HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981.06.16_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, June 16, 1981, the Owasso City Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall bulletin board at 2:30 PM on June 12, 1981, and by refer- ence made a part hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Dennis Burke, Vice Mayor Al Lambert, Councilman Steven Clark, Councilman Harold Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: Phyllis Gross, Councilwoman ITEM 4 - APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 2, 1981 REGULAR MEETING. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Minutes of June 2, 1981 regular meeting, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 5 - APPROVE MINUTES OF JUNE 10, 1981 SPECIAL MEETING. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Minutes of June 10, 1981 special meeting, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 6 - REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR CITY HALL AND COMMUNITY CENTER. Mr. Thompson recommended we advertise for competitive bids for the maintenance of City Hall and Community Center and in the meantime let the present contract continue. He felt we could have the bids ready for the July 7th agenda. Owasso City Council Page Two June 16, 1981 Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to allow City Manager and City Clerk to advertise for bids for a one year maintenance contract for City Hall and Community Center. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert and Burke Nays - None (Dr. Clark did not vote as he was out of the room.) Motion carried. ITEM 7 - APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 302 CREATING TOWNHOUSE ZONING DISTRICT IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Steve Carr addressed Council that this is not a pressing issue but the ordinance was developed because of the cost of housing. The Planning Commission's vote for creating this particular zoning category was two/two. Mr. Charney commented the ordinance gives us an additional category and after reviewing it feels it is acceptable. Mr. Lambert asked Mr. Carr about the disadvantages of this type zoning and Mr. Carr responded he is biased as he thinks it is important because of the housing cost but it takes good planning and marketing for townhouses. He said good ex- amples of townhouses are at 36th and Lewis and at Gilcrease Hills. ` Dr. Clark commented several citizens have expressed some concerns to the Plan- ning Commission over this type zoning but he personally feels it would be a good idea and would like to see us have it. Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Ordinance No. 302 creating a Townhouse Zoning District in the zoning ordinance, and by re- ference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 8 - CONSIDER STATUS OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CONTRACT WITH TULSA COUNTY. Bill Maple, Tulsa County Electrical Inspector, advised the Council that under Title 19 of the State Statutes cities under 182,000 population may have their own electrical inspector without a lot of restrictions. He showed Council fig- ures where electrical inspections averaged $300.00 per month over the last year which would not be a great deal of additional income if we chose to do our own inspections. Mr. Maple said all that is required is a letter to the three Com- missioners and allow thirty days to disban the contract with Tulsa County. Owasso City Council Page Three June 16, x.981 Mr. Maples explained that a Class A Electrician may wire anything but a Class B Electricina may only wire single family dwellings. In communities over 182,000 population an inspector must have ten years experience, but that would not apply to Owasso. Mr. Maple felt Raymond May could do these inspections with a little bit of training and he would be glad to work with Mr. May, but we also have a number of electricians in this area that could do the inspections on a part-time basis which are not licensed, practicing, electricians in our City. Mr. Charney asked what we need to look for in an inspector and Mr. Maple answered a Class A licensed journeyman. Mr. Spencer commented he felt we should leave it like it is, but Mr. May could probably do it. Dr. Clark felt we should try to find someone to do it part-time. Bill Williams commented he felt we should use Raymond May or continue with Tulsa County. Boyd Grindstaff said he felt we have a good, competent, inspector and would like to see our inspector make the electrical inspections in order to get faster ser- vice as sometimes it takes a couple of days to get Tulsa County. Jack Avant said he agrees with Mr. Grindstaff and feels Owasso should have their own electrical inspector. Jim Lambert's main concern was cutting time to save interest costs and pass that savings on to the buyer. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Steve Clark, to leave electrical inspections as they are with Tulsa County for the next thirty days then place this item on the July 21st agenda. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Days - None Motion carried. ITEM 9 - FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR MAY 1981. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to accept the May 1981 Financial Reports, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM LO - ADOPT THE FISCAL 1981-82 BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT. Mr. Thompson commented the only new item on the budget would be creating a City Engineering Department. Mayor Spencer said he would like to see us_.u~e_~he:exi~t- ing surplus fencing we have and add to it out of the City Hall Improvement Fund to build fencing for storage of our equipment. Mr. Wasserman said he would like to know what Bill Williams thinks of the need for a City Engineer and Mr. Williams commented he didn't feel we are ready for Owasso City Council Page Four June 16, 1981 ~._- a City Engineer at this time and, even if we had one, we would still need to hire other consulting engineers. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to adopt the fiscal 1981-82 budget for the General Government, and by reference is made apart hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 11 - ADOPT THE FISCAL 1981-82 BUDGET FOR GENERAL REVENUE SHARING. Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Steve Clark, to approve the fiscal 1981-82 budget for General Revenue Sharing, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 12 - ANNEXATION OF WESTPORT SUBDIVISION. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to annex Westport subdivision into the Owassi city limits. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 13 - APPROVE WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve General Fund Warrants 2283 through 2412, correcting Warrant 2382 to $329.07 and Warrant 2404 to $451.90, for a corrected total of $39,690.86 and Debt Service Warrant 6 for $38,343.11, and authorize Mayor to sign same, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark, with Dr. Clark abstaining on Warrant 2383 Nays - None Motion carried. _,; Owasso City Council Page Five June 16, 1981 ITEM 14 - REQUEST TO NOMINATE TWO CANDIDATES FOR TRUSTEE TO SERVE ON THE OKLA- HOMA MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND BOARD. Motion was made by Steve Clark, seconded by Dennis Burke, to deny request to nominate two candidates for Trustee to serve on the Oklahoma Muncipal Retire- ment Fund Board. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 15 - APPOINTMENT OF THREE MEMBERS TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WHOSE TERMS WILL EXPIRE JUNE 30, 1981. Mayor Spencer read letter from the Board of Adjustment recommending Mac Borgna and Gary White be reappointed and Robbie Fickle be appointed to the expired term of Tom Ethridge who did not wish to be reappointed. Jim Lambert recommended a realtor serve on this Board but none of the realtors present would volunteer. This item was tabled to the July 7th meeting and the Council requested Mr. Lambert and Mr. Grindstaff find a realtor that would be willing to serve and submit his name. ITEM 16 - FINAL PLAT FOR ELM CREEK COMMERCIAL CENTER. Steve Carr recommended adoption of plat subject to conditions set by the TAC Committee and the Planning Commission as the developer has assured us the con- ditions would be met. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve final plat for Elm Creek Commercial Center. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke and Clark Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 17 - NEW BUSINESS. Mr. Thompson met with Federal Emergency Management Agency on flood ordinance that we could not get them here for last time and they were pleased with it and we are ahead of other cities with our flood insurance program. Being no further business, Chair adjourned at 8:20 PM. -~C L~' ~C, ~ ~~~ \~c ~~~ Boyd M. Spenc r, Mayor ~\, di> > o ~.> > \ ~y Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk