HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.02.12_OEDA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORh*P TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: February 12, 2015 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, February 10, 20156�4a2"� \n l /�� J Chelsea M.E. Levo, Economic Development Director AGENDA Call to Order Dr. Thomas, Chairman 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove on item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the January 8, 2015 regular meeting Attachment B. Approval of claims Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial reports Attachment 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 4. Discussion related to a proposed Zoning Code Amendment and the Downtown Overlay District. Mr. Stephenson Attachment 5. Report from OEDA Director Ms. Levo Attachment • Business Development Report • Monthly Building Report • Public Works Project Status Report • Monthly Sales Tax Report OEDA February 12, 2015 Page 2 6. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Lehr 7. Report from OEDA Trustees 8. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 9. Adjournment hTiI441tI i![eZiT3 Fll OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, January 8, 2015 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, January 8, 2015 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Dr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. PRESENT ABSENT Dee Sokolosky, Vice Chairman Dirk Thomas, Chairman Gary Akin, Secretary Jeri Moberly, Trustee David Charney, Trustee Frank Enzbrenner, Trustee Bryan Spriggs, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the December 11, 2014 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Following discussion, Dr. Spriggs moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Mr. Charney. AYE: Akin, Charney, Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 5 -0. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action required ITEM 4: REPORT FROM OEDA DIRECTOR Chelsea Levo provided a business development report; Roger Stevens presented the Public Works project status report; Bronce Stephenson presented the Monthly Building Report for December, provided copies of the Land Use Masterplan, and discussed a TMAPC rezoning application for property near E 68th Street North and N 145th East Avenue; Linda Jones presented the sales tax monthly report. Discussion was held. ITEM 5: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Warren Lehr discussed the 1/2 penny sales tax proposition election to be held January 13, 2015. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES No Report ITEM 7: NEW BUSINESS None January 8, 2015 ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT Dr. Spriggs moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner, AYE: Akin, Charney, Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 5 -0. At 10:35AM, the meeting adjourned. Marsha Hensley, Minute Clerk -2- sd The City Wit out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: February 12, 2015 No claims for January 2015. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending January 31, 2015 MTD YTD Budget Operating Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 Services & other charges 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 Capital outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Operating Income (Loss) (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income 0.70 4.81 8.00 Promissory note revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 RAN debt service & other costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transfer from Hotel Tax Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total non - operating revenues (expenses) $8.00 4.81 0.70 Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers 0.70 4.81 (4,992.00) Transfer to general fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 Change in net assets (4,992.00) 4.81 0.70 Total net assets - beginning 9,062.66 9,062.66 Total net assets - ending $4,070.66 $9,067.47 Sd The City wi out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Downtown Overlay District DATE: February 6, 2015 BACKGROUND: Overlay districts are flexible land use control tools which establish additional development standards over the base zoning districts. Typically, overlay districts are used to protect areas from undesirable uses, control architecture and design, require additional landscaping beyond the base standards, or encourage mixing residential and business activity to support pedestrian oriented development. The Community Development Department has been working on an overlay district for a section of the original town area of Owasso for several months. The purpose of the Downtown Overlay ordinance is to develop a basic set of design standards that will help spawn desirable economic development activity that is pedestrian in scale, ensures attractive architecture and promotes orderly development, while making the area attractive for new business activity. The proposed overlay helps to implement the Town Square and Owasso Station District identified in the 2001 Downtown Plan, and addresses many of the concerns that were expressed during the development of the Quality of Life Initiative and the Land Use Master Plan regarding redevelopment of the downtown core. The proposed Downtown Overlay basically covers the area from 3rd Street on the north to 5+h Street on the south, the railroad tracks on the west and the US -169 service road on the east. In 2012, the city purchased the former First Bank Building for the purposes of moving City Hall to this location. Given this large public investment, it further emphasizes the need to protect the downtown core from development that would serve to degrade this facility. Overall, this proposed ordinance for the Downtown Overlay District seeks to establish regulations that protect the investment of existing and prospective landowners, as well serve to protect businesses and corporations from unattractive, non - compatible uses, and ensure the area is Visually pleasing, sustainable, and developed in a coordinated fashion. Further, the overlay will ensure consistency in development, which will ensure property values are maintained and continue to increase. This overlay document is a tool that will be used to create an arts and entertainment district, similar to what has been seen with the Rose District in Broken Arrow, or the Brady and Cherry Street Districts in Tulsa. TIMELINE: • This document has been in development and public input solicited since the summer of 2014. • Many key stakeholders, including business owners, investors and citizens in the downtown area, have provided input. The Planning Commission reviewed this item in December and January and offered input. • Notices will be sent to all property owners within the overlay district and within 300 feet of the area, announcing the time for the public meeting, the Planning Commission public hearing and the City Council public hearing. • A public input meeting is scheduled on February 23, 2015 at 6:30 PM at the Community Center to receive citizen input, answer questions and discuss any issues. • The OEDA will review the overlay at their February 12, 2015 meeting. • The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and consider action on March 9, 2015. • The Council will review this item again at the work session on March 10, 2015. • The Council will hold a public hearing and consider action at the regular meeting on March 17, 2015. ATTACHMENT: Draft, Downtown Overlay SECTION 860.5 DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT 860.5.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION It is the purpose and intent of the Downtown Overlay District to provide enhanced standards to protect and enhance the unique characteristics of the Main Street, 76`h St and downtown areas. Overlay Districts may also be used to protect or facilitate a particular design theme established through specific architectural styles or periods, or to protect or facilitate site plan conventions such as setbacks that are both minimums and maximums. 860.5.2. PURPOSE • Encourage sustainable development that will become a long term asset to Owasso. • Promote economic growth and redevelopment of the downtown Owasso area. • Encourage residential development as part of commercial development and to replace blighted properties on the fringe of the downtown area with new and higher- density residential. • Encourage the development of office space through standalone and mixed -use development. Office space is encouraged at a higher- density and multi -story structures. • Giving special attention to landscaping, buffering, signage, lighting and building setbacks in those districts identified as needing special attention. • Giving special attention to the existing architectural style or to the style that is planned, so as to create an easily identifiable area in those areas identified as architecturally significant. • Promote the history of Owasso. • Encourage quality, attractive and unique architecture. • Implement the Downtown Development District as described in the 2030 GrOwasso Land Use Master Plan and 2004 Downtown Master Plan. • Create a vibrant arts and entertainment district. • Create an area where development can be accomplished at a higher- density than allowed in any other commercial and residential areas of Owasso. • Attract new businesses and retain small businesses in the downtown area. • Revitalize Main Street and create a true Main Street environment. • Establish regulations that protect the investment of existing and new businesses from unattractive, non - compatible uses. • Ensure the area is visually pleasing, sustainable, and developed in a coordinated fashion. • Ensure a high quality of development that will ultimately generate an economically enhanced and pedestrian friendly area for Owasso. • Follow the principals of the Quality of Life Initiative and the GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan. 860.5.3 DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DESIGNATED A. BOUNDARY MAP The boundaries of the attached map (figure 1) depicts the proposed Downtown Overlay Area. All properties within the depicted boundaries are subject to the rules and regulations within this chapter and the Owasso Zoning Code B. MAP AMENDMENTS No change in the boundary of the Downtown Overlay District shall be authorized, except by the City Council pursuant to the procedures outlined in Chapter 13, Amendments. Downtown Overlay District Boundaries T7-71 -1 I T� �al�{ 1 1 I 1 ry � -_E la(31_ �- \ L_L1LJ LL�jJl! I L_ \ 'v i "uCi 31 j T- E Br Cwa_Y SI.- i- I. W tnE .1ve _ E -2n.d Ella, 41. N � I I� m Are �m SW It Figure 1 1^ = 376 n Downtown Overlay Map 860.5.4 PERMITTED USES The base zoning districts of properties fully or partially within the designated overlay district shall not be affected except as noted in this chapter. All applicable regulations for use, yard, area, tot dimensions, utility placement, and landscaping shalt be those specified for each district, including planned development stipulations. A. USE RESTRICTIONS 1. In AG districts, only existing agricultural uses shall be permitted to continue and be subject to all applicable standards and regulations in Section 300- 330. No Specific Use Permits shall be issued for any land zoned AG and no new AG uses or businesses shall be allowed. 2. In each zoning district, all uses respective to that district shall be permitted by right or with the issuance of a Specific Use Permit, except for those listed below in Section 4. 3. Allowed Uses. Within the Downtown Overlay, unless otherwise restricted in this section, any use permitted, or with a specific use permit in the underlying zoning district shalt be permitted. All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) book. 4. The following By -Right and Specific Use Permit uses shall be prohibited in the Downtown Overlay District. • Industrial Uses except in the in the IH and IM Zoning District • Any new agricultural uses or businesses • Arena • Chick hatchery • Drive -in theatre • Halfway house • Fairgrounds • Gas Service Station • Convenience Store • Landfill • Bait Shop • Bindery • Casino /Gaming Center • Juvenile Delinquency Center • Kennel (as primary use) • Pre - Release Center • Animal and Poultry Raising • Power Plant • Sexually- oriented businesses • Bottled Gas Sales • Outdoor Kennels (not a part of veterinary or grooming business) • Taxidermist • Cemetery • Oil Well Drilling and Cleaning Establishment • Fuel oil sales • Race tracks (animal or vehicle) • Mini - storage warehouses (as a primary use) • Truck stop • Shooting range (outdoor) • Drag strip • Outdoor storage of any kind as the principal use • Portable building sates • Portable storage • Cesspool Cleaning • Concrete Construction Service • Motor vehicle repair and tire shops • Auto Sales • Auto Rental • Camper Sates • Disinfecting Services • Lumber yard • Cabinet Maker • Plastic material sates • Construction equipment sales • Auctioneer • Auto wash • Agricultural implement sales • Appliance store and repair • Woodworking shop • Aircraft sales e Gas Station • Boat and Recreational Vehicle sates • Fence construction company • Golf Driving range • Truck rentals • Monument sates • Go -kart track • Outdoor Recreation including amusement parks • Motorcycle Sales • Janitorial service • Vending sales and service • Exterminating services B. NON - CONFORMING USES Existing, but non - conforming properties, which existed as of the date these regulations became effective, shall be allowed to continue in the same manner after the adoption of these regulations. However, such non- conforming properties shalt be subject to these regulations if feasible when: 1. A property owner requests any zoning change; 2. The principle use on the property is discontinued for a period of six (6) calendar months; 3. The property is destroyed or significantly altered (60% or greater); 4. Enlargements or improvements are made to the property that increase the gross square footage by 25 %; or C. EXISTING USES 1. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - The Downtown Overlay shall not affect existing single family residential uses. Said uses may continue to exist in perpetuity until such time as they may be redeveloped or rezoned for another use. 2. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS OR DEVELOPMENT - Any project or development that was approved or had plans submitted prior to the effective date of this section shall not be required to comply with these regulations. Previous approvals remain valid unless the approval date Lapses or unless changes are made to the previous approvals. This shall refer to site plans, building plans, Planned Unit Developments or Specific Use Permits submitted prior to the effective date of this overlay shall only be required to comply with the zoning regulations in affect at that time. An approved plat shall not constitute approval of a project. The Administrator shalt determine if a project meets these criteria. 860.5.5 LANDSCAPE REQUIRMENTS Development and or redevelopment shall comply with Chapter 20 of the Owasso Zoning Code whenever possible. Smaller and unique developments shall provide a landscape plan that shall be approved by the Administrator. 860.5.6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. ALL development shall follow City of Owasso procedures and requirements described in Section 2, General Provision, except as noted in this Section. Architectural details and /or drawings shall be submitted to the Community Development Department at the time of site plan submittal. Architectural plans shalt depict architectural details outlined in this Section and shall consist of: Preliminary renderings or drawings of building elevations plus typical cross sections to clearly define the character of the project and to ensure these provisions are met; and 2. Exterior building materials inventory to indicate compliance with this Section. The Administrator shall review the proposed building materials for compliance. 860.5.7 BUILDING AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS A. BUILDING ENTRANCE Primary building entrances shall be clearly defined, and shall be recessed or framed by a sheltering element such as an awning, arcade, overhang, or portico (in order to provide weather protection for pedestrians). Public entrances flush with the building wall with no cover are discouraged. B. OFF STREET PARKING Off street parking areas are encouraged to be located to the side or rear of buildings or in the interior of a block whenever possible. Loading areas shall be located behind the main building and screened in accordance with Chapter 20. All parking lots, drives, aisles and other elements shall comply with Chapter 9 of the Owasso Zoning Code. - e. z e.. e �„ oe eo :�; oe e• L* �M W—F r ■tee e_••�0�0+� . ;�.�o•+ tOTOZ0�010� 0 C. BUILDING SETBACK It is the intent of this chapter to enhance and preserve the character of the overlay by promoting parking area placement to the rear of lots or along the sides of buildings and bring visually pleasing building architecture to the street, therefore building setbacks along public street frontage may be eliminated with up to a 0 ft. setback when possible. Provision for public sidewalk shall always be made. Public spaces for dining and display are encouraged between the building frontages and the public sidewalk, so long as a six (6) foot clear path of travel is maintained at all times. D. OUTDOOR SPACE Outdoor seating areas, fountains, plazas, courtyards and other elements are encouraged to create a unique, interesting and walkable downtown area. E. SIDEWALKS All buildings, parking areas, public spaces, amenity features, and adjoining developments of similar use, shall be linked with sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided along public streets that provide access to the development. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the standards for sidewalks as set forth in City of Owasso Engineering Standards. F. EXTERIOR MATERIALS Exterior building materials shall include brick, glass, split -faced concrete block, stone, stucco, synthetic stucco, or cement -board or wood siding. Metal may be used only as accent material, and cumulatively may not exceed 20 percent of the area of any individual exterior wall along any public street. G. ROOF PITCH Flat roofs and roofs with a pitch of less than 3:12 require a parapet wall. Roofs and screening shall comply with the regulations set forth in Chapter 20 of the Owasso Zoning Code. Eaves a minimum of one (1) foot from the building face shall profile a pitched roof. Roofing for pitched roofs greater than 6:12 shall be wood, tile, state, architectural asphalt shingles, or tow - reflectivity metal (flat or matte finish). No roof shall cause water to drain or flow directly onto a public way. Rainwater should be collected and piped to ground level or into storm drain systems. ELECTRICAL AND SERVICES EQUIPMENT HVAC and similar types of incidental machinery or equipment shall be screened from view in accordance with Chapter 20. Utility meters, aboveground tanks, satellite dishes and antennas shall also be screened from view. Walt- mounted mechanical equipment that extends six inches (6 ") or less from the outer building wall shall be designed to blend in with the color and architectural design of the subject building. Unless a waiver is authorized by the City Council, alt electrical and telephone tines and wires including, but not limited to, street lighting, shall be placed underground. Feeder and other major transmission lines may remain overhead. All utility installation shall conform to the City's adopted Technical Standards and Specifications. Alt utilities service lines shall be located underground. I. WALL ARTICULATION Facades shall have a recognizable "base" consisting of (but not limited to): walls, ledges, silts, integrally textured materials (such as stone or other masonry), integrally colored and patterned materials, or planters. Facades shall also have a recognizable "top" consisting of (but not limited to): cornice treatments with integrally textured materials (other than colored "stripes" or 'bands "), sloping roofs (with overhangs and brackets), or stepped parapets. All sides of a building and any accessory structure shall utilize materials and design characteristics consistent with those of the front facade. In order to prevent large flat expanses of featureless exterior walls, structures having single walls exceeding twenty five feet (25') in length shalt incorporate one or more of the following features at least every twenty five feet (25') in length 1. Changes in color, graphical patterning, changes in texture, or changes in material 2. Projections, recesses, and reveals, expressing structural bays or other aspects of the architecture with a minimum change of plane of twelve inches (12 ") 3. Windows and fenestration 4. Gable projections 5. Horizontal/vertical breaks 6.. Other similar techniques M. SIGNAGE Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Owasso Zoning Code, with the following exceptions: 1. Pole signs in this district are not allowed. 2. Signs are encouraged to be attached to buildings and located on the face of buildings. All signs not attached to buildings should be of monument form and constructed of materials that complement the main building(s). 3. All signs not attached to buildings shall be set in a landscaped bed. 4. Maximum height for signage not attached to a building shalt be ten (10) feet. 5. Full video message boards and signs are prohibited within the Downtown Overlay District. 6. Larger and multi - tenant developments shall be allowed to use the Unified Sign Permit process and are encouraged to do so. 7. Signage overhanging the public sidewalk shall be allowed where building faces are adjacent to property tines. Signs shall be at least eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and shalt require a sign permit. (see figure below). 8. All signs not attached to buildings should be of monument form and constructed of materials that complement the main building(s). N. BUILDING ORIENTATION All primary buildings on lots or tracts with frontage on the downtown streets, especially Main St and E 76th St N are encouraged to be oriented towards the street. If any such building is on a lot or tract with a second frontage, it shall have equally detailed and prominent facades, constructed of equally high quality materials, facing both the primary street and the secondary street. Alt buildings are encouraged to be oriented towards the front of the lot, with parking lots towards the rear or alongside buildings. O. COMMERICIAL DRIVE THROUGH LANES Drive- through facilities associated with commercial uses shall be architecturally integrated with the building. P. SCREEENING OF REFUSE COLLECTION AND LOADING AREAS Refuse collection areas shall be screened in accordance with Chapter 20. In order to reduce the visual and acoustic impacts of these functions on adjacent properties and public streets, non - enclosed service, storage, and off - street loading areas shall be screened with opaque sight- obscuring walls and /or fences of between six feet (6') and eight feet (8') in height made of durable materials. Screening materials shall be the same as, or of equal quality to, the materials used for the primary building and Landscaping. Q. MIXED USE Buildings in the core downtown area (along Main St or E 76th St N) are encouraged to contain ground floor retail or restaurant spaces. Multi- story buildings are encouraged, with a mix of uses (office, retail, residential). Residential uses above commercial spaces are encouraged and allowed by -right in this district. R. SIDEWALK UTILIZATION Sidewalk Cafes and room for sidewalk retail sales outside of businesses is encouraged. A minimum of six (6) feet of public travel path shall be maintained at all times and sidewalk business shall not impede this travel area at any time. Businesses shalt be required to carry insurance for sidewalk space that holds the City of Owasso harmless. S. PARKING 1.Parking shall be designed in accordance with the Zoning Code. 2. The Administrator can waive parking requirements on unique lots on a case -by -case basis. 3. Multi - family developments shalt provide at least one parking stall per unit. 4. Public parking is encouraged with any new developments and can be counted towards parking requirements (except residential parking minimums). T. MULTI - FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Standalone multi- family developments in excess of six (6) units shalt have to proceed through the rezoning and PUD process in accordance with the Zoning Code. For multi - family developments of five (5) units or less, the property shall only be required to rezone to RM and proceed through administrative site plan review. Alt additional standards shall be met. Section X of this section shalt also apply. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Residential Redevelopment is encouraged, with mixed -use, multi - family, townhome, triplex and duplex development. 1 and 2- family residential development shall be allowed on any residentially -zoned lot. V. STORMWATER DETENTION Detention shall only be required on new development that modifies pervious surfaces. All detention requirements shall be determined by the Public Works Department. These requirements shall not be applicable to 1 and 2- family dwellings. W. FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) There shalt be no Floor Area Ratio (FAR) requirements in the district. X. AMENITIES 1. Smatter multi - family developments shalt not be required to meet the amenity requirements established in the PUD Chapter of the Zoning Code. Amenities should be placed internally when possible in larger multi - family developments (workout room, rec room, pool area, etc.), unless said amenities are made available to the public. 2. Commercial developments are encouraged to provide public amenities whenever possible (benches, fountains, play areas, plaza areas, etc.) Y. RIGHT -OF -WAY (ROW) When development occurs along public rights -of -way that have excess ROW (ex. Non - arterials with 70' ROW width), closing of the public ROW shall be encouraged where possible. An alternative is to provide public parking stalls in these areas. Z. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW Unless cited within this chapter or another section of the Owasso Zoning Code, review of these guidelines shall be performed at the Administrative level. The Administrator may approve variations or alternate treatments, so long as the intent of the ordinance is met. �e�et��ll I ■� �� ■11 � �����li i1 111 ■111 ; � ■ � ■■ �� Elio ®11. 1111. 11111 ■■■ �r Elio all ■ • 1■■ . II■■■ �: M1■ =NJ The City Wit out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: January 12, 2015 NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT • Construction on Sprouts is wrapping up in the Willis Farms Shopping Center. Store opening will be on April 1, 2015. • Wal -Mart Neighborhood Market is building a location at N 129th E Avenue and E 116th Street N. • A new Arby's will be constructed soon off the service road just south of QuikTr[p on E 116th Street N. • Hapa Japanese & Sushi has opened in the former Simply Sushi location on 86th Street N. • LaQuinta Inn & Suites will develop on the same site as Academy Sports. • AMC Urgent Care will be locating just south of ]HOP on Garnett Road. • Development work on the Academy Sports site continues. Academy projects to open in the early fall of this year. • Macy's hiring continues. BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (BR &E) • SAHO's new building is coming along on their site north of Plaza De Toreson 86th Street N. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Northeast Oklahoma continues to receive national and international recognition for business attraction and expansion. The Tulsa region made a move up in the rankings and is now No. 4 in a list of top 10 metros with population between 200,000 and 1 million for new and expanded facilities for 2014, according to Site Selection magazine. Read more http: / /bit.ly /1 KCdSgv INDUSTRY NEWS • Many states and communities are using incentives to lure data centers and establish clusters of these facilities, which, in turn, stand to benefit from tax breaks and cash grants for necessary infrastructure improvements. Read more httD: / /bit.ly /11HfxOr • American manufacturing is on the upswing, with advances in innovation and productivity buoyed by decreased energy and transportation costs, and new efforts to increase work force skills. Read more httr): / /bit.ly /193DOOt • Pending regulatory approval, Staples is prepping to become the only office- supply retail game in town after announcing its intent on Wednesday to swallow up Office Depot, which about a year ago completed its own acquisition of yet a third sector name, OfficeMax. The $6.3 billion Staples -office Depot deal would result in the closure of about 1,000 stores in the coming years, reducing the income of U.S. retail landlords by some $350 million per year, estimates David Strasser, a Janney Montgomery Scott retail analyst, in a report. Roughly half of all Office Depot stores are located within five miles of a Staples store, Strasser notes. Worldwide, the two chains operate some 4,000 stores combined. Office Depot, which is still working through the closures of hundreds of redundant stores from its OfficeMax merger, has about 1,900 U.S stores, while Staples has about 1,300. The brands will eventually be combined under the Staples name. Read more http: / /bit.ly /1ZGQA2P Macy's Inc. is betting on beauty with its $210 million purchase of Bluemercury, a luxury cosmetics and spa- services retailer based in Washington, D.C. Bluemercury operates about 60 stores across 1S states, typically in prime street -level locations and urban lifestyle centers, as well as an online business. The company will continue to be led by Marla and Barry Beck, who started the business in 1999. Read more htto: / /bit.ly /193FreP UPCOMING EVENTS • The 2015 Owasso Economic Summit will be on Tuesday, March l Orh from 10 AM to 1 PM. Please see attached invitation for registration information. The panel discussion kicking off the summit will be about Downtown /Main Street Development. Following the panel discussion, Dr. Mark Snead from Region Track will provide an Owasso Economic Outlook. RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT JANUARY 2015 Month 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 January 22 13 25 15 17 18 19 15 22 12 2 February 41 14 19 23 29 17 15 26 21 0 3 March 50 25 35 30 46 14 27 27 31 0 4 April 52 30 31 36 31 19 26 26 36 0 5 May 36 60 23 27 30 20 23 19 17 0 6 June 29 27 21 34 23 19 24 19 12 0 7 July 12 23 24 28 17 20 15 27 23 0 8 August 28 27 18 28 19 12 15 18 19 0 9 September 12 17 40 20 11 12 12 28 15 0 10 October 25 31 15 36 13 10 21 15 19 0 11 November 13 26 10 13 1 8 11 7 21 0 12 December 16 8 6 13 9 10 16 11 34 0 Totals 336 301 267 303 246 179 224 236 279 12 YTD 22 13 25 15 17 19 19 16 22 12 JANUARY YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 30 --------------•— -------------------- —•-------------•---------------•--•••—•__......•------ 25 - -------------- ----------- ------ -----•-----------°.- --- - ---- - --------- ---•—'------'--------'-------- 20 --------------- -'-- ------------ -------------------- -------------- -----_..._ --- -•••--- — •- -- -- 15 - ------------- -' °___ ------- ------ ------- -__-- ------- -"--- -- -------- - --- 10 - _ ----- ------- -"'.__ _____'_ ------- ------- ----_. -""- `- 5 ------ -'-'--- __----- ------- _ '-""' "__'_ "- 0 — 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 JANUARY 22 13 25 15 17 18 19 15 22 12 JANUARY YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS 3,500,000 3,000,000---- _ --- — .— ._._._.- -' -- - ----------------------- -- - 2,500,000 - ------------------- — --- --________ ------- ----- 2,000,000 '--- "----- ----- ---"- 7,500,000 ___ --" --"-" -'- - 1,000.000 ---- '-"------"' '•_- ..- ------ "- -0 fA 2011 2012 2015 92,504 2,317,617 2,015,640 1,520,255 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 45,000,000 30,000,000 --- — --- - ---- ------- ------------------- I 15,000,000 _. -- -- ----- - - -- - __'_--'-- °. - ------------- -.,�...__.- ---- - ----•- 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTAL 21,464,855 28,202,279 32,102,888 3 1,520,255 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS January 31, 2015 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5/08) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12100) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Hickory Creek Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3/08) Lake Valley IV (5/10) Lake Valley V (9/30) Lake Valley V (Phase 2) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Maple Glen 11 (1/11) Maple Glen III (5/13) Maple Glen IV (6/2/14) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Park Place at Preston Lakes Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes 111 (10/04) Remington Park 11 (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE 89 87 2 139 103 36 171 161 10 66 10 56 45 22 23 61 58 3 37 36 1 101 93 8 71 66 5 42 41 1 85 84 1 24 23 1 50 12 38 202 198 4 131 113 18 114 112 2 78 64 14 82 27 55 235 232 3 98 96 2 93 89 4 43 39 4 92 34 58 20 17 3 44 43 1 58 13 45 93 48 45 272 243 29 147 144 3 84 82 2 96 94 2 31 26 5 40 31 9 3034 2541 493 Watercolours (12/02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawgrass Park II (04/05) Remington Park 11 (11/04) Preston Lakes 111(10/04) Preston Lakes (12/00) Park Place at Preston Lakes Nottingham Hill (6109) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8 /01) Maple Glen IV (612114) Maple Glen III (5/13) Maple Glen II (1111) Maple Glen (12108) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10107) Lake Valley V (Phase 2) Lake Valley V (9/30) Lake Valley IV (5/10) Keys Landing (3108) Honey Creek (4102) Hickory Creek Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek It 2105) Fairways VI (12 /00) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11/03) Country Estates III (3/99) Champions West (5/08) Champions East (05108) Carrington Pointe 1(1111) Camelot Estates (4/07) Burberry Place (6/09) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 E Lots Developed CTotal Lots COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT JANUARY 2015 Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 January 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 February 5 0 3 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 March 1 14 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 4 April 4 1 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 May 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 6 June 3 4 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 7 July 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 August 1 7 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 3 0 9 September 2 1 28 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 October 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 11 November 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 3 0 12 December 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 Totals 23 43 48 20 9 10 11 7 11 12 1 Y1D 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 JANUARY YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 10 8 --------------------------------------- ' ------------------------------------ -------------- - ---------- I 4 ------------------------------------ 2 - 0 2005 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 JANUARY 2 9 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1,400,000 JANUARY YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS 1,200,000 -------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------- ------------ ...._ 1,000,000 -- -- '--• -"__'---------------••--- ------ —'--- `---------- 8001000 ---- ------------------ - 600,000 ---- --------------------_---- ----- --------- ----- ------- - -- --' ---------------------------- 400,000 --- ------- ------------------I ------------------------ - -------- ---- 200,000 ----- ---------------- ------------------------ 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 JANUARY 1,175,000 140,000 160,000 1,035,000 580,000 25,000,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 20,000:000 --- ------- 15,000,000 --- -----•--------- --- ------ ----------------------------- 10,000,000 ------------------------ F V21142015 5,000,000 ----- - --- - ----- -------- - -. 0 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 6,018,116 17,296,000 9,375,440 21,178,400 1 580,000 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS JANUARY 2015 Hapa Sushi 13720 E 86 St N #200 Royal Salon 11640 E86 St N DECEMBER 2014 Simple Simons 11330 N Garnett Rd Baskin Robins 12808 E 86 St N NOVEMBER 2014 Mathnasium 12336 E 86 St N Lash Love 9100 N Garnett Rd OCTOBER 2014 APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE 1/5/2015 1/21/2015 Yes 9/24/2014 1/31/2015 Yes 9/3/2014 12/2/2014 Yes 5/12/2014 12/15/2014 Yes 10/3012014 11/11/2014 Yes 11/3/2014 11/19/2014 Yes Whataburger 12903 -B E 96 St N 6/17/2014 10/6/2014 Yes Blondy's Pizza 7708 N Owasso Exp 10/6/2014 10/27/2014 Yes Hideaway Pizza 12903 -A E 96 St N 3/5/2014 11/6/2014 Yes Jimmy John's Sandwhiches 9551 N Owasso Exp #102 8/13/2014 11/6/2014 Yes SEPTEMBER 2014 4/22/2014 6/13/2014 Yes 6120/2013 Rock Nutrition 7703 N Owasso Exp 911 6/18/2014 9/1/2014 Yes AUGUST 2014 Super 8 Hotel 11604 E 76 St N JULY 2014 Heartland Dental 13101 E 96 St N Bricktown Brewery 11909 E 96 St N JUNE 2014 Bite Perfect 12810 E 101 PI N #102 Ichiban Steak House 9500 N 129 E Ave #100 9inetyEight Apartments 12700 E 100 St N #1 -24 Tulsa Bone & Joint 12455 E 100 St N #120 Body by BJ 403 W 2 Ave #102 Ok Baptist Children's Home 12760 E 74 St N MAY 2014 2/26/2013 8/15/2014 Yes 11112/2013 7/7/2014 Yes 5/29/2014 717/2014 Yes 4/13/2013 6/3/2014 Yes 3/19/2014 6/24/2014 Yes 2/26/2013 6/19/2014 Yes 3/5/2014 6/11/2014 Yes 4/22/2014 6/13/2014 Yes 6120/2013 6130/2014 Yes Garrett Creek Wine & Spirits 11560 N 135 E Ave #110 4/15/2014 5/6/2014 Yes RCB Bank 12200 E 96 St N 10/22/2013 5/1412014 Yes St. John Medical Office 12455 N 100 E Ave 1/27/2014 5/14/2014 Yes APRIL 2014 Discount Tire 13321 E 116 St N 10/14/2013 4/30/2014 Yes Ledford Properties 425 E 22 St N 1/15/2014 4/4/2014 Yes Owasso Auto Spa /Dog Wash 9800 N 119 E Ave 2/21/2014 4/14/2014 Yes MARCH 2014 Lindo Veracruz 301 W 12 St 2/25/2014 3/5/2014 Yes FEBRUARY 2014 Gramme's Attic 11211 N Garnett Rd 2/24/2014 2/26/2014 Yes PERMITS APPLIED FOR IN JANUARY 2015 ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT# DATE 6605 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 106,205 1,931 15- 0101 -X 1/13/2015 15510 E 88 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 151,635 2,757 15- 0102 -X 1/13/2015 8514 N 128 E Ave Business Owner ECC /CG $ 150,000 4,000 15- 0103 -C 1/13/2015 11046 N 120 E Ave Capital Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 125,510 2,282 15- 0104 -X 1/13/2015 13315 E 116 St N R & O Sign Co. KMAC /CS $ 15,000 96 15- 0105 -S 1/13/2015 7501 E 82 P) N White Hat Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 157,575 2,865 15- 0106 -X 1/20/2015 14607 E 111 Ct N Simmons Homes LVVII /RS3 $ 123,695 2,249 15- 0107 -X 1/20/2015 14612 E 111 Ct N Simmons Homes LVVII /RS3 $ 123,695 2,249 15- 0108 -X 1/20/2015 15502 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 149,765 2,723 15- 0109 -X 1/20/2015 12804 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 110,550 2,010 15- 0110 -X 1/20/2015 14307 E 92 St N Atlantis Pools CE /RS3 $ 45,000 420 15- 0111 -P 1/20/2015 12300 E 86 St N #A A -Max Signs ECC /CG $ 3,250 94 15- 0112 -S 1/30/2015 13315 E 116 St N G Oney & Assoc. KMAC /CS $ 580,000 1,728 15- 0113 -C 1/30/2015 9046 N 121 E Ave TBD SFM /CS $ 60,000 2,927 15- 0114 -C 1/30/2015 550 S Cedar St Simmons Homes OIPII /IL $ 7,500 4,200 15- 0115 -C 1/30/2015 11207 N 148 E Ave Capital Homes LVV /RS3 $ 107,580 1,956 15- 0116 -X 1/30/2015 14613 E 111 PI N Capital Homes LVV /RS3 $ 107,580 1,956 15- 0117 -X 1/30/2015 11044 N 120 E Ave Capital Homes MG /RS3 $ 145,035 2,637 15- 0118 -X 1/30/2015 14611 E 113 St N Simmons Homes LVV /RS3 $ 111,430 2,026 15- 0119 -X 1 1/30/2015 12 Single Family $ 1,520,255 27,641 SgFt 1 New Commercial $ 580,000 1,728 SgFt 3 Commercial Remodel $ 217,500 11,127 SgFt 2 Signs $ 18,250 190 SgFt 1 Pool $ 45,000 420 SgFt 19 Total Building Permits $ 2,381,005 41,106 SgFt Cify of Owat3o-111 N. M&Li Sf. Owa$W, OK 74055 PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department February 9, 2015 • E. 76th Street North Widening (from U.S. Hwy169 to N. 129th East Avenue) - In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. - In October 2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. - In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 761h Street North Widening Project. - In March, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive funding in 2012 for the engineering design. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory, Transportation Policy Committee, and INCOG Board of Directors - Engineering agreement for Poe & Associates, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma and funding agreement was approved at the May 7, 2013, Council Meeting. - The engineering design is approximately 60% complete - ODOT staff has reviewed and approved six out of the seven sections of the environmental study. The remaining section - The Threatened and Endangered Species Study is still being reviewed by ODOT. Consultant and City Staff will be meeting with ODOT this week in OKC to address the remaining concerns ODOT has with this remaining section of the study. Final approval is expected by mid - February 2015. City staff anticipates the ROW documents being approved by ODOT by March 2015. • Ranch Creek Sanitary Sewer Improvements - May 2012, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $175,000 to Kellogg Engineering Incorporated. - As part of an OWRB requirement, a Public Hearing over the environmental document was held June 13, 2013. Kellogg Engineering presented the engineering drafts of the proposed interceptor alignment for review by meeting attendees. - In September 2013, Kellogg Engineering completed the engineering design. - In October 2013, ODEQ approved engineering design and plans. - On December 3, 2013, OPWA Trustees awarded a bid to Rosetta Construction, LLC, in the amount of $2,864,543. - Construction phase of this project is complete. Staff is working on the final pay application and anticipates bringing this project to the Trustees for review and acceptance in March 2015. • Garnett Widening (from E. 96th Street North to E. 1061 Street North) - in November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry in the amount of $345,600. A Public Meeting for the Garnett Widening project was held June 27, 2013 with City staff and representatives from PSA Dewberry to receive citizen comments regarding the design. In October 2013, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive federal funding in FY 2017 for the construction phase. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. On November 12, 2013, the INCOG Board of Directors approved federal funds to be allocated to this specific project in the year 2017 or sooner, if funding is available. The City of Owasso will receive $3.2 million in federal funds. - The engineering design is approximately 80% complete. - ODOT staff has approved the environmental study. City staff anticipates the ROW documents being approved by ODOT by March or early April 2015. Hale Acres Offsite Sanitary Sewer Line Improvements - Sanitary sewer project is funded in the Wastewater Collection Operating Budget. As a result of inadequate slope, the offsite Hale Acres gravity sewer line is need of replacement. The estimated cost for such improvements is $270,000. - The Permit to Construct has been received from ODEQ. - Trustees awarded a construction contract to Triangle Construction in the amount of $359,879. - Construction phase is complete. Staff is awaiting final pay application to prepare documentation for Trustee consideration and appropriate action. FY 2013 -2014 Street Rehabilitation Program - In August 2013, City Council approved the project priority list. - Funding in the amount of $1 million is included in the FY 2013 -2014 Capital Improvements Fund for this project. - 80% of the crack sealing portion of this project is complete. The Contractor will finish remaining areas, as weather permits. - Council awarded a construction contract to Tri -Star construction in the amount of $827,296. - The overlay portion of this project is complete. The remaining task, striping, is scheduled to be complete by the end of this week. FY 2014 -2015 Street Rehabilitation Program - In August 2014, City Council approved the project priority list. - Funding in the amount of $1 million is included in the FY 2014 -2015 Capital Improvements Fund for this project. - Bid opening is scheduled to occur on February 16, 2015 with construction scheduled to commence in April 2015. E. 116th Street North and 129'± East Ave Intersection Improvement Proiect - Tulsa County and City of Owasso have partnered together to fund the engineering design, utility relocation and construction. - In August 2014, application for funding for the construction phase of this project was submitted to INCOG. If funded, the "matching grant" will result in a grant of 80% ODOT funding, 10% Tulsa County funding and 10% City funding. - In October 2014, INCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and the Transportation Policy Committee voted to recommend this project as eligible to receive STP funds. In addition, the INCOG Board of Directors met on Thursday, November 13th and approved this project to receive federal funds in the amount of $2,186,000. As a result, federal funds for construction will be available in FY 2018, or sooner, if funding is available. Preliminary plans are under review by staff and being sent to the utility companies for their first review. City stall coordinating temporary improvements with Neighborhood Market being located at the SE corner of the intersection. E. 116th Street North and N 14M East Ave Sianalization Proiect Plans approved by ODOT and City of Owasso City of Owasso 20% Funding, Maintenance Agreement and Resolution approved at January 20, 2015 Council Meeting. In February 2015, ODOT is scheduled to advertise this project for bids with bid opening in March 2015. Construction is scheduled to commence in June with completion in August 2015. • U.S. 169 Highway Widening Proiect (from E. 56th Street North to E. 66 Street North - in March 2015, ODOT is tentatively scheduled to advertise this project for bids with bid opening in April. Construction start date will be provided at a later date by ODOT. Transportation Master Plan Study - In September 2013, City Council approved an agreement for engineering services with Guernsey Engineering. - On January 30, 2014, City staff and Guernsey Engineering conducted a public meeting to present basic concepts of the plan and received positive feedback from the citizens. - Currently, the plan is approximately 90% complete with completion scheduled to occur in March 2015.