HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.01.02_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, January 2, 1979, the Owasso City Council met in
regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice
of Public Meeting and Agenda, referenced and made a part here-
Present: Bill Williams, Mayor
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
Don Thompson, Councilman (Arrived at 7:09 PM)
Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Ron Grimes, Councilman
Wayne ~'Ieyer, City Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney (Arrived at 7:17 PM)
Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P~~, with Mayor Williams
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the
Owasso Reporter on December 28, 1978, and by reference made a
part hereof.
1. Approve minutes of December 19, 1978, meeting
2. Approve Warrants for Payment
3. Approve Fire Run Contract with Farmers Insurance;
Property Owner Wayne Bennett
4. Approve Resolution 79-01 Appointing Mayor Williams to
INCOG Board of Directors, and Wayne Meyer as Alter-
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Wayne T'Ieyer advised Council that Warrant 1430 to Dee's Uniform
in the amount of $30.48 is to be pulled from the list and will
be an agenda item January 16th. He explained this is an old
bill just presented to the City and, since it is past the
statutes of limitation for 1977-1978, it needs to be paid out
of the current year which requires special approval. Mrs.
Fickle questioned Warrant 799 to Wal-~'Iart for $205.22 and Mr.
iKeyer explained it is an SX70 Sonar camera, which includes the
film, flash bars and carrying case. Wal-Mart gave the City a
ten percent discount. The camera is to be used by all depart-
i~IotiorL was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve additional warrants for payment, and by reference made
a-part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle, with
Mrs. Fickle abstaining on Warrants 793 and 794.
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
January 2, 1979
Page Two
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve Cash Fund Estimate of Needs and Request for Appropria-
tion, Street and Alley Fund, in the amount of $6,405.69.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Discussion on trash was continued from previous meeting to
this evening. Mrs. Fickle, reading trash complaint call sur-
vey, questioned the number of calls from Three Lakes directly
after last Council. Mr. Sallee said he wanted to complain
about cans without bottoms and asked if he should notify City
Hall or the customer. ~~ayor Williams advised telling custo-
mer. Mr. Sallee explained to Council the reason he could not
finish his trash route on New Year's Day was because of the
dump being closed and he couldn't pick up additional loads as
his trucks were full. Mr. Sallee said the problem with Ken-
tucky Fried Chicken is they are not closing their container
lid; Pizza Hut did some extra cleaning out and had extra trash;
Skate Ranch is only picked up when the bin is full as they are
only paying $20.00 a month. Boyd Spencer asked Mr. Sallee if `
he sets his own prices on businesses and Mr. Sallee replied
yes, after being picked up for a month he determines the vol-
ume and number of pickups required, then advises the City of
the amount to bill.
In regard to purchasing Fire Department vehicle, two bids were
received, both being from Bradley Chevrolet. These bids were
as follows:
1979 Chevrolet Impala Wagon - $5,873.20
1979 Chevrolet Malibu Wagon - $5,459.11
Chief Chase recommended the smaller car, the P~Talibu. It was
asked by Mrs. Fickle if we checked with the other dealers as
to why they did not bid, and Mr. Meyer said no, that is not
our normal procedure but we could do that in the future if so
desired. Don Thompson stated he did not think that was always
necessary but we should when we receive only one bid, as he
wonders why we do not get better response. Mr. Thompson said
"it just says something's the matter and I would like to know
what that matter is". Mrs. Fickle stated she has talked to
Howard Chevrolet herself and was told when they could bid they
would be happy to. ~e~
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve purchase of a 1979 Chevrolet Malibu Wagon, as bid by
Owasso City Council
January 2, 1979
Page Three
Bradley Chevrolet in the amount of $5,459.11, and by reference
made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Mr. Stephen W. Boyle of Boyle and Associates was present to
answer any questions Council might have regarding his bid for
Uti1_ity Billing Program software, Don Thompson said he had a
very basic question he would like to ask, that being, he under-
stands the base bid of $12,000.00 but not the retainer of
$250.00 per month. Mr. Boyle said that the retainer would be-
in after the initial three billing periods guaranteed in the
12,000.00 bid. Then, if the City chose to hire him on the
$250.00 retainer, the City would only be charged for services
each month that exceed the $250.00. Mr. Thompson then asked
what additional charges there would be. Mr. Boyle said none
whatsoever as the City will have three months support with the
$12,000.00 then the retainer begins. Ron Grimes questioned if
the City did hire him on a retainer would it need to be for a
certain length of time. 'fir. Boyle answered no, the City could
terminate the retainer agreement at any time.
Mr. Boyle commented that if the City wants a package program
it would have to be supplied by another vendor. Mr. i~eyer
said the Burroughs utility billing package is $3,500.00, but
if and when we make changes and additions to the program that
Burrough's will charge us $350.00 per day plus expenses and we
would have to wait until the technician could arrive here from
Dallas. Mr. Boyd told Council he has three people on his
staff and he cannot remember not responding to a call by the
next morning. Mr. Boyle said they do respond to emergency
calls in the middle of the night but, on problems that could
be handled during the normal work day, it would be preferred.
`fir. Boyle further commented that if they have done their job
properly in the beginning we should not have to call them
after those first three months and said he really did doubt
we would need him on retainer as he has no other clients on
retainer. Mr. Boyle did emphasize though that the City will
need a lot of help those first three months since this is our
first exposure with a computer. Mr. Boyle advised Council he
guarantees his services unconditionally and we would not be
rendered a bill for a problem in the programming. Mr. Grimes
commented if we go with the Burrough's we do need to consid-
er the cost of sending a man from Dallas to Tulsa each time
he is needed.
Owasso City Council
January 2, 1979
Page Four
Mr. Charney asked Mr. Boyle how many people he recommended
training. Tyr. Boyle said two, but Burroughs would train our
people who will be operating the computer and Boyle will train
others working with the software portion of it. Ron Grimes
asked Mr. Boyle if in his software program if he wrote pro-
grams to help the maintenance people to which Mr. Boyle said
no, but they always work with those people when they can.
Wayne Meyer said with what we want to achieve for the City he
recommended going with the custom program and then going for
bid for budgetary accounting and payroll programs. When Mr.
Meyer was questioned as to when the budgetary and payroll
would go onto the computer he replied the machine is due to
arrive sometime in March and to make basic programs on line
by April 1, then give three months to run program to July 1 to
get bugs worked out and at the same time we would be prepar-
ing to make the transistion for the new fiscal year at July 1.
Mr. Grimes commented what bothers him is that if the City does
approve this utility billing program from Boyle we are more or
less tying ourselves to Boyle and, if he had a mind to, which
is not being assumed he would, he could come back with an out-
of-line package the next time. i~r. Boyle said he did not see ~"
why it would influence Burrough's as he personally felt they
would still want to bid on the other packages even though they
did not receive the utility billing program.
;fir. Thompson asked how would Burrough's train our personnel
for Boyle's software program. Mr. Boyle answered they don't,
he does. He further explained it is a two-level training pro-
gram; Burrough's training for just understanding the machine
and how it works, and Boyle training for the application of
the software. Mr. Thompson said he still does not understand
how you can learn to operate the machine without having the
software program to train with at the time of initial train-
Boyd Spencer said when we were talking about the programing
five or six months back he understood the package we would
get from Burrough's would serve our needs for the next two or
three years. Mr. Grimes answered that Burrough's would serve
our needs now, iKayor Williams said the Burrough's package is
not as long range as Boyle's and, although he does not person-
ally know anything about computers, he can see where we possi-
bly would be better going with the custom program. It was
asked by Don Thompson how long it will take to write the bud-
getary and payroll program. Mr. Boyle said he would estimate
three months and it might be difficult to just alter a present
program since city and business concepts are so different.
Don Thompson said he would like to impress on the Council that
if we go with this package we would not have sufficient time
Owasso City Council
January 2, 1979
Page Five
to go for bid for the next packages. Mr. Boyle said should
the City give him subsequent work we could put in the contract
that if we are not satisfied with first package the City would
be under no obligation for future paclages.
motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve computer software bid in the amount of $12,000.00 from
Boyle and Associates for utility billing program.
Ayes - 1°7essrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Approving Resolution for Notice of Elections and Certification
was passed to January 16, 1979, meeting.
~~otion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle,
for City Manager to attend 23rd Annual Short Course for Pro-
fessional City Administrators at OSU on January 10-12.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to speed signs in Three Lakes, Mayor Williams said
he would not mind seeing 25 MPH speed limit in all residential
areas. City Attorney commented you have to keep your traffic
moving and you might be asking for trouble with 25 MPH and,
with the city growing as it is, it might slow the traffic down
through the City. Mayor Williams said he disagreed, as he
would like to see the people slowed down. Mr. Ralph Parker
from Three Lakes presented Council a letter requesting 35 MPH
be lowered to 25 :KPH and be posted at the three existing en-
trances to Three Lakes, and every three to four blocks there-
after. `hrs. Fickle commented the City Attorney had a valid
point as to arterial street flow. Mrs. Fickle asked Mr. Parker
if he understood the necessity of arterial traffic flow on
feeder streets. i~r. Parker said yes, but he did not believe
it would be a problem if it is really not a main street. Mr.
Grimes asked Mr. Parker if the Property Owners Association made
a survey of all the residents to see if this is what they all
want, not just the Association Board of Directors. Mr. Parker
said they did not go door by door but Board of Directors re-
present to the Board approximately twelve homes. Mr. Grimes
said maybe a larger number of owners might come back to Coun-
cil and say they did not want the 25 MPH, then we would have
another problem. Mayor Williams directed City Attorney to pre-
pare a resolution to be adopted at the January 16, 1979, City
Council meeting, establishing a 35 MPH speed limit in all the
Owasso City Council
January 2, 1979
Page Six
residential areas, unless
indicating exceptions to
Owasso City Council.
otherwise posted, with ordinance
the 35 MPH to be approved by the
In regard to the Elm Creek streets, Mayor Williams advised
Council he contacted Emulco and the repairs were to be made
by this Council meeting and, although it wasn't done because
of the snow and ice, he feels it will still be done. Don
Thompson requested it be passed to January 16th meeting,
after weater has cleared up.
In regard to approving personnel actions, after discussing if
this item should be worked out in a work session or an Execu-
tive Session, it was decided it should be an Executive Ses-
sion due to the time involved needed for this consideration.
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
go into Executive Session following adjournment of Owasso Pub-
lic Works Authority meeting this evening.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, ~~rs. Fickle
Nays - None
Mrs. Fickle asked if Council still plans to go to Coffeyville
or El Reno to see the Poly-Kart trash system. Mr, i2eyer felt
it would be better to view El Reno's. Council set a tentative
date to go to El Reno for January 9th.
Boyd Spencer asked the status of Villa Village and ~Ir. ~~eyer
advised we sent a letter and are preparing to reset the meter.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
file civil action against Mr. Frederick Burger d/b/a Villa
Village Trailer Park, and charging him for all damages.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Mayor Williams recessed Owasso City Council at 8:44 PM.
Mayor Williams reconvened Owasso City Council at 8:46 Pi'I and
immediately went into Executive Session to discuss personnel