HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980.11.18_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, November 18, 1980, the Owasso City Council met in regular session, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 4:00 PM on November 14, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag Salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Dennis Burke, Councilman Harold Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: Al Lambert, Councilman ITEM 4 - APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on November 13, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof: A. Approve Minutes of November 4, 1980 Meeting. B. Approve Warrants 676 through 702 for $4,424.11, Cancellation of Warrant 597 for $22,500.00, and authorize Mayor to sign name. C. Approve Fire Run Contract with State Farm Fire and Casualty, Property Owners Donald and Sharon Cowles. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None r4otion carried. ITEM 5 - APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 293 ACCEPTING BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE OWASSO INDUSTRIAL AUTHORITY, A PUBLIC TRUST. Mr. Allen Anderson addressed Council that the Owasso Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee has been working on the Industrial Authority for several months with the City being the beneficiary. He said the City will need to accept the Trust and appoint five people to represent the City on the Authority. The Committee recom- mended as the five Trustees Ron Griffin, Dale Johnson, Boyd Spencer, Bob Fugate and Kenneth Thompson. Mr. Charney questioned if they are suggesting these five individuals because of their respective positions, and P4r. Anderson said no, that if their positions should change they would still hold their office on the Trust. Owasso City Council November 18, 1980 Page Two Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to adopt Ordi- nance No. 293 Creating the Owasso Industrial Trust Authority and appoint as Trustees Boyd Spencer, Kenneth Thompson, Bob Fugate, Ron Griffin and Dale Johnson, and by reference made a part hereof: Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to adopt the emergency clause to Ordinance No. 293. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. To determine which Trustees would serve the individual terms, names were drawn from a hat and the terms are as follows: One Year - Dale Johnson Two Years - Ron Griffin Three Years - Kenneth Thompson Four Years - Bob Fugate Five Years - . Boyd Spencer ITEM 6 - REVIEW BIDS FOR USED STREET SWEEPER. Mr. Thompson informed Council that no further bids were received on the street sweeper and he recommended going with the one from P~urphy Machinery. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to award bid for 1976 Pelican Street Sweeper to Murphy Machinery in the amount of $22,500.00. Ayes - Mr. Burke and Mrs. Fickle Nays - Mr. Spencer Motion carried. ITEM 7 - APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF JACK CANNON AS ALTERNATE MUNICIPAL JUDGE. Judge Pickerill introduced Jack Cannon to the Council and explained his request for his appointment as alternate Judge. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to appoint Jack Cannon as alternate Judge for Owasso Municipal Court. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke, Mrs. Fickle. Owasso City Council November 18, 1980 Page Three Nay - None Motion carried. ITEM 8 - REVIEW BIDS FOR NEW AUTOMOBILE FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mr. Thompson said the specifications that went out were incomplete and that the low bid turned out to be a standard transmission and we need an automatic. He recommended rejecting all bids and rewriting specifications. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to reject all bids, and directed the Police Chief to work with Mrs. Webb and/or Mr. Thompson to rewrite specifications and relet bids to be opened by Council at the December 16 Council meeting. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 9 - REVIEW ENERGY REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. Mr. Wes Beitl with Oklahoma State University spoke to Council on this subject. He said we can operate under our present code until we recodify. Mr. Beitl said we need to adopt the BOCA Energy Code. Council said they would look at the codes and place on a later agenda. ITEM 10 - APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 294 INCREASING THE MONTHLY SALARY OF THE MfTNT('.TPAT. ~(1TTRT .TTTT1rF._ Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to Approve Ordi- nance No. 294 increasing the monthly salary of the Municipal Court Judge from $200.00 per month to $250.00 per month, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 11 - REQUEST TO PURCHASE THREE USED AUTOMOBILES FROM THE OKLAHOMA DEPART- MT'.NT (1F TRANQPf1RTATT(1N_ Mr. Thompson again mentioned these are high mileage cars but in good condition. The driving home of City vehicles was again discussed and Mr. Burke said he was in favor of police officers having their own car and taking it home and being responsible for it. Motion was made by Dennis Burke to purchase two additional vehicles to be provided to the Police Department to complete our one car per man policy. This motion died for the lack of a second. Owasso City Council November 18, 1980 Page Four Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to deny request for purchase of three used automobiles. Ayes - Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Fickle Nays - Mr. Burke Motion carried. ITEM 12 - APPROVE CANCELLATION OF DECEMBER 2, 1980 COUNCIL MEETING DUE TO COUNCIL ATTENDING NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to cancel the December 2, 1980, City Council meeting. Ayes.- Messrs. Spencer and Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 13 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve additional Warrants 59.8 through 716 for $31,950.39 and Revenue Sharing Warrant 35 for $29,575.20, and authorize Mayor to sign same, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer and Burke, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 14 - NEW BUSINESS Mr. Thompson said the fencing and bleacher bids for Rayola Park were mis- placed and requested this item be placed on the November 25th Special Meeting agenda. Mayor Spencer directed this item be placed as the first item on said agenda. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 7:55 PM. ;~~ ^..... f~ f ~"~ ~: / i Boyd M. Spenc Mayor ""tl Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk