HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980.12.22_City Council MinutesOn Monday, December 22, 1980, the Owasso City Council met in a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 9:30 AM on December 19, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof. ITEM l - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag Salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Boyd Spencer, rlayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Al Lambert, Councilman Dennis Burke, Councilman Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Harold Charney, City Attorney Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: None ITEM 4 - APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. Al Lambert requested Warrant 902 be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further clarification. Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on December 11, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof: A. Approve Minutes of November 18, 1980 Regular Meeting. B. Approve Minutes of November 25, 1980 Special P4eeting. C. Approve Warrants 813 through 917, EXCEPT Warrant 902, for $31,728.77 and Authorize Mayor to sign same. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to cancel Warrant 902 to Origami, Inc. for $219.94, due to a duplication. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, P4rs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Owasso City Council December 22, 1980 Page Two ITEM 5 - APPROVE CITY COUNCILS' 1981 SCHEDULED DATES OF REGULAR MEETINGS. ITEM 6 - APPROVE PARK BOARDS' 1981 SCHEDULED DATES OF REGULAP. MEETINGS. ITEM 7 - APPROVE COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING USE AND COST REVISIONS. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve City Councils' 1981 Scheduled Dates of Regular meetings, Park Boards' 1981 Scheduled Dates of Regular Peetings and the Community Center Building Use and Cost Revisions, and by reference made apart hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 8 - PROGRESS REPORT ON INSTALLATION OF CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEt1 BY REPRESENTATIVES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEVISION. ,„.w., Jack :4orris was present and said he was pleased to report to the Council that going into the new year, cable television service in Owasso is 97% installed. He said 1100 subscribers are now receiving service and the first franchise fees to the City of Owasso have been paid with another one due in January. An additional 500 residents have subscribed to the service, of which 150 are inside the city limits. Those outside the city limits will be served sometime in 1981. Those inside city limits will have service going into the new year. They have installed nearly 25 miles of underground and overhead line, in- cluding Hale Acres, Meadowcrest and Three Lakes II. All that remains is turn-on service at Hale Acres, Meadowcrest, and the remaining part of Three Lakes II. These areas are wired and the electronics installed; hookups have been delayed because of an over-voltage on the trunk lines. Work is being done now to correct the problem and expect it to be solved soon. Delays have also been due to weather problems, including storm damage to lines in Hale Acres. They have experienced numerous delays in the shipment of equipment from suppliers and have had delays from Southwestern Bell and Public Service Company in supplying the utilities needed. The availability of sub-contractors has also affected them. They are 90 days behind schedule and considering most cable systems in communities this size require more than a year to complete installation, they realize the 180 day schedule that was set was over-optimistic, although they did everything possible to meet it. A survey will reveal that most communities outside Tulsa and Oklahoma City operate only 12 channels. Since they last reported to the Council, they have added services, including Cable News Pdetwork and Channel 23. They are happy to report they are working with the school system and various civic, business, and religious organizations to provide public service time to them. In the new year they will have live religious broadcasts, capa- bilities for school or City Council broadcasts and weather radar in time for the spring storm season. Owasso City Council December 22, 1980 Page Three Mr. Morris stated they realize there has been some frustration from sub- scribers who have not yet been turned on; these number some 160 and for the most part are in Hale Acres and Meadowcrest. He said they are so confident of finishing the installation soon that they do not hesitate to ask the City Council, if it so desires, to impose a daily penalty after an extension of 60 days. They expect to finish long before that but 60 days is not unreasonable if they run into weather problems. He said they appre- ciate the opportunity to appear before the Council to give this progress report. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to extend for 60 calendar days, the installation time for Community Development Cablevision, from this date, and after sixty days a $50.00 per day penalty be imposed for each day the system is delayed. Ayes - P?essrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, r1rs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Mr. Thompson said a $100,000 performance bond was called for in the ordinance but was never secured. He said it has been discussed with the City Attorney and they feel a $10,000 performance bond would be acceptable since the work is so far along. Mr. Belcher said at this point it would be difficult to secure a performance bond for $10,000 and recommended the penalty rather than the bond. He suggested putting the $10,000 into an escrow account rather than a performance bond. Mr. Charney asked for further clarification if a few houses should remain uncompleted and Mr. Thompson said that is covered in the ordinance in that service will be available to everyone in the city limits. Motion was made by Dennis burke, seconded by Robbie Fickle, that in lieu of the $10,000 performance bond, considering the 97% completion status, that the City accept Community Developments' offer to put $10,000 into an escrow account to guarantee the completion of the system. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 9 - REVIEW BIDS FOR ONE AUTOMOBILE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mayor Spencer publicly read the six bids which were received as follows: Jim Nelson Ford $7,473.00 Cox Motor $7,707.30 (LeBaron) Fred Jones Ford $7,156.34 Cox Motor $7,766.70 (Gran Fury) Howard Chevrolet $7,385.09 Parrish & Clark $7,817.00 Owasso City Council December 22, 1980 Page Four Mr. Thompson said he felt we would be better off getting one or two year vehicles at one-half the cost and have more vehicles. He said the Fairmont we have has not proven to be durable. Mr. Lambert asked if we are having mechanical problems with the Fairmont and Air. Thompson said in riding in it they are not pleased, and questioned how it would hold up on patrol. A4r. Lambert said it seems sooner or later we are going to have to force ourselves into small vehicles. Mr. Thompson said the high mileage vehicle has been passed on to the Building Inspector. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Al Lambert, to accept the low bid for the police vehicle from Fred Jones Ford in the amount of $7,156.34 for a 1981 4-Door Fairmont, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - P4essrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, P•irs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 10 - REVIEW PROPOSAL FOR 132 UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT AND POLICIES RELATING TO PERCENTAGE OF UNITS APPROVED FOR RENTAL SUBSIDY. Mr. -Thompson said this project is on 80th Street North just East of the P-fingo Valley Expressway and they are requesting 20% allocation for low rental subsidy. He said he personnally sees nothing wrong with it, in lieu of 100% low income rental where it would be all concentrated in one area. He said they need our comments before it goes to the INCOG Board and it would not be in effect until it is approved by INCOG. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to endorse the 20% low income 235 rental subsidy for Wildwood Apartments, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 11 - PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY INSURANCE FROM THE OKLAHOMA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MUNICIPAL ASSURANCE GROUP. Mr. Thompson explained that this personal injury and errors and omissions coverage would be for both elected and appointed officials. He said the cost will be $1,805.00 per year through the OML insurance pool and he recommended it. Mr. Charney advised the Council to take the coverage. ....~, ~..,.,ME Mr. Burke questioned Other Standard Exclusions on page 4 of the policy and Air. Charney said he could not explain it at that time but would look into it and advise. Owasso City Council December 22, 1980 Page Five Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al Lambert, to purchase the Public Officials Liability Insurance from the Oklahoma Plunicipal League Assurance Group as outlined in the Council's December 22nd packets and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Burke Motion carried. ITEM 12 - REQUEST PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR THREE CIVIL DEFENSE WARNING SIRENS. r4r. Thompson said these are primarily for the North end of the City and cost $5,000.00 each. He said he would like to have them installed by the Spring storm season. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Al Lambert, to advertise for three civil defense warning sirens. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 13 - APPROVE RESOLUTION 80-13 REQUESTING OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS- PORTATION TO REDESIGN THE INTERSECTION OF 96TH STREET NORTH AND PROPOSED MINGO VALLEY EXPRESSWAY TO A FULL GRADE SEPARATION WITH ACCESS RAMPS TO THE EXPRESSWAY. Mr. Thompson said this item came to our attention in looking for a future location for an emergency services building. He said the present plans do not call for an intersection at 96th Street North and 129th East Avenue where Mingo Valley Expressway crosses the streets. He has been in contact with Bill Nash, Highway Commissioner, and Lewis Harris. Mr. Thompson said if there is a problem with keeping the cost down, possibly the full grade separation at 106th Street could be eliminated. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Resolution 80-13 requesting Oklahoma Department of Transportation to redesign the intersection of 96th Street North and proposed Mingo Valley Expressway to a full grade separation with access ramps to the expressway, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion c arried. Owasso City Council December 22, 1980 Page Six ITEM 14A - RECOMMENDATION TO ANNEX A 132' X 300' TRACT ON 99TH STREET WEST OF GARNETT ROAD. Ms. Dickey advised Council that the Planning Commission recommended this annexation request be approved. She said they also discussed and recom- mended that the entire 99th Street be annexed, although just this request was to be considered at this time. Mr. Charney said we cannot serve water to them if we annex it but we may still annex it. He advised tabling the item until January 6, Motion was made by Dennis. Burke, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to table annex- ation petition of a 132' X 300' tract on 99th Street West of Garnett Road to the January 6 Council meeting, being specifically brought up at his request. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. .. ~,.. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to direct LeRoy """'""' Tremain and C. A. Shelton to obtain a Resolution from Rural Water District No. 3 assuring the City of Owasso that there will be no law suits filed and a release to furnish water without recourse if this annexation is approved. Ayes - P4essrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 14-B - RECOMMEND PARK AND OPEN SPACE GOALS AND PRIORITIES. Ms. Dickey said the Planning Commission has developed twenty statements of which the first eight are their main priorities with the others being long range goals. Several Council members commented they agreed with the top eight priorities,. with the exception of Item 5 (Tie in Lakeridge Terrace pond to park/bike trail system). Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to acknowledge acceptance of items 1 through 20 for park/open space development priorities and adoption of recreational open space requirements and formal adoption of open space report as shown on the Owasso Comprehensive Plan and recommended by the Planning Commission, and by reference made a part hereof. - ~, Ayes - P4essrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, r1rs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Owasso City Council December 22, 1980 Page Seven Mr. Lambert questioned the purchase of at least eight batteries. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve additional warrants 918 through 976 for $25,466.67 and authorize Mayor to sign same, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Mayor Spencer asked about the financial report and Mr. Thompson said it would be on the next agenda. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 8:45 PM, Boyd M. Sp-eY~cer, Mayor ~ ~ ~ y ~. Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk