HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978.02.21_City Council MinutesThe City Council for the City of Owasso met in regular session at 7:05 P.P~1.,
Tuesday, February 21, 1978 with Mayor Williams presiding. Copies of the
Public Notice of Meeting and Agenda are attached and made a part of these
Mayor Bill i^dilliams City Manager Tom Baines
Vice A-iayor Boyd Spencer City Clerk Pat Christensen
Gouncilman Don Thompson County Commissioner Lewis Harris
Councilwoman Robbie Fickle Steve Carr, Planning Commission Rep.
Jim Benson, State Hwy. Dept. (P~4r. Carr ~ dir. Benson & Commissioner
Harris were scheduled speakers)
(all present)
Mr. Benson introduced to the Council, proposed plans for extension of Hwy 169
IV'orth to Collinsville, which will affect property lying within the City
Limits of Owasso. He explained that for construction of this highway, the
State Dept of Highways must enter into an agreement with cities having
property within their city limits, for the purpose of that city underwriting
the project and assuming one half of the cost involved for right of way and
relocation of utilities. The estimated costs to Owasso for this project
involved. approximately $61x.,300 for right of way purchases and $11f3,000 for
relocation of utilities. The participating city would be required to put
up 25;~ of the initial estimate for right of way obligation at the commence-
ment of the project, with payments thereafter on a 30 day billing basis until
acquisition is completed- usually 6 months. Utility relocation would be
billed by State as work progresses. The Council felt that there should
be some alternatives to the City of Owasso expending such a large sum of
money, which it tiaas not really capable of doing. rfr. Harris voiced a
similar opinion, and indicated that there should be some type of relief
available. P~do Council action was taken at this time, nor was a date for
further consideration set.
Commissioner Lewis Harris reviewed projects planned. by the County for the
Owasso community this coming year. The first project would be opening the
drainage ditch from the south edge of Rayola Park to the TG & Y area, which
involved a massive earth moving effort and some engineering. 1-lhether this
would be done entirely by the County manpower, or contracting with someone
else to be paid largely by County Revenue Charing funds through an inter-
local agreement between Tulsa. County and the City of Owasso was yet to be
determined. A-long range project would. be opening the entire channel from
Ator Hill to Bird Greek, including the replacement or expansion of several
inadequate bridr-es.
Also planned this year was the project of redoing the Hale Acres drainage
system and the substandard streets, including base anti asphalt resurfacing.
Air. Thompson requested that this program be initiated as soon as possible,
to which t•ir. Harris stated it tti~ould be as soon as weather permitted.
The County also planned. to c~,oric on AlcCarty Parks beginning with dirt work
and probably only involving ball fields anti rest room facilities this year.
He estimated. that the cost for equipment alone would approach x100,000 for
the nark, but the funds trere just not available however, they would proceed
caith the plans previously approved by all concerned and do what could be done
at this time.
Council P~Itg, 2~21~7g
Page ;~2
Commissioner Harris also mentioned a possible sidewalk extending one mile
along gbth Street north from Hwy 169 to the high school, and Mrs. Fickle """""'"'
brought up the bicycle paths for Rayola Park. The general consensus for
this time, was that neither proposal warranted immediate attention. The
Council thanked Per. Harris for his time and efforts for the community of
Owasso for the present and the past.
P~Ir. Baines also asked P•Ir. Harris to comment on the proposed House Bill
1760, authored by Bob Culli on, and its effect on Owasso and surrounding
unincorporated area to the fenceline. P~Ir. Harris explained this involved
amending some old legislation of the 'S0's which enabled the City of Tulsa
to exercise extraterritorial powers in matters of zoning up to five miles
from their boundary and in codes for areas within three miles of boundary
line. It would remove its jurisdiction within this perimeter of its
boundary, and allow the County of Tulsa to govern the area in zoning and
enforcement of codes. Further, he held that the present arrangement may
be unconstitutional, and if the county had jurisdiction it would be to the
benefit of the City of Owasso.
Mr. Thompson motioned to approve fire run contracts between the City of
Owasso and P~~Ir, and P•Irs. Charles Mallory, and Wendell R. Bishop, to which
P•Ir. Spencer added a second.
Ayes - P-Issrs. Thompson, Spencer, titiTilliams and P•Irs. Fickle
The Council also directed that any fire run billings questioned by the
parties billed be turned over to Mr. Charney for determination as to
whether the bill should or should not stand.
Mr. Baines reported. that the status of the HUD Community Development grant
for replacement of water lines was now in a period of delay, due to new
regulations governing eligibility which became effective the Ist of February
197$. The income estimate for the impact area. of two years ago was above
the maximum allowable under current guidelines, and a study was to be
conducted to determine if the income for the original designated area had
dropped and would then still be eligible, or if another area would qualify
for the funding. P~Ir. Steve Carr has contacted several local organizations
in an effort to find assistance in conducting the survey.
P~Ir. Spencer motioned to publish a Notice to Bidders to obtain bids for
a flexible sewer rodding machine, including our specifications. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Thompson.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, tdilliams and Mrs. Fickle
Mrs. Fickle motioned to adopt a resolution to participate in the State Agency
for Surplus Property, designating City Manager Tom Baines as the authorizing
agent for the City of Owasso, seconded by Mr. Spencer.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, t°dilliams and Mrs. Fickle
Mr. Thompson motioned to approve warrants for payment as listed and attached
to and made a part of these minutes, seconded by Mrs. Fickle.
Ayes = P~Iessrs, Thompson, Spencer, 6dilliams and P~Irs. Fickle
Council I~Zeeting 2~21~7~
Page ~;=3
I~Sr. Spencer motioned to approve a transfer of funds within the appropriation
accounts of the General Fund, a copy of which is made a part of these minutes
and attached hereto as Exhibit I, seconded by P~Ir. Thompson.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~lilliams and r~:rs. Fickle
r;r. Spencer also motioned to approve a Transfer of Appropriations for the
Anti Recession Fund to close out the 1976-77 Fiscal Year reserve and. to carry
forward to the 1977-7~ F.Y., a copy of which is made a part of these minutes
and attached hereto as Exhibit II. AZrs. Fickle seconded the motion for
Ayes - "Sessrs. Thompson, Spencer, ~~~lilliams and Mrs. Fickle
Mr. Thompson moved for the approval of the Cash Fund Estimate of Needs and
Request for Appropriation for the 1977-7$ Fiscal Year Anti-Recession Funds
as attached hereto and made a part of these minutes as Exhibit III, seconded
by P~"r. Spencer.
Ayes - P!essrs. Thompson, Spencer, d^lilliams and P•4rs. Fickle
The Treasurer's Report, as entered into these minutes a.nd attached. hereto,
was reviewed briefly by the Council caith no questions or comments.
At 9: OS P.I•~L, Mayor Z~Jilliams called for a short recess, and the meeting
reconvened at 9:15 P.M.
P~ir. Thompson questioned P~Sr. Baines about Reg. T~19, Sec. 1, of the Rules and
Regulations for the Government of the Owasso Fire Department, as well as
Reg. #21k, Sec. 1. It was explained that with Reg. #19, pertaining to
termination of employment and surrendering equipment, a cross-receiptinQ
system for individual and department had been established to insure the
return of equipment issued. i^lith regard to Reg. ;#2/~, Promotions, this
section projrided for a basic procedure, with the specific ~°equirements
to be established by a Personnel £"anual which was now being developed and
which would also for revisions from time to time as needed.
Being no further Old Business as set out in the agenda, the Council proceeded
into New Business, with IJIr. Steve Jay of the auditinc; firm, Lohrey and Jay,
presented the Council with their audit report for the 1976-77 Fiscal Year.
^1 he audit covered all funds administered by the City of Owasso, excluding
the two utilities trusts. Council members will review the audit reports,
and hold a discussion of same at the next regular meeting; with t~7r. Jay.
P•ir. Steve Carr presented a Final Plat Revieta for the Burlingame property
at the ,">.'i,. corner of Intersection of H~a~~rs 169 and 20 for approval by the
Council, notin~~ that this x~lat was in essence a compromise plan due to
the lack of developmental controls and contractural agreements between I~1r.
Burlingame and other~~arties prior to annexation. Sanitary sewer easement
of 5 _ft. on either side of line was dedicated, hoti~rever, on Lot rLa., the dedicated
right of ti~ray for streets could not be met for the reasons noted. I.7r. Spencer
motioned to approve the Final Plat for Burlingame property, as the best
compromise in this situation, seconded by '~Irs. Fickle.
Aves - Messrs. Spencer, ?Williams and i•irs. Fickle
Nays - P~Sr. Thomason
Council P~Ieeting 2~21~7$
Page T`!~
Per. Carr also reviewed a proposed Flood Plain I.lanagement ordinance, based
primarily on the critical needs for the area as determined by a study done
for Tulsa Gounty by P~Iansur-Daubert-rr~illiams, Inc. He explained that in
approximately two years a more comprehensive ordinance should be possible,
when the Corps of Engineers completes a mtsre inclusive survey. Also,
information compiled from independent studies made in appeal to this proposed
ordinance, if adapted, could be utilized in preparation of a more comprehensive
ordinance, since the cost to the City to conduct such a survey would be
prohibitive. Pdr. Spencer raved that two public hearings for consideration
and discussion of this proposed ordinance be held, commencing with the
Owasso Planning Commission regular meeting on March 16, 1g7~ at 7:30 P.P~1.
and followed up in the regular City Council meeting on P•~arch 21, 1978 as
an agenda, at 7;00 P.M. P4r. Thompson seconded this motion. The notice of
the public hearings and the proposed ordinance will be p~zblished in the Owasso
reporter regular publication of February 23, 197g•
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, '~dilliams and P4rs. Fickle
Mrs. Fickle reviewed a report on estimate of .expenses and recommendations
far operation of the Community Center, prepared by the committee for this
purpose, comprised of Ptlr. Alan Anderson, P~4rs. Phyllis socolosky, Mr. Tom
Baines, P~~r. Bob Campbell, Mr. Pale Johnson and Prs. Fickle. Included. in
the recommendations was establishment of a commission to oversee and
administer the operations of the center, and names of individuals suggested,
and expressing an interest in serving on this board. Per. Snencer so moved
that a Community Center Advisory Board be created- by resolution, a copy of
which is attached to and made a part of these minutes, and that P~lessrs.
Gerald Christy, Dale Hopkins, Ted Vancuren, Steti^rart Arnold, Dale Blackwook,
Charles Cramer and the Mrs. Ova Lee Carpenter, P7arilyn Hinkle, PFildred
raeuber, P~J. >J. Casement and ruth 1Jvans be appointed to the board. Pnotion
seconded by Mr. Thompson to adapt this resolution and appoint the afore-
mentioned members.
Ayes - i•4essrs. Thompson, Spencer, 'r~illiams and P~1rs. Fickle
I~~ayor trJilliams then designated Pars. Fickle as his representative to the
Community Genter Advisory Board; t•Irs. Fickle accepted.
I•Irs. Fickle and P•?r. Baines also reviewed a list of donations and donors to
the Community Genter informally.
Specifications for a new pickup for the Utilities Departmentf funds for which
were allocated in the revenue sharing Fund approved for Fiscal Year 1977-7~,
were introduced by Mr. Baines, whereupon, P~Ir. Thompson motioned. to publish
a P3otice to Bidders including the specifications, in the Owasso reporter.
tfr. Spencer seconded this motion.
Ayes - Messrs. Thompson, Spencer, ,^~illiams and P•~Irs. Fickle
P~lrs. Fickle made the motion to publish a Pdotice to Bidders for the Civil
Defense ?°darni.ng Siren, which is funded. by both a federal grant and local
matching; funds. IU1r. Spencer added a second to the motion.
Ayes - P4essrs. Thompson, Snencer, t~yi1_liams anti i•irs. Fickle
Council P-leeting 2j 2178
Fage 7r"j
Mrs. Fickle motioned to adjourn the public meeting for e~.ecutive session
to discuss a personnel matter, and a recess of the Council meeting thereafter,
until Friday, February ?1,, 1978 at 7:00 P.I-I. to reconvene the public meetinr~
for completion of the business of this Council meetin;~;. tjiotion seconcl.ed. by
I~lr. °bencer.
T}ves - ~7essrs. Thompson, ~.pencer, ~•,'illiams and ?•2rs. Fickle
The public meeting recessed at 10:30 P.I•l., !~ebruar~r 21, 1978 until 7:00 P.I~1.,
Friday, February 2l~, 1978.
The OGJaSSO City Council reconvened its public meeting of February 21, 1978 at
7:06 P.I~~i., Friday, February 2~~,, 1978 frith 147ayor G~4iilliams presidin;~.
I•ayor rdilliams
Councilman Cpencer
Councilman Thompson
Counciloroman Fickle
City Clerk Pat Christensen
City Planat~er Thomas Baines
Mrs. Fickle motioned to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign
a certificate of substantial completion on the Communit~T Center and allowing
for the withholdin? of funds as recommended. bar architect, until full compli-
ance has been cone by builder. "~r. ,spencer seconded the motion.
Ayes - ilessrs. Thompson, ~x~ercer, e.illia.ms anc? I~'rs. Fickle
~~. motion to authorize ?~'a,:~>or ~t=~.lliams to sigr. a letter certif~ri..n; that al.l
cost incurred above the E:~~~ grant amount on Project Ido. 08-51-006Gt,., for
the Comrnznity Venter buil~;~ann, drould be borne by the Cit~,r of Ocrasso and
addressed to the alconomd.c ~evcloz?ment .-^.~.i~mini:-tration ti~*as m~..d.e b~~ I~Ir.
Thomason, .seconded. b~,~ P-1r. cnencer.
11s;res - ',lessrs. Thomason, ~nencer, lil]s.ams and "1r. Fickle
i4r. `;nines informed the Council that the appropriations for some of the
departments in the General Fund, including the Police and Fire departments,
t~re;re rtznnin- rizite close this fiscal year, and there may be a need to dra`~a
down the ;30,000 Certificate of ~;~eposit note of revenue for the General
l~~.nd to complete the balance of the gear.
There eras a. brief discussion of the attorney fees involved in the Higeons
vs. City of Owasso and Mrs. Fickle volunteered to research the matter further
anc~ attempt to resolve the issue. Playor ~tilliams adv~.sed that currentltT,
an offer has been made to the attorneys renresentin~ P~lrs, Higeons, but no
zaord on acceptance or rejection as of yet.
Eein~ no further business before the Council at this meeting, t~ir. Thompson
motioned to adjourn. I-lotion seconded. by Tlrs. Fickle and ~•ir. "pencer.
Council P~Ieetin~; 2~21~'~5
Fage ;`6
~'~~res on motion for adjournment:
RZessrs. Thompson, Spencer, Z~:rilliams and Mrs. Fickle
r~leetin adjourned at 5:00 F.PI.
..~..~.. PZayor
._....._~.~__..,... City Clerk _.._~...,.~ .~.._._.~...