308 rezoning a ten acre tract on the Northwest corner of 22nd Street and Highway 169, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and r4rs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 15 - APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION FOR ADMINISTRATION OF CITY'S SALES TAX ORDINANCE. Mr. Thompson said he has received notification from Oklahoma Municipal League that effective January lst sales tax on prescription drugs will be eliminated and at the same time the 12% collection fee will be eliminated which will make the actual effective date of this contract from July 1, to January 1, 1982. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Phyllis Gross, to approve agreement with Oklahoma Tax Commission for administration of City's sales tax ordinance, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 16 - APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Steve Clark, to approve 1980-81 Warrants 2626 through 2641 for $16,296.30, 1981-82 warrants 8 through 216 for $58,298.96, Revenue Sharing Warrant 62 for $14,597.70, authorize Mayor to sign same, and by reference are made a part hereof. Owasso City Council Page Six August 4, 1981 Ayes - Messrs. Burke and Clark and Mrs. Gross, with Dr. Clark abstaining on War- rant 203 and Mrs. Gross abstaining on Warrant 204. Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 17 - NEW BUSINESS. Item Mr. Burke read a letter from Glenn G. Henry complementing our Police Department. Item Dr. Clark said we should at a future meeting put on the agenda discussion of the restructuring of the Department of Public Safety, with a proposal made that we consider the possibility of hiring professional people to help up restructure the departments and also discuss how we should approach a Director of Public Safety and the need for same. He feels we are going in a positive direction and wants us to seek some professional assistance. He also commented the compli- mentary letter was received on a new employee and not one of the old regime. Mr. Burke called for a Special Meeting for 7:00 PM, Thursday, August 13, to discuss these aforementioned subjects. He said if it cannot be completed in one meeting, rather than having an extremely late meeting, it could be adjourned at anytime to another date certain. Item Mrs. McNiel, proprietress of the Silvermine Recreation Center, addressed the Council in opposition to the road block that was held Friday evening, the 31st, as it interferred with her business. She felt the Police Department harrassed the young people in Owasso and they are not courteous to the youth. Tom Kimball commented Owasso does not need road blocks. Mr. Thompson stated every City makes periodical checks and you either have law enforcement or you don't, and he did not feel there was anything about which to be upset. Dr. Clark stated we should instruct the Police Department to not interfere with a busi- ness when conducting a roadblock. Item Robert Shouse asked about the status of paying the police officers overtime when they were subpoened for the special meeting. Mr. Charney said that had been left with him to determine and, in his opinion, we cannot pay them any overtime and that everyone subpeoned should be paid $5.00 plus their mileage. City 'Clerk was instructed to put submission of forms for payment of witness fees on the August 18 agenda. Owasso City Council Page Seven August 4, 1981 Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 9:20 PM. ~ ~~ i. ,/ hr~ t. Boyd M. Spenc' Mayor ~~ a~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ Wauhilleua Webb, City Clerk