HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.08.01_City Council MinutesPrior to the City Council being called to order, the Employee of
the Month award was presented to Police Officer Rod Tubergen.
On Tuesday, August 1, 1978, the Owasso City Council met in regular
session, per the Notice of Public :Meeting and Agenda, referenced
and made a part hereof, in Emergency Operation Center at City Hall.
Present: Bill Williams, Mayor
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
Ron Grimes, Councilman
Don Thompson, Councilman
Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Tom Baines, City Manager
Harold Charney, City Attorney
Wauhilleau Webb, City Cleric
Absent: None
The meeting reconvened, from July 19, 1978, at 7:05 PM, for the
Public Hearing on the 1978-1979 Revenue Sharing Budget, with Mayor
Williams presiding.
Don Thompson reiterated his position in regard to expending a large
portion of the money to correct the water drainage problem on the
West side of town. George Strella presented Council with a plan
compiled by Arnnie McGill to correct the drainage problem. Tom
Baines felt the project could be done with $7,000.00. Mr. McGill
advised Council a Gradall could be rented for $3,200.00 per month,
prorated for a lesser period of time. Mr. McGill felt the project
would take approximately one and a half weeks. Tom Baines said we
presently have $16,000.00 in Street and Alley Funds, with plans for
approximately $5,000 of it, leaving sufficient funds for the pro-
posed drainage project; therefore, he suggested taking $10,000 out
of Revenue Sharing, designated for office furniture, and apply to
drama e improvements. Don Thompson said he would prefer setting
aside 18,000 for drainage. Mayor Williams directed Council to
move onto the other items on Agenda then come back to Revenue Snar-
ing Budget.
:Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
approve Consent Agenda items, as follows, as published in the Owasso
Reporter on July 27, 1978, and by reference made a part hereof:
1. Approve Minutes of July 17, 1978, Special Tleeting.
2. Approve Minutes of July 19, 1978, Meeting.
3. Cancel Purchase Orders 12 and 30 on Warrant List.
4. Approve Warrants for Payment
5. Approve Resolution 78-19, Declaring Police Department 1974
Chevrolet Surplus
6. Consideration of Al Lambert as Planning Commission Appointee
to Replace Ray Robinson
Ayes - Messrs. Williams, Grimes, Thompson, Spencer, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Owasso City Council
August 1, 1978
Page Two
In regard to Consideration of Reno Barsi as Planning Commission
Appointee, Mayor Williams stated he would prefer Reno Barsi, rather
than Al Lambert, only because of the fact the Mayor was not in
favor of having more than one real estate man on the Planning Com-
mission. City Attorney advised Council he felt the Planning Commis-
sion was a very important Board and felt Council should meet
appointees to interview them, if they did not know them personally.
Don Thompson told Mayor he understood Mr. Carr was no longer
actively involved in real estate, although he is retaining his lic-
ense. This was verified by telephone, with Steve Carr calling i~Ir.
Lambert. Mr. Lambert stated he is not in the real estate business.
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to
appoint Reno Barsi to the Planning Commission.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Williams, iRrs. Fickle
~1ays - None
;'lotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to Approve
Agreement with City of Tulsa for the Loan of Two Police Cars, and
by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - i~essrs. Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Williams, Mrs. Fickle
~Qays - None
T~Iotion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Ron Grimes, to approve
Permits WL-78-184 and SL-78-251 Sewer and Water Line Extentions for
Three Lakes and Permits SL-78-248 and WL-78-181 Sewer and Water
Line Extentions for Elm Creek.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Williams, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
In City Manager's Report, Mr. Baines reminded Council of the Septem-
ber 20, 21 and 22 Oklahoma -!Iunicipal League meeting at the Camelot
Inn. They need to know how many plan to attend and who will serve
as the Voting Delegate.
City Manager advised Council he had some information and answers to
some questions that had arisen in regard to Highway 169 realignment.
1. How long before work would begin? Summer of 1979.
2. New Agreement is on the way from Oklahoma Department of Trans-
3. Will Collinsville be able to kill the project if they do not
come up with their share of the money? No.
4. Will have bid on routing further to the East and also the
routing originally selected.
Owasso City Council
August 1, 1978
Page Three
5. ilormal payment procedure: 90 days after statement billing.
If City required other payment method, it would require the
Mayor, City Attorney and City Manager meet with Oklahoma
Department of Transportation.
Mr. Baines inform~d~. Council of a course in Fort Worth on October
26 - 28, sponsored by the Texas Chapter of American Institute of
Planners, for Planning Commissioners and Elected Officials. Mr.
Baines requested Councils approval of the City paying the cost for
Planning Commissioner Chairman and/or another member of Commission
to attend the course. Mr. Baines did not know cost of the course.
Steve Carr suggested trying to send two commissioners. Mayor
Williams tabled discussion to next Council meeting in order to have
more information on the course.
motion was made by Boyd Spencer, seconded by Ron Grimes, to accept
resignation of Planning Commissioner member Tom Grimmett, and by
reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - .Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams, Grimes, :Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
'Mayor Williams called a short recess at 8:01 and Council reconvened
at 8:06.
At this time Council returned to the Public Hearing on the 1978-
1979 Revenue Sharing Budget. Boyd Spencer questioned the need of
a car for the Fire Department and l~r. Baines explained to him the
City has been out a lot of expense on the vehicle. After telephon-
ing Chief Chase, Council was advised the vehicle has 103,000 miles.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Boyd Spencer, to ex-
pend $75,520 Revenue Sharing Budget for 1978-1979 as follows:
$ 3,000.00 Office Furniture
1,200.00 Radio for City Manager
1,200.00 Hand Pack Radio for Ambulance Department
8,000.00 Police Car
6,000.00 Fire Chief's Car
6,000.00 Park Department Truck
37,140.00 Computer
12,980.00 Drainage Correction Project
Ayes - ''Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Williams, iMrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve additional warrants for payment.
Owasso City Council
August 1, 1978
Page Four
Ayes - P~essrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams, Grimes, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
~!Iotion was made by Robbie Fickle, seconded by Don Thompson, to
approve Contract between Department of Economic and Community
Affairs and City of Owasso for 701 Planning Grant Funds for Capi-
tol Improvements Grant, and by reference made a part hereof.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Grimes, Williams, Spencer, Mrs. Fickle
:Jays - None
Mayor Williams recessed Owasso City Council at 8:36 to go into Exec-
utive Session to discuss personnel matters, and reconvened at 9:18
prq .
Being no further business, Chair declared Owasso City Council adjourned
at 9:18 PM.
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