HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.02.22_City Council Minutes_ _ _ ~-
.'.n emergency meeting of the 0~•rasso City Gouncil_ was called at 11:00 A.2~2,,
~;~ednesday, February ?_2., 1978 by the City Treasurer, approved by 24ayor
I~lilliams, for the purpose of actin; upon two resolutions necessary to
circumvent extraordinar-y expenditures by the City of Otirasso to hold a
special election for Councilmen in lieu of participating in rer~ular County
scheduled elections and any financial loss incurred by an untimely submission
of an An~lication for r:tream eater Permit,
me tint;
The ernert~ency~caas called to order at 5:10 P.2I., .~~,ednesday, February 22, 197
by 2~1a~ror '>tilliams, as the earliest possible time for assemblage by Council.
2•"_ayor Bill '.~dilliams
Councilman Boyd spencer
Councilman T)on Thomn_ son
Counciltiroman 2?obbie Fic2:le
City 2~7anager Thomas Baines
Cit;yT Treasurer ?a~rne 2~Ieyer
C~.ty Clerk Pat Christensen
C~ ty tlttornev 2iarold. Charney
Pdo ~sbsentees
`\ ~ _.
2Ir. Charney read. a resolution and PJotice of !:~.lection an,:A Certification, to
hold a primary election on -larch 21, 1978 and a ~-,eneral election on April G.,
1978 for. the purx~ose of electing Councilpersons ~'or yards 2, 3, and ~. and
certif~,~n~ that certain precincts did not neec' to be opened because there
t~aere na qualified electors residir.,~ within the City Limits of the City of
Ou:asso ~~rhich was a Hart of these precincts. 22r. Thompson motioned to
adopt the Resolution; P1oti.ce of F~lect~_on and. Certification as read., and
T~irs, Fickle seconded the motion.
~:yes - 2.lessrs. Thompson, ~percer, Ililliams any:? 2~Irs. Fickle
2~4r. :;peaces motioned to adopt an emergency clause to put this resolution
into effect upon passage, seconded by 21r. Thompson.
Ayes - 2-lessrs. Thompson, :`spencer, ~~di.lliams an,~?. 2~irs. Fickle
2~~Ir. b~pencer motioned to adopt a resolution r{es natin~; T<1r. Thomas B. Baines,
City TTanager of OT~Tasso, as the authorized representative to sign all documents
and forms necessary to complete tho Application for stream ~o~iater Permit in a
timely manner, :~>econded bar Tir. Thompson.
Ayes - 22essrs, Thomason, :"peaces, ~°Tilliams and 2~4rs. Fic2-ale
2~ir. Bpencer motioned for c~djourrunent, seconded by 2=1rs, Fickle.
Ayes - 2?essrs. Thompson, Cpencer, Williams and 2~irs. Fickle
2~4eetinT; adjourned at 6:00 P,I•"..
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