HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980.07.01_City Council MinutesUn Tuesday, July 1, 1980, the Uwasso City Council met in regular sessicn, in the Council Chambers at City hall, per the Plotice of Public P~leeting and Agenda, posted on City Iiall Bulletin Board at 3:30 PI~I or, Juno 27, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof. Present: Boyd Spencer, i•layor Robbie Fickle, Vice iiayor Al Lambert, Councilman Clyde Fry, Councilman Haro'_d Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thomason, City i~~ianager ~lauhilleau k'ebb, City Clerk Absent: Dennis Burke The meeting was walled to order at 7:01 PT~, with mayor Spencer presiding. Mayor Spencer advised the meeting was being taped and tapes are available to the public upon request. ITiI•i 1 - AI'PRUV~ CUNS}+.A'T AGLPdDA 1Ti+;I~Iu, iti'iotion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al '~ambert, to approve Consent Agenda items, as fol7_ows, as published in the Gwasso Reporter on June ?6, 1980, and by reference made a part hereof: l+. Approve i~'Iinutes of June 17, 1980 Iaeetine_;. B. Approve :'arrants for Payment. Ayes - •'Iessrs. Spencer, Lambert, r'ry, i~rs. Fickle mays - vone Motion carr_i.ed. ITL~I ? - A~'PRL'Jr~ ADDITIONAL ~JARRANTa +'CR I'AYril~'dT. ~~iotion i•,as made, by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Clyde Fry, tc approve additional war- rants for payment, and cancelling warrants 7~1, R83, 15~~5, 42j and 931, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, I:ambert, Fry, hrs. 't'ickle Nays - None Motion carried.. I'?'Li'1 3 - R ~I?GANIZATIOPv' OF PULIC~', .Flltis AirD A:rII3ULA~dCL D~AI?TP~I!+:NTS IItiTC~ A Dz:'AR'1'- P~,~~;.' c~ PUBLIC sAF~TY. _ --. mayor Spencer opened this item. by commenting that a lot of tension has arisen re- garding thismatter and he would like to ask everyone ±o "keep their cool" and not make any personal remarks or use obscene language. Ile said each speaker will be given three minutes. 4layor apencer turned the floor over to I~1r. Thompson. Owasso City Council July 1, 1980 Page Two ,''•Ir. Thompsor, commented that Owasso is a ~r<aatively young community and the City employees are relatively young and inexperienced (average of 3 years experience). He said these employees are not paid adequately and he tried to come up with some type of solution, and it is riot a technique to save money, but a two-way situa- tion--if the citizens will approve better pay they will expect better services, and this consolidation will provide that. He said the City plans to give immedi- iately a raise of 7~~~. i~z•. Thompson referred Council to his outline of the consolidation. He said it starts with a Director of Public Safety, and he recommends the Police Chief for that position. The plan calls for a Commander of Police Operations, a Commander of Fire Operations, and the Ambulance Department to be consolidated into the Fire Department. He said the City is concerned with the protection of employees and wi1.i be aware of their limitations. He said the advantage is team-type approach to emergency services without competitiveness between the three departments. It was explained that this will be voluntary cross training, with extra pay. If an employee does not wish to cress train he may stay in his old position. This will riot affect volunteers. I°iayar Spencer said they talked to the people at the State Insurance Office and the City was informed that this will in no way affect their :Lrsurance, and may in fact lower it from Class 6 to Class 5. Cary ~~vans asked if we will actually be putting the three departments together. 1`1r. Thompson replied they will remain individual departments, except the Ambulance Department will become a part of the Fire Department. Bob Baker questioned the creation of the position of Public Service Director. i•'Ir. Thompson replied that we need a supervisory person to coo-riinate t're three depart- ments. Arnie Landwehr questioned how the A~-nbulance Depart;T~ent can be put into another de- partment when it was voted on as an Ambulance District by the people. I+iayor Spencer said the City of Owasso is carrying the full responsibility of the ambu- lance and it is not funded by any rnillage. ir. Landwe!~~r then questioned if this might be in violation of some ordinances. i~ir. Charncy responded that he did not see anything in violation. I~Ir. Charney further explained. that the only department created by the Charter is the Finance Department and the City :Manager may create such departments as he wishes. He again explained that we will have a functioning i~'ire Department, a f unctioning Police Department and a functioning a;nbulance ser- vice, under one supervisor, with the same personnel. I~~r. Landwehr said it was Yiis understanding that the cross training will riot be voluntary to which ~°.r. Thompson replied that is not correct, but if they taI{e it they get more money. I•ir. Al Spears asked the status of the request for a ;~0 day delay before initiat- ing the consolidation, and I~iayor Spencer responded that he personally did not want to wait ~~0 days. Mr. apears then asked. if we are using Ottawa as an example and Cwassa City Counr.ii July 1, 19`i0 F'a~re `three i1r. 1'nompson said no, we just; observed their operation but will develop our own program. Ir, Spears commented that 90' of the cities trying this program go back, and :sir. Thanpson said he disagreed with those percentaFTes and that a ci t;y will get .Magnate if tt;ey da not try innovative ideas. sIr. Spears asked hcw long; they will have the program ors a trial ran and i~.r. Thompson responded until. the Council says lots stop it. I~iaycr :percer interjected "or until it affects the wei-Ibein~= of then citizens and or the empiayees". hir. :pears questioned. how calls will be dis- patched, and lir, Thompson responded that he did not under,;tand where i`=r. Spear w~:,s getting his information as he had not talked with him. to said all call; will be dispatched as always. I~Ir, Spears asked what happens to those ~~eaple ghat do rat wish to Dross train, to which I~ir. Thompson responder? ;hey will riot be affected but there will be a :difference in pay. iv;r. Spears asked who will pay for the gross training, and I-r. Tho;T,pson said the City of Owasso wit-i pay. ~sruce 'Caller said. I•ir. Thomason ?Wade the statement, that he will hire aomeonE: to save money and with the additional training questioned how the City can save money. I•r. Thompson replied we did not intend to hire anyane, we will give additional ::uties to the ~~olice Chief. I?rs. Fickle commented that three pecple are pr~v'~.ded for in th+: new bud~,et. ~~ary Evans questioned the affect the consolidation would have on the pensions anal ~Ir. `i"r:ompsar~ said the City will establish a line they will nat go beyond to pre- vent jeopardizing their pensions. Mayor Spencer said they would not come out and say it in Oklahoma City, but theg~ would like to see a case 9n Supreme Court to sei.;tle the decision for them, wriic'rt he did not feel wa.s ri?ht. i'~irs.r fickle commented that our l+,iremen have s-pecial r,ol_ice privileges naw, and the City would not wart 'to put artyene in jeopardy or. pensions or fir. a life ar death matter, and du#;ies will be limited. 13en Falmer was in the audience and •ayor Spencer asked him if he wished to make any comments. i~lr. Palmer said he lives out of -the City and he just came in to hear wtlat was going on. :Ie said if it improves the community he is for it, but down the rand he :Sees sa~ae prable~~.s. althout;ri he really has not st~.zdi.ed it. Carol ;J'vans asked if there was a written ;;,ob d.escription for the new F`ublic Ser- vice Director position, and a copy was diver. to her. Iwiayor ;~:pencer recessed Gwa.sso City Cauncil at 7:39 PIY,. Iriayor :pc-rce:r recorivF;~nec:Y Owasso City Council at 7: `~5 PI~. Jenny Spear: said tt-_ey were told the opposite about tY:e insurance rate, i`'ir, '?':':OTIpSOn said they were told by the 1,0 teat it could possibly reduce rates and they spoke with a, i°ir. Don Bevins at that office. David Kimball said cansolidatior~ is an old idea and. goes back to the beginning of emergency services, and tl~,ey were consolidated at that time, then they were sepa- rate~~ as it was fvur~d the; did not operate well. He said city after city ha.s attempted torso°1.idation and he can verify that the 9Q;;"; fig+are; is correct tr~a.t ha;, returned to irsdivid:aal ~a.epartr~.e~hts and. that we should learn from their. expez~iences. Owasso City Council July 1, 1980 Page dour P~Ir. Kimball said he has talked to citizens in Owasso and they do not like this plan and they will insist that it does not happen and it will eventually come to the vote of the people, and. the public will put a stop to it. Al Spears questioned civil liability on employee in line of duty and victim that did not receive adequate care, and P~'lr. Thompson replied. there is no change in what we are doing, and employees are covered in line of duty. Potion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Clyde Fry, to create position and ,;ob description for Public Safety Director, create position and job description for Commander of Fire Operations,•andereate position and. job description for Commander of Police Operations, and directed City Attorney to create ordinance extablishing the Department of Public Safety to be approved at the July 15th Council meeting. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, h'ry, i°'irs. Fickle Nays - None P~'lotion carried. ITEM ~ - Rr"~'ORT ON PROPOS~.D SALT OF PURTIOPd uF' A~!'OR HFIGIiTS PARK TO ADJCIIdIPdG PROP~,RTY 06JNP~RS . City Attorney said he has researched this matter and he just cannot find a way to sell the property although if they applied for a license from the City to repair or mow or spray behind their homes they would not be accursed. of trespassing. i~ir. Thompson asked if that would meet their needs, to which they said no, as it would not keep the kids out with their mini-bikes. PION-AGI~NDA IT~+;I~P City Clerk, Ldauhilleau ~^Tebb, was presented a plaque from the City Council in recog- nition of her servire to the City. ITiNI 5 - RE~~UI+:S`P TO Rr;1Vv4vr CONTRAC`P F'UR I^~PAIPTI'ENANC~: S ~RVIC':=;5 FOR CITY I-IALL Ai+1J COP^f- r1UNITY CLNTER. I~ir. Thompson said the basic contract with Lmpire P~"laintenance Service on City Hall and Community Center is X823.00 per month and ~'mpire is asking for a supplement to take care of the grounds at ~y275.00 per month. I'^ir. Thompson said he felt that is more than we should pay for that service and, in his opinion, we co11d do the in- side maintenance ourselves. I'•ir. lambert asked if ;mpire's services are satisfactory and Mr. Thompson said over- all yes, but if we ever change he felt we should go to a fulltime City employee to do this job. Owasso City Council my 1, 198 0 Yage Five Dave Thompson said the contract was made with him personally and he has since in- corporated with ;empire i4iaintenance and would like to have the contract changed accordingly. hYotion was made by Clyde Fry, seconded by Al Lambert, to renew maintenance ser- vice contract for City Ball and Community Center wi±h empire P=iaintenance Sez•vices for a period to .3ure 30, 1981. Ayes - i~iessrs. Spencer, Lambert, i''ry, PZrs. ~~ickle Nays - None i'~otion carried. ITi~P"i 6 - R~~ULST BY I~'iR. ROI3;~±tT RF.rdDOI,F:i FOR FAYP1:v~`! OF+ $89.67 FCR DA~~tAG':~ TO AUTO- ~iOBILi. - -. _.. _ _ lvir. Thompson said after this accident he was; contacted by :sir. Randolph, and he re- quested r_. Randolph to get three bids. i~ir. Randolph only obtained. one bid and lair. Thompson turned it over to our insurance agent and we have not heard back from hurt at this time. i~1r. Randolph said he di-d not have time to run ail over tcwn netting bids as he needed. hi.s car, ar~d he would not fight with the insurance com- pany. •r. Randolph served notice to the Council that a law suit has been filed in accordance with State Statutes, and byT reference made a part hereof. i•iayor Spencer dix•ected this a.tem to be tabled untii. inl:orma±ion is _recei~red fro,r. the :ity's inurance agent. ,-, .,.,, .~ ~ ~ , -,r, , ~ ~ -, , „. ., -, I1L,~I ,. - R~~VIiJ„ BIDS FO:~ 200 F~~,1 OF ~ L~~ti l,Otv~Ri;~;, FIFA. i°Ir. `!'hompson obtained two bids on pipe to complete storrri sewer I~~etween Second. and ~~'irst, `past of Birch. Bids vary greatly because the one from Chandler Materials is for "seconds" grade. Iir. Thompson recommended the "seconds" as it is adequate. P~Iotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by _aobbie ~+'ickle, to accept bid from Chandler I~.ateriaL, in the amount of ~'3, 67f~. rY,J for 5~k inch concrete pine. Ayes - I~essr~. ~nencer, i:a,mbert, +ry, rs. Fickle ?vTays - None ;Motion carried. ITi~~i•i 3 ~- Di;SIGiv~AT~ i-{OURS Oi+' OF'.y=tA'TIOiV FOR LIC~i-iTS AT TL'~iivlS COUP AV7 BA1:~L i~'I'~.:DS. I~;r. Thompson said there is a problem with lights being left on by people that run off late and leave them on and he felt reasonable hours of operation should be established, and he felt reasort~ble 'rxours would be until 11:00 F Sunday through Thursday, a.rad 12:00 F'A'1 I+riday and Saturday. i~ir. Thompson said these lig~:ts cost Owasso City Council July 1, l~)80 Page Six approximately 12¢ per hour pe.r bulb. It was discussed if those hours might not be too late for the residents in -that area, and tyIr. ry suggested it could be considered again at a later date if any further complaints were received. Lotion was made by Clyde ~~ry, seconded by I3oyd Spencer, to e:~tablish hours of operation for lights at tennis court and ball fields to be until 11:00 Plfi Sunday through Thursday, and 12:00 PI• Friday and Saturday. Ayes - I°iessrs. Spencer, Lambert, Fry, NIrs. Fickle idays - Drone notion carried. ITLM 9 - RL~~Ui'ST 'I'Ci n;XT;/ND 1~i1GI1d;~RING CONTRACT ~JITH i`riAPdSUR-DAUBLRT-l~1ILLIA'iS FUR ONL Y~~`~I?. ~- Mr. Aansur explained that the present contract calls for a one year extension and that is what is being requested. iayor Spencer said he would prefer going on as we were as we have no intention of discontinuing services with his company. hlrs. Fic?ale asked if the Council elects not to renew the contract and use his com- pany as a consultant, would the price still be the same as with the Contract. I°r. i~iansur said no, it would not, it is ~~60.00 per hour with the contract, Mayor Spencer said with 'the contract if tree City wanted to get a second opinion from another engineering; firm we could not do it. i~Ir. i•:ansur reminded Mayor Spencer of the release his f:~rm had given the City for other consultants, but there is a committment with the contract. ~y. Charney reviewed the contract and said it states what their rates will be, bat it does no+. say we must use theiii exclusively. Iriayor Spencer tabled this item to July 1~ and directed P~~s•. Charney to review it and make recommendation at that meeting. I`L"F~~1 10 - APFHOVE VACATIUi`Z UI~ `~' SE~'~iliNT ON LOT 15, BLOCK 3,~THRL'~; LAk%'S ADDITIG?`I, jiY ORDI,'~APIC=, ISO. 2.86. I~;otion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve vacati~:g easement on Lot 1~, Llock 3, by Ordinance No. 286, and by reference made a part hereof. ryes - l~lessrs. ~~pencer, Lambert, F'ry, 1`~1rs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. i•lotion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded ', Al Lambert, to approve ~mergrency Clause to Ordinance No. 286. Uwasso City Council July 1, 1980 Page Seven Ayes - °iessrs. apencer, Lambert, :~~zy, Dirs. tickle Nays - None :nation carried. ITit~N1 11 -NEW BUSINi~.:SS. i`~o ne Being no further business before the Ciwasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 8:32 P~. ~ .~ -~.__ _ i~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ CI~l'Y CL~'t~{