HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.03.21_City Council Minutes_. _._.____ _ .------_.. --_1-_ _ ----___ _._ _--- ---_. .. _. _
The Owasso City Council met in regular session in Council Chambers, City Hall, at
7:05 P.M, with Mayor Williams presiding on March 21, 1978. A copy of the Notice
of Public Meeting and the Agenda are attached to and made a part of these minutes.
Mayor Williams
Don Thompson,
Robbie Fickle,
Counci Iman
Tom Baines, Cit
Pat Christensen,
Harold Charney,
City Clerk
City Attorney
Boyd Spencer, Vice Mayor
I. Consent Agenda items were approved by a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by
Mrs.Fickle. These items were the minutes of the March 7, 1978 meeting; payment of
warrants as submitted for the General Fund, Senior Citizens Center Grant Fund, Anti-
Recession and Revenue Sharing Funds, per the accounting of same attached to and made
a part of these minutes. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle.
2. Mr. Marvin Wynn, with the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce and the Tulsa Industrial
Authority, appeared before the Council to explain the ramifications of the TIA under-
writing the financing of the Owasso Baptist Village for the Oklahoma Baptist Conference.
Although state law prescribed that only the beneficiary, that being the City of Tulsa,
had to approve the action, as a matter of courtesy they do go before the municipality's
governing board for approval also. It was further explained that this particular bond
issue.:encompassed only the Phase I of the proposed "village" and additional Phases
would require separate funding. The TIA normally does not finance residential projects
unless if is for the physically disabled, aged or urban renewal, and that this project
could not have any commerical rental of facilities, also giving it exempt status with
reference to ad valorem taxation. The City of Owasso would exercise the customary
controls over building permits, plat inspections and etc., as it would any territory
within its city limits, and possibly establish service charges in lieu of ad valorem
taxes for fire and police protection. Mrs. Fickle motioned, seconded by Mr. Thompson,
to approve TIA's financing of the Owasso Bapt'st Village. Ayes: Messrs Thompson,
Williams and Mrs. Fickle.
3. Mr. Stan Ewing, standing in for Mr. Carr who was out of town, explained that
there was no quorum present at the Planning Commission meeting to hold a Public
Hearing as scheduled for the proposed Flood Plain Management Ordinance, therefore
the Publ ic Hearing was rescheduled for April 20, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. and recommended
that the City Council postpone their Public Hearing until May 2, 1978 for same. The
Council was receptive to this proposal, and rescheduled their Public Hearing until May 2.
4. Mrs. Fickle gave a brief report of the Community Center Advisory Board, explaining
that they were in the process of organization at this time, had held two meetings toward
this purpose and elected officers, appointed committees and established the first and
third Mondays through July, 1978 for their meetings.
5. Mr. Charney recommended that the Council host a seminar in Owasso between
area City Managers, Fire Chiefs, City Atta•neys and elected officials, including
County Commissioners for the purpose of working an orderly manner, perhaps fire
Council Minutes, 3/21/78 -page #2
districts, to provide the unincorporated rural areas in Tulsa County with fire protection,
as a result of earlier discussions with Mr. Baines, City Manager. He explained that ""
he and Mr. Baines felt that this would be a positive action to correct a problem which
involved the lack of jurisdiction outside of the city limits for the Owasso Fire Dept. ~"
Also, the liability of the City concerned when the Dept, is acting in a proprietor's
capacity rather than in an official capacity as a governmental function, which would
require a contract for reciprocal assistance with another organization or with an
individual to provide fire protection service, and the difficulty sometimes encountered
in collecting on the bills rendered for service outside the City limits when no contract
is in force, particularly if the caller is not the property owner. Mr. Hopkins, a local
insurance agent attending the council meeting as an interested party, requested that the
Council post a letter with the ,State indicating that the City would provide fire pro-
tection to the Owasso rural area in order to lower their insurance rates, in that the
City acknowledged a moral duty to do so when possible. Mr. Charney advised that
this would not be a wise move at this time, due to the lack of jurisdiction and the
liability involved. He recommended a drive to inform rural residents of the situation
and encourage their participation in contracts with the City of Owasso for fire protection
with proper insurance coverage payable for the "fire runs." The City Manager advised
that he would try to organize the recommended seminar. No other action was taken
at this time.
6. Mrs. Fickle motioned to approve collection of extremely past due ambulance bills
as requested by the Ambulance Director in a letter, by means of Small Claims Court
suits, seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes: Messrs. Thompson, Williams & Mrs. Fickle.
7. Mr. Thompson moved to accept the $50,000 each surety bonds from the City Clerk
and the City Treasurer with the City of Owasso as beneficiary, seconded by Mrs. Fickle.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle.
8. Mayor Williams requested that the Council view the Community Center Building
jointly before approving acceptance, and withholding the 10% as provided in the contract
until the building is accepted. Mr. Thompson, therefore, motioned to disallow
$24,994.82 of the purchase order/claim for payment rendered by the Contractor, Helm
Co., approving the claim for $38,448.64 payment. This wo uld leave a balance due
of 10°l0 of the total project, payable upon completion of the landscaping, installing
grounds lighting and correcting items on the "punch list" and subsequent acceptance
of the building; motion seconded by Mrs. Fickle. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams
and Mrs. Fickle.
9. Mr. Baines stated that although all eligible appraisal firms, approved by EDA, had
been asked to submit a proposal of fee for appraisal of the Elm Creek Park land, only
one response had been received -Dorchester Companies, with a range of from $750
to $1,250 and completion of appraisal between two to three weeks of commencement.
Mrs. Fickle motioned to accept the proposal of the Dorchester Companies to provide
the BOR required appraisal of Elm Creek Park, seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
Council Minutes,3/21/78 -page ~3
10. Since the HUD grant has been revised to cover a different area than originally
proposed, difference connections and fittings are necessary, therefore, Mrs. Fickle
motioned to publish a Notice to Bidders for pipe and fittings needed for the -HUD
Grant, seconded by Mr. Thompson. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle.
II. After a discussion of the type of lamps to be considered in bids for the basekiall
field lighting, Mr. Thompson moved to publish a Notice to Bidders, specifying Quartz-
lodine or comparable halogen element lamps, seconded by Ma. Fickle, for replacing
Rayola Park's South Baseball Field lighting. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and
Mrs. Fickle.
12. Mr. Baines requested that the discussion of the Police Relief and Pension Fund be
continuted to a later meeting, in order that further study and consideration may be
given the matter by the Police Chief, City Attorney and City Manager.
13. Mayor Williams read aloud a letter dated March 10, 1978 from Mr. Max Day,
resigning from his position as Chairman of the Board of Park Commissioners, and
commenting that he, Mayor Williams, regretted this action as Mr. Day had done a
very fine job during his tenure. Upon a motion by Mrs. Fickle, seconded by Mr.
Thompson, the Council accepted the resignation of Max Day from the Park Board.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
14. New Business:
A) Mr. Baines requested setting a date for the first of two each public hearings for
suggestions and input for the single purpose and multipurpose Community Development
Block funding grants, in that we are goint to a new impact area with substantial
changes in the guidelines. He explained that the hearings should be held prior to
May I, 1978, and the first appl ication could possibly provide up~~i maximum of
$260M, with each subsequent year increasing in dollar amounts. Mr. Thompson
motioned, seconded by Mrs. Fickle, to set the hearings on April 4th and 18th,
with the single purpose hearing commencing at 8:30 P.M. on the fourth, and the
multipurpose hearing to begin at 9:00 P.M. on the fourth. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson,
Williams and Mrs. Fickle.
B) Mr. Charney advised that he would be out of town from March 31st through April
5th, and would like the Council to consider establishing a rate of compensation for
themselves as a referendum question in the next general election, which would
probably be in November of this year. The Council, in a brief discussion following
this request, felt the need to form a committee to prepare several recommendations
to be considered for the general election as referendum issues. This committee will
be formed at a later meeting, and should include the City Attorney, City Manager,
City Clerk, interested Council members and/or their appointees.
C) A letter from the Council on Aging in Owasso was read, in which they thanked
the City for the $1,600 payment to the State on the minibus-transportation grant for
Senior Citizens recently.
Council Meeting-3/21/78 -page ~4
D) Mayor Williams stated that he wished to raise the fee for refuse collection $1.00
and return to the "old way" of placing trash receptacles for pickup, noting that he
still received numerous complaints of the curbside pickup and personnaly felt that
this was also unsightly. Mr. Thompson, therefore, moved that the Ordinance
governing refuse collection be amended to require placement of receptacles behind
the front building line and easily accessible for collection; Mrs. Fickle seconded.
Mayor added a stipulation that any deviation from the established rate should be
on a case by case determination of the Council. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams
and Mrs.Fickle.
E) Mayor Williams recommended asking Mr. Ronnie Grimes to replace Mr. Yock on
the Council, the term balance of which is one year. He noted that Mr. Grimes had
expressed an interest, as well as a Mr. Curtis Carr. Mrs. Fickle motioned to request
Mr. Grimes to fill vacancy for Ward 2 on the City Council, with a second from Mr.
Thompson. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle.
F) Mr. Thompson asked the Council to address itself to the old problem of providing
a place for the young people of this community to congregate, noting that in Revenue
Sharing funds, $14,000 was set aside to pave the parking lot at the recreation center.
This should be accomplished within 30 to 45 days, and Mr. Charney added the legal
opinion on City's status with regard to personal injury liability as none. Mr. Thompson
also suggested putting out "feelers" for consideration by community businesses to
operate the park concession through midnight to provide the snacks and refreshments
that the young people would also need. This could be done on a franchise basis,
with the City maintaining control but outside operation providing the se~vice.
Teen dances at the new Community Center or recreation center was also suggested.
No action was taken by the Council at this time.
Mrs. Fickle motioned for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Thompson, with Messrs.
Thompson, Williams and Mrs. Fickle voting Aye, and the meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M.