HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.12.05_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, December 5, 1978, the Owasso City Council met in
regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice
of Public =Meeting and Agenda, referenced and made a part here-
of .
Present: Bill Williams, ~~7ayor
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
Don Thompson, Councilman
Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Wayne Meyer, City :tanager
Harold Charney, City Attorney (Arrived at 7:55 Pi-7)
Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk
Absent: Ron Grimes, Councilman
The meeting was
Employee of the
'lotion was made
approve Consent
Owasso Reporter
part hereof.
called to order at 7:07 Pl
~7onth Award was presented
by Boyd Spencer, seconded
Agenda items, as follows,
on November 30, 1978, and
T, ~
with 'Iayor Williams
Rosalee Roberts.
Robbie Fickle, to
published in the
reference made a
1. Approve ~'Iinutes of November 21, 1978, 7eeting
2. Approve Warrants for Payment
3. Approve Revised Owasso Community Center Building Use
and Cost Procedures
4. Approve Ordinance 240 for OZ-39, Amending Ordinance
Ayes - S~Tessrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
T1ays - None
:-lotion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve additional warrants for payment and by reference made
a part hereof.
Ayes - :Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, ~''Irs. Fickle, with
Mrs. Fickle abstaining on Warrants 634, 635 and 636.
mays - None
At the November 21, 1978, City Council meeting the discussion
of the present trash service Leas tabled to this meeting in
order to have ~~r. Sallee present. The Council's questions to
Bud Sallee, d/b/a Sallee Trash Service, and his replies are as
Thompson: What are most of the complaint calls you pick un at
City Hall?
Sallee: Mainly houses being missed due to new men on trucks.
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Two
Fickle: Have your personnel problems stabilized?
Sallee: Gradually, but still need one more man.
Fickle: Are you making any effort to built up public rela-
tions with the business people?
Sallee: Yes, I make a ooint to visit with them at least once
a month.
Allsup: School is still having trouble in regard to being
Sallee: I have talked to Dale Johnson and hope this problem
is corrected.
Thompson: Do you have any other interests?
Sallee: I am hauling Sperry and have a man running my Tulsa
Thompson: How many men do you have working in Owasso?
Sallee: Myself plus three other men.
Thompson: You are aware we are having trouble in Owasso and
if you have other businesses I feel it is taking
away from our service and you knew what would be
required when you signed the contract.
Sallee: I was not certain I was under the contract as I just
recently signed it.
Williams: You have been paid all along according to your con-
tract, haven't you?
Sallee: Yes
Thompson: You felt so uneasy about not having signed a final-
ized contract that you invested in another business?
Sallee: Yess
Fickle: You were not aware it was a binding and legal con-
Sallee: I did not know where I stood.
Thompson: What do you want Bud?
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Three
Sallee: Nothing, just wanted you to know I am having trouble
with help and just cannot keen men working. It is
mainly me, my son and my other son that I have had to
take out of school to work and helA us.
Wrester: (Citizen) I do not understand the late service and
at that time of night they can't see and they leave
trash all around.
Fickle: Are you still having trouble with your equipment?
Sallee: Yes
Williams: We do not make money on trash service, in fact, we
lose money, and we really have the headaches with
it but we are bound by ordinances to have trash ser-
vice and that is what we are trying to work out with
you Bud.
Fickle: Have you changed pickup days again recently?
Sallee: Not since going on the six day schedule.
Thompson: I do not personally know what the solution is.
Sallee: Since school started I have had between 15 and 20 men.
Fickle: Why are we missing the schools?
Sallee: My son is suppose to get it and he just forgot it to-
day because he has so much to do.
Fickle: Does your family have antagonistic feelings towards
the City?
Sallee: No, but they do not like the hours it is necessary to
Thompson: Do your men really have any concern about the job
they are doing such as getting all the trash from
the cans to the truck? I have a personal complaint
about that as I have picked up after them myself.
Sallee: Ttze boys take a lot of chewing outs. I can take the
corrections, but really want Council to understand my
Fickle: I read about the waste collection system information
in this Council packet and would like to have it per-
sued furthE~r. (Poly-Kart curbside waste collection.)
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Four
Thompson: Do you know anyone that uses that type of device?
Sallee: Flo, not locally, it is usually used in the larger
Thompson: What is your personal feeling and do you think it
would be a time saver?
Sallee: I would be for anything to speed it up and this would
seem to speed it un.
:~Zeyer: It can be a one man service.
Williams: We have had you for a long time and want to keep
you but for the last month it has come to the point
we have to do something or fire you. The first and
second years of your service were beautiful.
Sallee: At that time it was a one truck service with myself
and son running it and I could guarantee good ser-
vice. The town has now grown to where that is just
Williams: You may have to weed through 20 men to find one
good man. I have to do it all the time in my o~an
Fickle: Are you interested enough in Owasso to really grow
with us and give up your other interests?
Sallee: I would give up all my other service as I am that
interested in Owasso.
Williams: Dorothy (Allsup) log all the calls on trash for the
next month and the type of complaint.
Thompson: To miss a business or residence that has a full
trash can, can be aggravating, especially for a
business as they have no place to put their trash
after the containers are full and you can put a
stop to it or the Council will have to put it to a
Sallee: Some business customers need more than two or three
days service but they don't want to pay for it. The
Tastee Freeze is paying for two days but I pick them
up six days a week.
Fickle: Our personnel spends a lot of time on trash complaint
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Five
Sallee: I am still trying to get a phone in my truck and hope
to have it within thirty days.
Williams: You should not have to pick up trash when you are
not being paid for it and the City should be able
to enforce it.
Sallee: Tree nursery quit and just as glad they did because
he put rocks in his container and kept breaking my
truck down.
Thompson: The business establishments that are not being charged
correctly should be discontinued until they conform.
Sallee: Health Department will not let me do that.
Williams: The City will just increase those business charges
Mayor Williams directed City Clerk to place on the December 19,
1978, Council Agenda the discussion of trash service. At that
time Council will review the trash complaints during the two
week interum. It will be reviewed again at January 2, 1978,
City Council.
In regard to settlement with Oklahoma Civil Defense on audit
discrepancies for the sum of $143.59, it was explained to the
Council that this goes back to 1975 as the contractor did not
comply with wage and hour laws. The contractor is now bank-
rupt and the bonding company is out of time. Don Thompson
commented he had mixed emotions about paying it.
i~Zotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve settlement with Oklahoma Civil Defense on Audit Dis-
crepancies for the sum of $143.59 and add same to December 5th
warrant list, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - .7essrs. Williams, Thompson, firs. Fickle
Nays - ~•ir . Spencer
In regard to resubmitting bids for Fire Chief's car, to be pur-
chased with Revenue Sharing Funds, Wayne Meyer advised City
Council that the specifications had been revised to more rea-
listic requirements and plan to advise bidders that they may
bid on a car on their .lot if none available per exact specifi-
cations. i~r. Spencer questioned why he really needs a car and
~Ir. '~eyer said the vehicle is utilized by Fire Chief and he
keeps it with him at all times and he follows the engine on
fire runs and it is utilized when we have big fires to transfer
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Six
reliefs and used to go to schools for their necessary train-
ing. Mr. Spencer further questioned if the :car ~w~11'_,b_e'.~.her.e .at
City Hall 24 hours a day and Mr. Meyer said no, the Fire chief
takes it home at nights and weekends, i2r. Spencer said that
in other words we are providing him transportation at all
times. Mr. Meyer said yes but it has always been that way.
It was debated among Council if it in fact has always been
that way. ~"Ir. Spencer felt automobiles should be kept here as
tax payers should not have to pay for personal automobile use.
:Don Thompson stated that certain positions in private enter-
prise have always been allowed use of vehicles, i~r. Spencer
asked Mr. Thompson if he felt the Fire Chief should drive our
car to Turley and Tyr. Thompson replied yes. Mr. Meyer stated
that certain Water Department personnel also take trucks home
to answer calls at night. Mr. Spencer commented if they live
in our fence line it would be agreeable but the City should
not pay mileage when they live out of the fence line but should
have one here available to them. Mayor Williams stated the
Fire Chief does need a car and it could be decided at a later
date the policy of taking the car home. Don Thompson expressed
concern about the unit being heavy enough as it will get rough
treatment in rural areas. mayor Williams said our trucks do
not get on too rough rural roads. Mr. Thompson said the stan-
dard front suspension does not look like more than you would
just go out and buy. Mrs. Fickle questioned why it should be
more and T~Ir. Thompson said because of location of fires and he
has seen them take off across pastures. :~ayor Williams com-
mented it has heavy duty brakes and shocks. Mr, Meyer said
the extra suspension would require a special car and that was
our holdup the first time it went out for bid.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
resubmit bids for Fire Chief's car, to be purchased with Re-
venue Sharing funds, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to the approving the rezoning application OZ-40 from
AG to RS3 and CS, City Planner Steve Carr reviewed the appli-
cation and the staff recommendations and cautioned Council to
be concerned with following the Owasso Comprehensive Plan.
Bland Pittman showed a map of the RS3 zoning planned adjacent
to the requested commercial zoning. He expressed his opinion
that in deciding zoning for a particular piece of property,
the property should be considered as to the best use of the
property. He showed on the blackboard an example of why a
convenient commercial area should not be a square arealdue,to
frontage, but should be an elongated area.
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Seven
:Mayor Williams recessed Owasso City Council at 8:54 PM.
Mayor Williams reconvened Owasso City Council at 9:00 PM.
~7otion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to
zone the South 622 feet of the East 350 feet of Section 18,
Township 21, Range 14 East CS and the remainder of property on
rezoning application OZ-40 to RS3, and by reference made a
part hereof.
Ayes - i~essrs. Spencer, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Abstain - Mr. Williams
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve City Treasurer's Bond for $50,000.00.
Ayes - ~'Iessrs. Spencer, Thompson, Williams, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to relocation of Council and Court Czambers, Don
Thompson commented that he did not want to do it and Mrs.
Fickle commented she did not want to do it either and Mr.
Spencer replied he will not do it. Mr. Spencer stated he did
not think it was feasible at this time as he felt we might be
jumping into too much with the downstairs remodeling and felt
we should take a better look at it before making the decision.
He furthur stated we need to do some of these improvements on
the outside such as streets more than on the inside of City
Hall. Council directed City Manager to install computer in
the City Treasurer's office.
In regard to Ordinance 241 Amending Ordinance 131, Vacating
Alley between East Second and East Third, this item was tabled
until Arnnie •7cGill can check it out.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve Ordinance 242 vacating ten feet of certain easements.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
December 5, 1978
Page Eight
Don Thompson commented on getting the street repair promised
in March or April in front of the Biggers property in Elm
Creek. The people were first promised the County would make
the repairs and now we are saying the developer should fix it.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
bring a building moratorium in the Elm Creek addition until
the street problem is corrected and no more building permits
issued if it is not corrected within thirty days.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Tars. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve 1979 schedule of regular meetings.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
TJays - None
Chair asked for any other new business, and there being none,
Chair adjourned Owasso City Council at 10:00 PM.
T~ayor Williams called Owasso City Council back to order at
10:50 PM and immediately recessed to go into Executive Session.
:Mayor Williams reconvened at 10:50 PM.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
increase pay for all City employees, across the board, at five
percent, effective December 16, 1978.
Ayes - T~Tessrs. Williams, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Abstain - Mr. Spencer
Chair adjourned Owasso City Council at 11:05 PM.
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