HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980.01.15_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, January 15, 1980, the Owasso City Council met in regular session, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on City Hall Bulle- tin Board at 3:00 PM on January 11, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof, Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Don Thompson, Councilman (Arrived at 7:12 PM) Robert Wrestler, Councilman Al Lambert, Councilman Ken Thompson, City Manager Harold Charney, City Attorney Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM, with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 1 - APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on January 10, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof. A. Approve Minutes of January 2, 1980 Meeting. B. Approve Warrants for Payment. C. Approve Fire Run Contract with Automobile Club Insur- ance Company of Oklahoma; Property Owner Mrs, G. W. McKarnin. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 2 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT Motion was made by Robert T~restler, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to approve additional warrants for payment, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 3 - APPROVE ZONING CASE OZ-52 FROM RS-3 TO CG; GENERAL LO- CATION 3RD STREET AND MINGO VALLEY Steve Carr reminded Council this particular parcel of land has been before the City Council on previous occasions. He said Owasso City Council January 15, 1980 Page Two staff's recommendation is for approval of this application, and the Planning Commission voted 3 to 0 for approval. Mr. Wrestler. questioned access and Mr. Carr explained that the access will come about during the platting process when Mr. Fry sub-divides. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Al Lambert, to ap- prove Zoning Case OZ-52 from RS-3 to CG; General Location 3rd Street and Mingo Valley, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs, Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 4 - DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON SCHOOL'S RE UEST FOR RAYOLA PARK IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Spencer said this item was placed on the agenda again as the City Council had promised John Scott an answer by mid-Janu- ary. The Mayor commented that as late as it is in the year he didn't see what the City could do, but he would like to see the foul poles put up at this time as they are badly needed. Mayor Spencer also commented that he had talked Leach and there will possibly be an overflow to McCarty Park when it is closed for a season for program. Mr. Spencer suggested that the school Legion provide the City with a schedule of all be approved by the City Council. with Delbert Rayola from the improvement and the American tames which would Mr. Wrestler suggested Mr. Scott keep in close contact with Bill Williams and at budget time it would be an excellent time to approach this program again. He said Mr. Scott has some very good suggestions but the City is locked in right now on the bud- get. Mr. Kite advised Mr. Scott we will start working on the budget in May. Mr. Williams said he had talked had mentioned wantin to extend approximate cost of 1,000.00. with the Baseball Coach and he the dugouts and it would be an Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to have the high school and the American Legion provide the City with a schedule of all their games. Ayes - Messrs, Spencer and Wrestler Owasso City Council January 15, 1980 Page Three Nays - None Abstain - Messrs. Lambert and Thompson Motion did not pass. ITEM 5 - APPOINT REPRESENTATIVE TO 201 FACILITIES PLAN COMMITTEE Ken Thompson explained to Council that monthly meetings are being conducted by this committee and felt we should have a represent- ative in attendance as Owasso is affected. Mr. Thompson mentioned their meetings are the first Tuesday of each month which will conflict with our City Council meeting each month. He said Bill Williams has volunteered to serve on this committee, unless the Council has someone else in mind. Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Al Lambert, to appoint Bill Williams as the City of Owasso representative to serve on the 201 Facilities Plan Committee. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Wrestler, Lambert, Thompson Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 6 - RESCIND INCOG PRIMARY DELEGATE AND APPROVE REAPPOINT- MENT Ken Thompson explained the action taken at the last Council meeting appointing Ken Thompson as Primary and Mayor Spencer as Alternate Representatives to the INCOG Board needed to be re- versed as INCOG has notified him the Primary Delegate cannot be an appointed official. Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to appoint Mayor Spencer as Primary Delegate and Kenneth Thompson as Alternate Delegate to the INCOG Board, reversing the appoint- ments at the January 2, 1980, Council meeting. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. Owasso City Council January 15, 1980 Page Four ITEM 7 - APPROVE CITY TAKING ITS OWN 1980 CENSUS Motion was made by Robert Wrestler, seconded by Al Lambert, that the City would take their own 1980 census, providing all the legal aspects can be approved. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 8 - REVIEW PROPOSED COPdTRACT FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING OF POLICE APPLICANTS; TULSA PSYCHIATRIC CENTER Ken Thompson said he instigated this review as in the process of trying to hire a Police Chief he learned we have not done this type of testing in the past. He explained it would be an optional, open-end, type of contract. Mr. Thompson said he feels it is good insurance in making the final decision after all other hiring processes have been completed. James Cox, Associate Administrator, Tulsa Psychiatric Center, was present to answer any questions. Mr. Cox said this type of testing will show if an applicant has any extreme characterlog- ical problems and if they can handle the stress needed in the police officer's roll. He said it will indicate also if the applicant has the effective personality for the police job. Mayor Spencer asked if the type of personality called "trigger happy" would show up on these tests. Mr. Cox said the traits of aggressiveness and authoratativeness would most definitely show up. Mr. Cox explained that the Center was formed in 1958 by a pri- vate endowment from an individual for people who could not afford psychological care. He said they provide three types of service: preventive, treatment and diagnostic, and rehabilita- tive. Don Thompson asked if the test has a standard such as how much aggressiveness is good or bad. Mr. Cox replied that there are "norms" and it is based on trend average and the scores are within combination ranges, not just a specific score. Don Thompson then asked if the tests are designed for specific jobs such as detective, patrolman, undercover. Mr. Cox said no, it is more general and not on specific jobs. Owasso City Council January 15, 1980 Page Five Mr. Cox said Oklahoma City and Dallas are using this test but he does not know of a community our size that is doing it. Mayor Spencer asked if Mr. Cox felt this type of testing would be helpful in screening out the type of employee that could get himself or the City involved in a lawsuit. Mr. Cox said it could be helpful in that area. Mr. Cox said the test could be used for hiring any new applicant. Mr. Charney asked if applicants will have the freedom to get their test results. Mr. Cox said they will require they get a copy and also require a release from the applicant to give the test results back to the City and that they would understand the tests would not be a hiring device but it would be a screen- ing device. Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to give the City Manager the option to purchase services for psychological testing from Tulsa Psychiatric Center, Inc.. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. City Manager was directed to administer this testing on a non- discriminatory bases. ITEM 9 - RECEIVE AND FILE DECEMBER 1979 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robert Wrestler, to accept for file the December 1979 Financial Statements, and by reference are made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Wrestler, Lambert Nays - None Motion passed. ITEM 10 - NEW BUSINESS Item Ken Thompson advised Council that our cleaning contractor, Mr. Dave Thompson, d/b/a Dave's Rite-Kleen, is combining his busi- ness with another business and the new name will be Empire Maintenance Systems. Ken Thompson said this will not jeopardize Owasso City Council January 15, 1980 Page Six our present contract with Dave Thompson, to which Mr. Charney agreed, as long as Dave's Rite-Kleen was not incorporated. Item Mayor Spencer brought to the Council's attention that at the time TMrs. Webb and the Council agreed on a salary during the time she was to serve as Acting City :Manager, that it was to be at the first step of the last grade. The pay scale the Council had was not the current one, and Mrs. Webb was paid at Grade 21, rather than Grade 23. Council requested a payroll correction be made and same reflected in these minutes. The salary difference is $145.00 per month. Item Mayor Spencer read a letter from Councilman Wrestler, notifying the Council that he must resign from the City Council effective January 26, 1980. Mr. Wrestler's letter stated he has received a promotion from his company and is being transferred to Dallas. Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, that with much regret the City Council accept Robert Wrestler's re- signation from the City Council effective January 26, 1980, and by reference is made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Wrestler Motion passed. Item Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to declare Robert Wrestler's seat in Ward 1 vacant effective with Mr. Wrestler's January 26th resignation, and place seat on up- coming City election ballot „that seat being to fill his unex- pired term which will expire April 30, 1982. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert Nays - None Abstain - Mr. Wrestler .~~ Motion passed. Owasso City Council January 15, 1980 Page Seven Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 7:59 PM. ~ I~~c/ MAYO ~' \~` CIT CLERK