HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.11.07_City Council MinutesOn Tuesday, November 7, 1978, the Owasso City Council met in
regular session, in the Owasso Community Center at City Hall
Complex, per Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda, referenced
and made a part hereof.
(Due to difficulties with the voting equipment, Council had to
conduct meeting at Community Center as we could not use the
Council Chambers.)
Present: Bill Williams, Mayor
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
Don Thompson, Councilman
'Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Ron GErimes, Councilman
Wayne Meyer, City Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney
Wauhilleau Webb, City Clerk
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 PM, with'i"payor Williams
Mayor Williams presented the Employee of the Month Award to
Linda Green, and EMT, from the Ambulance Department.
Mayor Williams also made a presentation on behalf of the City
to Thomas B. Baines, past City Manager, in recognition of his
service to the City.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, pulling Item 4, as
published in the Owasso Reporter on November 2, 1978, and by
reference made a part hereof.
1. Approve Minutes of October 17, 1978, Meeting
2. Approve Minutes of October 24, 1978, Public Hearing
3. Approve Warrants for Payment
5. Approve Appointment of Lorraine Mallory a:~ Deputy
City Treasurer
6. Approve Appointment of Merrilyn Merchant as Deputy
City Clerk
7. Approve Resolution 78-26 Requesting Release of Funds
and Complete Environmental Review for Water Dis-
tribution Waterline Improvement Program Under HUD
8. Approve Ftire Run Contract with State Farm Fire and
Casualty, Property Owner Gene King
9. Approve Fire Run Contract with Allstate Insurance,
Property Owner Daniel Giuseppone
10. Approve Resolution 78-27 Establishing Trash Fees
11. Approve Emergency Clause on Resolution 78-27 Estab-
lishing Trash Fees
Owasso City Council
November 7, 1978
Page Two
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, P•Zrs. Fickle,
with Mtrs.~F~ckle abstaining on Item 3, Warrants 468 and
Nays - None
Item 4 of the Consent Agenda, which was pulled to be tabled to
a later unspecified time, is Approve Right-of-Way, Public Util-
ity and Encroachment Agreement and~R~solution with Department
of Transportation for Improvements and Traffic Signals at High-
way 169 and Highway 20.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve Items 2 through 10, as follows, of the Agenda, and by
reference made a part hereof:
2. Approve Minutes of October 31, 1978, Public Hearing
on Owasso Comprehensive Plan for 1978-2000
3. Approve Additional Warrants for Payment
4. Approve Acceptance of Owasso Comprehensive Plan for
5. Approve Resolution 78-28 Adopting Owasso Comprehen-
sive Plan for 1978-2000
6. Approve Declaring Mimeograph Machine as Surplus
7. Approve Declaring Civil Defense 1974 Mercury Montego
as Surplus Property
8. Approve Declaring Park Department 1964 GMC Pickup as
Surplus Property
9. Approve Transfer of Funds for General Fund 1978-1979.
10. Approve City Treasurer be Designated as Acting City
Manager in City Manager's Absence and City Clerk
be Designated as Acting City Manager in Absence of
City Manager and City Treasurer
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
As our Emergency Medical Technicians are now certified to
handle Code Blue cases, Charles Mallory, Director of the EMT
services, asked for City Council's direction on rates to be
charged for these services, and also the policy to be used on
charging said rates to the families of DOA's and DAS's. Mr.
Mallory was asked by Councilman Thompson what he recommends.
Mr. Mallory said a flat fee of $50.00 if patient survives Alus
a $35.00 load-up fee, plus $1.00 per mile transportation fee.
Don Thompson said it is his feeling that City Council should
not establish fees but should approve or disapprove the actual
recommended fee. Mayor Williams directed Charles Mallory to
Owasso City Council
November 7, 1978
Page Three
establish fees for the Code Blue cases and then present to the
City Council for approval at the November 21, 1978, meeting.
The opening of the bids for the computer was held at 2:00 PM
in the City Managers office, on November 7, 1978. One bid was
received, that being from Burroughs Corporation. Burroughs
bid was as follows:
B800 Model with Cartridge Drive - $92,022.10
B800 Model with Magnetic Tape would be an additional
Mr. Reed Flinn with Burroughs Corporation was present. Coun-
cil questioned Mr. Flinn regarding necessary personnel train-
ing. Mr. Flinn said it would require three days training for
the budgetary personnel, three days training for the utility
personnel and five days training for the payroll personnel.
The actual operator training would be for an additional five
days. He stated that the three/three/five days departmental
training could be the same person or several people, but it
should be the lead person in each area. Mrs. Fickle asked why
payroll requires more training and Mr. Fll.inn said due to taxes
and the many reporting forms required for payroll. Mr. Thomp-
son asked Mr. Flinn how long after training would Burroughs
"hold our hand" and Mr. Flinn replied that if any additional
in-house training should be needed after initial training it
would be $225.00 per day, which includes expenses. Ron Grimes
questioned if the computer was down for a while would there be
a back-up system available during the interum period. Mr.
Flinn said there would be two sources available to us. City
Council asked if they could see the same system in operation.
Mr. Flinn said yes, and he suggested going to Tahlequah which
has their water department on this computer. When questioned
about room temperature necessary and size of room, ~Ir. Flinn
said the temperature should be at 70° and 75° year around,
with a minimum back up air conditioner of three ton. The room
should be 12 x 12 or 12 x 16. Electrical should be 220 and
recommended having an isolation transformer, which is not part
of the bid package. Mr. Thompson asked what euuipment damage
would occur to system if heat or air conditioning would go out.
Mr. Flinn advised none except weakening of components if the
unit continued to run about 80% for any length of time. Mrs.
Fickle questioned how long it would take uninformed personnel
to become acquainted with equipment and Mr. Flinn said 60 to
90 days. Mrs. Fickle also asked if the computer would in-
crease or decrease the number of personnel. Mr. Flinn stated
it would increase the efficiency of personnel but did not com-
ment on number of personnel. Mr. Flinn commented that Owasso
is the only city he knows still putting out water bills by
Owasso City
November 7,
Page Four
hand. City
system in o
until after
Council informed Mr.
aeration and postpone
that time.
Flinn they want to see the
decision on accepting bid
In regard to the vacant building at 210 East 1st Avenue,
Mayor Williams personally inspected the property and declared
it a public nuisance. He directed property owners to be not-
ified and a public hearing be held. Fireman Hastings advised
the Mayor that the owners had been notified over a year ago
that it was a hazard to the public.
Mayor Williams recessed the Owasso City Council at 8:28 PM.
Mayor Williams reconvened the Owasso City Council at 8:34 PM.
In regard to the consideration of Zoning Application OZ-39
from an AG zoning to a RM2 zoning, there were many citizens
present to oppose this zoning change. Those that addressed
the Owasso City Council opposing this zoning application and
their comments are as follows:
Elden Winslow, 209 North Elm Place, Owasso, Oklahoma:
He stated his purpose was not to keep Mr. Fry from sell-
ing the property but to protect his own property. He
said when Mr. Fry built next to Forrest Drive, Second
Street was opened into his property and this road would
be used probably as an access road into the apartments
and will compound the present drainage problem. Mr.
Winslow stated that he felt he was used in opening that
road up in the first place. He asked City Council to
deny request for RM2 zoning.
Larry D. Workman, 504 East Third, Owasso, Oklahoma:
Mr. Workman said his major objection is taxes; that pro-
perty owners pay taxes, not apartment residents. He said
as he sees it apartment residents generate very little
money into the community. He was also concerned with the
depreciation of all types of apartments and based his
knowledge of this rapid depreciation on his experience in
being in apartment maintenance. He objected to multi-
family dwellings.
Mary Cook, 605 East Third Street, Owasso, Oklahoma:
Mrs. Cook stated she would like to see this property be
zoned to a lesser intensity where apartments would not be
built, as she does not want to pay higher taxes because
of these apartments. She requested that the approval of
this zoning application be negative.
Owasso City Council
November 7, 1978
Page Five
Kathy Bennett, 604 E. Third Street, Owasso, Oklahoma:
Her main objection is that the school is already over-
crowded and also that her property will back up next to
the proposed apartments. She stated "I am against it".
R. E. Bell, 602 East Third Street, Owasso, Oklahoma:
His main concern was with taxes. He felt he would be
asked to pay more taxes where there are more apartments.
He was also concerned with adding to the present drainage
problem. He stated he works for the Highway Department
and he knows that if the property is covered up with
asphalt that draining will go to the ditches where there
is already flooding problems.
Joe Shieldnight, 503 East Third, Owasso, Oklahoma:
His main objection is taxes as in his opinion Owasso pays
the highest taxes of any other school district in Okla-
homa, and apartments would mean an even higher tax rate
next year.
Don Palmer, 307 North Elm Street, Owasso, Oklahoma.
Mr. Palmer commented that he had several concerns. 1)
The flood water that snakes through this property. 2)
Schools, as Barnes' classes have been cut due to over-
crowding. 3) Taxes. 4) Lack of proper access. 5) Util-
ities, as on occasion they lose electrical and telephone
service due to heavy usage.
The two citizens present to speak for the zoning application
and their comments are as follows:
Bob B. Randolph, 303 East 14th, Owasso, Oklahoma:
Explained that these apartments would be nice one and two
bedroom apartments and would not create as many children
in the schools as house and duplexes. He stated from his
personal knowledge it is his opinion that the apartments
will not affect the resale value of the homes in the sur-
rounding area.
Jim Lambert, 304 North Elm Street, Owasso, Oklahoma:
Mr. Lambert stated that taxes do not concern this prop-
erty, nor will it affect the schools, as Owasso is going
to grow regardless of this proposed apartment complex.
He said that the access into the apartments would be
Second Street only.
Mrs. Fickle felt City Council should be advised by City Attor-
ney in regard to the legal remifications. Mr. Charney said
yes, there were a few legal questions. He stated there would
be a problem with the Supreme Court if we used the schools to
Owasso City Council
November 7, 1978
Page Six
base our opposition to the zoning, as the schools have nothing
to do with the property. That is the schools problem. He
also said we, the City, must make room in the City for all in-
come levels of people. He also stated it is considered that
apartment owners do pay taxes, as the taxes are charged to the
apartment owners and they in turn pass this tax charge on to
the renters in their rental. Mr. Charney also stated that the
one access road into the apartment is of concern to him. He
advised Council that their decision on the zoning change must.
not be based on taxes or overcrowding of schools but that it
must be based on the question of is the land good for the use
it is proposed and is all cirteria met such as following the
Owasso Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Thompson restated to
Council what was emphasized at the seminar he recently attended
in Fort Worth for Planning Commissioners and Elected Officers.
That being, that a City MUST have a master plan and follow it
absolutely. He also suggested a buffer zone between the res-
idents and apartments of fifty feet to be zoned Agriculture.
He suggested this as a possible compromise and it will stand
in a court of law. It would also reduce the area for the pro-
posed apartments. Mr. Thompson further stated that if we do
not provide multi-family dwellings within the City and various
types of income level homes and/or commercial developments,
desirable or undesirable, the federal government will step in
and zone them for us. Mr. Charney advised Council that they
should seriously consider this application in terms of what
has been proposed and what the Owasso Comprehensive Plan calls
for in that area. Councilman Spencer addressdthe City Coun-
cil and the audience that he has lived in the proposed zoning
change area and has known these people for 25 years and he
does not think these apartments should be there. He feels the
housing in that area should be according to what has already
been built around it. He further stated that apartments are
not going to help that neighborhood or downtown Owasso. At
this time Boyd Spencer made a motion that RM2 zoning request
be denied.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer that RM2 zoning request be de-
nied and RS3 single family dwellings be built on property.
Due to a lack of a second, no vote was taken.
Motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
table Consideration of Zoning Application OZ-39 from AG to RM2
to November 21, 1978, Council meeting.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - Mr. Thompson
Owasso City Council
November 7, 1978
Page Seven
Motion was made by Ron Grimes, seconded by Don Thompson, to
purchase carpet used in the former Town and Country Furniture
Store to carpet City Hall.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes
Nays - Mrs. Fickle
Wayne Meyer asked Council's permission to cut warrant immed-
iately and add to this dates warrant list. Council so approved.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
approve lease of Chevrolet Caprice from Howard Chevrolet for
use by City Manager, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Thompson, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - Messrs. Grimes and Spencer
In regard to approval of contract with Richards Landscaping
and Design for the maintenance of the Municipal Complex Grounds,
Boyd Spencer proposed a one cent sales tax increase; 1/2 cent
going to the City Hall Complex and 1/2 cent going into the
water, sewer and street fund.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, to
table approving contract with Richards Landscaping and Design
for Maintenance of i~unicipal Complex to iovember 21, 1978, City
Council meeting.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In regard to moving the Council and Court Chambers from City
Hall to the Community Center, Boyd Spencer stated he prefers
having a work shop to discuss other alternatives such as build-
ing an expansion on the south side of the City Hall building.
Councilman Spencer asked Mr. Meyer how soon he would have to
know their decision to prepare whatever room is selected for
the computer and Mr. Meyer said thirty days prior to the com-
puter installation.
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
table approving the moving of Council and Court Chambers from
City Hall to the Community Center.
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Spencer, Thompson, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
November 7, 1978
Page Eight
Boyd Spencer said he had talked to Mr. Bud Sallee, the
trash hauler, regarding handling of telephone calls, and Mr.
Sallee said he would look into a mobile phone or possibly a
telephone answerer at his home.
As there was no new business, Chair adjourned the Owasso City
Council at 10:09 PM.
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