HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.09.18_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, September 18, 1979, the Owasso City Council met in regular session,
in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted
on City Hall Bulletin Board at 4:00 PM on September 14, 1979, and by reference
made a part hereof.
Present: Boy:' Spencer, Mayor
Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor
Robert Wrestler, Councilman
Don Thompson, Councilman (arrived 7:05)
Al Lambert, Councilman
Wauhilleau Webb, Acting City Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney (arrived 7:20)
Merrilyn Merchant, Deputy City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM, with Mayor Spencer presiding.
Mayor Spencer presented the proposed Revenue Sharing budget as follows:
Police Department
2 Cars $ 16,000.00
Radios/Siren 5,000.00
Firearms 1,000.00
Building-Animal Shelter 10,000.00
$ 32,000.00
Fire Department
15 Sec. 1-3/4" hose & 5 Sec. 3" hose $ 2,275.00
$ 2,275.00
Ambulance Department
Cardiac Monitor $ 6,000.00
2 Walkie Talkies 1,480.00
Jump Kit (If Ambulance L/P) 1,603.00
16 MM Sound Projector 1,103.00
$ 10,186.00
Civil Defense
Tornado Siren $ 5,000.00
$ 5,000.00
General Government
Software Program Payments $ 6,000.00
Lease payment on Payments 17,480.00
City Improvements & Acquisitions 20,000.00
$ 43,480.00
Water and Sewer
Replacement of 2" Water Lines $ 10,087.91
$ 10,087.91
Amount Available $ 103,028.91
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Two
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve 1979-
1980 proposed Revenue Sharing Funds.
Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle.
Nays - None.
Motion passed.
Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Consent
Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on September 13,
1979, and by reference made a part hereof.
1. Approve Minutes of September 4, 1979.
2. Approve Warrants for Payment.
Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle.
Nays - None.
Motion passed.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve additional
warrants for payment, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle.
Nays - None.
Motion passed.
It was mutually agreed by Council Members that meetings should be set up on two
separate evenings, with two Cable Television Companies attending each meeting.
Each company would be allowed 12 hours to present their company and answer
The Special Meetings are to be set up for 7:00 PM on Tuesday, September 25 and
Wednesday, September 26, end are to be posted so the citizens may attend. Mayor
Spencer requested that Mr. Charney be present at both meetings.
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Three
Mr. Charney indicated that if the City of Owasso was going to give someone
property rights, such as Public Service has, they must go to Franchise
and the citizens would vote on the Franchise. Or, they could give a permit to
let someone bring in Cable Television, which could be revoked at any time. He
feels few companies would want to invest in Cable Television to have their
permit revoked by the City Council; however, he also indicated that Tulsa
has operated on this principle since they went into cable television.
Mayor Spencer asked Mr. Charney if it would be possible for the Council to
narrow the choice of companies down to one and then put the Franchise before
the vote of the citizens, and Mr. Charney indicated that would be the best way
to go as far as choosing which company.
Bill Williams questioned if there would be a problem with the company putting
in the overhead lines and then lagging in putting the underground cables in.
Robert Wrestler indicated there would be guidelines laid down with the Ad Hoc
Committee concerning this. Mr. Charney indicated we could put into the franchise
the time element so we could terminate the franchise if they do not provide
service as indicated in the franchise; that conditions could be negotiated in
the franchise.
City Planner, Jack Gorzeman, stated the Planning Commission was concerned that
any structures that go into this area be comparable with surrounding area,
which means a setback and they wished also to protect the school to the north
of this area. He stated the Planning Commission was recommending CG instead
of CH zoning. Areas zoned CG would need to be platted before building on them.
Bill Williams expressed concern about sewer main on the property and we would
need easement to maintain sewer lines on this property. Mr. Gorzeman said we
could ask for dedication of that easement, or we could go through the platting
process and they would be required to put the easement on the plat.
Don Thompson suggested letting back section of lot be zoned RMl to limit commer-
cial activities, to protect the school, since the street is not dedicated all
the way through.
Jack Gorzeman indicated there was several ways the City could go to prevent
access to the school - (1) they could use present agreement with the school to
limit access to the school, (2) they could strip zone, (3) they could deny zoning,
(4) they could go through the platting process.
Robbie Fickle suggested the discussion be tabled until staff could research the
zoning and come up with something compatible.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to table approval of
zoning to October 2, 1979, meeting.
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Four
Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Lambert, Wrestler, Mrs. Fickle.
Nays - None.
Motion carried.
Bill Williams was instructed to talk to Dale Johnson about a sewer easement
from the school.
Mayor Spencer indicated that he and Bill Williams had met with the City Engineers
and the County Engineer, Ray Jordan, and the parties involved, and they have
agreed to a temporary easement until the ditch is completed on the property.
The ditch will be started at 76th Street and go all the way to 4th Street. It
is to be 40' at the bottom, with 3-1 slope, making .the ditch 60' wide and 6' deep,
on the average. Construction is about ready to begin.
When the construction is completed, an original agreement with Fry and Bailey
will be executed with them filing easement so that the City can go back in to
clean the ditches. Bill Williams indicated the reason for a temporary agree-
ment was to allow some leeway in the placement of the drainage ditch to best
suit the needs of all concerned. He also stated Bailey and Fry would furnish
letters to the County Engineer, that permanent easement would be given upon
completion of the project.
Mayor Spencer indicated there might be some people who would not be satisfied
when they find out the easement is not as large as they think it is. Robbie
Fickle suggested a meeting with the property owners to let them know.
Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Don Thompson, to accept the
August, 1979, Financial Statements.
Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Wrestler, Thompson, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle.
Nays - None.
Motion carried.
City Planner, Jack Gorzeman, stressed that this was being brought before the
Council to get their feelings whether they would want to accept the area for
a city park and if not, the owners would want to go to the Homeowners to desig-
nate the area as a park. The representative of Canterbury Properties, developers
of the project, indicated the project would be built within the next five years.
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Five
Robert Wrestler questioned how much the developer would be in agreement to
accomplishing on the park project so the City would not accept raw land to
develop into a park. The Engineer for the project indicated they would
channel the drainage of the lake, as well as leveling the area with their
equipment at the time they were building in the area. He also indicated
further development could be considered later; that their main objective now
was to see if the City was even interested in the area as a park. He said
the City could establish guidelines on what they expected from the developer
before acceptance of the park area.
Mr. Charney suggested a $25.00 fee could be placed on each building permit
issued for the area to be used for the improvement of the park; however, the
Council felt that maybe this might become an area park instead of a city park
if this was implemented.
Mayor Spencer asked the Engineer if the developers would be agreeable to do-
nating a section of land in the northwest corner of the property for use as
another ambulance facility .and fire station, as well as a water tower. The
developer indicated they were planning on designating land for a water tower,
but felt any further development might not be desired by them, since it was
a residential area.
Robert Wrestler expressed his view that he would not feel we would get the
public use of the east side of the lake and would be difficult to maintain by
the city vehicles and machinery. He would like to see the east side have an
easement only for maintenance.
Don Thompson questioned if this would be in reality a park for limited number
since there was limited access to the park property. Mr. Thompson was also in
agreement that the east side be used for maintenance easement only, and that
the contractors would smooth out the park while doing the building of the area
so City would not need to go in and make into park.
It was pointed out to the Council that there are very few areas in Owasso which
would lend themselves to a nice park setting and this parcel was ideal in that
it contained the lake, and also fact that land was rising in value all the time.
Robbie Fickle, Boyd Spencer, and Al Lambert all indicated they would like to go
out to inspect the property before making a decision as to acceptance by the
The Engineer for the Lakeridge Property indicated that the lake in the park area
could be used to retain runoff water in a greater amount than anticipated for
the Lakeridge Property, so lower properties would not be flooded.
Mr. Spencer again asked the developers to consider the donation of the northwest
property in that area (cut off from the rest of the development by the Expressway),
to the City of Owasso.
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Six
Councilman Lambert questioned a $3,000.00 Revenue Sharing check which had been
listed on a previous work session agenda.
Boyd Spencer indicated he had talked to Iola Clausen about this Revenue Sharing
check, and had also been approached by Vestal Board. Mrs. Board had asked why
we were not accepting this check. Mayor Spencer indicated this money was for
a pilot program that we could use to start the program with, then if it wasn't
feasible we could cancel the program.
Don Thompson thought it was to start the program and then the City would fund
after the $3,000.00 was used. ~Ie indicated that the Council had not been told
how much it would take to fund the program so they did not know how much the
City would have to dig up for funding.
Robbie Fickle questioned how badly the program was needed at this time. She
thinks there may not be enough people to enter this program. She also thought
it would not be a good idea to start the program for a short time and then dis-
Boyd Spencer stated that when a program comes under Title 9, it would be a re-
quirement that there would be two cooks every day, including holidays, with no
off days. He did not think majority of senior citizens are very enthused over
this program.
Don Thompson suggested if we went ahead with the program, we would use the cooks
by providing banquet service to the citizens. Mrs. Fickle indicated she did not
feel this would be feasible.
It was also suggested that the plan be put in until the $3,000.00 was used, and
then the plan would have to be self-sufficient.
A man in the audience brought up the question of MTTA service to Owasso, asking
if the City was considering the service.
Robbie Fickle indicated that MTTA had told us earlier they would furnish a bus
once a day if the city would subsidize the service. A survey was done a couple
of years ago and the city received only five replies, on the MTTA bus service.
It was suggested we might get better response now with the gasoline shortage.
There was general discussion on ways to bring to the citizens attention and Bill
Williams suggested we might utilize radio spots on several radio stations to
notify the residents, in addition to the Owasso Reporter.
It was also discussed whether we could utilize the computor to address cards to
the public or to even print the cards.
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Seven
Al Lambert questioned the franchise election in January. Acting City Manager,
Wauhilleau Webb, indicated she was working on the gas franchise, that Jenks had
gone on franchise by ordinance rather than by vote; however, she had not had
time to look at a copy of the ordinance.
Boyd Spencer indicated Pawnee had gone on franchise by ordinance also, under the
Oklahoma Tax Receipt Law. Mr. Charney was instructed to research this law.
Don Thompson indicated that if this was legal, we might consider the Cable
Television under this same franchise system.
Al Lambert questioned if Mr. Charney had done anything in regard to the July 17,
1979, recommendation of Judge Pickerill, in which he suggested changes in the
City penal ordinances.
Mr. Charney indicated that nothing had
Mayor Spencer that the Chief of Police,
to get together on this matter.
been done on this and was advised by
the Judge, and the City Attorney needed
Don Thompson suggested some charter changes be discussed. Mr. Charney questioned
whether we need a committee to go through the charter to suggest changes. Robbie
Fickle was in agreement that committee would be good idea.
Mr. Charney suggested the Council consider $25.00 per meeting for Council members
with a limit of four meetings per month. No special meetings would be paid for.
He also requested that he read the charter and also asked the council members to
make notes on changes they felt should be in the charter and let him know.
Don Thompson suggested they create a Park Board, but allow them to have no more
power than the City Council. Also, that they should consider looking at the
Personnel Board, since these two areas are problem areas.
Bill Williams was asked how the mowing of City property was coming along and he
replied that most of the job had been completed, and that it would have been done
faster if the clutch had not gone out on the tractor.
Don Thompson suggested that we put the city weed problem on the agenda for the
October 2, 1979, meeting.
Owasso City Council
September 18, 1979
Page Eight
Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at
8:55 PM.
Deputy City C rk