HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.09.04_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, September 4, 1979, the Owasso City Council met in regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda, posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 3:00 PM on August 31, 1979, and by reference made a part hereof. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Don Thompson, Councilman Robert Wrestler, Councilman Al Lambert, Councilman Harold Charney, City Attorney Ken Kite, Acting City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: None The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 1 - APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Don Thompson, to approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on August 30, 1979, and by reference made a part hereof 1. Approve Minutes of August 21, 1979, Regular Meeting 2. Approve Minutes of August 23, 1979, Special Meeting 3. Approve Warrants for Payment Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 2 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve additional warrants for payment, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 3 - APPROVE EXECUTION OF NOTICE AND DEMAND FORM ON EN- CROACHMENT OF THREE LAKES SIGN ON HIGHWAY 169 REALIGNMENT; GEN- ERAL LOCATION HIGHWAY 169 AND 86TH STREET NORTH Owasso City Council September 4, 1979 Page Two Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Al Lambert, to ap- prove execution of Notice and Demand form on encroachment of Three Lakes sign on Highway 169 Realignment, general location Highway 169 and 86th Street North, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 4 - ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF CITY MANAGER Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to accept City Manager, Wayne Meyer, resignation, effective Aug- ust 31, 1979. Ayes - Messrs. Sn_encer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion passed. Mayor Spencer recessed Owasso City Council at 7:04 PM to go in- to an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Mayor Spencer reconvened Owasso City Council at 7:24 PM. At this time Mayor Spencer announced that Wauhilleau Webb had been appointed Acting City Manager until a new City Manager can be secured. ITEM S - APPROVE ORDINANCE N0. 270 SETTING FEES FOR MAINTENANCE PERFORMANCE BONDS ON WATER, SEWER, STREETS AND STORM DRAINAGE INSTALLATION Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Al Lambert, to ap- prove Ordinance No. 270 setting fees for maintenance performance bonds on water, sewer, streets and storm drainage installation, and by reference made a part hereof . "^~' Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle Owasso City Council September 4, 1979 Page Three Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 6 - APPROVE EMERGENCY CLAUSE TO ORDINANCE N0. 270 Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve Emergency Clause to Ordinance No. 270. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert, and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 7-1-A - APPROVE BRINGING FROM TABLE CHANGE OF ACCESS; T. L. DAVIS Mr. Gorzeman stated the need to alleviate the little "quirks" in the lot split and change of access procedures. He said by City ordinance lot split approvals come from Planning Commis- sion but it has been unclear on the change of access approvals. Mr. Charney had advised Mr. Gorzeman that the Planning Commis- sion has the power to grant final approval on lot splits but needs specific direction for clarification in the subdivision regulations. Mr. Charney said according to our subdivision regulations the Planning Commission has sole authority, He also said the City must provide access with lot splits. Mrs. Fickle suggested the City Council act as an Appeal Board but give the Planning Commission the authority to make the approvals. Mr. Thompson responded saying with the Planning Commission having the final say we now have five possible cuts along 86th Street North that they did not consider. Mrs. Fickle replied the City Council would not have considered access points either, as they would not have known there would be lot splits at a later time. Mr. Lambert commented the Council ap- points the Planning Commission and must then trust their judg- ment as they do a lot of leg work for the Council. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al Lambert, to give the Planning Commission authority to make final approvals on lot splits and change of access, with the City Council act- ing as an Appeal Board. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Owasso City Council September 4, 1979 Page Four Nays - Mr. Thompson. Motion passed. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, 'seconded by Al Lambert, di- recting the City Attorney to write~an ordinance giving the Owasso Planning Commission final approval on lot splits and change of access, with the City Council acting as an Appeal Board. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle Nays - Mr. Thompson Motion passed. ITEM 7-1-B - APPROVE BRINGING FROM TABLE APPROVING RESOLUTION N0. 79- 9 ENDORSING AREAWIDE HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PLAN FOR THE INCOG REGION AND SUPPORTING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN Jerry Lasker was present and gave Council an overview on this housing plan as was explained at the August 21st meeting by Richard Brierre, in that it is designed to spread out the dis- tribution for assistant housing through the INCOG area, rather than being so concentrated as it is presently. INCOG is asking the City of Owasso to endorse this plan as they need 51% par- ticipation, which they have even without Owasso. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve Resolution No. 79-09 Endorsing Areawide Housing Oppor- tunity Plan for the INCOG Region and Supporting Implementation of the Pl~.n, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Lambert Motion passed. ITEM 7-2-A - DISCUSSION ON UNMOWED PROPERTY Council gave City Clerk locations of property that need mowed, as follows: Mr. Thompson: 1. West of cemetary and South of lumber yard. 2. Between Al Realtors and new building unoc- cupied on East side of access road. 3. North of SteAping Stone Realtors. 4. Current development of Elm Creek. Owasso City Council September 4, 1979 Page Five Mr. Wrestler: 1. Entire Greenwood Hills addition which is across from highschool and 86th Street. Mr. Spencer: 1. Lot oth er side of Mr. Charney (Thelma Hodge). 2. Corner of Third and Birch across from Cen- - teal Baptist on the corner. 3. Corner of Third and Atlanta where old house has been torn down. Mrs. Fickle commented she agrees all the mentioned property should be mowed but we should take care of some City property also, to which Mr. Thompson agreed. Mayor Spencer directed City Clerk to obtain property owners for all these pieces of property and hold until further notice. He also directed Public Works Director to start cleaning up all City property, even if it requires paying some overtime. ITEM 8 - NEW BUSINESS Item C. B. Beers, 407 North Main, was present to address Council. He said before he began discussing what he came to Council about he wanted to say that the trash service is better than it has ever been since he can remember in Owasso. Mr. Beers said what he wanted to discuss with the City was his water bills, that are very inconsistent. He also stated his water meter does not have a glass on top and water has to be bailed out to read it and then mud has to be cleaned off. Mayor Spencer commented he did not think he will be charged for his current bill and it will be taken care of as we know he did not use 23,000 gallons of water. Item Donna Lolito was present and questioned the City Council about the holes left after fireplugs were instlled in the Graceland Acres addition. She said grass had grown over one of the holes and her son fell into it and is now in the hospital with a con- cusion. Mr. Williams said he would take the responsibility for the holes being left open as he did it on purpose so the City could find where to tap onto the lines for the new construction. He said they left the dirt piled up to warn the public there is a hole. Mr. Williams said he was hoping to have it all com- pleted this week, but he did not have 56 barricades to place over all the holes. Owasso City Council September 4, 1979 Page Six Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, the Chair adjourned at 8:32 PM. MAYO ~ <~ CI CLERK