HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.03.07_City Council MinutesThe Owasso City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, March 7, 1978
in Council Chambers, with Mayor Williams presiding. A copy of the Public Notice of
meeting and Agenda, as posted Monday, March 6, 1978 on the bulletin board outside
of Counci I Chambers at City Hal I are attached to and made a part of these minutes .
Mayor Bill Williams,
Boyd Spencer, Councilman
Don Thompson, Counci Iman
Robbie Fickle, Councilwoman
Thomas Baines, City Manager
Pat Christensen, City Clerk
Harold Charney, City Attorney
I . Minutes of the December 20, 1977 and February 21, 1978 meeting were approved on a
motion by Don Thompson, Seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes -Messrs . Thompson, Spencer, W i I I iams and Mrs . Fickle
2. Warrants per the list attached to and made a part of these minutes, were approved for
payment on a motion by Mr. Spencer, seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes -Messrs . Thompson, Spencer, W i I I iams and Mrs . Fickle
3. The purpose and function of the proposed consent agenda was explained by Mr. Baines
to Council members, including publishing and distribution requirements and cost of
publication monthly. After considering its merits carefully, Mr. Spencer motioned to
adopt the resolution establishing the procedures and use of a consent agenda by the City
Council, which motion was seconded by Mrs. Fickle.
Ayes -Messrs . Thompson, Spencer, W i I I i ams and Mrs . Fi ckl e
4. A Fire Run contract between the City of C>wasso and Mr. and Mrs. Cene King, of
11512 E. 69th St. No., with a $500 rider on their insurance for payment of such runs, was
approved upon the motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
5. In Mr. Charney's absence, the item was passed (fire run billings for calls outside of
the city limits) until the next regular meeting.
6. Mayor Williams presented a plaque for the Feburary Employee of the Month to Mr.
Earl Templeton .
7. Mrs. Fickle motioned to appoint Mrs. "Sam" Webb, secretary to Mr. Baines, Deputy
City Clerk for all functions of that office, seconded by Mr.Spencer.
Ayes -Messrs . Thompson, Spencer, W i I I iams and Mrs . Fickle
8. Mayor Bill Williams and City Manager, Thomas Baines were appointed representative
and alternate, respectively, to the Regional Metropolitan Utility Authority by motion of
Mrs. Fickle, second by Mr. Spencer.
Counci I Mtg .
March 7, 1978
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8. Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
9. Mr. Baines requested approval by Council to submit an application for a Title IV
Manpower Grant, for a temporary Asst. Animal Control Warden, stating that the grant
period would be for seven morihs only, from April 15 through October 15, 1978. This
grant was not renewable, and would not require the City's commitment to retain the
employee after the grant period, since it would be specifically temporary. It was
pointed out that the current loose dog problem, coupled with the rabies problem in the
area, created a definite need to take a more positive action to break the rabies chain
between wild animals and humans. With another person on this staff, hours of coverage
could be staggered to dissuade individuals from allowing their dogs to run loose before
and after normal working hours of 8-5. Mr. Spencer motioned for approval to apply
for an Asst. Animal Control Warden under the Manpower Title IV grants. Second was
made by Mrs Fickle.
Ayes -Messrs . Spencer, Williams and Mrs . Fickle
Nays - Mr. Thompson
IO.Mr. Baines was appointed representative, with Mr. Steve Carr as alternate, to the
Technical Committee fo the Tulsa Urban Study Assoc. upon a motion by Mrs. Fickle,
seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
I . As a result of a request by Mr. Pat Larkin, due to the death of his father, another
area developer, Mr. Thompson motioned to refund seven unused building permits for a
trial of $376.25 and one unused water tap for $108.00, in consideration of the cir-
cumstances and with no intention of setting a precedent for a refunding policy. Motion
seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
2. Specifications for draperies for the Community Center, developed from estimates
submitted by various interested companies and individuals, were presented by Mr. Baines.
He explained that brand names mentioned in the specs were not restrictive, in that any
comparable to or better than material may be substituted, and requested that Council
permit staff to make such determination when reviewing any bids. Mr. Thompson made
the motion to approve solicitation of bids by contact ofi at least five bidders, with the
right to reject any and all bids, and the prerogative- to determine if an alternate bid
is acceptable-.of staff, for draperies for the Community Center. Motion seconded by
Mr. Spencer. ~v.~,~„
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
3. Mr. Baines referenced a letter from Mr. Bob Campbell, Public Service Co, of Okla.,
outlining cost of decorative light poles which some developers were requesting for install-
ation. Stating that the City's obligation, by ordinance, was to provide only standard
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Council Mtg.
March 7, 1978
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light poles at a lesser cost of $78.90 per pole, he noted that as a result of a meeting
March 3, with several developers, they were agreeable to paying for the cost differential
of $78.90 if the City authorized installation of the decorative poles. Mr. Spencer,
therefore, moved that the Council adopt a resolution whereby , at the req~e st of a
developer, the City would authorize installation of the special decorative light poles
in an addition and bill the developer the difference in cost per pole between standard
and decorati ve; seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes- Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
4. Mr. Spencer commented on the trash and litter situation at the apartment complex
at Main and 4th Streets. Mr. Baines replied that Terry Silva of the Tulsa City-County
I-~ed th Dept. was working on the problem and had talked with the property owner, al-
though there were several problems involved, including attitude. The City did have
some recourse, through Section 13-2, Nuisances, of the City Code, but this process was
lengthy, and the Council decided to take a "wait and see" attitude, with reference to
the efforts of Mr. Silva, at this time.
5. Mr. Spencer also inquired as to the status of traffic lights at the intersection of
Highways 169 and 20, to which Mr. Carr replied that according to the County Engineer,
they are working on both the traffic lights and channelization improvements, including
right of way acquisition.
6. Mr. Thompson again brought up to the Council, the need to obtain by bid -purchase
of meters and necessary common connections, on a six-month basis with two shipments at
90 day intervals. Mr. McGill stated that bid requests are already out , specifying a 90
day price firm period, and Mr. Baines added that this would allow a quarterly bid process.
7. Mr. Baines asked for approval of a $1,600.00 expenditure, requested by the Senior
Gtizens as needed for the acquisition of a bus. A grant application had been processed
for the bus, with local matching funds of 20°l. acquisition cost, and the balance of funds
proposed for maintenance and operation of the vehicle, totaling $5,940.00 approximately.
The check would have to be in Oklahoma City when bids were let, if the Council approved,
and donations were being taken to help defray the cost at the First Bank of Owasso.
Acting on the basis that the City had been to some extent, committed to support the
application financially, Mr. Thompson motioned .to approve the grant application and
the release of $1,600.00 for purchase. Mr. Spencer seconded the motion.
Ayes -Messrs . Thompson, Spencer, W i I I iams and Mrs . Fi ckl e
8. Mr. Baines presented bids for the janitorial service for the Community Center and
City Hall, as follows:
I . Commercial and Home Cleaning Home Service (Mark Goodsen) - $1,330.00 per month
for 5 nights a week, they will provide cleaning supplies and necessary equipment, and
the City is to provide hand soap and paper towels; they provide insurance
Council Mtg.
March 7, 1978
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11. Mr. Harvey Callahan - $900.00 permonth, the city provides all supplies and necessary
III . Tim and Regina Hicks - $1,475.00 per month -the City provides all supplies and
necessary equipment.
IV. Cleo Hill - $940.00 per month, the City provides all supplies and equipment
V. Shirley Garrison - $1,350.00 per month -She will provide. all supplies,. ~, necessary
equipment provided by City
Mr. Baines recommended the Commercial and Home Cleaning Service; they provide a
three man crew, all supplies and equipment necessary, and insurance, which the other
bidders did not offer, as well as a reasonable amount required for their service.
Mr. Thompson so motioned, to contract with Commercial and Nome Cleaning Service
for a six month period, with a 30-day termination clause for both parties, at $1330 per
month, seconded by Mrs. Fickle.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
Being no further business to be considered by the C>vvasso City Council at this meeting,
Mr.Spencer motioned for adjournment at 8:45 P.M., seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes -Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, Williams and Mrs. Fickle
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