HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980.10.07_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, October 7, 1980, the Owasso City Council met in regular session, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda, posted on City Hall Bulletin Board at 1:30 PM on October 3, 1980, and by refer- ence made apart hereof. ITEM 1 - CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 with Mayor Spencer presiding. ITEM 2 - FLAG SALUTE. Flag Salute was led by Mayor Spencer. ITEM 3 - ROLL CALL. Present: Boyd Spencer, Mayor Robbie Fickle, Vice Mayor Al Lambert, Councilman Dennis Burke, Councilman Clyde Fry, Councilman Harold Charney, City Attorney Kenneth Thompson, City Manager Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk Absent: None ITEM 4 - APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. Mr. Burke requested Warrant 1471 be pulled for discussion. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso Reporter on October 2, 1980, and by reference made apart hereof. A. Approve Minutes of September 16, 1980 Meeting. B. Approve 1979-80 Warrants 1470 for $170.00, 1980-81 Warrants 280 through 305 for $35,357.08, Cancellation of Warrant 232 for $86.71, Ambulance Replacement Warrant 1 for $11,710.00, Revenue Sharing Warrants 25 through 29 for $15,251.49, Park Development Warrant 2 for $14,025.00,. and authorize Mayor to sign same. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Mr. Burke questioned Warrant 1471 to ICM for a Stihl saw, and Mr. Thompson ex- plained it is a purchase he authorized for a steel concrete saw to cut curbs and gutters so we don't have to break out concrete. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve Warrant 1471 in the amount of $858.55, and authorize Mayor to sign same. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Owasso City Council October 7, 1980 Page Two Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 5 - APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF LEONARD GEORGE'S RESIGNATION FROM THE OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER',1, 1980. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to accept Leonard George's resignation from the Owasso Planning Commission, effective October 1, 1980, and directed City Clerk to write letter of appreciation to Mr. George. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 6 - RECOGNITION OF EXPLORER SCOUT PUBLIC SAFETY POST. Vic Lombreglia, Director of Public Safety, advised Council that at the time the consolidation occurred the Explorer Post 98, which is an emergency Post, also decided they would like to consolidate and adopt the same uniforms. Mr. Lombreglia presented to Council Mr. Joe Ross, the Post Advisor, Mrs. Ross, and the Post Officers. Council commented on the excellent appearance the young people make in their uniforms. ITEM 7 - REVIEW BIDS FOR ASPHALTIC OVERLAY OF STREETS. Mr. Thompson informed Council that close, but the amounts were higher was the extensive amount of repair His recommendation was awarding th pany, in the amount of $28,452.00, overlay. four bids were received which were very than expected. He said the unexpected cost needed to the South part of Cedar Street. bid to the low bidder, Miser Asphalt Com- for approximately 9500 square yards of Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to award bid for asphaltic overlay of streets to Miser Asphalt Company, as low bidder, in the amount of $28,452.00, for approximately 9500 square yards of overlay, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, T?rs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. Owasso City Council October 7, 1980 Page Three ITEM 8 - APPROVE ADDITIONAL WARRANTS FOR PAYMENT. Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Al Lambert, to approve additional 1979-80 Warrant 1472 for $20.00, 1980-81 Warrants 306 through 351 for $11,381.98, Revenue Sharing Warrants 30 through 33 for $1,983.27, Park Development Warrant 3 for $438.00, and authorize Mayor to sign same. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle, with Mrs. Fickle ab- staining on Warrant 312. Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 9 - REQUEST TO LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE A 1976 ELGIN STREET SWEEPER AND A 1970 BANTAM TELESKOOP. Mr. Thompson explained he has been looking for several months for this type of used equipment and we would have to work out a lease-purchase arrangement with one of the banks. He said the sweeper is four years old and has not been very well maintained and it will be around $25,000, compared to $40,000 for a new sweeper. He showed Council a catalog of the Teleskoop and said it looks to be in fairly good condition. It sells for $100,000 new and he feels we could use it for many years. He reminded Council there is $20,000 available to put to- wards this lease/purchase. Mayor Spencer said he was disappointed in the sweeper after seeing it as he thought it was to be a show model but he didn't feel that is what it was used for. He said it ran good and operated good but it wasn't very clean and was in rough condition, but mechanically it did operate well. He commented on the condition of the two back tires which were not a condition in Murphy Machinery's letter. Mr. Thompson said he doesn't know that the tires were ever mentioned to them but we might make that a condition. The other conditions were read from Murphy Machinery's letter which is made apart hereof. Mayor Spencer asked if this would be a day-to-day operation or just used as needed. Mr. Thompson said more on just an as needed basis. He said that the residential streets would perhaps only need to be done ever two months, if even that often. Mr. Lambert asked if there has been any discussion on the maintenance cost of the sweeper. Mr. Thompson said from experience he can tell them it will be rather expensive. The brooms and belts are the parts that frequently need to be replaced. Mr. Thompson estimated from $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 per year for the maintenance cost. Mr. Thompson said the asking price for the sweeper is $25,000.00 and $24,750.00 for the Teleskoop but we could possibly get them for around $22,000.00 each. Owasso City Council October 7, 1980 Page Four Mr. Burke said he felt a regular schedule would be preferable to him and he also questioned if our mechanic is qualified to handle a hydraulic system. Mr. Thompson said the mechanic has indicated he is qualified. Mrs. Fickle questioned the cost as opposed to the need. Mayor Spencer said since we have the $20,000.00, he would approve the purchase of one item, but not borrowing money to purchase both. Mr. Burke questioned which piece of equipment would be most beneficial to the City and Mr. Thompson responded that it would be a "toss-up". He said we could use the sweeper for appearance, but could utilize the Teleskoop immediately. He said he felt we need both of them and would like to see the Council purchase one and lease the other until the next budget year. Mr. Fry commented that the City could save some manhours with the Teleskoop. Mr. Lambert said he could see a need for .both but he had a problem with the method of financing. Mr. Burke said he agreed with the purchase of one and the lease of another until the next budget year. Mr. Charney questioned the possibility of the City purchasing it and then leasing it to OPWA. Mr. Thompson mentioned a possible problem with the bidding law in purchasing one outright. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Clyde Fry, to table the request to lease with option to purchase a 1976 Elgin Street Sweeper and a 1970 Bantam Teleskoop to the October 21, 1980 meeting, and directed City Manager to find out ho~v much we can purchase the equipment for individually and the methods for financing. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 10 - REQUEST TO PURCHASE A USED 4 DOOR SEDAN FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Al Lambert, authorizing City Man- ager to advertise for bids for a new police cars. as budgeted, and upon the purchase of same, transfer one of the Volare's from the Police Department to the Building Inspector. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 11 - REQUEST ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS IN EL RIO VISTA SUBDIVISION. Mr. Thompson said the problem we had on 96th Street seems to be repaired. Mayor Spencer asked if the bond with Mid-Continent Casualty Company actually Owasso City Council October 7, 1980 Page Five guarantees the streets to be done right and Bill Williams said the bond guaran- tees the contractor to make all necessary repairs within three years. Mayor Spencer said he would like to see the contractors be made to clean up the streets before they are accepted in new subdivisions. Brill Williams agreed with setting that policy. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Clyde Fry, to accept the streets in El Rio Vista Subdivision, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. City Manager was directed to make a subdivision requirement that all streets be cleaned before the subdivision will be accepted by the City. Chair recessed Owasso City Council at 7:55 PM. Chair reconvened Owasso City Council at 8:02 PM. ITEM 12 - DISCUSS BALL PARK IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Thompson referred Council to his memo outlining what is needed at the ball- park, which is made a part hereof, and said the school has agreed to split half the cost. Larry Smith and Bob Peters were present to speak on this matter. Mr. Smith said they need the extra seating and they need the fencing for gate admission. The legality of collecting gate admission was discussed. Mr. Smith said there are three groups interested in the park improvements--the school, the City, and a volunteer parents group. Mrs. Fickle asked how much the parents volunteer group will be able to help with maintenance and Mr. Smith said the parents would be willing to mow in the summer and clean up after the games. Mrs. Fickle then asked if the Board of Education has committed themselves to this and Mr. Smith said tentatively they have approved one-half of this expenditure. Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Dennis Burke, to table approval of ball park improvements to October 21, 1980, and by that time have the legality of gate admission determined by City Attorney and a letter secured from Mr. Dale Johnson signed by all School Board members that they will coop- perate 100% in paying their half. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Owasso City Council October 7, 1980 Page Six Motion carried. ITEM 13 - PROPOSAL TO REVISE THE CITY CODE REGULATING DERELICT VEHICLES. Mr. Thompson said the City has a real need for this ordinance and we recently ran into difficulty with our present ordinance and the proposed ordinance should correct the problem. Several Councilmembers had questions regarding the ordinance which they wanted to look into. Motion was made by Dennis Burke, seconded by Clyde Fry, to table the revision of the City Code regulating derelict vehicles to the October 21st meeting for discussion of problems and action. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 14 - REQUEST TO REVIEW PERSONNEL PAY PLAN. Mr. Thompson said this document has not been revised since July of 1978 and we have some positions that have reached the top of their pay grade due to salary increases and cost of living raises. The revisions were reviewed. :4r. Thompson said he felt the changes are justified. notion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Dennis Burke, to accept Person- nel Pay Plan as presented by Mr. Thompson, effective immediately, and by reference made a part hereof. Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Lambert, Burke, Fry, Mrs. Fickle Nays - None Motion carried. ITEM 15 - REQUEST TO EXCHANGE FIVE LOTS IN ELM CREEK ADDITION FOR EQUAL AMOUNT OF LAND IN THE ELM CREEK PARK. As the Council was not certain exactly which lots are involved, it was decided to look at the property at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 14th. ITEM 16 - NEW BUSINESS ~_ Owasso City Council October 7, 1980 Page Seven Item A representative from Rapid Lube and Oil presented a brouchure to the Council and said they have been in the Tulsa market about two years. He explained their services. Mr. Thompson said he felt they had some good features and he likes their program and would like to make recommendations to the Council on it at a later date. Item Mr. Lambert mentioned the condition of the sidewalks on the East side of Main Street between 76th and lst and asked if anything could be done about them. Mr. Thompson said he would look into it. Being no further business before the Owasso City Council, Chair adjourned at 9:04 PM. - ~~ _ Mayor G 1 City Clerk