HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.07.21_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, July 21, 1981, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public sleeting and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 4:15 Pi~l on July 17, 1981, and by reference made a part hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with P~ayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag salute was led by ?Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Dennis Burke, Vice Mayor Al Lambert, Councilman Steven Clark, Councilman Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman Harold Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: None ITEM 4 - APPROVE 'MINUTES OF JULY .lotion was made by Phyllis Gross of July 7, 1981 regular meeting, Ayes - Tlessrs. Spencer, Lambert, Nays - None Motion carried. 7, 1981 REGULAR MEETING. seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve ^•linutes and by reference are made a part hereof. Burke, Clark and Mrs. Gross ITEM 5 - APPROVE INCURRING OF INDEBTEDNESS BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE O~n1ASS0 INDUS- TRIAL AUTHORITY IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $150,000.00. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Resolution No. 81-09 authorizing issuance of note not to exceed $143,000.00 for the purpose of financing a facility for Pasco ?-lanufacturing Company, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Clark and "lrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Emergency Clause to Resolution No. 81-09. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Clark and Mrs. Gross Owasso City Council Page Two July 21, 1981 .~, ,,, Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 6 - CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SIGNS INCLUDING BUSINESS SIGNS AND COMMERCIAL BILLBOARDS. Ms. Dickey commented the general concensus of the ~~aple attending the work_ses- sions to formulate a sign ordinance was that Owasso needs some sign regulations for future growth. She said there was a lot of discussion on the portable mov- ing signs and most agreed that they should not be allowed to flash and it was also felt by the advisory committee that 300 feet to 600 feet should be main- tained between billboards to limit the number. City Clerk was directed to place this item back on the August 4 agenda in order to give the Council more time to study it. ITEM 7 - CONSIDER ORDINANCE N0. 307 IP~IPOSING MANDATORY WATER RATIONING. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Ordinance No. 307 as read by Mr. Charney with additional amendments as follows: discon- tinue service for any violations occurring outside the City limits with a turn-on fee of $50.00, also a $10.00 permit fee to water new grounds as provided in the Tulsa ordinance, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - ,".lessrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Steve Clark, to approve Emergency Clause to Ordinance No. 307. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Clark and r1rs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITEP1 8 - CONSIDER STATUS OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CONTRACT WITH TULSA COUNTY. Dr. Clark said he was of the opinion we should take whatever means necessary to get the fastest service. Mr. Lambert and Mr. Burke agreed with the City Mana- ger's recommendation to continue with Tulsa County. Mr. Charney commented if we are going to have an Electrical Inspector a policy statement should be set out what the Electrical Inspector's qualifications must be. Mr. Spencer commented he has talked with Bill Maples ,and to Sam Ashley and Troy . Money with Public Service Company and everyone is satisfied with Tulsa County. Jim Lambert commented that every time this subject comes up we do not talk to the people it affects. Owasso City Council Page Three July 21, 1981 Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Dennis Burke, to follow City T•lanager's recommendation and continue with our electrical inspections through Tulsa County. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Abstain - Dr. Clark Motion carried. ITEM 9 - ADOPT ORDINANCE N0. 306 ANNEXING THIRTY ACRES OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTLON 21, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Ordinance No. 306 annexing thirty acres of school property in the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 14 East, and by re- ference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None Motion carried. ITErl 10 - REVIEW PRnPnSRn FF,F,S F(1R CTTY PHY~Tf'.TAN MF.T1Tf'AT. GF.P.VTCF.G _ Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Al Lambert, to leave City physical fees as they are at present, until the physicians might ask for an increase, with any physician participating providing the fees are adhered to. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - None :"lotion carried. ITEM 11 - FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR JUNE 1981. Mayor Spencer asked that the minutes reflect receipt of the June 1981 financial reports, which are by reference made a part hereof. ITEM 12 - APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Bob Fugate explained the lack of a warrant list is due to the computer being down. ITEM 13 - APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CITY CLERK. Motion was made by Phyllis Gross, seconded by Steve Clark, to appoint a Deputy City Clerk. Owasso City Council Page Four July 21, 1981 Ayes - Dr. Clark and Mrs. Gross Nays - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert and Burke Motion did not carry. Mrs. Gross asked to go on record that she feels it would be an advantage to the public and tax payers for the City to have Deputy City Clerks. ~~.~: < -\~,• ~~, «. oh ~ yes,. ~~ ~~ ,..z.•. "~.', t. ~ .,r.,_~F,s TTRM 1 G - NF.W RTTSTNF.SS _ Item Dr. Clark asked if the City would consider disregarding an ambulance bill to the William's family for a run we made to the fatality accident of their son. Mrs. Williams said their insurance has taken care of it. Item Dr. Clark asked about street signs in Three Lakes that have been missing for several years and Mr. Williams responded that the City puts them up and they are taken down. Dr. Clark said he knows some of the signs were never erected. Item Mayor Spencer asked if the damage to the street at the school's trash bins will be repaired before the opening of school. He also asked about a guard for a drain in front of Mrs. McCaslin's house which he has been trying to get for two years as he is concerned a child will be injured. He asked for a report on this item at the August 18th meeting. Item Mr. Lambert asked about the status of the insurance package that was to be put together to reduce our insurance premiums. Mr. Thompson said the Council au- thorized a contract to Alexander and Alexander to do a study of our insurance but they did not do the study, apparently after they leanred they could not bid on the final specifications. Mr. Burke commented there are some insurance com- panies in Tulsa interested in bidding if we go for a total package. It was decided to place on the August 4th agenda the letting of bids for a City insur- ance package. Item Mr. Charney reported he has met with Mr. H. D. Hale on the condemnation lawsuit on Mr. Hale's property and he would like to have this item placed on the agenda to make a report to the Council. Owasso City Council Page Five July 21, 1981 Item Jim Lambert asked what is presently being done to bring our Ambulance Depart- ment up to standard and Mr. Thompson replied he thinks it is as good as it has ever been. Mr. Lambert said his question was could we handle a heart attack and Dr. Clark commented we have one paramedic. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 8:23 PM. Boyd M. Spencer, Mayor C ~ ~ ~ Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk