HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.12.19_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, December 19, 1978, the O~~aasso City Council met in
regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice
of Public Meeting and Agenda, referenced and made apart here-
Present: Bill Williams, Mayor
Boyd Spencer , Vice ~'Iayor
Don Thompson, Councilman
Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Ron Grimes, Councilman
Wayne Meyer, City Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney
Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:~J1 Pik, with Mayor Williams
~~otion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the
Owasso Reporter on December 14, 1978, and by reference made a
part hereof.
1. Approve Minutes of December 5, 1978, Meeting
2. Approve Warrants for Payment
3. Approve Fire Run Contract with American National Pro-
perty and Casualty; Property Owner Jimmy Joe Reynolds
4. Approve Fire Run Contract with Oklahoma Farmers Union
Insurance Company; Property Owner Jerry and Marlene
Ayes - .'Iessrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, i~Zrs. Fickle,
with Mrs. Fickle abstaining on Warrants 682, 683 and 684.
Mays - None
Item 2, Approve Additional Warrants for Payment, was delayed
until Mr. ~1cGill arrived in order to explain several warrants.
In regard to the Public Hearing on the Nuisance at 210 East 1st
Avenue, Fire Chief Chase inspected the building and said the
inside has been cleaned up but the building is old and it does
need considerable work, but at this time it is not a fire haz-
ard. T'Iel Williams, owner of the property, advised City Council
he is still negotiating a deal to dispose of the property and
will still be working on it as he has time. Mayor Williams
stated he has seen the property and it does look better. _~ayor
Williams directed tine problem be worked out between ~•Zr. Williams
and Chief Chase and that Mr. Williams keep it up as well as he
George Strella, City Engineer, was present to discuss readver-
tising for bids for six pressure reducing valves and water
line extention. ~~r. Thompson asked if the City will do it or
are we going to have someone do the work. Mayor Williams said
Owasso City Council
December 19, 1978
Page Two
we will have someone do it because it will take some "know
how" to do it and would rather go out for bid for the labor.
Mr. Thompson asked if we have gone out totally for Graceland
Acres and Mr. Strella replied that two bids are out. `fir.
Thompson suggested that this pressure reducing valves project
be tied in with the Graceland Acres project. Mayor Williams
asked ~~r. Strella if they could be tied together and Mr.
Strella replied yes.
Bud Sallee notified City Clerlc late in the afternoon he would
not be present for the discussion on trash service as he was
running late on pickups and would have to work that night.
Tyr. Thompson reported to Council that he had been in touch
with two private contractors in Tulsa. One said very little.
The other said he had been invited to bid in July when the
City went out for bid but he did not bid as he did not have
the equipment or manpower to do the job. He said he would
consider taking a portion of our City and split it between
three contractors. Mr. Thompson questioned him about fees and
he told Mr. Thompson that was their biggest hassle collecting
fees and he thought our rate schedule was quite fair and he
could make money at it. He gave indication he would like to
bid on the contract again but suggested City put it out for
bid soon enough for him to look for equipment and men. He
charges $6.00 in Tulsa due to his route being so spread out
but would be $4.50 in Owasso. A citizen from Three Lakes asked
why he had to pay for garbage collection and then not receive
the service. When '~ayor Williams asked if the service had im-
proved in the last two weeks, the citizen replied it was just
acceptable. Robbie Fickle commented she felt the Poly-Kart
Curbside Waste Collection System would be an excellent thing
to check into. A proposal from Poly-Kart was included in City
Council packets and they propose they could do our town with
two trucks and five men and they would do the billing and col-
lecting themselves. They further proposed this service would
be $5.50 per month and possibly $4.50 if residents purchased
the containers. Boyd Spencer questioned if that service would
be curbside or houseside and Wayne Meyer said it could be
either, Tyr. Thompson stated he would like Council to go to
Coffeyville, Kansas, unannounced to observe this type of ser-
vice. Mayor Williams commented if the City could just get our
service back where it was he would be happy. Another Three
Lakes citizen questioned why competitive trash service is not
allowed in Owasso. Wayne T~eyer answered that it would not be
profitable to a hauler in Owasso due to our size and our ord-
inance reads an exclusive franchise for that reason. Don
Thompson said the hauler he talked with said a one year con- '"'~""
tract is not unreasonable and could get any equipment needed
in six weeks. A private contractor in the meeting asked how
many houses are in Owasso and Mr. Meyer told him we send out
Owasso City Council
December 19, 1978
Page Three
2,000 bills which includes businesses. This contractor stated
in eight 1_zours he hauls 300 houses at $6.00 per month. Mr.
Thompson asked this contractor if he felt $4.50 was a reason-
able figure and the hauler replied no, he could not haul it
for $4.50 that it would have to be at least $5.00. It was
suggested by Don Thompson that after we look at the Poly-Kart
service to put out an opinion poll mailing to the citizens.
City Attorney suggested getting opinions from other City Man-
ager's that have their cities on this type of service. :~ayor
Williams directed City Clerk to place on the January 2 agenda
additional discussion on trash as he wants to get the best
service we can on $4.50 a month for the City.
Item 2 of the agenda, Approve Additional Warrants for Payment,
was discussed at this point as Arnnie McGill arrived. Don
Thompson questioned Warrant 732 to Industrial Solvents in the
amount of $737.25. i~Ir. McGill said he uses this solvent in
the lagune and in the sewer lines in the winter to dissolve
grease. ~~r. Thompson also questioned Warrant 19 to Industrial
Solvents in the amount of $872.52. Mr, i~cGil1 said it is used
to make new asphalt bond to old asphalt. :~Ir. Spencer ques-
tioned Warrant 723 to Mansur-Daubert-Williams in the amount of
$1,261.80. Mayor Williams said this had been authorized at a
previous Council meeting for long range water needs.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle., to
approve additional warrants for payment, and by reference made
a part hereof.
Ayes - ;lessrs. Williams, Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
;Mike Nemura with Baptist Children's Nome was present to request
waiver of 700 feet of water line extention. Mr. Nemura showed
Council a plat explaining where there is no planned development
in the immediate future in the area where they are requesting
the waiver. Mr. Nemura explained they are actually not asking
for a waiver of their requirement to install this 700 feet of
T,aater line but are requesting an extention of time on complet-
ing the installation. Mr. Nemura further explained it would
be difficult at t'_nis time to acquire the additional $15,000.00
needed for the line and felt that particular expense was un-
justified at this time. Robbie Fickle asked "Ir. Nemura how
long a time did he conceive it would be until they would plat
that area. ~1r. Nemura replied several years and at that time
they would have the funds from Baptist General Convention,
owners of the property. Mayor Williams asked i~Ir. Nemura if
the City decided to waive the water line extention, tizen decided
it was needed before they were ready to develope that area,
Owasso City Council
December 19, 1978
Page Four
would they put it in at the time the City requested it. T•Zr.
Nemura replied yes, if they had the funds, which the General
Convention would probably be in a position to provide. iZr.
Nemura commented he felt certain the Convention would be will-
ing to sign an agreement that they would comply with the ex-
tention at the time the City would request same. The T~'Iayor
commented he hated for the City to vary from a policy, which
is what that request would constitute. Robbie Fickle said it
isn't a question of doubting their integrity, but a question
of deviating from City policy. ~•7ayor Williams also commented
the City would not even consider their request if it tied into
a loop system, but this particular area did not. Ron Grimes
stated he did not mind a waiver as such for a period of time
but then all the other contractors would be asking for the
same waiver consideration from the City and he was concerned
with setting a precedent. Don Thompson stated he felt the
same way, but he actually did not see why a waiver for a per-
iod of time was necessary as they were not asking for a waiver
but just asking for a little more time for the installation.
City Attorney advised City Council that he sees no action is
required on this request as actually the Baptist Children's
Home is not requesting a complete waiver of the water line but
just advising City it will be completed in the second phase of
their construction.
Notion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
deny Baptist Children's Home request for a waiver of 700 feet
of water line extention, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, ~~rs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to approving Ordinance 241 to Vacate Sewer Easement
in the alley between East Second Avenue and East Third Avenue,
T•7r. T~IcGill explained to Council it has actually been vacated
for many years, perhaps 15 years, and we just need the legal
papers on same.
:'lotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve Ordinance 241 to vacate sewer easement in the alley
between East Second Avenue and East Third Avenue, and by ref-
erence made a part hereof.
Ayes - s~Iessrs. Gilliams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, '`7rs. Fickle
Nays - None
Ralph Parker presented City Council with a letter from Three
Lakes Property Owners Association, Inc., requesting speed
6wasso City Council
December 19, 1978
Page Five
limit signs, street identification signs and school bus signs,
street identification signs and school bus signs throughout the
Three Lakes Addition. City Manager advised homeowners that
the street identification signs will be erected in the immed-
iate future. ?`Mayor Williams advised City would consider signs
requested and it would be followed up.
:'lotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve acceptance of LEAA Juvenile Officer Grant, and by re-
ference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - Mr. Spencer
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer,
to approve Ordinance 243 on Rezoning Application OZ-40, and by
reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, ~~rs. Fickle
flays - None
Abstain - Mr. Williams
:Notion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve emergency clause on Ordinance 243.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
:Jays - None
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
reject all bids submitted for two police cars, and by refer-
ence made a part hereof.
Ayes - ~'lessrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
declare an emergency in that two additional police cars are
needed immediately in order to protect the welfare of the City
of Owasso, according to Police Chief Shaffer, and same cars to
be 1979 Plymouth Volares, not to exceed $5,800.00 each.
Ayes - ~'Iessrs. Williams, Spencer, Thomason, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
December 19, 1978
Page Six
Mayor Williams recessed Owasso City Council at 8:57 Pr7.
Mayor Williams reconvened Owasso City Council at 9:06 Pi~I.
City Manager explained to Council the application for Rural
Community Fire Protection Grant was prepared by City Planner,
Steve Carr, and it allows us to basically go 50/50 up to
$3,000.00 and City Manager and Fire Chief recommends using the
grant entirely for pagers that are badly needed, as present
ones do not work dependably. Chief Chase said the present
Wagers are four years old and are not repairable.
MMotion was made by Don Thomason, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
apply for Rural Community Fire Protection Grant, to be used
for pagers, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
MMotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve Items 14, 15 and 16 of the agenda, and by reference ~.-°
made a part hereof. Those items were:
14. Approve Muutual Cooperation Agreement Between Owasso
Fire Department and Turley Fire Department.
15. Approve ''Mutual Cooperation Agreement Between City of
Owasso and City of Collinsville for Fire Protec-
16. Approve Mutual Cooperation Agreement Between City of
Owasso and City of Sperry for Fire Protection.
Ayes - ?Messrs . ~•lilliams , Spencer, Thomason, Grimes , 'Mrs . Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve appointment of ''Mayor Glilliams to a two year term to
the INCOG Board of Directors with Wayne '`Zeyer as alternate.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Mayor Williams made public acknowledgment of receiving and
filing financial statements.
Owasso City Council
December 19, 1978
Page Seven
Don Thompson asked if this was the meeting Council was to con-
tinue discussion of stop light at Highway 20 and 169. ~Zayor
Williams said the holdup on the stop light is with utility
companies, especially the telephone company, as they require
sixteen weeks of notification before they can pull up their
cables. The maintenance of the stop light was mentioned and
Mayor Williams and Wayne Meyer were in agreement that the City
of 0~:,~asso should not maintain said light.
Ron Grimes questioned the status of liability for City Council
and I'Ir, Meyer reported after applications had been submitted
to agency we have heard nothing.
Mayor Williams reported the streets in Elm C~~e:ek are to be re-
paired by relaying the intersection and fixing some areas.
Boyd Spencer brought up the subject of a water leak between
Cedar and Elm which has had a leak approximately five times
since July. Mayor Williams expressed his opinion that an item
of this nature is administrative day to day business and not
an item for Council meetings. Mr. Spencer commented that some
of these items do not get accomplished if they are not put in-
to a motion at Council. Mr. Spencer also commented that while
he did not blame the City T4anager for this leak not being re-
paired, as the City Manager had no knowledge of same, he did
believe the City Manager should be out observing the City more
iZotion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
direct Arnnie McGill to repair leak between Cedar and Elm.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson
Nays - None
Abstain - Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Fickle
Chair asked for any other new business, and there being none,
Chair adjourned Owasso City Council at 9:40 PM.