HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 19_charter amendment election_2014.12.16CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION 2014 -19 A RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED, QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ARTICLE 2, SECTIONS 2 -7, 2 -13; ARTICLE 4, SECTIONS 4 -3, 4 -4; ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6 -1, 6 -9; ARTICLE 8, SECTION 8 -15; SETTING BALLOT LANGUAGE; AND DESIGNATING TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ELECTION BOARD OF TULSA COUNTY THE PRECINCTS TO BE OPENED AND CLOSED. WHEREAS, under the provision of Article 9, Section 9 -1, the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, may be amended by proposals submitted by the Council, and at a general or special election ratified by a majority of the qualified electors voting, and approved by the Governor as provided by the State Constitution; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1: That an election be held March 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Owasso, for their ratification or rejection, amendments to the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and SECTION 2: These proposed Charter amendments shall be placed on the same ballot as the election of Owasso City Council representation for Wards 1 and 2. Should there be no need for a primary election for whatever reason, the date of the election to decide these Charter amendments shall remain on March 3, 2015; and SECTION 3: That the City Council of the City of Owasso hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that Tulsa County precincts #750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760 and Rogers County precincts #31 and 130 are to be opened; and Tulsa County precinct #21 and Rogers County precincts #6, 21, 29, and 30 are to remain closed as there are no residents of Owasso in those precincts; and Tulsa County Clerk - PAT KEY 8 Doc # 2014115455 Page(s): 6 Recorded 12123/2014 at 01:56 PM p° klgM�k• Receipt # 510580 Fee $23.00 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION 2014 -19 A RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED, QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, IN ARTICLE 2, SECTIONS 2 -7, 2 -13; ARTICLE 4, SECTIONS 4 -3, 4 -4; ARTICLE 6, SECTION 6 -1, 6 -9; ARTICLE 8, SECTION 8 -15; SETTING BALLOT LANGUAGE; AND DESIGNATING TO THE SECRETARY OF THE ELECTION BOARD OF TULSA COUNTY THE PRECINCTS TO BE OPENED AND CLOSED. WHEREAS, under the provision of Article 9, Section 9 -1, the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, may be amended by proposals submitted by the Council, and at a general or special election ratified by a majority of the qualified electors voting, and approved by the Governor as provided by the State Constitution; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1: That an election be held March 3, 2015 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Owasso, for their ratification or rejection, amendments to the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma; and SECTION 2: These proposed Charter amendments shall be placed on the same ballot as the election of Owasso City Council representation for Wards 1 and 2. Should there be no need for a primary election for whatever reason, the date of the election to decide these Charter amendments shall remain on March 3, 2015; and SECTION 3: That the City Council of the City of Owasso hereby certifies to the Tulsa County Election Board that Tulsa County precincts #750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758, 759, 760 and Rogers County precincts #31 and 130 are to be opened; and Tulsa County precinct #21 and Rogers County precincts #6, 21, 29, and 30 are to remain closed as there are no residents of Owasso in those precincts; and SECTION 4: The proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma shall read as follows: ARTICLE 2, THE COUNCIL Section 2 -7 Council: Meetings The council shall hold at least one regular meeting every month, such time as it may prescribe by ordinance or otherwise. The mayor or any three C-GU^Gil;,eR councilors may call special meetings. All meetings of the council, except executive sessions held to diSG SS peFs9mRPI Molte•s_ as authorized by law, shall be open to the public, and the journal of its proceedings shall be open to public inspection. Section 2 -13 Ordinances: Passage, When in Effect Every proposed ordinance shall be read, by title only unless a majority vote of the council reauest reading in its entirety, and a vote of a majority of all the GOURGiln,eR councilors shall be required for its passage. The vote on final passage of every ordinance shall be by yeas and nays, and shall be entered in the journal. The mayor shall have no power of veto. Within ten days after its passage, every ordinance shall be published in full or by number, title, and a brief gist in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. Every ordinance except an emergency ordinance, so published, shall become effective thirty days after its final passage unless it specifies a later time; provided that a franchise for a public utility shall not go into effect until the ordinance granting it has been published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city and has been approved at an election by a vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question. ARTICLE 4, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; FISCAL AFFAIRS Section 4 -3 Sale of Prooerty Valued at More Than $250,000.00 The sale of any city property, real or personal, including public utilities, or of any interest therein, the value of which is more than $250,000.00 may be made only (1) by authority of an affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the city who vote on the question of approving or authorizing the sale at an election, or (2) by authority of a special non - emergency ordinance. Such ordinance shall be published in full in a newspaper of general circulation within the city within ten days after its passage, and shall include a section reading substantially as follows: "Section —. This ordinance shall be referred to a vote of the electors of the city if a sufficient and lawful referendum petition is properly filed within thirty days after its passage; otherwise it shall go into effect thirty days after its passage." The sale of an entire public utility may be authorized only as provided in (1) hereinabove. Section 4-4 Public Imorovements Public improvements may be made by the city government itself or by contract. The council shall award all contracts for such improvements; provided that the council may authorize the City Manager to award such contracts not exceeding an amount to be determined by the council and subject to such regulations as the council may prescribe. A contract for public improvements ^teeR $2;99949 may be awarded only to the lowest and best responsible bidder after such notice and opportunity for competitive bidding as the council may prescribe and in compliance with the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. All bids may be rejected, and further notice and opportunity for competitive bidding may be given. ARTICLE 6, ELECTIONS Section 6 -1. Nomination and Election; Terms; Nonpartisan Elections: Etc d. The GGWReiIFAeR councilors shall serve for the terms indicated, and until their respective successors are elected and qualify. Council terms shall begin on the first AAeadey meeting in May in the year in which they are elected. If a Gql - 1^^1Pt councilor -elect fails to qualify within one month after the beginning of the term, that office shall become vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies in the council are filled. Section 6 -9 Political Activity of Officers and Emplovees No City Councilor or officer or employee of the city shall directly or indirectly solicit, coerce or attempt to coerce any employee to participate in or to refrain from participation in the nomination, election, or defeat of any candidate for City Councilor, or the recall of any City Councilor; but this shall not prohibit the ordinary exercise of one's right to express opinions and to vote. ARTICLE 8, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES GENERALLY a^ } ^r ,? WRIc.99 the ,,.G, Urn GIGRe is elewl„ '^ ' ^ ^ }^ All references to the masculine sender shall be removed from the charter and replaced by a gender- neutral term. SECTION 5: In accordance with Title 11, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 13 -106, the proposed Charter amendments and an announcement of the date for the charter election shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City of Owasso once per week for three (3) consecutive weeks. The date for the charter election shall not be less than twenty (20) days nor more than thirty (30) days after the last publication. SECTION 6: The ballot titles shall read as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Two, Section 2 -7) This proposition will amend the Charter to conform with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act as it relates to Executive Sessions. FOR THE PROPOSITION - YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO PROPOSITION NO.2 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Two, Section 2 -13) This proposition will specify that each proposed Ordinance is to be read by title only unless a majority vote of the City Council requests the Ordinance be read aloud in its entirety. FOR THE PROPOSITION - YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO PROPOSITION NO.3 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Four, Section 4 -3) This proposition will require passage of a non - emergency clause ordinance or a vote of the people before the City Council or Authority Trustees may sell city property, real or personal, valued at more than $250,000. FOR THE PROPOSITION - YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO PROPOSITION NO.4 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Four, Section 4 -4) This proposition will incorporate the competitive bidding procedures for public improvements as outlined in the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. FOR THE PROPOSITION - YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO PROPOSITION NO.5 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Six, Section 6 -1) This proposition will change the date on which a newly elected City Councilor begins the term of office from the first Monday in May to the first meeting in May. FOR THE PROPOSITION -YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO PROPOSITION NO. 6 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Six, Section 6 -9) This proposition will prohibit any City Councilor, officer, or employee from directly or indirectly soliciting, coercing, or attempting to coerce any employee to participate in or to refrain from participation in any City Council election or Councilor recall. FOR THE PROPOSITION - YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO PROPOSITION NO.7 (Proposed Charter Amendment - Article Eight, Section 8-15) This proposition will replace all masculine language in the Charter with gender neutral language. FOR THE PROPOSITION - YES AGAINST THE PROPSITION - NO APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 2014 by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ATTEST: Sherry City OF T 1' pp� oF ''''--��{��{rttttttic��yy?aggi c SMALL Approved as to Form: J , e Lombar i, City Attorney Je (51berly, Mayor Cov, ul� l uv� I VA �i I i. 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