HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.11.21_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, November 21, 1978, the Owasso City Council met in
regular session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, per Notice
of Public Meeting and Agenda, referenced and made a part here-
Present: Bill Williams, Mayor
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
Don Thompson, Councilman
Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Ron Grimes, Councilman
Wayne Meyer, City Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney
Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM, with Mayor Williams
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the
Owasso Reporter on November 16, 1978, and by reference made a
part hereof.
1. Approve Minutes of November 7, 1978, Meeting
2. Approve Warrants for Payment
3. Approve Fire Run Contract with American General Fire
and Casualty; Property Owner Bobbie and Carolyn
Wils on
4. Approve Fire Run Contract with Commercial Union In-
sura nce; Prop erty Owner John R. Hogan
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve additional warrants for payment, voiding Warrant 569,
on General Fund, in the amount of $1,687.13, payable to i~Ioto-
rola, and reissuing as Warrant 13 on Revenue Sharing.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, ~~rs. Fickle,
with Mrs. Fickle abstaining on Warrants 581 thru 585 and
587 and 588
Nays - None
In regard to the Public Hearing on Nuisance at 210 East 1st
Avenue, i'Ir. Mel Williams, owner of the property, was present.
Mayor Williams advised him it was a Public Hearing and asked
him for his comments. :`del Williams asked that he be advised
just exactly what is the problem. Fire Chief Chase told him
it is a fire hazard. Mel Williams commented he has boarded it
up on several occasions but children have broken it down. He
commented he did not know why they want to break into it nor
how to keep them from it. He further stated he has it listed
Owasso City Council
November 21, 1978
Page Two
with a realtor trying to sell the property and that he does
not want to tear it down, as he feels the structure of the
building is sound. Mayor Williams commented he has again in-
spected the property, and it has been cleaned up some and he
does not feel it looks too badly. ~~ayor Williams directed the
Council members to make a personal inspection of the property.
Don Thompson commented it would make a difference to him per-
sonally if it is cleaned up externally and internally and was
boarded un securely. Mel Williams replied he has boarded it
up before and the boards are pried loose and pad locks torn
off and that the people next door use it for a trash dump.
Mayor Williams felt perhaps it could be boarded up better and
Mel Williams said he has used 2 x 4's and they even break in
with them. Mel Williams stated he can and will haul off the
trash inside. Robbie Fickle asked what time span would it
take him to do that and he said he didnt' know what he could
do at that time. Ron Grimes asked Vernon Chase what it would
take to make it pass a fire inspection and Fire Chief Chase
said it will take more than just boarding it up. Mr. Grimes
asked if trash is removed from inside would it still be a fire
hazard and Vernon Chase said he would just have to inspect it
again after that time to make that decision. ,Mayor Williams
declared a thirty day period for Mel Williams to clean up the
property and get another inspection by the Fire Department.
Mayor Williams directed Public Hearing be continued at the
December 19, 1978, Council meeting. l~el Williams agreed to
these arrangements.
In regard to the Public Hearing on OZ-39 Zoning Application,
Boyd Spencer asked Steve Carr if he understood correctly that
the application for RM2 zoning was not in agreement with the
Owasso Comprehensive Plan. Steve Carr said that was correct
and that the Owasso Comprehensive Plan would allow zoning up
to RM1 Medium Intensity which was recommended by the Planning
Commission. Mayor Williams asked Bob Randolph for comments
and Mr. Randolph had none. Mayor Williams asked for citizens
comments and they had none.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
deny OZ-39 Zoning Application for RM2 Zoning, and by reference
made a Aart hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
zone OZ-39 Zoning Application as RS3.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Owasso City Council
November 21, 1978
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Nays - Don Thompson
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve Code Blue Billing Policy to be flat charge of $85.00
plus $1.00 per load mile witiz no charge if person dies in route
to hospital or emergency room, and by reference made a part
Ayes - ~Zessrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to landscaping the City Hall Complex, it was men-
tioned that pine trees are very difficult to grow in this area
and Mayor Williams recommended another tree such as redbuds be
planted to replace the dead trees.
?lotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to ap-
prove Maintenance Contract with Richards Landscaping for the
City Hall Complex, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - :Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to acceptance of the computer bid from Burroughs,
Council was concerned about just how much more was going to
have to be spent over and above the actual computer bid. Wayne
Meyer stated other anticipated costs would be the air condit-
ioning, an isolation transformer at approximately $1,500.00
and the necessary paper forms. Boyd Spencer commented what
bothers him is that, although he was glad to have an opportun-
ity to see the computer in operation in Tahlequah, he is con-
cerned that we do not need it as they do, as they bill for
water, sewer, trash, electric and gas. Mr. Meyer replied we
have water, sewer, trash, accounting, payroll and police re-
cords. After some discussion that other cities our size are
not on computer, Reed Flinn with Burroughs stated that the
cities of Collinsville, Skiatook and i~annford are on this com-
puter or a smaller model. After discussion of method of pay-
ment for computer, Don Thompson asked Mr. Flinn if cash money
would talk and Tyr. Flinn replied the bid was at a cash price.
Burroughs said the City could have a choice to two payment
methods; one for cash, the other a three year lease/purchase
agreement at five percent interest. Ron Grimes felt since we
are drawing approximately nine percent interest on the money
appropriated for the computer it would be wiser money manage-
ment to take it on a lease/purchase for three years. :fir.
Thompson was concerned about not spending the appropriated
money soon enough, as Revenue Sharing money must be spent in
Owasso City Council
November 21, 1978
Page Four
a certain period of time. Mr. Meyer said he would certainly
control that and the oldest appropriated Revenue Sharing money
would be used first.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve bid proposal for Burroughs B800 Series Computer, with
4.5 M Bytes Dual Cartridge Disk Drive, excluding the applica-
tion software proposal of $7,270.00, for a total package of
$84,852.10, on a three year lease/purchase agreement, and by
reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - done
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve giving notice to bidders to submit bids for applica-
tion software programs for use on Burroughs B800 Series Com-
puter, with bid opening December 28, 1978, at 10:00 AM.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
flays - None
In regard to Federal Funding Assistance for GSA Type Ambulance
Wayne Meyer explained to Council that money was set aside at
one time in the budget for another ambulance but that money
was transferred into another department for equipment pur-
chases. Ron Grimes asked if we would need to install addi-
tional equipment in the new ambulance and Mr. Meyer advised it
would have the basic equipment. When asked how it would be
staffed, :'Ir. Meyer said by volunteer people. Robbie Fickle
commented she had reservations about volunteer people to which
Mr. Meyer replied they would have to be certified.
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to ap-
prove Contract with Highway Safety Office to apply for Federal
Funding Assistance for GSA Type Ambulance.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to work area improvements in the Police Department,
Chief Lloyd Shaffer advised City Council that on at least four
occasions the Police have had to bring in prisioners to a non-
secure area while citizens were present in the area, such as
during Court, City Council meetings and during weather alerts.
Boyd Spencer asked Chief Shaffer just how many felons he does
Owasso City Council
November 21, 1978
Page Five
bring in to which Chief Shaffer replied there have been fifty
during the last month period.
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve City Manager's recommendations for building improve-
ments for the Communications and Police Department area in the
basement of City Hall, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - T~essrs. Williams, Thompson, Grimes
Nays - None
Abstain - Mr. Spencer and T~Zrs. Fickle
Police Chief Shaffer was present to discuss with City Council
the reason for his request for bullet proof vests. He stated
that it was predicted that 1,000 policemen will be shot in the
next year. Boyd Spencer was concerned if the vests would be
worn or if they would be in the back seats of the patrol cars.
Chief Shaffer advised he would issue a general order that they
will be worn.
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve purchase of twelve Second Chance bullet proof vests
for the Police Department at approximately $1,100.00 total
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve transfer of Funds, General Fund, 1978-1979.
Ayes - T~essrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Consideration of proposed trash pick-up changes was put on the
Agenda, as Council had a work session on same the previous
night. Mayor Williams stated Council does not know what to do
at this time and are trying to decide what changes to make.
Robbie Fickle stated she had received complaints about the
late night trash pickups. It was commented that we did not
receive bids c~~hen it was put out for bid for two reasons; one,
most trash services would not bid on a one-year contract due
to the capital investment that would have to be made; and,
two, the City did not charge enough for the trash service.
Several councilpeople commented about not wanting the City to
get involved in City owned trash service. Don Thompson then
Owasso City Council
November 21, 1978
Page Six
mentioned the possibility of the City purchasing a trash truck
and leasing it back to the trash hauler which would reduce his
capital expenses. That brought up the question of what would
maintenance and up-keep cost the City and would the trucks be
severely abused by a lessee. It was also mentioned to give
free bags to the citizens and going back to curb side service
which would not require as much personnel for trash hauler.
Robbie Fickle expressed her puzzlement as to why all the good
service in the past years and now such a poor service. Mayor
Williams tabled trash discussion to the December 5, 1978,
meeting, at which time it will be requested Mr. Sallee be
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Ron Grimes, to
approve City Manager's absence to attend National League of
Cities Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, November 25th thru
November 30, 1978.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, ?hrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Don Thompson requested City Manager to make a list of proposed
meetings he plans to attend the next year.
motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Don Thompson, to
table Tri County Employment and Training Authority Title VI
Grant for four employees for the Street Department, to an
unspecified date, and go out for bid for labor to do this pro-
Ayes - ?~essrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Don Thompson told Council about a play park in Pawhuska that
is next to a museum. He asked Council to take a look at it if
they are in Pawhuska as he recommends using BOR money for a
similar park at Rayola, Elm Creek, etc. Mayor Williams said
we need to call a Park Board meeting to discuss it.
Harold Charney advised Council that the decision regarding
the OUA Rural Water District has been reversed and now the
Migstrate has concluded that we are imnaring their ability
to repay their obligation to the Federal Government. Mayor
Williams directed City Attorney to determine if we annex any
additional areas can we service them.
Owasso City Council
November 21, 1978
Page Seven
Don Thompson stated he drove through Elm Creek and he felt the
mud situation was horrendous. Mayor Williams commented it
would be very hard to control and too many trucks come and go
from different companies.
Mayor Williams brought to Council's attention Mr. Meyer had
requested to be paid additional salary while on both jobs as
City Manager and City Treasurer.
motion was made by Ron Grimes to pay both salaries for 3/4 of
a month.
No vote taken due to lack of a second.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
pay Wayne Meyer a flat appreciation amount of $500.00 for the
interum period while he was City Manager and City Treasurer.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Grimes, `hrs. Fickle
Nays - Mayor Williams
Abstain - Boyd Spencer
Chair asked for any further new business and there being none,
Chair adjourned Owasso City Council at 9:41 Pi-2.