HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007.01.23_Board of Adjustment MinutesOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar
Ken Foster
Joe Ramey
Charles Brown
Trish Hauser
David Hall
The meeting agenda was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on the 16"' day of January,
2007 at 3:00 PM.
3a v�� oI1�I n_u��s 1�o�n the Janua�° � _ ��a� l � tin - Charles Brown
moved to approve the minutes of January 4, 2007. David Hall seconded.
AYE: Foster, Rainey, Brown, Hall, Hauser
NAY: None
The -notion carried 50.
OA-0� 1 �.mn- oice C� Church � request for a variance to allow for a thee - standing
o �.a
pole sign to be located at 13413 Fast 106 "' Street North, with a proposed height of 30 feet
and an area. of 672 sq. ft. on property zoned Old (Office Medium). This item has been
requested by the applicant to be reheard by the board, due to only three members present
at the November 28, 2006 meeting.
Joe Ramey stated that the applicant has requested this item to be continued l.intil '_fuesday,
February 27, 2007 Board of Agjustrnent meeting. The -meeting will be held at Old
Central btiil ing at 6:00 PMT
OBOA -06 t2 ,- Palmer Continuum of Care -- A request 15orr a tel- nporary special
exception to allow an adolescent residential treatment facility in an Of, (Low Intensity
Office zoning district), located at 425 East 22 Street North. This item was continued
from the January 4, 2007 special meeting.
Julie Lombard] explained [fic public c01111ment rules and procedures. Chip reviewed the
staff report. He stated that the facility is a 2/3 acre tract and zoDed 01, (I,owv 1_nte isity
Office). Brown Schools received a special exception to use the site to serve children with
-mild disabilities or -mental challenges. PaInacr Continuum Care is a nonprofit substance
abuse treatment and recovery center for adolescents, women and children. Palmer has
requested that a temporary special exception be approved for two years, allowing the use
of the site until January 24, 2009. Notices were mailed to all property owners within 800
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feet of the property, as well as all persons who signed in at the January 4, 2007 meeting
and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter. The staff recommends approval
of the temporary Special Exception, approving the use for two years, until January 24,
Mr. Chris Heroux, attorney representing Palmer Continuum of Care, made a presentation
to the Board Members. He stated that the applicant held a public information meeting
and notified property owners within 800 feet instead of 300 feet. The facility will serve
five area school districts and services are free. Funding comes from United Way, grants
and donations. The facility will employ thirteen and has an $856,000.00 budget. The
treatment typically takes four to six months and the children are not allowed to leave the
facility unattended. Palmer is willing to limit the special exception through February
The following are concerns /comments expressed by the public that was present at the
Aaron Tanner Opposes the special exception. The facility is within 1 mile of three
schools. The security is not sufficient. How safe, are we if one of these boys leaves the
facility? The area drug dealers will seek to keep the youths addicted. 'Three employees
for the night shifts are not enough to control these young men. The facility will attract
gang activity. fro not expose our citizens to such a risk. We are not against the facility
but not in the heart of our city. We are asking for dermal..
Robert Dictr'chr . Representing faith Lutheran Church. The pre- .school at the church is
an unsecured school. The statistics show that drug users are more likely to cornmit
crimes. The church_ supports the effort but rejects the proposal.
David erbry - Opposes the application. Has concerns with safety because the facility is
too close to schools. Nothing would stop Palmer fi-orn en.terflng into a contract with
Department of Corrections. Believes there is a need for this but not at this location.
Concerris about what kind of I flu.ence the boys will havc or7 our children at Owasso
Public Schools. The facility would not be well staffed. Three adults to 18 inales is not
enough supervision.
arjc Tanner - She will not allow her children to ride their bicycles or play basketball
because it would be too dangerous. She has concerns by the schools located nearby.
Palmier Ii-as never tried an all male facility; it will be a trial and error experiment.
Jo Wahl -rcrn She is the Director of Sonshine Pre - school at the Faith Lutheran ("hut -ch.
All children need a chance, but not this close to schools. They had vandalism at the
playground while Brown Schools was located there. Approving this special exception for
Palmer Schools would mean the end of Sonshine school. Please decline this proposal.
Wendy Smith She has worked for an in -house drug facility in the past and there wcre
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problems with runaways. When the youth left the facility, they would be looping for a
ride and drugs. There was a lot of theft and damage to the property around the facility. A
remote location would be better.
Tre' Landrum, D.O. - He has worked with drug abusers and they will do anything for a
fix. You are just asking for problems if this facility is put in a residential area. Drug
users do more crimes; they lie, cheat and steal.
Dr. Chris Armstrong - Studies show that drug treatments do not work. Four of five
juvenile crimes are drug related.
Mike Jon_iok - Find a different location. We do not want to lose our security. Brown
School lied to them. There was a lacy of supervision.
Ann McAlester - We choose Owasso for our community. Leave our neighborhood like it
is. Drug induced children are not the same as mentally M. Please deny this request.
Charles Willey - The group collected 500 signatures in opposition. A poll was also taken
and out of 125 homes in At.or Heights, 105 homes signed in opposition. It is not in the
best welfare of our conhnhunity. Manpower figures do not add up,
feff erhslc;y _ He is in the healthcare profession. Drug abuse patients sornet:imes require
physical restraints. They are also ma.niputati,ve and abusive.
Norma Raines -The red ribbon that everyone is wearing means opposition.
Amanda Marshall '['he young people of this neighborhood cannot speak up tonight and
vote. There may be a place this treatment center, but not here. Please make a responsible
Clark Ov-ry e, He has concerns. The schools are not equipped to handle this type of
student. Also concerned with the facility not being secure.
l`he, following are comments from supporters of the special exception:
.lennifer Glover - Drug addition is not an Dplahorna problern. "Twenty -one percent of
kids have an addition and 93% go untreated.
usty_Hamton A father of two kids that have gone through drug abuse. There needs to
be a place like Palmer. A drug problem can happen to any family. Are our churches for
the sin free? We need to help those who have fallen.
Lori Mathis - Lived next door to Palmer and they were good neighbors. The more
respect I gave them the more they gave me. Palmer has respectable management and had
DO security issues. The youth wanted help. Shame on you. for your attitudes. What if
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your fan-illy has problems, whore will you send them?
Susan Burbee — There are drugs already in Owasso. Oklahoma has a need for this type of
facility. Does anyone in this community care?
Chris Hcroux requested another brief presentation. He stated that the lids aren't forced
to attend. The kids will not be attending schools in Owasso or anywhere else. Nighttime
security guards would be provided if necessary. The screening process will screen out the
violent kids. Give Palmer an opportunity to provide a needed service.
After discussion regarding traffic impact on the area and patient departure procedures,
Charles Drown moved to approve #OBOA 06 -12 with the following conditions:
* There shall always be at least one staff member for every four residents.
There shall be an on -going treatment program for the residents. Those that have
a diagnosis that the available treatment at the site is not designed to help shall
not reside in the facility. Those who have been treated but have not responded
to the treatment as anticipated shall not continue to reside in the facility.
* Those that have a diagnosis of conduct, thought, antisocial, sexual or
schizophrenic disorders shall not reside in the facility.
* A. baclaip electrical system shall exist that is sufficient to insure that the security
system and fire protection system, will operate in the event of a power outage.
* A. community advisory panel shall be established that meets quarterly and
includes Palmer and City representatives together with at least three residents in
the immediate area.
The facility must remain accredited and licensed as a substance abuse treatment
center and school.
A sign shall not be permitted.
A. security guard shall be oil duty during the evening hours.
The Chair asked for a second to the n -iotion for approval with the above conditions..
There were no seconds to the motion,
Ken foster moved to deny the regtiest. E Ie explained that the Board Members had traffic
concerns when a special exception was given to Beehive 1Jonies in 1998. He also stated
that tic has concerns with the neighbors and the pre, - school located behind the facility and
would like to work to find a better location for Palmer, Trish Hauser seconded the
motion. A vote on the mofion was recorded as follows:
AYE,: foster, Ramey, Hall, Hauser
NAY: None
The motion to deny was carried 4--0.
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6. Other Business
7. ADJOURNMENT — Charles Brown moved for adjournment, seconded by David lull. A
vote on the motion was recorded as follows:
AYE: Foster, Raney, Brown, Hall, Hauser
NAY: None
The motion was approved 5 - -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM,
Mice Chair