HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.04.04_City Council MinutesThe Gwasso City Council met in regular session in Council Chambers, City Hall, on Apri 14, 1978, and a copy of the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda as posted outside Council Chambers at 3:00 P.M., March 31, 1978 is attached to and made a part of these minutes: Present Mayor, Bill Williams Councilman, Don Thompson Councilwoman, Robbie Fickle City Manager, Tom Baines City Clerk, Pat Christensen Absent Counci Iman, Boyd Spencer Mayor Williams called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M., and the Consent Agenda was cancelled entirely and each item was to be considered independently since Item I, minutes of previous meeting were not yet available; Item VIII, proposed ordinance amending the refuse collection ordinance was not available; and Councilman Don Thompson requested removal of fo u r other Items, II, IV, V, VI. The oath of office for Mr. Grimes was also tabled until another meeting., since Mr. Grimes was out of the city at this time. After clarification of a few warrants listed for payment, Mr. Thompson motioned to approve the request to pay warrants, a list of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Mrs. Fickle seconded the motion -Ayes: Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle The Senior Citizens Center Grant for Fiscal Year 1978-79, which is the third and final year for this program grant; was accepted on a motion by Mr. Thompson with a second from Mrs. Fickle. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. A question arose with reference to rezoning for property belonging to Mr. Ray Bailey, once it ~is anne.xad by the City of Owasso,as the proposed ordinance being considered would do. Mr. Baines explained that annexation and rezoning are two entirely separate items and may not be contingent upon one another; further, he indicated that if necessary, it may be possible to rezone at a later date on a Conditional Preliminary Plat since useable land space hinged on channelization work on the edge of his property and the date the work would commence was not yet known. Mr. Thompson then motioned to adopt Ordinance X229, annexing into the City of Owasso the followi ng described property to-wit: All that part of the NE4, SE4-, SE4 lying West of Hwy 169 Right of Way in Section 2q, Township 21 N, Range 14E of the I.B. & M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma \ „ ~ ., ~~_'~ l.i~ ~4 G gib, ~°~- v-~:~ `'`-, Mrs. Fickle seconded the motion, and Ordinance X229 annexing the above property will become effective on the 4th day of May, 1978. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. City Council Mtg. 4/4/78 Page ~2 Ordinance #230, annexing the following described property, belonging to Maurice Fry, to-wit: The South Two Hundred Ten (210) feet of the SW~, NEB, SE4 of Section 30, Township 21 N, Range 14E of the I.B. ~ M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma was adopted on a motion by Mr. Thompson, and a second by Mrs. Fickle, and will become effective on the 4th day of May, 1978. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle Ordinance X231, amending Chapterl9 of the City Code to provide for numbering streets North of 96th St. N. and East of Hwy (69 in accordance with Tulsa County numbering system and to become effective July 1 , 1978 was passed on a motion by Mr. Thompson, and a second by Mrs. Fickle -Ayes: Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle Mrs. Fickle motioned to adopt a resolution establishing the fees for infant (12 months ~ .\ ~ ~ and under) burial openings and closings of $50 weekdays and Saturday A.M., and $100 for Saturday P.M. ~ which was seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. The Emergency clause causing this Resolution to become effective upon its passage, April 4, 1978, was passed on a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mrs . Fickle . Ayes -Messrs . Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. After a general discussion, in which Mr. Thompson stated he wished to return to the previous method of collection of refuse, with instructions for implementing this method; and Sec. 2, Spillage and Sec. 4, to reduce the percentage retained from 25% to 20%, also being mentioned as alternatives to be added to present ordinances, etc., it was decided to hold a Public Meeting on April 10, 1978, Monday, at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of resolving the problems in refuse collection and to act by either Resolution or Ordinance, as necessary then. In addition, at this special meeting, a workshop for Councilmembers and possibly a personnel matter will be considered. Mr. Thompson requested that appointments to a special committee to recommend referendum questions for a general election this fall be passed until a later meeting. Only one bid was received for a pickup truck for the Public Works Department, that being from Howard Chevrolet in the amount of $5,020. Consideration of the bid was passed until after meeting break. Mrs. Fickle motioned to approve a Supplemental Appropriation to the General Fund of $100,000 total, out of a reported $103,000 surplus in funds, to which Mr. Thompson added a second. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. City Council Mtg .4/4/78 Page #3 With reference to pipe and fittings for re-laying the waterline to Graceland Acres. Mayor Williams had prepared a listing of materials necessary, as follows: Class 160 PVC; 3,910 ft. of 12" pipe; 6,450 ft. of 6" pipe; one 12" gate valve; eight 6" gate valves; twelve 3-way Fire hydrants; eight valve boxes; 12 x 13 cross; five 12 x 6 Tee's; one 6 x 6 cross; nine 6 x 6 Tee's; three 90°"bends and a 1 2" plug. He further added that he felt two 3-way fire hydrants should also be set on 117th and 119th E. Ave. from the new line, and asked for a motion to permit a Notice to Bidders be published for the above with specifications. Mrs Fickle noted that she believed a grant for the fire hydrants could be obtained from Farmer's Home Administration, and Mr. Baines added that he thought we might hurt our chances for the grant if we advertised for bids prior to applying for:or obtaining the grant. Therefore, letting a Notice to Bidders was passed until the April 18, 1978 meeting. Mrs. Fickle moved to enter into an agreement for Local Traffic Control Devices Upgrading Program, Project No. SAP-72(180), by and between the City of Owasso and the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation, which provides Federal-aid funds to be used for 100°I~ of the project construction cost to replace presently existing warning and regulatory traffic signs as ndicated on a map accompanying the agreement. Mr. Thompson added a second to this motion, adopted by a vote of: Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. An additional comment was made by Mr. Sallee at this time, with reference to the refuse collection problem, in which he asked that he be paid according to the b i I I ing for the month, regardless of the collections secured against that bi I I ing at the time his claim for payment is processed. Council members noted that they were unaware of .the method of determining his monthly payment, and that this wou Id be looked into at the special meeting on April 10th. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Kimball, with TG & Y Store in Owasso, speaking for the Owasso Chamber of Commerce, noted the increase in sales tax revenue collected in the community in recent months, and explained the current Chamber sales promotion, the first of three planned for the year, which revolved around a "Lucky Number" carried in each edition of the Owasso Reporter to be matched in participating stores for prizes. A Public Hearing for input and recommendations on the Single-Purpose Community Development Block funding grant application was announced at 8:45 P.M, by Mayor Will'~ams. Mr. Baines briefly explained once again the purpose of the hearing, however there were no recommendations or other input made at this times except that this was to allow for any objections on a new impact area, since the application was redone. The Public Hearing for Multi-Purpose Community Development Block funding grant application was announced at 8:~5 P.M., immediately following the Single-Purpose Hearing, however, Mr. Baines announced that it would be unnecessary because the City of Owasso did not meet. the Federal criteria at the present Mims ®ri assigning "points" for consideration, as he discovered at a Friday I NCOG meeting . We currently rank 7th in area on population below poverty line, which would make City Council Mtg. 4/4/78 Page ~4 us eligible for 4.6 "points" and if we were to apply now our ranking v~o uld drop ""' to Ilth, giving us only 3.0 eligible points. He recommended a joint application in the future, which would allow us to apply sooner and the formula vo uld be ¢'~ adjusted where we m uld use the highest ranking point municipality in the consortium to move up in eligibility. The multi-purpose C"". D. Block funding grant project was tabled for the time being, and Mrs. Fickle motioned to go ahead with the second public hearing for the single-purpose C. D. Block funding grant application at 7:00 P.M., April 18, 1978 at the next regular meeting, with a second from Mr. Thompson. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams, and Mrs. Fickle. Mr. Thompson moved for a short break before continuing with new business, seconded by M~. Fickle. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. The meeting resumed at 9:05 P.M., with consideration of the bid from Howard Chevrolet for a pickup truck, when it was noted that the bid did not appear to include a bumper per the specifications. Mr. Thompson motioned to reject bids at this time, and to republicize a Notice to Bidders by direct contact by mailed solicitations to at least five potential bidders, to which Mrs. Fickle added a second and that the bidders should also include other than Chevrolet dealers with the specifications stipulating a make or model comparable to the Chevrolet Fleet- side for a guideline. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. Resuming with New Business, Mr. Thompson stated he felt something should be done about the entrance road to Skateland from 86th St. N. and Hwy 169. In discussing ~_ whose responsibility the road was, Mayor Williams noted that he believed the pt~o~perty owner, Mr. Sokolosky, would,'. es the responsible party take care of the problem, and Mr. Baines was directed to send him a letter, and Mr. Thompson requested that he also establish a time table for correcting the situation in the letter. Mr. Thompson, with reference to resurfacing streets in Hale Acres, asked what the City will do in the way of participation, since the County is going to provide the '~' labor. Mr. McGill noted that the County is ready to begin work in a few days. Mayor Williams stated he understood from previous meetings at the time of Hale Acres annexation that Mr. H. D. Hale and the County would provide both labor and materials to bring the streets and drainage channels up to City Code, and the minutes of the meeting covering this matter, December 1976, were cited and read by the City Clerk. There was still some question about the matter, however, and Mr. Baines was directed to get with Lewis Harris, County Commissioner, to ascertain who is responsible and between the County, Mr. Hale and the City, determine who will pay for the materials needed, including drainage the sufficient to handle the runoff flow, and proceed accordingly. On the new Community Center Building, Mr. Baines reported that the drapery bids were being accepted, lamps for the Commons Area had been chosen, and shopping for the "restaurant" supplies for the kitchen would be done next week. He also noted that the First Bank of Owasso had donated $500, and the Advisory Committee had adopted their consitution and by-laws; these would be ready for review at the next meeting of the Council. Counci I Mtg .4/4/78 Page ~5 With reference to the legal entanglement on the Community Center, EDA grant report: we are not liable, the major contractor or Helm Co., is responsible because the problem involves a violation of the minimum wage requirements for use of federal funds (that being subcontractors of the general contractor, in this case the electrical and the heating and ventilation contractors) and a clerical error of $2,000 approximately, which is being taken care of at this time. The Council will be kept apprised of the situation . Mr. Baines also reported that all plumbing contractors, except Mr. Tosh, who has a 10 day extention from April 1 to April 10 to make a settlement or the City Attorney will take over, are complying with the requirements established for inspections. Mr. Thompson requested that all violations of Mr. Tosh be presented at the May 2, 1978 meeting, if the problem is not resolved by then. Mr. Thompson requested that in the future, whenever any financial reports are presented to Council, Mr. Meyer, City Treasurer be present at the meeting. Being no further business before the City Council at this meeting, Mrs. Fickle moved for adjournment at 9:58 P.M., seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. MAYOR CITY CLERK At 10:50 P.M., April 4, 1978 immediately following adjournment of the OUA meeting, Mayor Williams called for the City Council to reconvene briefly to consider a New Business item which had been neglected, with Mayor Williams, Council Members Don Thompson, Robbie Fickle and City Manager, Tom Baines and City Clerk, Pat Christensen present. Mrs. Fickle motioned for designation of a temporary Vice Mayor, determined by seniority on the Council of members present for the sole purpose of execution of documents by signature as Vice Mayor to allow for the on going of City Business in a timely manner, in the absence of the Mayor or Vice Mayor elect; this motion seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle. ~.t..~ l~J'~ I ,...,~.~0.,~ w.,~- _ Y R RK