HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.02.06_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, February 6, 1979, the Owasso City Council met in
regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice
of Public Meeting and Agenda, referenced and made a part here-
Present: Bill Williams, Mayor
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
Don Thompson, Councilperson
Robbie Fickle, Councilperson
Ron Grimes, Councilperson
Wayne Meyer, City :Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney
Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM, with i'Iayor Williams
Employee of the Month presentation was made by Mayor Williams
to Carl Seim, Parlc Department Director.
Mayor Williams presented Certificate of Merit Award to Melvin
Hastings. Fireman Hastings was credited with professionalism
in saving the lives of a mother and her two children by recog-
ni?ing the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Mayor C~Tilliams also presented a Certificate of Merit Award to
John Dean for his service as Chairman on the Owasso Planning
Commission. Mr. Dean was required by the Planning Commission
by-laws to resign his position as he moved out of town.
'lotion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to
accept John Dean's resignation from the Owasso Planning Commi-
ssion, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - i`Ione
'Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the
Owasso Reporter on February 1, 1979, and by reference made a
part hereof:
1. Approve Minutes of January 16, 1979, T'Ieeting
2. Approve Warrants for Payment
3. Approve Transfer of Funds, General Fund, 1978-1979
4. Approve Transfer of Funds, Revenue Sharing, 1978-
5. Approve Fire Run Contract with Farmers Insurance
Group; Property Owner G. B. Sanders
6. Approve Fire Run Contract with Farmers Insurance
Group; Property Owner H. H. Asling
Owasso City Council
February 6, 1979
Page Two
7. Approve Rescheduling March 6, 1979, Council Meeting
to March 13, 1979, due to City Manager being in
Washington, D. C.
8. Approve Ordinance 245 for OZ-35, approved rMay 16,
9. Approve Emergency Clause on Ordinance 245
10. Approve Ordinance 246 for OZ-36, Approved May 16,
11. Approve Emergency Clause on Ordinance 246
12. Approve Ordinance 247 for OZ-37, Approved IMay 16,
13. Approve Emergency Clause on Ordinance 247
14. Approve 1977-1978 bill to Oklahoma State University
in the amount of $20.0 0 to be paid out of 1978-
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, rZs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve additional warrants for payment, and by reference made -~
a part hereof.
Ayes - ,Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thomason, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to rezoning application OZ-41 from IL to RM-l, P-ir.
Stan Ewing, City Planner, advised Council that the Planning
Commission recommends approving same. Mr. Ewing did inform
Council that Mr. Ralph Parker, representing the Three Lakes
Assocation, protested the zoning. Mr, Parker was present and
explained to Council that the Three Lakes Homeowners Associa-
tion opposed the maximum density for that zoning which would
be 23 units per acre. Mr. Parker said Bland Pittman did pro-
mise him it would be a lower density of 18.15 units per acre.
This was agreeable to the Association although Mr. Parker did
comment that there would be nothing to hold Mr. Pittman to
such a promise.
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve rezoning application OZ-41 from IL to RM-l, and by re-
ference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, 'GIs. Fickle
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
February 6, 1979
Page Three
In regard to rezoning application OZ-42, Stan Ewing, City
Planner, advised Council that the Planning Commission recom-
mends approving.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve rezoning application OZ-42 from OM to CS, and by re-
ference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - Mr. Thompson
In regard to rezoning application OZ-43, Stan Ewing, City
Planner, advised Council that the Planning Commission recom-
mends approving application as requested, except on that por-
tion requesting RS-2 to RM-l. The Planning Commission recom-
mends that zoning to be RS-2 to RS-3.
,lotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve rezoning application OZ-43, exluding that part request-
ing RS-2 to RM-l, which Council will take under advisement and
rezone at February 20, 1979, meeting, and by reference made a
part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - None
Chair recessed Owasso City Council at 8:36 PM.
Chair reconvened Owasso City Council at 8:45 PM.
~~Zotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve submitting bids for computer software program for bud-
getary and payroll programs, and by reference made a part
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to appointments to the Personnel Board, Mayor Williams
submitted the name of Mr. Lyle Wasserman.
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
appoint Mr. Lyle Wasserman to a three year term on the Per-
sonnel Board.
Ayes - i~essrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
February 6, 1979
Page Four
After :-1r. Wasserman's appointment, there is still another vac-
ancy on the Board and Playor Williams stated nominations for
that seat will be made at the February 20, 1979, meeting.
Motion was made by Don Thomason, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
declare Reno Barsi's position on Owasso Planning Commission
vacant as he has not attended meetings.
Ayes - i'Iessrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, res. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to appointments to Planning Commission, Mr. Spencer
commented he wanted to recommend Ralph Parker, but Mr. Parker
said he could not serve at this time.
~~otion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
appoint John Simmons to the Planning Commission.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Ms. Fickle
Nays - None
After Mr. Simmon's appointment to the Planning Commission,
there still remains one opening, to which nominations will be
made at the February 20, 1979, meeting.
Z~otion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
create a Park Assistant position, Grade 10.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, ~~Is. Fickle
Nays - None
Mr. Kip DeLaFleur, Attorney, was present for the trash discus-
sion, representing Mr. Sallee. Tyr. DeLaFleur asked if the
City is going to attempt to collect any of the unpaid monies
for trash service. City Attorney replied that to attempt to
collect would be a tedious job taking many hours, but it could
be done. Mr. DeLaFleur said Mr. Sallee's failure to pick up
trash has been the bad weather. Mr. Charney replied that Mr.
Sallee has not been faulted for the adverse weather. '.~Ir.
Charney also stated that if the City accepts Mr. Sallee's re-
signation, it should be tendered at the end of February and
not have two days into another month, due to bookkeeping rea-
sons. ~~r. DeLaFleur asked Council if they would consider i'Ir.
Sallee withdrawing his resignation. Council was in agreement
that they did not want to discuss that or make that decision
at the present time.
Owasso City Council
February 6, 1979
Page Five
As bad weather has continued, the discussion on streets in Elm
Creek was again tabled.
In regard to discussion on building permit policy on fees for
sanctuaries and educational units, Council was in agreement
that they did not want to change present ordinance on building
permit fees. There would be no waiving of fees for sanctuar-
ies and educational units.
Boyd Spencer asked Raymond May the status of the carport on
Elm Place. Mr. '~Iay responded it is in violation and he has
issued warning to take it down or apply for a variance from
the Board of Adjustment. Mr. May said the present code is
rather ambiguous as it reads "25 feet plus one-half distance
of right-of-way''. Mr. May said he did not give a building
permit for the carport and Mr. Charney is looking into it as
this time. Mr. Charney agreed the present code is ambiguous
and confirmed he is working on it at this time.
Harold Charney advised Council he is checking into the cable
television proposal made at the January 16, 1979, meeting, in
regard to what other cities are doing. ?2r. Thompson said ~er-
haps the City Manager should ask for other bids. Then ~Zayor
Williams said we certainly do not want the company Tulsa has
as their service is inadequate. i~ir. Charney recommended that
Council let him get his information together before they do
Councilman Grimes, of Ward 2, gave members of the City Council
his letter of resignation. L~r. Grimes is moving out of the
City. Mayor Williams commended Mr. Grimes for his excellent
service as a Councilman and expressed their regret at the
necessity for his resignation.
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thomason, to
accept Ron Grimes' resignation as Councilman from Ward 2, due
to Mr. Grimes moving out of town.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, s•~s. Fickle
Nays - None
Notion was made by Dom Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
authorize City i'Ianager to take applications for a fireman.
Owasso City Council
February 6, 1979
Page Six
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Ms. Fickle
Nays - None
Being no further business before the Owasso City Council,
Chair recessed at 9:15 PM, with City Council to reconvene on
Monday, at 2:30 PM, to further discuss and possibly take action
on the trash situation.
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