HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.10.02_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, October 2, 1979, the Owasso City Council met in regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 3:30 PM on September 28, 1979, and by reference made a part hereof. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Don Thompson, Councilman Robert Wrestler, Councilman Harold Charney, City Attorney [~lauhilleau G~ebb, Acting City Manager Merrilyn Merchant, Deputy City Clerk Absent: Al Lambert, Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 1 - APPROV;~, COPdSE?`1T AGENDA ITF,MS P4otion ~•:as made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Robert 4restler to approve Consent Agenda Items, as follows, pulling item 5, as published in the Owasso Reporter on September 27, 1979, and by reference made a part hereof: 1. Approve Minutes of September 18, 1979, Regular Meeting 2. Approve Warrants for Payment 3. Approve Ordinance No. 271 Vacating Utility Easement, Lot 15, Block 3, Three Lakes Addition. 4. Approve Fire Run Contract with Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance; Property Owner Dennis ~'. ?Zeith 5. Approve Acceptance of Paving in Hale Acres II 6. Approve Fire Run Contract with Hanover Insurance; Property Owner John R. ?Mogan Ayes - ylessrs Spencer, Thompson, Tr]restler, anc Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried Ci~i~TSENT AGENDA, ITEfI 5 - AZ'PROVL ACCEPTANCE ~:,'F PA57INC IAd :TALE AC'LS II It was pointed out that the terms of the contract had not been met since there were two cul-de-sacs in x~ale Acres that had not had the 2" overlay put or. them. dir. Williams was instructed to contact Mr. Hale regarding this matter. Motion was made by Dcr. Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to table this item until the October 16, 1979, regular council meeting. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, and I[rs. Fickle Nays - None notion carried Owasso City Hall October 2, 1979 Page Two ITEM 2 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Don Thompson, to approve additional warrants for payment. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, and Mrs. Fickle, with Don Thompson abstaining on warrants 314 and 297, and Mrs. Fickle abstaining on warrant 293. Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 3 - DISCUSSION ON CITY CONTRIBUTION FOR HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to donate $1,000. for holiday decorations. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 4 - DISCUSSION ON UNMOWED GRASS AND WEEDS There was discussion on unmowed weeds and grass in the city limits and Mr. Charney pointed out that the Hodge property on the corner adjoining his prop- erty was an eyesore. Bill Williams indicated that he would contact the Health Department to look at the property and see if it is a health hazard. If so, they would contact the owners to have it cleaned up. P4ayor Spencer indicated that the problem on the Bailey property would be eliminated with the construction of the drainage ditch. It was agreed that second letters should be sent to Hardesty Companies, Terry L. Davis Co. and Thelma Hodge, regarding clean-up on properties owned by them. It was also agreed that a letter would be sent to Canterbury Properties, Inc. regarding property in Lakeridge Terrace, in which it would be pointed out that the property was afire hazard and we would appreciate mowing at least a 50' strip around the property, due to the close proximity to the school. All other properties which had been notified of weeds have been cleaned up or are in the process of being cleaned up. ITEM 5 - DISCUSSION ON SENIOR CITIZEN NUTRITION PROGRAM Mrs. Webb indicated she had talked to the Council on Aging for their opinion and they seemed to feel that the program could never be self-supporting and would probably be a problem to even start with only $3,000. They felt the Owasso City Council October 2, 1979 Page Three people the program would really need to reach would not have transportation to the center, nor would they be able to afford to pay for the program either. They indicated the price of the meals would be $1.25 or $1.50 each. It was felt the City would need to furnish transportation and subsidize the program if they went into a nutrition program. It was felt $3,000 would not go far toward equipment and salaries for cooks. The plan would be for three days per week only, as a pilot. Don Thompson questioned how many people would actually benefit from this program to which Mrs. Webb replied that Mrs. Raeber had talked to Mae Franklin, and she indicated that maybe eight people might benefit. Benn Palmer indicated that a letter had been sent from Vestal Board and Mrs. Raeber, to the Council, and was to have been on the agenda for this meeting. Mrs. Webb stated that the City and the Council had not received such a letter. Mr. Palmer indicated that the Council on Aging was in agree- ment that the program was needed and were recommending this to the Council. As far as funding by the City, Mr. Palmer said there was federal funds avail- able to fund the program, and that Mr. Tomlinson had been out to discuss this with them several times. Mr. Palmer felt Mrs. Claussen had been against this program due to earlier experiences with federal funding. Mayor Spencer felt the Council on Aging should bring all the facts to the Council so the matter could be cleared. Don Thompson made a motion, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to table this item to the October 16, 1979, meeting and a final decision be made at that time. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 6 - APPROVE PERSONNEL ACTION Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to approve raising pay grade of Utilities Billing Clerk from Level 2 to Level 3, due to increased duties in starting, operating and closing down computor. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler and Mrs. Fickle. Nays - None Motion carried. Owasso City Council October 2, 1979 Page Four ITEM 7 - APPROVE MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 25, 1979, SPECIAL MEETING ITEM 8 - APPROVE MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 26, 1979, SPECIAL MEETING Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Don Thompson, to approve minutes from September 25, 1979, Special Meeting and minutes from Septem- ber 26, 1979, Special Meeting. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler and Mrs. Fickle. Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 9 - UNFINISHED BUSINESS - APPROVE BRINGING FROM TABLE APPROVAL OF ZONING CASE OZ-47 FROM CG AND RMl TO CH: GENERAL LOCATION 400' EAST OF BIRCH ON NORTH SIDE OF SECOND AVENUE Chuck Williams, developer, stated there would be no access from this property to the north, which the school has leased for the next 23 years. He also stated that the sewer line manhole would be 40' from the deepest building on this parcel of land. He said they would be constructing an 8" sewer line from the present building on the property to the east, to join the main line, at a cost of approximately $10,000. He also indicated this line would be dedicated fi to the City. Mr. Spencer questioned CH zoning and Mr. Williams said the reason for this request was that CH zoning was more flexible and allowed more density in the buildings. Jack Gorzeman, City Planner, indicated there was no ratio of density for CH zoning, but that there might be some problem in having parking space for buildings proposed. Mr. Williams did not feel parking would be a problem as they currently have 35 extra parking spaces with their present building. Mr. Gorzeman also indicated the Planning Commission had voted to recommend CG zoning for the entire area. Mr. Williams requested consideration from the Council to zone CH because his costs had been running over what he had expected, it was a large project, and he felt there should be give and take on both sides. Mr. Charney indicated his main worry was about access to the back of the property for fire and emergency use. He feels P4r. Williams is making a lot of assumptions and Council needs more concrete information on access and use of property. Mr. Williams indicated that he wanted CH because he could divide the property and sell part of the front area off if it was zoned CH, but could not do this if it was zoned CG. There was more discussion on the different zoning and Mr. Williams indicated he felt the Council was there to make a decision and he felt they should make that decision. He would give any easements that the City needs and will give better access in back of the buildings if he needs to. Owasso City Council October 2, 1979 Page Five Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, thatL.oning Case OZ-47 be zoned CG with the exception of the rear 30', which would be left RMl. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, !hompson, T~!restler and Mrs. Fickle Pvays - Pone Motion carried ITEM 10 - NEW BUSINESS Item - Additional Folice Cars N!rs. v~ebb advised the Council she felt, due to only having two police cars, there was defir_itely ar. emergency situation and recommended council approve the purchase of two of the vehicles which had already been allocated, z~:aving bids. She indicated that funds were available for this. Chief Mike Kerpan requested that they be alloy?ed to purchase full size cars rather than medium size as they now have, due to several of the officers being 6' - 6'8"', aiZd weibLiing 20C~ -- 280 pounds. He stated that the present .Zledium size cars were uncomfortable for these large officers. Chief Kerpan indicated that the gas mileage on the medium cars was better than the large cars out on the highway, but in town they were about the same. He also stated he would make every effort to get police package cars for this emergency situation and ~::*ould only go to regular size sedan if police package cars could not be obtained at this time. Chief kerpan was asked about borrewirLg oars from Tulsa and he indicated that we would be responsible for repairs and upkeep or_ a borrowed car, no *_rather what condition they were in U*hen o:~e received them. ~?e reminded Cour_cil of the shape of the last two we borrowed from Tulsa, and the fact that we had put quite a bit of money into them before we returned them to Tulsa. Don Thompson suggested we not go out on waiver of bid on two units, but did feel we should go out on bid for all units at this time. He woulk like to consider the investigator car be medium size instead of standard, if possible. He also suggested the investigator car be in addition to the four budgeted, making five in all. Boyd Spencer was not in favor of five cars at this time. Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to declare an emergency and designate Mrs. Webb and Chief Kerpan to get a full size police package car, if possible, and if not possible to get police package car, to obtain a medium size vehicle. Ayes - Messrs Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler and Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Owasso City Council October 2, 1979 Page Seven ~. , Item - MTTA Service Mr. Ron Ketter indicated a group of residents was interested in obtaining bus service and they had been in contact with Mr. Patrick of MTTA. Mr. Patrick had told them that before MTTA service could be negotiated, they must guarantee 49 people ride the bus and they should have the proposed routes and fares figured out, and that the City would have to enter into a purchase of service agreement with MTTA. This would be a year-to-year contract. Mr. Ketter was asking the Council to consider working out arrangements with MTTA for this service. Mrs. Webb indicated she had also talked to MTTA and they indicated the more stops the bus makes on the route, the more the cost for the serf ice would be to the City. She indicated MTTA was waiting for an official letter from her giving routes, times, ticket taker. The City would be responsible for handling the tickets - it would be a City project. Mrs. Webb had also talked to Broken Arrow and at 75~ per person, Broken Arrow was still having to subsidize their program. Mrs. Webb was instructed to have this service on the agenda for October 16, 1979, and to have all the information ready at that time. Item - Police and Fire Protection Another man from the community asked the Council to consider police and fire protection for those homes within the fence line, but outside the City Limits. He was advised that we presently do provide fire service to those within a five mile radius of the fire station, but the law prevents us from providing police service outside the City Limits, that that area is covered by the County. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, chair adjourned at 9:00 PM. i' Mayor Deputy City Clerk