HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.05.01_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, May 1, 1979, the Owasso City Council met in regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 4:30 PM on April 30, 1979, and by reference made a part hereof. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Don Thompson, Councilman Robert Wrestler, Councilman Wayne Meyer, City Manager Harold Charney, City Attorney Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: None The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM, with Mayor Spencer presiding. Mr. Albert N. Lambert, Councilman Elect from Ward 2, was sworn in by our City Attorney and Mr. Lambert was immediately seated on the Council. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to appoint Mr. Boyd Spencer as Mayor for a term of May 1979 to May 19 80 . Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Spencer Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Al Lambert, to ap- point Mrs... Robbie Fickle as Vice Mayor for a term of May 1979 to May 1980. Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Wrestler, Spencer, Lambert Nays - None Abstain - Mrs. Fickle s2otion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to approve Consent Agenda items, pulling Item 6 Approve Emergency Clause on Ordinance No. 257, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on April 26, 1979, and by reference made a part hereof. 1. Approve Minutes of April 17, 1979, Regular sleeting 2. Approve Warrants for Payment 3. Approve Fire Run Contract with State Farm; Property Owner Thomas J. Wintle 4. Approve Fire Run Contract with Oklahoma Farmers Union, Property Owner C. E. Keys 5. Approve Ordinance No. 257 on Rezoning Case OZ-43 Owasso City Council May 1, 19 79 Page Two 7. Approve Transfer of Appropriations, Revenue Sharing 1977-1978 for $758.77 8. Approve Transfer of Appropriations, Revenue Sharing 1978-1979 for $1200.00 Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle, with Mrs. Fickle abstaining on Item 2, Warrant 1419 Nays - None Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to approve Item 6 of the Consent Agenda, Approve Emergency Clause on Ordinance 257, which was pulled from the Consent Agenda, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve additional warrants for payment, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle, with Mrs. Fickle abstaining on Warrants 1444 and 1446 Nays - None Mayor Spencer made a presentation of a plaque to Mr. Bob Yock for his service to the City by serving on the City Council. Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to accept property donated to the City by J. Ray and Ola Smith and Commercial Lumber Company, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Mayor Spencer presented Mr. Smith with a plaque expressing the City's gratitude for the donation of this property. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve the final plat on Oklahoma Baptist Acres, per the "~'°'~" recommendation of Mansur-Daubert-Williams, and by reference made a part hereof. Owasso City Council May 1, 1979 Page Three Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None When discussion began on Rezoning Application OZ-44, Mrs. Fickle excussed herself from the room as her husband has an interest in this rezoning application. Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve Rezoning Application OZ-44 from AG to IL, General Loca- tion 76th and Mingo, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Abstain - Mrs. Fickle Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve Ordinance No. 251, Repealing Building Setback Code, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Don Thompson, to approve Emergency Clause to Ordinance No. 251, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Councilman Thompson commented he would personally rather we did not use the emergency clause on ordinances. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to approve acceptance of DECA IPA Grant Contract, and by reference made apart hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None The approval of Les Scarbrough's resignation from the Personnel Board was tabled until such time as we actually receive his re- signation letter. Owasso City Council May 1, 1979 Page Four In regard to the City paying the $1.00 per member fee to the OML Credit Union as an administrative fee, Mrs. Fickle sug- gested Merrilyn Merchant take a survey of the employees that are members of the credit union to see what the employees think of their credit union. Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Al Lambert, to table Item 13 Approve Support of Administrative Fee for the OML Credit Union to the May 15, 1979, meeting. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Mr. Charney advised Council there are some State Law require- ments on cemeteries that he needs to cover with them, for about thirty minutes, in a work session. Mrs. Fickle felt Ordinance No. 258 should not be approved as it needs to be complete with all State requirements. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al Lambert, to table Ordinance No. 258 to the June 19, 1979, meeting. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Jack Gorzeman, with Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, was present to explain the proposed TMAPC Budget. He said the existing level funding is 22% communities and 78% counties, or $1.00 per capita for planning services. Mr. Gorzeman said the County Commissioners are favoring a 50/50 split between commun- ities and counties. He said presently Owasso is paying for 40% of this time and is actually using 80% of his time. Also it is proposed that Comprehensive Plans be financed 100% by the com- munity. The new proposal is for $13,722.00 for one year, com- pared to last year's charge of $5,600.00. He said it is prob- able that services will need to be cut back in some areas. Mr. Gorzeman asked for direction of what City Council wishes him to relay to the County Commissioners. Mrs. Fickle asked what the cut backs would be and Mr. Gorzeman answered probably in such areas as base maps, maps in general, and special studies. Mr. Gorzeman said there is a possibility of a HUD Grant of 33% in local and 67% in federal money and he felt his salary could be used towards the in-kind match. Mr. Thompson asked how he determined 80% of his time was Owasso's to which Mr. Gorzeman said from his actual time spent. Mr. Thompson then asked what services he provides the City other than annexations and zoning Owasso City Council May 1, 19 79 Page Five petitions. Mr. Gorzeman said sub-division plats, lot splits, Board of Adjustment applications, special studies such as popu- lation analysis, draftsmen and maps. Mrs. Fickle asked how difficult it is to process Board of Adjustment items and re- ceive plats. Mr. Gorzeman said the time is not in the applica- tions themselves but doing the actual research and giving his professional recommendations to the City Council. The City Attorney commented that the City must have these services. The City Council directed Mr. Gorzeman to apply for the 701 Funding Grant. Mr. Gorzeman recommended $20.00 be charged for the hard bound copies of the Owasso Comprehensive Plan and $15.00 for the looseleaf copies. Further discussion of-the TMAPC budget was passed to a work session. Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, for the PZayor to proclaim the month of May 1979 as Water Awareness T•Zonth, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None In regard to the Butler Annexation, Mr. Charney stated there might be a problem with the rural water district in getting water to that area. Mr. Thompson said he has serious reserva- tions about this annexation due to our limited sewer availabil- ity to service the area, as no taps are available, although Mr. Butler has probably purchased some from T!Ir. Hale. Also, Mr. Thompson said he disliked seeing the City "piece meal" again on these corners, leaving holes. Another concern was what would happen to the City legally if we were delivering water to a client and the courts decided we cannot service on the rural water district. City Attorney asked Mr. Butler if he under- stands that the City can annex anything they want but would not be required to furnish the area with water and sewer, to which Mr. Butler replied he understood. Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to approve Ordinance No. 259 for the Butler Annexation, general location Northwest Corner of Highway 169 and Highway 20, per Planning Commissions recommendation, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - Messrs. Thompson and Wrestler Owasso City Council May 1, 1979 Page Six Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve Emergency Clause to Ordinance No. 259, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - T4essrs. Thompson and Wrestler City Manager submitted the 1979-1980 budget to City Council for review. Council set a work session for same on May 22nd. NEW BUSINESS Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to accept Al Lambert's resignation from the Planning Commission. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Lambert Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to appoint Elray Stevens to the Planning Commission, to fill the unexpired term of Al Lambert. ~` Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None OLD BUSINESS None Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 9:52 PM. ~ ~iC-c~~2~`~-- YOR ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~, ~ ~ a .~ CITY CLERK